ab Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of UBS AG Thursday, 15 April 2004, 2.30 p.m. (doors open 1.30 p.m.) St. Jakobshalle, Brüglingerstrasse 21, Basel Agenda 1. Annual Report, Group and Parent Company Accounts for 2003 Reports of the Group and Statutory Auditors 2. Appropriation of retained earnings Dividend for financial year 2003 3. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board 4. Elections 4.1. Re-election of Board member: Sir Peter Davis 4.2. Election of new Board members: 4.2.1. Stephan Haeringer 4.2.2. Helmut Panke 4.2.3. Peter Spuhler 4.3. Re-election of Group and Statutory Auditors: Ernst & Young Ltd., Basel 5. Capital reduction 5.1. Cancellation of shares repurchased under the 2003/2004 share buyback program and respective amendment of Article 4 of the Articles of Association 5.2. Approval of a new 2004/2005 share buyback program Annual General Meeting of UBS AG, 15 April 2004 Introduction Organizational issues Requests for including items in the agenda Admission cards for the Annual General Meeting On 4 February 2004, UBS published a notice in various Swiss Shareholders listed in the Share Register of UBS AG in Switzer- and international newspapers and on its Internet website land can order their admission card from the following address www.ubs.com/shareholder-meeting inviting qualifying share- up to 8 April 2004, using the order form attached to this invita- holders to submit their request that individual items be included tion: in the agenda in the form of actual motions by 24 February UBS AG, Shareholder Services, P.O. Box, CH-8098 Zurich. 2004. No requests were submitted. Shareholders listed in the Share Register in the United States can Call to register claims order their admission cards in writing up to 8 April 2004 from: The capital reduction to be achieved via cancellation of repur- Mellon Investor Services, Proxy Processing, P.O. Box 3567, chased shares may only take place once the filing period for S. Hackensack, NJ 07606-9267. creditors to request satisfaction for or security of their claims has been terminated in accordance with article 733 of the Swiss Any admission cards already issued will lose their validity and Code of Obligations. The notice will be published in the Swiss will be recalled if the shares concerned are sold prior to the Commercial Gazette after the General Meeting of Shareholders. Annual General Meeting and the Share Register is notified of Claims may be registered during a period of two months. For the sale. the capital reduction to become effective, a report by the Statu- tory Auditors, confirming that creditors’ claims shall remain Representation at the Annual General Meeting fully covered and the liquidity of the Bank assured even after the Shareholders may be represented at the General Meeting by capital reduction is another precondition. The Statutory Audi- their legal representative or, based on a written proxy, by any tors’ report as of 31 December 2003 has been provided. other shareholder entitled to vote at the Meeting, or by his/her custodian bank. In addition, every shareholder is entitled to have his/her shares represented at the General Meeting by – UBS AG, P.O. Box, CH-8098 Zurich as a corporate proxy or a custody proxy – Fiduciary company Altorfer Duss & Beilstein (Urs Zeltner, Attorney and Notary), P.O. Box 1156, CH-8021 Zurich as an independent proxy. Zurich and Basel, 27 February 2004 UBS AG For the Board of Directors: Marcel Ospel, Chairman Gertrud Erismann-Peyer, Company Secretary 2 Item 1 Annual Report, Group and Parent Company Accounts CHF 25,624 million, resulting in a pre-tax profit of CHF 8,003 for 2003 million and a net profit of CHF 6,385 million. At year-end, total Reports of the Group and Statutory Auditors consolidated assets amounted to CHF 1,386.0 billion, up CHF 204.9 billion from a year earlier. Shareholders’ equity to- A. Motion taled CHF 35.4 billion. The Board of Directors proposes that the report on the financial year 2003 and the Group and Parent Company Accounts for Parent Company net profit was CHF 4,197 million. Total oper- 2003 be approved. ating income of CHF 19,117 million and total operating ex- penses of CHF 12,832 million resulted in an operating profit of B. Explanations CHF 6,285 million. Depreciations, write-offs and provisions The reports of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive amounted to CHF 1,577 million and extraordinary income to Board are contained in the Financial Report. Additional infor- CHF 92 million. Extraordinary expenses totaled CHF 1 million mation on strategy and organization of the Group, its activities and taxes amounted to CHF 602 million. and those of the Business Groups, on risk management and control as well as on corporate bodies, their composition and Ernst & Young Ltd. as Group and Statutory Auditors recommend authorities can be found in the “Handbook 2003/2004”. This in unqualified reports to the Annual General Meeting that the document also contains the comprehensive information relating Group and Parent Company Accounts be approved. The Group to corporate governance as required by the SWX Swiss Auditors confirm that “the Group financial statements present Exchange directive. Copies of both publications can be ordered fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position by shareholders and are also available on the Internet at of UBS AG as of 31 December 2003 and 2002, and the consoli- www.ubs.com/investors. All shareholders registered in the share dated results of operations and cash flows for each of the three register automatically receive a copy of the Annual Review, years in the period ended 31 December 2003, in conformity with which contains summary information with regard to our busi- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and they ness performance in 2003. comply with Swiss law”. The Statutory Auditors express their opinion that “the accounting records and financial statements The Group income statement shows total operating income and the proposed appropriation of available earnings comply of CHF 33,972 million and total operating expenses of with Swiss law and the company’s Articles of Association”. 3 Annual General Meeting of UBS AG, 15 April 2004 Item 2 Item 4 Appropriation of retained earnings Elections Dividend for financial year 2003 4.1. Re-election of Board member A. Motion The Board of Directors proposes that the Parent Company A. Motion profit be appropriated as follows: The Board of Directors proposes that Sir Peter Davis be re- elected for a three-year term of office: Profit for the financial year 2003 as per the income statement CHF 4,197 million B. Explanations Allocation to General statutory reserves CHF 288 million The term of office of Sir Peter Davis expires at the 2004 AGM. Proposed dividend CHF 2,929 million He is prepared to stand for re-election. Allocation to Other reserves CHF 980 million Total allocated CHF 4,197 million Sir Peter Davis (born 1941) has been a member of the Board since 2001 and is a member of the Audit and the Nominating Committees. He has been Group Chief Executive of J Sainsbury The Board of Directors proposes to distribute a dividend of plc, London, since 2000 and is about to become its Chairman CHF 2.60 per share. on 29 March 2004. Sir Peter is a British citizen. B. Explanations A detailed CV of Sir Peter is published in the “Handbook 2003/ The proposal of the Board of Directors to distribute a dividend 2004” and is available on the Internet under www.ubs.com/ of CHF 2.60 per share, 30% more than a year earlier, reflects boards. the excellent financial results achieved in 2003. It is also proof of the Board of Directors’ and the Group Executive Board’s confidence in UBS’s ability to sustainably achieve good results in 4.2. Election of new Board members the future. Johannes A. de Gier and Hans Peter Ming are stepping down Upon approval of the proposal by the AGM, the distribution of from the Board at the AGM 2004. Johannes de Gier is terminat- CHF 1.69 per share (after deduction of 35% Swiss withholding ing his mandate early following his appointment to chairman of tax) will be made on 20 April 2004 to shareholders on record the UBS Group company SBC Wealth Management, in which as at 15 April 2004. The shares will be traded ex dividend on the Private Label Banks and GAM, UBS’s specialist asset man- 16 April. agement firm, were integrated. Hans Peter Ming’s mandate expires at the AGM 2004. He is not standing for re-election, having reached retirement age. Item 3 4.2.1. Election of Stephan Haeringer Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors A. Motion and the Group Executive Board The Board of Directors proposes that Stephan Haeringer be elected to the Board as executive member. Motion The Board of Directors proposes that discharge be granted to B. Explanations the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Stephan Haeringer (born 1946) is currently Deputy President of Board for the financial year 2003. the UBS Group Executive Board. He has been with UBS since 1967, assuming a broad variety of responsibilities. Until mid- 2002 he was CEO of the Business Group UBS Switzerland and of its Private and Corporate Clients Division. From 1996 until the UBS/SBC merger, he was Chief Executive Officer of Region 4 Switzerland of Union Bank of Switzerland. From 1991 to 1996, 4.2.3. Election of Peter Spuhler he served as Division Head Private Banking and Institutional Asset Management.
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