EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL PENNS PLACE PETERSFIELD HAMPSHIRE GU31 4EX Telephone: 01730 266551 Website: www.easthants.gov.uk DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING PANEL AGENDA Date: Wednesday 15 November 2017 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Council Chamber, Penns Place, Petersfield, GU31 4EX Membership: Councillor S Pond (Chairman) Councillors A Glass (Vice-Chairman), R Ayer, K Carter, D Evans, L Evans, G Hill, K Moon, S Schillemore, G Shepherd, I Thomas and A Williams Reserves: Councillors D Brooks Jackson and C Louisson The business to be transacted is set out below: Nick Leach Monitoring Officer Date of Publication: 7 November 2017 Contact Officer: Cynthia Haveron, DemocraticServices Officer – Telephone 01730 234092 Email: [email protected] i Pages 1 Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. 2 Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements the Chairman may wish to make for information. 3 Declarations of Interest To receive and record any declarations of interest from members present in respect of any of the various matters on the agenda for the meeting. 4 Confirmation of the Minutes To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 October 2017, previously circulated. 5 Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) 2016/17 1 - 54 To receive the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) for 2016/17 which has been prepared by officers to monitor the progress of Local Development Documents including the adopted policies of the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) and Housing and Employment Allocations Plan. FOR DECISION 6 Local Authority Enhanced Shared Equity Partnership (LAESEP) - EHDC and Merlion Housing Association Pilot Cabinet approved a revised procedure for spending Affordable Housing Developer Contributions (AHDC) 25th May 2017. The revisions permit the use of ADHC for an investment based model of affordable housing development in partnership with an approved provider. A verbal update on progress to date will be given by the Housing Development Manager. For Information 7 Local Government Association (LGA) - Housing Advisers Programme The LGA has invited bids from Local Authorities under this programme, which closed 11th Sept 2017. Successful bidders will be awarded funding towards consultancy services to develop and progress specific projects meeting qualifying criteria. Housing Development have submitted a bid for the LAESEP project, to inform decision making on how the Council could expand the programme. A verbal update is provided by the Housing Development Manager. ii For Information 8 Affordable Housing Update - Programme and Income Generation Half year analysis of affordable housing completions and income received against targets is provided verbally by the Housing Development Manager. For Information iii GENERAL INFORMATION IF YOU WOULD LIKE A VERSION OF THIS AGENDA, OR ANY OF ITS REPORTS, IN LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, AUDIO OR IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE PLEASE CONTACT DEMOCRATIC SERVICES ON 01730 234073. Internet This agenda and its accompanying reports can also be found on the East Hampshire District Council website: www.easthants.gov.uk Public Attendance and Participation Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meetings. Many of the Council’s meetings allow the public to make deputations on matters included in the agenda. Rules govern this procedure and for further information please get in touch with the contact officer for this agenda. Disabled Access All meeting venues have full access and facilities for the disabled. Emergency Procedure Please ensure that you are familiar with the location of all emergency exits which are clearly marked. In the unlikely event of an emergency an alarm will sound. PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL AUTHORISED TO DO SO. No Smoking Policy All meeting venues operate a no smoking policy on all premises and ground iv NON EXEMPT EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND 15 November 2017 AFFORDABLE HOUSING PANEL AUTHORITY MONITORING REPORT Report by Planning Policy FOR DECISION Portfolio: Planning – Cllr Angela Glass Key Decision: No 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to present to Councillors the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) for 2016/17 which has been prepared by officers to monitor the progress of Local Development Documents including the adopted policies of the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) and Housing and Employment Allocations Plan. 1.2 Appendix A accompanying this report contains the Annual Monitoring Report 2016/2017. 2.0 Recommendation 2.1 It is recommended that the Panel: i) Provides feedback on Authority Monitoring Report prior to publication on the Councils website. 3.0 Summary 3.1 The AMR (Appendix A) monitors the adopted policies of the Joint Core Strategy (JCS), Housing and Employment Allocations Plan, adopted Neighbourhood Plans and monitors the progress of Local Development Documents as set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS). The document uses Appendix 4 of the JCS to identify the target of each policy which is monitored against the relevant indicator(s). It should be noted that this is the first AMR to monitor the adopted Part 2: Housing and Employment Allocations and the adopted Neighbourhood Plans in the district. 4.0 Subject of Report 4.1 The Authority Monitoring Report covers the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 and covers only the area of East Hampshire District outside the South Downs National Park. NON EXEMPT Monitoring Policy Progress 4.2 The report shows the Local Plan Part 2: Housing and Employment Allocations progressed in line with the timescales set out in the LDS at that time. The adoption of the Plan was delayed from the timescales set out in the LDS due to the inclusion of a number of modifications required by the Inspector. 4.3 Initial work on the Part 3 Local Plan, including evidence gathering has commenced and has been progressing through 2016 and 2017. 4.4 Alton, Bentley and Four Marks and Medstead Neighbourhood Plans were all made in May 2016. This is the first monitoring report to monitor the adopted Neighbourhood Plans. 4.5 The Alton Neighbourhood Plan Group has produced their own monitoring report which can be found on their website. Therefore the AMR only monitors the policies of the Bentley and Four Marks and Medstead Neighbourhood Plans. 4.6 All meetings held under Duty to Cooperate can be found in Appendix 1 of the AMR. Housing 4.7 In the monitoring year a total of 424 (net) dwellings were completed, 68 less than the JCS target of 492 per annum. This is an increase from the previous monitoring year when 404 (net) dwellings were completed. A total of 2,181 net dwellings have been completed since the beginning of the Plan period (2011). 4.8 The five year land supply position at 1st April 2017 can be found in Appendix 4 of the AMR. At 1st April 2017 the Council was able to demonstrate a 7.23 years supply of housing and a surplus of 1,317 dwellings. 4.9 During the monitoring year, five additional Gypsy and traveller pitches have been granted planning permission in the district. There have been no planning applications for Travelling Showpeople. Since summer 2012 there have been 14 pitches granted permanent planning permission in the district. Given that the GTAA 2013 identifies a need for 18 new pitches between 2012 and 2017, this leaves an outstanding need for 4 pitches by 2017 and 8 pitches overall. Employment 4.10 In the District, 1,030m² of employment floorspace was completed in the monitoring year which is a slight decrease on the last year when 1,137m² was completed. It is important to note that 280m² of employment floorspace was lost in the monitoring year through change of use, resulting in a net increase of employment floorspace in the district in the monitoring period of 750m². NON EXEMPT Retail 4.11 In the monitoring year, zero retail floorspace was completed. Currently 43,566m² of retail floorspace has consent, made up of 5 applications with planning permission. At 31st March 2017 one application was under construction at Manor Farm, Clanfield for the change of use of an agricultural barn to A1 retail use, one had commenced and the three remaining applications had not yet started. Whitehill Bordon Strategic Allocation 4.12 Most of the Whitehill Bordon policies are covered under the other JCS policies and therefore do not require their own monitoring. 4.13 On the 31st March 2017, the three sites that make up the Whitehill and Bordon Strategic Allocation had planning permission to deliver 3,000 dwellings. Development had commenced at the Quebec Barracks site and 7 units were complete in the monitoring year. Louisburg Barracks has permission for 500 dwellings and development had also commenced at the site with 2 units complete. Bordon Garrison has permission for 2,400 dwellings and a reserved matters application for Phase 1a was granted in May 2017 for 172 dwellings and work has already begun on site. Housing and Employment Allocations Plan 4.14 The Housing and Employment Allocations Plan was adopted by the Council in April 2016 and allocates sites to meet the identified minimum dwelling targets in the most sustainable settlements as set out in JCS Policy CP10. 4.15 The Plan allocates sites for around 2,837 dwellings, 587 above the 2,250 minimum targets. 4.16 At the 31st March 2017, 22 of the 26 allocated housing sites had planning permission, 5 of the sites were complete and 9 sites were under construction. 4.17 The Plan also allocates 3 sites for employment to meet the identified need in CP3 of the JCS. The Plan allocates sites at Lynch Hill and Wilsom Road in Alton to meet the identified need of about 7ha of employment land in Alton and one site in Horndean to meet the need of about 2ha as identified in CP3.
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