$20.00 http://www.iwba.com International Wound· Ballistics Association WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEW JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION Drag-Stabilized (Bulb With Tail) 12 Gauge Shotgun Bean Bag Projectile by Dean Dahlstrom, Kramer Powley, Marlin L. Fackler,MD Accuracy Comparison of Drag-Stabilized and Square 12 Gauge Shotgun Bean Bag ProjectilesShot from Smoothbore and Rifled Barrels by Kramer Powley, Deal Dahlstrom, Marlin L. Fackler,MD 5.45x39mm JHP Ammunition for the AK-74 by Michael Hagen Reporting Research byMarlin L. Fackler, MD Testing of.357 Magnum HollowPoint Bullets in Water byRon Jones Pseudo-Exit Wounds from a Bullet Path Crossing a Skin Crease by Marlin L. Faclcler, MD PersoiUII Defense Wet1p0ns - Answerof inSetlrch a Question? by Charles M. Hayes What's Wrong With the Wound BallisticsLiterature, and Why by Marlin L. Faclcler, MD VOLUME 5 SPRING 2001 NUMBER 1 INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The Wound Ballistics Review welcomes manuscripts, articles, short notes and letters to the editor that contribute to the science of wound ballistics. Publication preference will lean strongly toward pertinent papers with clear practical applications. We invite cogent reviews of articles, books, news items, etc . Our goal is to commend good documentation as well as to point out the errors in the wound ballistics literature. The Wound Ballistics Review especially requests our readers' help in submitting short reviews which correct errors noted in the literature. WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEW The review of all manuscripts reporting original work will be open; the names of reviewers will be given to JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL authors of rejected papers and will be made available upon request to anyone. WOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION Articles are accepted only fo r exclusive publication in IWBA, and when published, the articles and VOLUMES SPRING 2001 NUMBER 1 illustrations become the property of IWBA. TABLE OF CONTENTS ····· · Editorial ··· · ········· ·········· ········· · · · · · · · ···· ··· · ······· ············· · ······ ····· ·· ··· · · ··· ··········· 3 ·· ······ · · ······ · ··· ·· If submitting a letter or review which refutes or points out errors in another work, please provide the Questions and Comments ..................................... address of the source (please include a copy of the article reviewed-these will be returned if requested). ............................................................... 4 In submitting original work, the manuscript and one copy are required; one set of high quality illustrations Drag-Stabilized (Bulb With Tail) 12 Gauge Shotgun Bean Bag Projectile.......................... 8 is required; black and white is preferred. Author's name must be clearly identified on the title page with -Dean Dahlstrom -Kramer Powley -Martin L. Fackler, MD addresses and telephone number. Manuscript must be double-spaced with ample margins (at least one inch on all sides) on standard (8 1/2" x 11 ") paper. NOTE: THE PREFERRED MANUSCRIPT FORM IS Accuracy Comparison of Drag-Stabilized and Square Gauge Shotgun THE 3 1/2" (1.44 Meg or 720K) PC FLOPPY DISK WITH THE FILE AND A HARD COPY. Most 12 major PC word processing files are acceptable but WordPerfect or Microsoft Word are preferred. (Please Bean Bag ProjectilesShot from Smoothbore and Rifled Barrels......................................... 13 convert files to WordPerfect S.l or 6.0, or to Word fo r Windows 3.0--2000.) PLEASE DO NOT -Kramer Powley -Dean Dahlstrom -Martin L. Fackler, MD PROVIDE COMPUTER TEXT WITH SPECIAL FONTS OR LAYOUTS: PLAIN: SIMPLE TEXT WITHOUT GRAPHICS OR MERGE FIELDS. Any graphs, tables, charts, etc. should be supplied as 5.45x39mm JHP Ammunition for the AK-74....................................................................... 17 separate files and/or with a clean, high quality paper copy. Legends fo r all illustrations should be listed in -Michael Hagen order, double-spaced. An abstract of 150 words or less should precede the text. Reporting Research . .. ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... ... .. .. .. .. 20 References are to be numbered sequentially within the text and appear in the order cited at the conclusion of -Martin L. Fackler, MD the article. Page numbers must be given in books, cited as references. 23 EXAMPLES: Testing of.357 Magnum Hollow Point Bullets in Water ..................................................... -Ron Jones I. Book: Broad W, Wade N, Betrayers of the Truth. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1982, p 192 Pseudo-Exit Wounds from a Bullet Path Crossing a Skin Crease ....................................... 27 2. Article in periodical: Fackler ML, Surinchak JS, Malinowski JA, et al. Bullet fragmentation: major cause of tissue disruption. J Trauma 1984;24:263-266. A PersonalDefense Weapons - Answerin Search of a Question? ... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 -Charles M. Hayes Articles submitted fo r publication consideration should besent directly to theEdito r-in-Chief: Dr. Martin L. Fackler, 21 I Star Lake Drive, Hawthorne, FL 32640 What's Wrong With the Wound Ballistics Literature, and Why........................................... 37 -Martin L. Fackler, MD Volume 5, Issue 1 Spring 2001 1 ------------- ---- WOUND BALLISTIC REVIEW Editoria l .J 0 URN AL 0 F THE INT ERN AT I 0 NA L W 0 lJ N D BALL I ST ICS AS SOC IAT I 0 N JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOUND BALLISTICS ASSOCIATION IWBA ORGANIZATION EDITORIAL The InternationalWound Ballistics Association (IWBA) is an IRS50l(c)(3) non-profit scientific,educational, and public benefitCalifornia corporation with Federal ID#94-3136817. Martin L. Fackler, MD The IWBA is devoted to the medical and technical study of wound ballistics, including evaluation of literature in the fieldas well as encouraging and promoting new work. First, I must apologize to our readers for a ma­ from being published that in the past would have re­ The WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEW is the Journalof the IWBA. jor error in our last issue (Vol 4, # 4). We had planned quired correction. Those corrections that formerly filled to include the Letterman Army Institute of Research pages in the Wound Ballistics Review are no longer re­ institute report "What's Wrong with the Wound Ballis­ quired. Board of Directors tics Literature and Why" (which appears in this issue). With so few errors to correct, the IWBA now At the last moment, because of space constraints, a faces the dilemma of how to obtain sufficient high quality shorter institute report was substituted, but the preface useful information to fill the pages of the Wound Ballistics meant for the original report was printed - and out of Review twice a year. Unfortunately, at present there does Martin L. Fackler, MD Alexander Jason Torrey D. Johnson place: it introduced the "Literature Review" section. not appear to be sufficient material generated by knowl­ Wound Ballistics Consultant Ballistics Consultant Criminalist This and other less obvious errors that slipped into print edgeable wound ballistics researchers, who know how to Gainseville, FL Pinole, CA Las Vegas, NV in Vol 4 # 4 occurred because that issue was rushed to write good quality readable papers (and are willing to the printer before it had the necessary editorial review. spend the time to do so) to fill an issue of the Wound Bal­ Vol 4 # 4 was a source of great embarrassment to your listics Review each Spring andFall. Peter G. Kokalis David M. Gross Richard Mason, MD editor. Steps have been taken to assure that such an Perhaps now is the time to declare victory, Firearms Consultant Attorney at Law ChiefMedical Examiner oversight will not be repeated. cease publication of the Wound Ballistics Review, and Phoenix, AZ St. Louis Park, MN Santa Cruz, CA The cause of the rush to print Vol 4 # 4 was the dissolve the IWBA. The IWBA, after all, was formed to false assumption that the top priority for publication of deal with a problem - and it appears to have solved the the Wound Ballistics Review is that it be printed and problem. sent out on schedule (one issue in the Spring and one in The feeling of the IWBA Board of Directors is the Fall). My own top priority is, and always has been, that discontinuing publication of the Wound Ballistics that the Wound Ballistics Review must be filled with Review (which would mean dissolving the IWBA) is not WOUND BALLISTICS REVIEW high-quality, valid, and useful information. Had I been something we should do without serious consideration Journal of the International Wound Ballistics Association more alert, perhaps I could have prevented this fiasco - of all the alternatives. Under current conditions, our but living 3,000 miles from the IWBA office has its only recourse seems to be to publish an issue when ISSN 1055-0305 ©Copyright 1995, IWBA. All Rights Reserved disadvantages. In any case, I apologize, and pledge that enough high quality material has been received to fill it. from this time on our top priority will remain the quality This migbt mean that the time interval between publica­ of the journal's content - and that priority will be tion of Wound Ballistics Review issues would be in­ Editor-in-Chief: Martin L. Fackler, MD emphasized to everybody who might have a hand in the creased: so actually a subscription (which includes four Design & Production- Robyn Townsend-Miller publication process of the Wound Ballistics Review. issues) would last longer. We will consider any solution Ironically, the IWBA has become a victim of except lowering the quality of the Wound Ballistics
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