STROUD TOWNSHIP. MONROE COUNTY. PA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1994-2QZQ D ECISION=MAKING PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS JNRECTlON FOR THE PLAN LAMB USE PLAN IN STROUD TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION STROUD TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS BY MICHAEL CABOT ASSOCIATES, COMMUNITY PLANNERS ADOFED SEPYEMBER 13, 1954 STROUD TOWNSHIP. MONROE COUNTY. PA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1994-2020.- -- DECISION-MAKING & I. -I' PLAN RECOMMENDA TIONS I -.I 0 DIRECTION FOR THE PLAN 0 LAND USE PLAN 0 TRANSPORTATION PLAN 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLAN THIS PROJECT WAS FINANCED (IN PART) 8Y A GRANT I r FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. I ! THIS PRELIMINARY DRAFT COPY IS FOR REVIEW BY T I THE PUBLIC. TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION. BOARD I OF STROUD TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS. ADJACENT 1 .. COMMUNITIES. COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION. AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL ALSO HAVE AN OPPORTUN- ITY TO REVIEW THIS PLAN. THE FINALIZATION OF THIS PLAN REPORT IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE INPUTS FROM THE REVIEWING PROCESS. ' SUBMITTED TU STROUO TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION STROUO TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS -ay MICHAEL CABOT ASSOCIATES. COMMUNITY PLANNERS ADOPTED SEPEMBER 13,1994 r i.. r RESOLUTION NO. 94-17 The Board of Supervisors of Stroud Township, Monroe County Pennsylvania, hereby adopts the following Resolution at its regula. meeting held on September 13, 1994, at 7:00 P.M., at the Strouc Township Municipal Building, to wit: WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Stroud Township wishes tc amend and revise its comprehensive plan to provide a framework ~OI future decisionmaking and plan recommendations, except as hereinaftel set forth; and - WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to develop a plan for the direction and development of the Township over the next twenty-si> (26) years; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved as follows, to wit: RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors'of the Township of Strouc hereby adopts and approves the Stroud TownshiD ComDrehensive Plan: 1994-2020, prepared by Michael Cabot Associates, Community Planners, dated June 1993, and last revised March 1994, including all maps, charts, and textual material contained therein, except as hereir revised and excluded, as follows, to wit: (a) The residential area of Howard Street, behind and west of the Beaufab Mills property on West Main Street, shall remain as an R-2 Low-Medium Density Residential Zoning District as under the present Zoning Ordinance. (8 J (b) The lands owned by the Ahnert and Detrick families, area immediately north of the Stroud Mall, are excluded fromin t Comprehensive Plan for future consideration. J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the aforesaid Resolution is hereby adoptec as of the day and year first above set forth. I i TOWNSHIP OF STROUD A -I , '! -Ji kiCHARb C. HAMMOND, Vice Chairman - I - - (TOWNSHIP SEAL) Attes - ., 2 TABLE OF CONTFNTS PAGE NO, SUMMARY Of MAJOR PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS _- INTRODUCTION 1 0 Regional Growth Setting 1 0 Decision-maki n g Process 4 DIRECTION FOR PLAN , 6 0 Proposed Stroud Township Goals 6 0 Develooment ODtions and Selected Concept Plan 7 LAND USE PLAN, 10 I 0 Introduction 10 .- 0 Envlronmentally Sensitive Areas and. Open Space Conservation 10 0 Farmland and Agricultural Land Use as Part of Open Space . Land Use District 14 0 Economic Land Use Activities 15 0 Housing and Residential Land Use 24 I 0 Public and Quasipublic Land Use 32 7 TRANSPORTATION PLAN 34 I 0 Introd uction 34 0 Major Traffic Issues and Related Plan Recommendations - .. 0 Issue No.1 Route 611 Traffic Congestion 34 " 0 Issue No.2 Potential Traffic Congestion on Other Roads in Townshio 35 0 Issue N0.3 Lack of a Good Connecting Road between Route 191-447 corridor and the Route 611 and 1-80 Corridor 37 Issue No.4 Public Transportation 38 Issue No.5 Traffic Accident and Safety 38 I. - Issue No.6 Roads in Need of Improvement 39 Issue No.7 Road Classification 44 Issue No.8 Bikeway and Walkway Needs 45 COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLAN 49 0 Int roducti on 49 0 Pu b I I c Recreation Faci Ii ti es 49 0 Community Cultural Center and Library 53 0 Fire Fighting Facilities 54 0 Police Facility 55 0 Emergency Management 56 0 Tow nshi o Municipal Buiidi nq 57 0 Township Garage Building 58 0 Public Water and Sewer Facilities 58 0 Refuse DisDosal and Recycling Program 59 0 Township Governing and Management System 60 PLAN CORRELATION AND CON CI USIOy 61 rL. r FIRST REVISIONS TO PLAN REPORT BASED ON TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW PREFACE __ The Stroud Township Planning Commission recommends this Comprehensive Plan to the Stroud Township Supervisors for adoption. Once adopted, this plan shall serve as a general framework for Township policy decisions. The Planning Commission acknowledges that this plan is primarily a physical- plan. The physical elements include: 0 A Plan For Land Use (including housing) 0 A Plan For Community facilities And Utilities - 0 A Plan For The Movement Of People And Goods Although this plan is physical in nature, it's intent is clearly people, business, and environment oriented. As such it seeks to facilitate actions- that will enhance the spirit of community. Community is defined poliki- cally as The Township Of Stroud in the County Of Monroe, in the Common- wealth Of Pennsylvania, USA, Planet Earth. Socially, community is a unified body of individuals. This may include a traditional neighbarhood, a part of a neighborhood, or even a group of commuters who travel together on some regular basis. There are also business communities of interest as well as religious. recreational, professional, and social. These commun- ities may even transcend Township political boundaries. Regardless of the type of community, this plan seeks to respect these human associations. This Plan seeks a balanced approach to decision making. future Township decisions should primarily consider the Public Interest. Public interest includes "community" matters of health, safety, general welfare, and morals. In 1992, Stroud Township conducted a survey of all Township residents to determine local opinions regarding public interest concerns 1 and other areas of interest. The results of the Township survey are presented in the background section of this report. The background section is in the back of the report following the Plan and its recommendations for the future of Stroud Township between 1994 and the year 2020. Some of the underlying influences of this plan may be identified by the following words: Stewardship, Communication, Cooperation, and "A We versus A Me" Attitude. This Stroud Township Plan respects the natural environment. The environment is considered to be an interacting part of the human community. We look toward the future with hope - Hope that all who inhabit this place will do so with respect for each other and fo? the natural elements of the local environment. PAGE NO. TABLE 1. HOUSING DEMAND ANALYSIS FOR STROUD TOWNSHIP. 1994-2020 25 __ TABLE 2. STROUD TOWNSHIP LAND CARRYING CAPACITY FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT * ' 27 --_ usu2Ewm MAP 1. REGIONAL LOCATION I MAP 2. THREE OPTIONS FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PATTERN OF STROUO TOWNSHIP MAP 3. LAND. USE PLAN MAP 4. TRANSPORTATION PLAN ... .. MAP 5. COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLAN ra r .. ra .. .. .. .. ..,. 3, : . .... ?.. ;, . ,-... .. '., .. 3 ..- .c'. .. .. -. ' .. I SUMMARY OF MAJOR PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY OF MAJOR PLAN by-Dass): meanwhile. a ddresg RECOMMENDATIONS aualitv of corridor develooment. In order to This Stroud Comprehensive Plan avoid a continuous, mono- presents the direction and guide- tonous commercial strip which lines for the development of often results from a conven- Sttoud Township over the next 26 tional highway corridor dev- years -1994-2020. This plan elopment approach, this plan should serve as a guide for future recommends development of decision-making by the Township park-like enterprise zones. relative to economic development, These enterprise parks would living environment quality, land include office buildings use, housing, transportation and surrounded by generous open community facilities of Stroud space within the corridors. Township. It may also be possible to include carefully planned This plan emphasizes respect for light industrial uses in the Township's history, its envir- these parks. (see pp.16-22). onment, people and economy. It All new development should be seeks to achieve a balanced dev- correlated with the Stroud elopment between the need for Township highway system economic growth and the need for capacity . environmental conservation and preservation. It recognizes the 2. Desisnate and oreserve 1 uniqueness of the community and hierarchical and intercon- its quality living environment. nected oDen sDace system. This plan particularly emphasizes This system includes environ- public involvement in the whale mentally sensitive areas planning process. (i .e. , floodplains, wetlands, steep slopes), stream corri- The basic goal of this Comprehen- dors, and significant natural sive Plan is to stimulate new wildlife habitat areas. This economic development while pre- open space system should serving and enhancing the quality penetrate into developed of the living environment . areas providing easy access Preservation of the Pocono-wooded- for residents to reach nature rural-suburban character of this and outdoor recreation place is also an important goal. opportunities. This open Major plan recommendations are space system will also summarized below in the order of contribute to preservation of land use, transportation, com- biodiversity by maintaining munity facilities, and general habitat connectivity (see i implementation strategies: pp.10-13). 1. Encouraqe new economic 3. Encouraae new residential develoDment. esDeciallv develoDment. first. to take r. office-service land use deve- place as infill on existing 1 loment. in the new Entat- ppq prise Zones aloncl ma.ior that have central water ana r hiqhwav corridors - Rt.611 sewer. Second, to take DlaCQ I and I -80. Rt.191-447. and on other lands if they are I Rt.209 (busi-ness and relatively free from rest- i dential land use constraints. ness 'or group of businesses Third.
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