Check-list and distribution maps of Norwegian Hoverflies, with description of Platycheirus laskai nov. sp. (Diptera Syrphidae) Tore R. Nielsen frNINA N NINA Norsk institutt for naturforskning Check-listand distribution maps of NorwegianHoverflies, with descriptionof Platycheiruslaskai nov.sp. (Diptera,Syrphidae) ToreR. Nielsen NINANorsk institutt for naturforskning nina.niku fagrapport 035 NINA.NIKU publications Nielsen, Tore R. 1999. Check-list and distribution maps of Norwegian Hoverflies, with description of Platycheirus NINA.NIKU Project Report laskai nov. sp. (Diptera, Syrphidae). - NINA Fagrapport presents the results of both institutesprojects when the 035: 1-99. results are to be made available in English. The series may include reports on short term consultancies, literature Trondheim, January 1999 reviews, etc., and in some cases also original research. ISSN 0805-469X NINA Fagrapport (Scientific Report) ISBN 82-426-1004-5 NIKU Fagrapport (Scientific Report) presents scientific results from the research activities of the Management field: two institutes, as well as scientific reviews and analyses. Conservation of biodiversity Reports may supplement or be alternatives to peer- reviewed publication, if deemed necessary. May be in Copyright (C): Norwegian or English. Foundation for Nature Research and Cultural Heritage Research (NINA.NIKU) NINA Oppdragsmelding (Assignment Report) NIKU Oppdragsmelding (Assignment Report) The report may be quoted when the source is represents the minimum level of reporting from smaller mentioned by name. projects and consultancies as well as progress reports from long term projects. Mainly published in Norwegian. Temahefter (Topic Report) presents particular themes in a popular format for the Editor: general public or specified target groups, e.g., tourist Bjørn Åge Tømmerås industry, hunters and anglers, farmers, foresters, etc. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Trondheim Fakta-ark (Fact Sheet) makes NINA•NIKU's research activities, that have been Layout and design published elsewhere, available to a larger audience, e.g., Synnøve Vanvik media, NG0s, management and policy makers, as well as the interested public. Mainly published in Norwegian. Stock: 200 In addition, NINA's and NIKU's staff publish their research Contact address: results in international scientific journals, symposia pro- NINA ceedings, popular science journals, books, newspapers, Tungasletta 2 and other relevant publications. 7485 Trondheim N I NA•N I KU's homepage: http://www.ninaniku.no Tlf: 73 80 14 00 Fax: 73 80 14 01 Availability: Open Assignment for: Nonvegian Institute for Nature Research Signature of personal responsible: 0 ,------ (1244^ 4 —e l4FU/""ee"-(% 2 © Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 http://www.nina.no Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina fagrapport 035 Abstract Referat Nielsen, Tore R. 1999. Check-list and distribution maps of Nielsen, Tore R. 1999. Sjekkliste og utbredelseskart for Norwegian Hoverflies, with description of Platycheirus norske blomsterfluer med beskrivelse av Platycheirus laskai laskai nov. sp. (Diptera, Syrphidae). - NINA Fagrapport nov. sp. (Diptera, Syrphidae). - NINA Fagrapport 035: 1-99. 035: 1-99. Materiale av blomsterfluer i norske universitetsmuseer Hoverfly material from Norway, in the museum collections of (Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim og Tromsø) og i private samling- the universities in Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø, er, herunder forfatterens samling, har blitt bestemt og delvis from private collections including the author's collection, revidert. Den norske faunaen er forholdsvis artsrik med 314 has been revised, and a check-list of 314 species and 71 registrerte arter, fordelt på 71 slekter. Listen inneholder 51 genera is presented. 51 species are new to the Norwegian arter nye for norsk fauna. En ny art, Platycheirus laskai fauna. Platycheirus laskai n.sp. is described. Six new n.sp. beskrives. Det foreslås seks nye synonymer og det er synonyms are proposed and lectotypes for Eristalis similis valgt lektotyper for Eristalis similis (Fallån), Platycheirus (Fallån), Plaiycheirus angustitarsis (Kanervo), P1. argentat- angustitarsis (Kanervo), Pl. argentatus (Ringdahl) og us (Ringdahl) and Syrphus ribesii L. var. interruptus Ring- Syrphus ribesii L. var. interruptus Ringdahl. Kart over kjent dahl are selected. A distribution map is presented for each utbredelse følger for hver art. of the species. Emneord: Blomsterfluer - Syrphidae - sjekkliste - utbred- Key words: Hoverflies - Syrphidae - check-list - distribution elseskart. maps. Tore R. Nielsen, Sandvedhagen 8, 4300 Sandnes Tore R. Nielsen, Sandvedhagen 8, N-4300 Sandnes, Norway 3 © Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 http://www.nina.no Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina fagrapport 035 Institute of Biology, Novosibirsk, Russia (A.V. Barkalov, N. Preface A. Violovitsh) Museum of Natural History, Gotenburg, Sweden (T. v. The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) has Proschwitz) published this report as a NINA Fagrapport. I am very Musee Zoologie, Lausanne, Switzerland (P. Goeldlin) grateful to NINA for offering me this way to publish my National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- check-list and distribution maps of Norwegian hoverflies. tion, Washington, D.C., USA (F.C. Thompson) Assistant Research Director Bjørn Åge Tømmerås is Statens Plantevern, Norges landbrukshøgskole, Ås, Nor- acknowledged for the editing work. way (T. Edland, J. Fjelddalen) Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden I am greatly indebted to my many colleagues and friends, (H. Hippa, P.I.Persson, B. Viklund) and to my family, who enthusiastically contributed with Tromsø Museum, Zoologisk avd., Tromsø, Norway (J. material during the last decades, and who thus participated Andersen, R. Bergersen, A. Fjellberg, A.C. Nilssen) in surveying the hoverfly fauna of Norway: Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Morten A. Falck, Oslo Russia (S. Yu. Kuznetzov, E. Nartshuk, A.A. Stackelberg) Arne Fjellberg, Tjøme Zoological Museum, Bergen, Norway (L. Greve Jensen) Lita Greve Jensen, Bergen Zoological Museum, Berlin, Germany (H. Schumann and Elina and Arne Nielsen, Sandnes M. Kotrba) Inger, Ingunn, Kristin and Thorvald Nielsen, Sandnes Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark (L. Lyneborg) Øistein Berg, Gjettum Zoological Museum, Helsinki, Finland (W. Hackman, B. Bjørnar Borgersen, Østre Halsen Lindeberg, G. Ståhls-Måkelå, P. Vilkamaa) Trond Grønnestad, Stavanger Zoological Museum, Lund, Sweden (H. Andersson, R. Lars Ove Hansen, Oslo Danielsson) Jon Arve Husby, Trondheim Zoological Museum, Turku, Finland (S. Koponen, V. Rinne) Eline Benestad Hågvar, Oslo Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (A. Lille- John Inge Johnsen, Rennesøy hammer, J.E. Raastad) Terje Jonassen, Sjernarøy Zoölogisch Museum, University of Amsterdam, Nether- Geir Kyllingstad, Figgjo lands Tor B. Lund, Oslo Stig Lundmo, Utskarpen Hans Bartsch, Järfälla, Sweden Astrid Løken, Oslo Vitezslav Brdik, Olomouc, Czech Republic Reidar Mehl, Oslo Claus Claussen, Flensburg, Germany Fred Midtgaard, Ås Dieter Doczkal, Malsch, Germany Alf Jacob Nilsen, Hidrasund Volkert S. van der Goot, Amsterdam, Netherlands Arne C. Nilssen, Tromsø Christian Kassebeer, Kiel, Germany Thor Jan Olsen, Sarpsborg Pavel Låska, Olomouc, Czech Republic Magne Pettersen, Gml. Fredrikstad Jan A.W. Lucas, Rotterdam, Netherlands Knut Rognes, Hafrsfjord Alain Maibach, Oron-la-Ville, Switzerland Bjørn Sagvolden, Rollag Libor Mazånek, Olomouc, Czech Republic John Skartveit, Bergen Valeri A. Mutin, Komsomolsk-na-Amur,Russia John 0. Solem, Trondheim Martin C.D. Speight, Dublin, Ireland Geir E. Søli, Oslo Ulrich Schmid, Stuttgart, Germany Eva Songe Paulsen, Sand Axel Ssymank, Bonn, Germany Tron Soot-Ryen, Oslo Steenis, Jeroen van, Uppsala, Sweden Ivar Stokkeland, Tromsø Jens-Hermann Stuke, Aurich, Germany Svein Svendsen, Kristiansand Ernst Torp, Jelling, Denmark Eldar Wrånes, Kristiansand Lena V. Zimina, Moscow, Russia Bjørn Økland, Ås Kaare Aagaard, Trondheim Yngvar Berg, Drammen, programmed and printed the Nor- Johannes E. Aanonby, Leikanger wegian distribution maps. Last but not least I am grateful to Leif Aarvik, Ås Norwegian Research Council, to L. Meltzers foundation, University of Bergen, to Rogaland fylkeskommune and to My sincere thanks are also due to the following institutions Sandnes videregående skole for financial support during my and persons from whom I had the opportunity to examine studies. specimens or types, or had valuable help: Biosystematics Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada (J.R. Vockeroth, J.M. Cumming) Sandnes, January 1999 British Museum (Natural History) (A.C. Pont, K.G.V. Smith, N. P. Wyatt) Tore R. Nielsen 4 © Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 http://www.nina.no Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina fagrapport 035 Content 1 Introduction The presertt check-list is based upon Norwegian material in the museum collections of the universities of Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø, and in different private collections. Siebke (1877) was the first to make a check-list of Nor- wegian Syrphids, comprising 196 names. Bidenkap (1892, 1896, 1900), Schøyen (1879, 1889), Storm (1891, 1896, 1907) and Strand (1900, 1903, 1906, 1914) published
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