RKCIVED uiki o 81983 Friday - Mostly sunny. High 60 Paradigms lost............................. r Y „. ........ ............ page 2 Gusty SE winds 10-20 Saturday - Cool High 60 The college of your choice?... ^ ........................................page 3 Mostly Sunny the prodigal president......... ........................................ page 6 T h e La w r e n t ia n VOL. XCVII - NO. 3 LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY. APPLETON WISCONSIN 54911 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1982 A certifiable blunder by Martha Girard Education 33 and 34 are the only prere­ Murphy’s law ignities Responsibility weighs heavily. But quisites for Art 45A or that those the question is, upon whom does it courses listed after the headings “Art by Donna Gresser vestigations, may delay Fijis’ return to weigh? In a modern university, where major” and “required for elementary It was 4:30 Wednesday morning when their cleaned house for up to a month. academic endeavors are often expected certification” are prerequisites as well. the smoke detector sounded in the Fiji Meanwhile the Fiji’s have found a new to merge with plans for the future, who Traditionally students have adhered house. Fiji Junior Clayton Funk was the home in the Beta house & they’re prais­ is supposed to check the prerequisites to the second interpretation and have first to respond; he called the fire depart­ ing the University’s handling of the inci­ and watch the distribution re­ considered Education 33 and 34 the only ment and proceeded to successfully alert dent. By 9:30 Wednesday morning quirements: the student or the adviser? necessary prerequisites. It should be his eight brothers. Michael Relihan had Rosemary Raiche, Lawrence housing Certainly it depends partly on whether noted, however, that there are two to make a hasty climb to safety through director, had issued keys to the Beta or not the university has clarified its ex­ distinct types of students who enroll in his second floor window. And Charlie house rooms. John Moder promised to pectations—on the stability of the Art 45A: those seeking certification to Murphy, the Fiji President, was not have the 21 broken windows replaced by department itself. But the education is, teach art and those seeking general awakened until a fireman peered the week’s end and, the Phi Delts after all, for the student and as such is a elementary certificates. Only the latter through his first floor window and graciously hosted their neighbors for personal commitment. group, those seeking general elementary alarmed Tara, Charlie’s dog. Upon lunch. Who is to blame for the recent confu­ certification, were affected by the prere­ Tara’s heroic commotion, Charlie awoke, sion over elementary teaching certifica­ quisite confusion. scooped Tara up and fled from the tion in the education department: the Until this year students’ decisions to house. “My room was so smoke-filled teachers or the teachers-to-be? A look at ignore one or more of the other alleged that I was unable to see my door handle. the Art 45A requirement and the am­ “prerequisites” had been accepted by It was truly a scary experience.” biguities of course catalog jargon both the education and art departments. Given the size of the building, the time reveals the problem. This year, after 45A instructor Mrs. of day and their uncertainty about the Art Methodology, offered this year on­ Case consulted with Department Chair­ size of the fire, the Appleton Fire ly in the fall term, is required for elemen­ man Professor Thrall, the art depart­ Department sent 23 fire service person­ tary certification. A few week’s ago ment decided to enforce the prere­ nel, 3 engines, 1 aerial aparatus, 1 three seniors wishing to be certified at quisites, simultaneously dismissing 17 snorkel truck plus four other vehicles graduation tried to enter the class. They students from Art 45A. To compensate (including a rescue squad car, the Assis­ were told, however, that they did not for the dismissal the Art Department tant chief’s car, an inspection bureau car have the correct prerequisites which are agreed to offer 45A Winter term of and an ambulance). Fortunately, the am­ listed on page 41 of the 1982-83 course 1983-84, allowing three terms for bulance was unnecessary; neither the Fi- catalog and, due to a small printing er­ students to take the necessary prere­ jis nor the firemen suffered from any ror, read 45A: A rt in the Elementary quisites. Unfortunately this decision left smoke inhalation. SchooL Prerequisites: A rt Major, Educa­three seniors seeking elementary cer­ According to the Fijis’ and the fire tion 33 and 34, four studio and two arttification in the cold; they were con­ department’s report, the fire was caused history courses. Elementary certifica­sidered unqualified for Art 45A thus by a smoldering cigarette in the base­ tion: Education 33 and 34, Art 1, Art 3nullifying their goal to be certified upon ment chapter room. Though the flames were confined to the single room, the and one art history course. graduation this June. FAG STARTS FIRE. Printed in this way the prerequisites After much discussion Deans Hittle thick smoke filtrated throughout the appear clear. Confusion arises with and Lauter, Art Professors Case and house, damaging carpets, furniture, kit­ regard to the 1981-82, 1980-81 and Thrall and education teachers Wetzel chen utensils, and personal belongings. As for the financial repercussions of 1979-80 catalogs (those used by and Sager it was agreed that impending Estimated damage has been set at the fire, the University holds a $5,000 students to plan their schedules prior to consequences were severe enough to $2,000 according to channel 11 news, deductible insurance policy on the struc­ and including the 1981-82 academic override the decision for the three although a different figure is expected ture and Fiji’s own chapter insurance year). In these course catalogs the prere­ seniors and they remain in 45A with the once an official appraisal is submitted to will pay for the loss of the chapter quisites for Art 45A appear as: Prere­ option to take the additional prere­ the University (the Fijis’ cited one belongings. Homeowners policies will quisite: Education 33 and 34. Art Ma­quisites third term this year or waive estimate of the damage to the kitchen hopefully cover the damage to each in­ jors: 4 studio, 2 art history courses. Re­them by petition to Dean Lauter. tiles alone at $800). dividual’s personal belongings. quired for art majors planning to teachJuniors seeking elementary certification Dean Agness said there would be a The sentiment among the Fijis is one K-12. Required for elementary education must abide by the decision however, and “thorough cleaning” of the house, of sadness but they did find energy to certification: Art 1, Art 2 or 3, one art fit in the prerequisites before taking hopefully completed within a week. sponsor the First Annual Fireman’s Ball history course. 45A second term of next year. However, the University will be con­ in the Beta house Wednesday night The latter course description can be sidering several cleaning estimates because as Dean Agness said, “We are read two ways. It could mean that continued on page 5 which, coupled with the insurance in­ all grateful that no one was hurt.” Trickling down Sunspots outshine smokestack centers as well as by the slowdown in oil and gas by Clark Stalker hand, there is still potential pressure on In any event, the recession has clearly exploration. Professor LaRocque stated With national umemployment hover­ credit markets and the government con­ touched every region of the nation and that unlike smokestack industries, high- ing around 10% now is a good time to tinues to run on huge deficits. The pro­ nearly all industries. Unemployment is technology industries have extended examine Reaganomics and, specifically, jected deficit for fiscal 1984 is 175 billion especially high in “smokestack” in­ beyond the snowbelt to the sunbelt dollars. Economics professor Jules dustries located throughout the the job opportunities in the upcoming region (Texas, Arizona, Florida, LaRocque noted that “pressures on the snowbelt region. (Wisconsin, Illinois, months. The state of the economy Georgia) and therefore have not been hit depends on whether President Reagan credit market inhibit the investment Minnesota, Ohio, Michigan). The troubles facing smokestack industries as hard by the recession. can implement the policies which he that the tax cut is trying to promote.” In addition to blue collar workers, Professor LaRocque suggested that to today are due mainly to a lack of believes will eventually lower the rates unemployment is also ravaging stimulate the economy, efforts should be foresight years ago, failure to moder­ of inflation, interest and unemployment. managers and professionals as well. For directed toward lowering interest rates nize, and stiff competition from abroad. After taking office, President Reagan the first time, computer programmers initiated a three-pronged approach rather than toward tax cuts. The mountain states are being hit hard by the recession in the mining industry are having “to look for jobs rather than designed to solve this country’s have employers semch for them.” A economic woes. Reagan’s plan involved survey taken by the American Institute making tax cuts, limiting the money of Chemical Engineers revealed that on­ supply, and increasing defense spen­ ly 60% of this year’s graduating ding. These three objectives, however, chemical engineer» found jobs in the in­ conflict with one another. Reagan is at­ dustry. With respect to the market for tempting the “impossible” by trying to lawyers and doctors, Professor LaRoc­ curb inflation, cut government spen­ que pointed out an interesting paradox. ding, and stimulate investment, while If lawyers do their job effectively and simultaneously increasing defense spen­ create a climate conducive to the pro­ ding.
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