DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE TUESDAY, 21ST MAY 2019, 6.30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, CHORLEY I am now able to enclose, for consideration at the above meeting of the Development Control Committee, the following reports that were unavailable when the agenda was published. Agenda No Item C 18/01211/FULMAJ - LAND 10M SOUTH OF 21 DUNROBIN (Pages 71 - 86) DRIVE, EUXTON G 19/00106/FUL - CANAL BOAT CRUISES, RILEY GREEN (Pages 87 - 98) MARINA, BOLTON ROAD, WITHNELL, PR5 0SP I 19/00091/FULMAJ - HASLEM PRINTERS LTD, STANDISH (Pages 99 - STREET, CHORLEY, PR7 3AJ 112) J 19/00214/FUL - CHURCH FARM LIVERY STABLES, HIGH (Pages 113 - STREET, MAWDESLEY, ORMSKIRK, L40 3TD 122) K 19/00220/FULMAJ - UNIT 1 BRINDLE MILL, BOURNES ROW, (Pages 123 - BRINDLE 130) GARY HALL CHIEF EXECUTIVE Electronic agendas sent to Members of the Development Control Committee If you need this information in a different format, such as larger print or translation, please get in touch on 515151 or chorley.gov.uk Meeting contact Nina Neisser on 01257 515140 or email [email protected] This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 71 Agenda Item 3c APPLICATION REPORT – 18/01211/FULMAJ Validation Date: 2 January 2019 Ward: Euxton South Type of Application: Major Full Planning Proposal: Erection of 51 no. dwellings and associated works. Location: Land 10M South Of 21 Dunrobin Drive Euxton Case Officer: Mr Iain Crossland Applicant: Mulbury Homes Ltd & One Vision Housing Agent: PWA Planning Consultation expiry: 29 March 2019 Decision due by: 24 May 2019 RECOMMENDATION 1. It is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to conditions and S106 legal agreement to secure a contribution towards the maintenance of on-site amenity greenspace. SITE DESCRIPTION 2. The application site is located within the settlement area of Euxton and is allocated for housing under policy HS1.40 of the Chorley Local Plan 2012 – 2026. The site has a total area of 1.8Ha and is bound by the west coast mainline railway to the east and an area of open land between the site and the A49 Wigan Road to the west. There is a residential housing estate to the north, from where access is proposed, and an area of open land between the site and the River Yarrow to the south. 3. The application site is relatively flat but slopes towards the south and west before the land starts to fall more steeply towards the River Yarrow and Wigan Road. The site itself is an open area of grassland with ponds and an area of copse to the east. There are mature trees to the north and east of the site, some of which are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). 4. The character of the area is typical of the urban rural fringe with suburban residential housing to the north and agricultural land to the south. The application site itself is contained and defined by the topography and physical features surrounding the site including the housing estate, railway line and A49. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 5. This application seeks planning permission for a residential development of 51 dwellings with associated car parking and landscaping on land off Dunrobin Drive, Euxton. Vehicular access is proposed from the existing estate road at Dunrobin Drive. Agenda Page 72 Agenda Item 3c REPRESENTATIONS 6. Representations have been received from the occupiers of 32 addresses in objection to the proposed development. These raise the following issues: Impact on the character of the area. Impact on the amenity of surrounding occupiers. Impact on highway safety and the efficient functioning of the highway network. A new access should be constructed to connect the estate directly with the A49. Damage and blockages caused by construction traffic. Damage to the highway. Children currently play on the road and more traffic would be a danger. Surface water drainage and flood risk on and around the site. In particular the risks to the properties bordering the site on Dunrobin Drive and Wigan Road including Euxton Methodist Church. The development should be a mix of social and market housing. Ecological impact. Impact on trees. Impact on visual amenity through loss of green space. Unsuitable for affordable housing due to lack of accessibility. Lack of public transport to support future occupiers. Low level of site accessibility and inaccuracies in the developers accessibility questionnaire. The site will be expensive to develop due to the site conditions / is the scheme viable?. Loss of CIL due to social housing. There are enough low cost homes in the area. The RSL is not a local one. Increase in pollution. The latest application is for 51 properties, this is completely out of proportion with both the previous application for 37 and the current number of houses on Dunrobin Drive which is only 30, resulting in an overdevelopment of the site. Lack of consultation. CONSULTATIONS 7. Euxton Parish Council (23rd January 2019): Comments that the increased numbers of properties further increase the problems foreseen by the residents of access for vehicles, parking problems and initially the lack of access for deliveries to the site. 8. There is an unresolved drainage issue which has not been addressed in the planning application papers which is being ignored. 9. The Accessibility/Sustainability report makes suspect assumptions and guesses distances to bus stops, shops and facilities and thus gives itself better scores than are accurate. LCC should take the time to investigate the claims in this report and report back. 10. The LCC measures suggested will not solve the problems which presently exist with the increase of traffic to some 50+ more properties which could mean 100+ more vehicles movements every morning and night. 11. The social/high density housing has been placed at a point to create the maximum disturbance to the already present properties on Dunrobin. The present properties will be close to these high density units with the highest quantities of car movements, bin movements and everyday noise etc. These also overlook present properties directly due to Agenda Page 73 Agenda Item 3c the levels and window placements. The sustainability of these properties is seriously mis 'guessed' in the Accessibility report. 12. There are already problems on site (before permission) of deliveries struggling getting fencing in, parking of workmen blocking houses, damage to resident lawns etc. The issue of the site needs to be addressed to have car parking - 10 workmen means 10 vehicles with no where to park - etc. 13. The site should have the same condition imposed on it as suggested and agreed by the Development Control Committee at the time the previous application was considered - the site should not operate before 9.30 am and after 3.30 pm as the access to the site would be blocked for anything larger than a small truck due to parked cars of residents who live here. 14. Further comments were received on 27th February 2019 stating that: The Parish Council has considered further information from residents and supports the resident Mr Thornhill's observations on the methods to deal with Surface Water, further intrusion into the Green Belt, Pond damage, reports being enhanced with false information to make the site appear more sustainable and a number of other anomalies such as TPO reports being incorrect. 15. All this information needs to be clarified and verified by CBC before the application can be considered. The implications of some of the items raised could be dire, such as land being left unstable. 16. The Coal Authority: Have no objection. 17. Environment Agency: No comments have been received. 18. Greater Manchester Ecology Unit: No objection subject to conditions. 19. Waste & Contaminated Land: Have no objection subject to condition. 20. Lancashire County Council Highway Services: Have no objection subject to conditions. 21. Lead Local Flood Authority: Have no objection subject to conditions. 22. Lancashire Constabulary Architectural Liaison: Recommend standing advice. 23. Natural England: Have no comments to make. 24. United Utilities: Have no objection subject to conditions. 25. Network Rail: Have provided general advice and have no objection subject to appropriate boundary treatment. 26. Lancashire County Council Archaeology Service: No objection subject to condition. 27. Lancashire County Council (Education): Seek to draw the Council's attention to impacts associated with the above development and propose mitigation for these impacts through a developer contribution. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Principle of the development 28. The National Planning Policy Framework (The Framework) states that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. This means that development proposals that accord with the development plan should be approved without delay. 29. The application site is located in the settlement area of Euxton, and is part of an allocated housing site covered by policy HS1.40 of the Chorley Local Plan 2012 - 2026. The Agenda Page 74 Agenda Item 3c development of housing on this site is, therefore, considered acceptable in principle. It is noted that the policy HS1.40 estimates that 36 dwellings would be provided on the site, however, this is only an indicative figure and does not preclude the provision of a higher or lower number of dwellings subject to material considerations. It is, however, an important consideration that the site is used to its full potential in order to deliver the necessary housing supply to ensure that the Borough’s housing requirement can be achieved. 30. In addition to this, it is noted that the application site was included within the Council’s housing land supply statement that was submitted as part of the Council’s case in defence of the recent planning appeal at Pear Tree Lane, Euxton (ref.
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