Wednesday, 18th March, 1931 THE LEGISLATIVE.. ASSEMBLY DEBATES (Official Report) Volume III, 1931 (lal'" Marc'" to 3St'" Marc"', 1931) FIRST SESSION OF THE FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 1931 I br9.-~'1", ~),3 '~l:' \, ~..-5"~3 j ~" j I ·,·'.. ''''-'' ....... a~ ... .:. - \ , \ SIMLA ~ ' •. GOVERNMENT UF INlJIA PRE&:; , " ~~i 11131 13 , \ \ Leglslatl ve l~ssembly. President: THE HONOURABLE S~ IBRAHIM· RAHIMTOOLA, K.C.S.I., c.r.Jil. Deput.1I President : lb. n. K. SH.&NMUKHAM CHlIlTTY, M.L.A. Panel of Chairmen: I" DIWAN BAHADUR T. RANOACHARIAR, C.I.E., M.L.A. Sm HUGH COCKE, KT., M.L.A. l\IAULVI MUHAKMAD YAKUB, M.L.A. RAI 8AmB HARDILAS SARDA, M.L.A. Secretary: MR. So C. GUPTA, BAR.-AT-LAW. Assistant of the Secretary: Ru BAHADUR D. DUTT. Marshal: CAPTAIN NUR AHMAD KHAN, M.C., LO.M. Committee on Public Petitions: MR. R. K. 8aANMuKHAM CHETTY, M.l{.A., Chairman. Sm HUGR COCD, KT., M.L.A. Sm ABD~ RAHIM, K.C.S.I., KT., M.L.A. RAJA nAlUDUR G. KJuSHNAMACHABIAB, M.L.A. MIAN Mt1HAlOW> SH.&H NAWAZ, C.I.E., M.L.A. ,-t'.' ' OOlft'DD. ',- ...... VOLUME III. .::....12th MM'Ch to .25u,,',itprcA, 1931. PAGBS. UJl8DAi", 12TH MARCH, 1931·- Statement of Business 1905 The General Budget-List of DemandS-coNtd. Demanll No. 7~North-West Frontier Provin~o ..dd 1005-08 Demand No. 16-CustoDl8-' " 1908 Reduetion (\f Salariel! on account of lower level of' prtee.. ' and to cope with..deftcit Budget •• • " .. ·1909-12 R.etrenchment andfi'Ditormity of Ba!is for ~lre .. 1913-15 Inadequate RepreSentation of MusHms' hi" the C'IIfItloiaII' Ser- vices , . 1916-30 Failure of the Government to p~eut Vdmpmg t)f ",heat and sugar on the Indian )(arket ", 1930-37 Sikh Representation ' 1937~ Duty on Sugar 1948-51 Duty on Kerosene, Petro~ Betel-nuts , 1961-55 Not taking steps to raiee the' Pries of 4Bri~raJ'PrOOuee 1956--51 Demand No. I~Sa1t- ' Ret.renehment ' , 1967 Loss of Interest arising from the Credit BYB* ]957-69 Pay of General ManagenJ 1_ IAY,13TH MARCH, 1931- Que&tions and AI18Wer8 1961-. lb.tarred Questions and Answers 1966-89 Statement laid on the TabI_ Report of the Committee _Salt , ' .• The General Budget-List of ~ • ~ Demand No. 1-0pium-oollCld. Retrenchment 1969-n Dtrmand No. 2o-Stampe ~. 1971 Demand No. 21-Forea- AdminiBtration of ~he F..-t Depart;meat 19n-'1S Demand No. ~Irription, Navigation, Embutkment ad Drainage Works (Inelading Working Eltpenaes) 1913-76 Supply of W &ter to Culth-ators 1973 Want of a River Canal from Bikhtiarpwe QII, the Guges to Nawadah via Bihar 1973-74 Interest charged on Canals in ,"d ,~.j&ql 1914-76 Demand No. 33-Indian POlIti a"d TelegiaphsDepartment (In- cluwng WOl'king Eltpenses) 1916--89 Retrenchment •• ,1917--82 Representation of Depressed' CJIUIIMIII W the Poat,& WId Tcde- l!'raphs Service!! .• •• •••. 19S!.l--81 Denial of C&.Ieutta and Delhi TrlUll:lferCOIl __ to certain Club of the Director Uent!r&.l'" oruue" ' 1987-89 16 11.. PAGES. FaID-'a)", 13TH Maas:, 1931"-con,d. , .. ' ........ Tne General Budget-List of Demitni~lfCld. Demand No. 23-Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department (In- cluding Working JhpeDIM)~on'tI.·· . Demand No. 24-Indo-l41uropear, Telegraph Departulont (In- cluding Working Eq>eD88II) , 1989 Demand No. 26--lnterest on Debt and .Reduction or Avol~anC\l of Deht . 1991},-96, . '2004,-15 Appointment of a National Investment Bo.,d., .. 1990-92 Debt Position .. 1903-96, . 2004--15 Demand No. ~lntnest on .MiIJoellaneoQs QbJlgations 2015-17 Policy and ~ple nnderlyiDg ~nditure t!>r Interlltlt Oil 'MiBtlellaneous Obligations . .' .. 2015-17 Demand No. 27-Staftl Household and Allowan~ of tht: Gov- ·.mor General . "0'. • • • • 2017-33 ,Room for ConBiderable Reduction ., . .. 2017-21 Hill Joumey Allowances and Reduction of E:de~f ot'tbe Simla Exodus ' 2021--31 Request to, '~e . V4eeroy for SQIU. v: ~iuitary Sun·;mde.r, of. Emoluments for the Needed Retrenchment ; . • ~' '2031-3:1 Demand No. 29-C'ounoil of State 203a llomand No. 30-LePehlth"e ASlLembly and Legiillative A!!Meinb~ l~ Department .. .. .. ' ' .. , .203~:l4 Quarters for Members not free . 2033-34 , .DrJ)la'ld No. aI-Foreign and Political Depal'tmellt 2034-37 Practical Exclusion of Indian from the Foreign' and Political Department . i. 203-1-37 Dcmllnd No. 32-Home Department .. 2037 D~mand No. 33-Public Service Commillsion 2037 D~mand No. 34-Legislative ,'Department· 2037 "DiltuRnd No. 35-Department of Education, Health and Lands 2037 Demand No. 36-}'inance Departulent ' .. 2u38 Demaud No. 37-Separation of Aecounts from Audit .. 2038 llemand No. 38-Commerce Department .. 2038 Demand No. 4O-Department of Industries and 'Labour 20:18 Demoud No. 41-Central Boanl of Revenue ' 2038 Demand No. 42-Paiment& to Provincilll Governnltmts ')11. account of Administration of Ageney Subjeei.8 .. 2038 Demand No. 43-Audit :.!039 Dcmand No. 44-Administration of Justiee 2039 IJeJDand No. 45-Police 20311 Demand No. 46-Poi'tll and Pilotage .. 2039 Dilmand No. 47'-Lig-btho1188ll and Lightship. 2039 Demand No. 4S-Survey of India 2039 DI.'!nand No. 49-MeteorolQIY 204<1 Damand No. 5O-Geologieal Survey 2040 lJemand No. 51-Botanieal. Survey 2040 Demand No. ft2--Zoological 81U'Vty 2040 DetlWld No. 63-Arebalology 204C Dtmand No. M-Mines 2040 16 iii PAGES. FRJDolY, 13TH MARCH, eI" 1931-cotlcld. ' . The Ueneral Budget-List of Demands-coftCld. Demand No. 55--0ther Scientitc Departments 2041 Demand No. 56-EduoatiQD 2041 Demand No .. 57-Medi.eal SelTiees 2041 Demand No. 58-Public Health ~1l41 Demand No. 59-Agriculture •• 2041 Demand No. 8O-Imperial ColUlcil of, Agric~u~.l hareh Department ". 2041 Demand No. 6l-CivU Vt\f;eriDa.r.y .8e"_ 2042 Demand No. 62-Industries 2042 Demand No. 63-Aviation 2'l42 Demand No. 64-Commereilll Intelligence and Statistice 2042· Demand No. 65-CenRur; 2042 Dflnllnd Nil. 66-Emigration--Intemal 2042 DI!mand No. 67-EmigNtion-EDei'nal ,; 2043 J)f.'mand NOI 6S-Joint Stook. Com,.m81 2043 DeRland No. 69-Miscellaneous ~t8 .'r 2043 Demand·' No. '7~Indian Stores Department, 2043 ) Demand No. 71-Curreney "':. ., 2043 Demand No. 72-Miat· I ,,,,'; 0'1'-" ""'.t,; ••• 2043 Demand No. 73-Civil Works, '!;'.. ". 2044 Demand Nil. 74--Superannuation Allowances and Pen!l~I~ i' ~. 2044 Demand No. 75-Stationery and Printing 2044 Demand No. 76-Miscellaneons '0/' ' •• 2044" Demand No. 77-Refnnds . ,/' 2044 "Demand No. 79-Baluchistan .... , ..... .e' • 2044 1>cmand No. SO-Delhi ,. .,', • ';' ""';' . f· .... 2045 Demand No. iU-Ajmer-lIejwara •• ' :, .. 2045 Drmand No. 82-Andamans and Nioobar llIanda • t. .'e, _ 2045 Demand No. 88-Ra:iPUtllllll ••. ' j,', ,. 204.j llt'mand No. 84-Central India 2045 Demand No. 85-Hyderahad' . 2045 Demand No. 86-J<.;xPl"J(1iturl~ in England-Secret"ff. of. State for India 2046 • IJllmsud No. 87-Expenditure in England-High'CommiMioner for India . 0 • , • • , 2046 Demand No. 8S-Capital Outlay on Security Printing .0 2046 Demand No. 8D-FoTCl!t Capital Outlay 2046 Demand No. 9O-Irrigation .• 20~' nllmand No. 91-Indian POII~ and Telegraphs ., 204fi HumllIill No. 92--Indo-European TelegrlWhs ." . 2047 Demand No. 93-Gapital Outlay on Currency'N~ Pr~' •. 2047 TJemand No. 94-Capital Outlay on l'izagapatam Harbour .. 2047 ])emand No. 96-Capital Outlay on Lightllouaee uidLigbt.bips 2047 1't'JIIRnd No. 96-·Commuted YUUG ,of P.l'neions " 2047 IJl!mand No. 97-New Capital atDeihj.' .... 2048 Demand No. 9S-Interest Free' Advaileee ,". 2048 . Dl,mand :No. IHh-·Loans and Advances Bearil1llntere;( .2018 ~O.DAY. 16TH lIAIIOH, 1931- ' • QUl'Htions and AnsW'e1'8 .•• ' ao6t-73 17 iT - r.':..... '!" ... ){ONDIlY, 16TH MARCIl, 1931-eontd. Unlltarred QueetioDs and Answers 2073-75 St8tl'ments laid on the Table •. 2f116--·77 Elec!tion of Members to the Standing CommittM' GIl Road" 2078 Elp.ction of Members to the Committee on Publici AeMQ!ltlr ' 2078 Eh,,!tion 'of Members to the Goveming 'Body of the 1101'&1&1 Council of Agricultural, Researcb ..' •. " .. ~078' The Indian Income-tax '(Second Amel\dllieDtJ Bill-IntrodwclJd .. ,2f118--8I The Indian Factoriee (Amendment) Bill-Introduced .. 2081 Tl;!! Indian Finance Bill-ConBidetation poetrJoned fOT ~nc day ,Separation of Burma from India) 2081-2122' Tt;'P:8nAY, 17TH MARCJI, 1931- Member Swom ' .. 2123 QueRtions and Answers :M2lJ--37 EIf'Ction of Members to the Publie AI!JII8n:_ Commidee 2137 ElootioD of Members to the Ge9tlnUag Body' of U. ,lmperinl Council of Agricultural Bel8lil'<eli' .. 2137 'Election of Members to the Oo.ermng BM1y of rbe Indiall Rt'seareh Fund A1J8OCiation 2138, The Salt (Additional Import Duty) Bill-Introduoed 2138-...4()' Tbe Indian Finan\le Bill-DiscUtllion of tlHi Metion to 8OneHlA!r, Dot ooneluded .... 2l40--8l WDJt!;SIJ.&Y, IItrH :M.omI, 1931- Questions and ADS'fl1'8 2193-22O'T Unltarred QuestioDB and Answen 2288--U ShorL Notice QueetioD and Answer , 2214-15- Eltoction of Members to the Governiac Budy of the Indian Reaeareh Fund A.oeildial 2215- .~Jte1ion of Members to the Standing CollUllitMe fAlc tJle Depart· Inent of Commeree 221&' The lndian Finance Bill-DiM_on on the K.tioIl, So 8IolIl~l~r not eoneluded " . THcR';'DAY,19T11lluoa.lesl- The Indiall Finance Bill-Di8cuaaion on tile Motion to- consider IIOt concluded .. 2261-:?3lS Ji'aIDU, 20TH MARcH, 1981- QUl!Ktions and Answe1'8 2319--38 Ullstaned Questions and AnsWel'8 2338-M Stutements laid on the Ta'ble .. 23M--58 Statement of Business lIl31S8--69 Elootion of Members 'to the Standing CoinmittAle 011 Indilms Overseas Emigration 'and naj Pilgrimage ~ Election of Members to the Standing Q;mmittee for the Depart- ment of Education, Health and Lancia ' , 2359 Elec:Pon of Memben to the StandingCoDimittee OD )toad.. 2:09--60 The Wheat (Import Duty) Bill-Introduced •. 2360-43, Tbe Indian }'inanee Bill-Motion to consider adopted 2363 ..
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