University of North Dakota UND Scholarly Commons Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special The akD ota Student Collections 3-4-2016 March 4, 2016 The akD ota Student Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.und.edu/dakota-student Recommended Citation The akD ota Student, "March 4, 2016" (2016). The Dakota Student. 194. https://commons.und.edu/dakota-student/194 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections at UND Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The akD ota Student by an authorized administrator of UND Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume 133 | Issue 38 Friday March 4, 2016 THEDAKOTASTUDENT Reaching the students, faculty and staff of the University of North Dakota since 1888 | www.dakotastudent.com Fourth candidate on campus Full Rudin cites research and industry experience Sean Cleary slate The Dakota Student Touting a career filled with in 42 experience focused on research and economic development, Sean Cleary Mark Rudin said he believes he The Dakota Student is the right person for the job of UND president. Rudin was the fourth of six Members of the UND com- presidential candidates to visit munity and other voters in District UND’s campus, and he spent 42 have a full slate of candidates to Monday and Tuesday of this choose from to represent them in the week meeting with members of North Dakota Legislature come this the UND community as part of fall. the application process. District 42 surrounds UND’s He is currently the vice pres- campus and is currently represented ident for research and economic by Reps. Kylie Oversen and Corey development at Boise State Uni- Mock and Sen. Mac Schneider, who versity and has served in this po- serves as the Minority Leader. All sition since 2007. At Boise State, three are members of the North Da- his focus has been on working kota Democratic-NPL party. with researchers and assisting Mock has moved out of District them with fulfilling their goals, 42 and has announced that he will as well as working with the lo- seek office in District 18, which en- cal community and industry to compasses the northern part of Grand drive economic development Forks. Grant Hauschild, associate di- and leverage university assets. rector of development at the UND “I’ve always been a firm be- Alumni Association and Foundation, liever that you do a lot of focused Photo by Nick Nelson/The Dakota Student Mark Rudin spoke this past Tuesday at the open forum as part of UND’s presidential search. is running as the Dem-NPL candi- effort in your areas of strength,” date to replace Mock.. Rudin said. “You take a look at have internships or experiential president of Boise State, Bob UND students Jake Blum and (unmanned aircraft systems) and opportunities, employers are Kustra, hosts lunches with stu- Emily O’Brien announced earlier petroleum engineering and other “I’ve always been a more likely to hire you,” Rudin dents so that he can get a bet- this month they are running for the research strengths. You support said. “So we’re ramping up op- ter understanding of student House in District 42 as Republicans, everyone, but you hope to con- firm believer that you do portunities to increase intern- concerns. If selected to be presi- while former legislator Curt Kreun, tinue to grow and leverage the a lot of focused effort in ships and go to a co-op model, dent, Rudin said he would like also a Republican, is challenging existing expertise at the univer- your areas of strength.” which is more like an extended to conduct similar events so that Schneider for the Senate seat. sity.” internship.” he could stay aware of the what Here is an overview of each can- Part of making graduates Rudin said he was impressed the average student thinks about didate running for office in District more employable is working with Mark Rudin with the way the university and what is going on around campus. 42: industry to make sure students Interim President Ed Schafer “We’re not here unless we are learning skills that employers UND presidential candidate have addressed the university’s have the students, so I’m very in- Jake Blum (R): desire Rudinsaid. He mentioned budget shortfall so far, and he terested in how we make it a posi- Blum is a his work with businesses in Ida- stressed the need to have inclu- tive experience for our students Republican can- ho to not only address specific importance of making sure stu- sive campus-wide discussions on that leads to success,” he said. didate vying to skills that graduates need, but dents supplement their time how to address changes in the Prior to working at Boise represent Dis- also “21st century skills,” such in the classroom with outside budget, both in the short and State, Rudin served in a variety trict 42 in the as the ability to work in a team learning experiences, such as in- long term. N.D. House of and communicate well. ternships and co-ops. He also mentioned that the Representatives. Rudin also mentioned the “The data shows that if you Rudin: page 2 He is originally from Plymouth, Blum Minn., and is majoring in political science and criminal justice at UND. Blum said it was a desire to be- SME hostsThis meeting first was held in or- listeningThis public meeting was led sistssession of assessing, listening, ex- come more involved in his commu- David Satre der to better understand what the by Conor O’Flaherty, the direc- pressing and engaging. nity and address problems facing the state that inspired him to seek a spot The Dakota Student UND community wants out of tor of brand strategy and devel- “We want to deliver an iden- the new logo that the firm will opment at SME, and Jonathan tity that represents not just UND in the Legislature. SME Inc., the firm hired to create. Hans, brand manager. and the athletics department, but “I’ve always been pretty politically design UND’s Fighting Hawks Present at the meeting were O’Flaherty established this the whole state,” O’Flaherty said involved,” Blum said. “After a while I logo, held an open forum Tues- roughly 30 UND alumni and meeting was the second step of in regard to the ideal product his just saw that there is a opening, and day at the Empire Arts Cen- faculty as well as UND Interim their five step brand identity de- company would like to create. I wanted to do what I could to help ter. President Ed Schafer. velopment process, which con- Logo: page 2 RACE: page 6 Critical thinking Mascots Amy Menke Men’s hockey page 8 DSinside page 4 page 5 page 7 2|News Friday March 4, 2016 What did it stand for? some of the Logo Rudin skills I bring THEDAKOTASTUDENT • List five characteristics FROM 1 FROM 1 that need to be captured to it, in terms “As we embark on this, what by the new Fighting of capacities at the University of an academic EDITORIAL are the elements of North Dakota of Las Vegas, including his role Hawks logo. background, Editor-in-Chief we can infuse in this identity?” • What graphic elements, as interim vice president for re- industry back- O’Flaherty said. “How does the icons, and imagery should search services. Before his time ground and an Sean Cleary at UNLV, he worked at the U.S. spirit of North Dakota get reflected be explored by the brand- outreach back- [email protected] in what we do? It’s not just a hawk, ing process? Department of Energy, the Ida- ground, that Rudin it’s not just simply a design, it’s • Should the new logo feel ho National Engineering Labo- breadth and something that has to be more for more contemporary or ratory and Idaho State Univer- depth of skills that I have truly Opinion Editor and this to be successful.” traditional? sity. would benefit an institution like Multimedia Editor O’Flaherty made a point in Rudin said that it was the this,” Rudin said. • The branding process for Nick Sallen: his presentation that his New York the new Fighting Hawks On campus today is Jay No- [email protected] based organization has helped col- identity should explore “We’re not here un- ren, director and professor at leges successfully transition be- the healthcare administration what additional colors? less we have the stu- News Editor tween names before, specifically Why? program at the University of Il- Native American themed names. These questions were met with dents, so I’m very inter- linois-Chicago. Next week, Nagi David Satre This list includes the University a wide assortment of answers, a ested in how we make Naganathan, dean of engineer- [email protected] of Miami, Ohio’s transition from crowd favorite being that “my big- it a positive experience ing at the University of Toledo, Redskins to Red Hawks, Quin- gest worry is that we’re just going for our students that will be the sixth and final presi- nipiac University’s transfer from dential candidate to visit UND’s to be another bird,” which was leads to success” Sports Editor Braves to Bobcats, and Saint John’s voiced by a concerned audience campus. Alex Stadnik: member.” After all the visits are com- Many people share this con- plete, the presidential search [email protected] “Each of these cern, but for those who missed Mark Rudin committee will recommend at shows an identity the forum, there is a survey which presidential candidate least three candidates to the SME has made available at www.
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