REGENERATION SERVICES COMMITTEE AGENDA Thursday 31 July 2014 at 9.30 am in Committee Room B, at the Civic Centre, Hartlepool. MEMBERS: REGENERATION SERVICES COMMITTEE Councillors S Akers-Belcher, Cook, Cranney, Dawkins, Hargreaves, Morris and Payne. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS 3. MINUTES 3.1 To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2014 (previously published) 4. BUDGET AND POLICY FRAMEWORK ITEMS 4.1 Revision to the Local Development Scheme – Assistant Director, Regeneration 5. KEY DECISIONS 5.1 Adult Education Fees – Assistant Director, Regeneration 6. OTHER ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 6.1 Food Law Enforcement Service Plan 2014/15 – Director of Public Health www.hartlepool.gov.uk/democraticservices 6.2 Free Junior Swim Initiative – Summer 2014 – Director of Public Health 6.3 Regeneration of Church Street – Creative Industries Strategy – Assistant Director, Regeneration 6.4 Progress on Bombardment Memorial – Assistant Director, Regeneration 6.5 Mobile Library Service Review – Assistant Director, Regeneration 7. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 7.1 Tees Valley Jobs and Investment Scheme (TVJIS) – Assistant Director, Regeneration 7.2 Updated Planning Policy Framework Justification May 2014 – Assistant Director, Regeneration 7.3 Hartlepool Regeneration Masterplan Appointment – Assistant Director, Regeneration 7.4 Quarterly Housing Report January to March 2013/14 – Assistant Director, Regeneration 7.5 Culture and Information Services Progress Report – January – March 2014 – Assistant Director, Regeneration 7.6 Sport and Physical Activity Team – Six Monthly Progress Report – Director of Public Health 7.7 Sport and Recreation Service – Outcome of Grant Funding Bids, Brierton Third Generation Pitch and Service Accreditation – Director of Public Health 7.8 Estates Excellence Initiative – Director of Public Health 7.9 Quarterly Update Report for Public Protection – Director of Public Health 7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR CONSIDERS URGENT 8. LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) (VARIATION) ORDER 2006 EXEMPT ITEMS Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs referred to below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 9. KEY DECISIONS 9.1 Proposed Compulsory Purchase of Empty Residential Dwelling – Property 003 – Assistant Director, Regeneration (Para. 3) FOR INFORMATION: Date of next meeting – 14 August, 2014 at 9.30 am in the Civic Centre, Hartlepool. www.hartlepool.gov.uk/democraticservices st Regeneration Services Committee – 31 July 2014 4.1 REGENERATION COMMITTEE st 31 July 2014 Report of: Assistant Director (Regeneration) Subject: REVISION TO THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 1. TYPE OF DECISION/APPLICABLE CATEGORY 1.1 The Local Development Scheme, forms part of the Hartlepool Local Development Framework which is part of the Budget and Policy Framework. 2. PURPOSE OF REPORT 2.1 To seek approval for a revision to the current Local Development Scheme (LDS) which is necessary to take account of the withdrawal of the submitted Local Plan and the recently agreed timetable for delivering a new Local Plan. It also updates the LDS regarding the planning system at the national level and changing circumstances locally. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The preparation of a Local Development Scheme is a requirement under the planning system. Its main purpose is to identify a rolling programme for the Council’s proposals for producing planning policy documents over the next three years and to highlight the stages in the preparation of planning policy documents particularly with regard to public participation with the community and major stakeholders. 4 REVISIONS TO THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 4.1 It is important that the Local Development Scheme is kept up to date and is revised periodically to ensure that it is rolled forward and that milestones are as realistic as possible. 14.07.31 - RSC - 4.1 - Revision to the Local Development Scheme 1 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL st Regeneration Services Committee – 31 July 2014 4.1 4.2 The LDS should be a definitive programme management document which should only be departed from in exceptional circumstances or as agreed in response to the Authorities Monitoring Report. As mentioned in paragraph 2.2, there has been a tendency to revise the LDS annually in response to changing circumstances at national and local level. Some of these changes have been simply amendments to the projected timescales for completion, but others have resulted from Council approvals to prepare additional SPDs e.g. the Green Infrastructure SPD. 4.3 The fundamental reason for reviewing and revising the LDS this time resulted from the Council decision to withdraw the Submitted Local Plan and to begin work on a new Local Plan for the Borough. The Regeneration Committee agreed a timetable to deliver the new Local Plan for the Borough on the 20th February 2014 and the LDS reflects this agreed timetable. 4.4 Technically, Supplementary Planning Documents do not need to be included within the LDS, and have therefore been removed from this LDS. This will help reduce the frequency of updating the LDS, allowing Planning Officers more time to concentrate on other tasks. 4.5 A revised LDS which incorporates the proposed changes outlined above is attached as Appendix 1. 5. RISK IMPLICATIONS 5.1 The LDS is a programme management document that simply sets out the timetable and milestones for delivering planning policy documents and principally the Local Plan. Therefore there are negligible risks associated with the amendments to the LDS. 6. SECTION 17 OF THE CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 There are no relevant considerations. 7. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS 7.1 There are no financial implications relating to the proposed LDS amendments. 8. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY CONSIDERATIONS 8.1 There are no equality or diversity implications. 14.07.31 - RSC - 4.1 - Revision to the Local Development Scheme 2 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL st Regeneration Services Committee – 31 July 2014 4.1 9. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS 9.1 There is a statutory duty on the Local Authority to have an up-to-date LDS. 10. RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 The committee is requested to approve the amendments to LDS. 11. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS 11.1 The LDS, forms part of the Hartlepool Local Development Framework. There is a statutory duty on the Local Authority to have an up-to-date LDS and it provides a definitive project management for the planning policy documents over coming years. 12. CONTACT OFFICERS Damien Wilson Assistant Director (Regeneration) Level 3 Civic Centre Hartlepool TS24 8AY Tel: (01429) 523400 E-mail: [email protected] Tom Britcliffe Planning Policy Team Leader Planning Services Department of Regeneration & Neighbourhoods Hartlepool Borough Council Tel: (01429) 523532 E-mail: [email protected] 14.07.31 - RSC - 4.1 - Revision to the Local Development Scheme 3 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration Services Committee – 24th July 2014 4.1 APPENDIX 1 Contents No Subject Page No 1 Introduction 2 2 The Development Planning System for Hartlepool 4 Diagram 1: Local Development Framework Documents 5 3 The Local Development Scheme 7 Saved Policies 7 Statement of Community Involvement 7 Development Plan Documents 8 Joint Development Plan Documents 9 Supplementary Planning Documents 8 Diagram 2: Timetable of Core Strategy Development Plan 10 Document Tables 1: Local Plan Profile 11 4 Sustainability Appraisal 13 5 Appropriate Assessment 13 6 Links to Other Strategies 13 7 Evidence Base 14 8 Monitoring and Review (Annual Monitoring Report) 14 9 Managing the Process 15 Staff Resources 15 Financial Resources 16 Programme Management 16 Political Process 16 Risk Assessment and Contingencies 16 10 Review of the Local Development Scheme 18 Appendices 1 List of Acronyms and Technical Terms Used in this Report 19 2 Schedule of Hartlepool Local Plan Saved Policies 22 3 Strategies and Programmes to be Considered 26 Reports Contributing to the Evidence Base for New Local 4 27 Development Documents 14.07.31 - RSC - 4.1 - Revision to the Local Development Scheme - Appendix 1 1 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration Services Committee – June 2014 4.1 APPENDIX 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Local Development Scheme sets out a rolling programme for the preparation of documents relating to forward planning in Hartlepool. It is specifically concerned with documents being prepared over the next three years or so. The scheme will be reviewed as necessary as circumstances change (see section 10). 1.2 Hartlepool’s Local Development Scheme was first published in March 2005. It was subsequently reviewed in July 2006 to take account of the proposal to prepare joint Minerals and Waste Development Plan Documents and also to exclude from the programme, the Hartlepool Local Plan, which had been adopted in April 2006. The 2008 review related to changes to the timetable for the preparation of the Planning Obligations SPD and the preparation of a new SPD on Transport Assessment & Travel Plan Guidance. The 2009 review took account of the need to include several new documents including the Affordable Housing Development Plan Document and the Victoria Harbour Supplementary Planning Document. The reasons for the 2010 update included that the Affordable Housing DPD was incorporated into the Core Strategy and also that a Housing Allocations DPD would not be produced as it was adequately covered by the housing policies within the emerging Core Strategy at the time. 1.3 The 2011 update was necessary due to delays in the production of the Core Strategy Publication stage as a result of high levels of representations to the 2nd Preferred Options Stage and ongoing uncertainty around national and regional policy. Work continued on the draft Local Plan (formerly referred to as the Core Strategy) and it was submitted to the Secretary of State in 2012 and examined in public at a hearing held in January/February and September 2013.
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