Bus Bridge Guidebook Recent Change Log Updated 10/1/2016: Updated contact sheet, renumbered priority list of service blocks to pull from for a bridge, added addresses, added Wiehle Response plan Updated 5/11/2016: Added additional stations. Made the document one Word file. Updated the contact list. Added supplemental materials for Wiehle Response Options. Overview map Updated 8/27/2015: Revised priority list of blocks (section 3). Updated 7/28/2015: Revised Herndon priority list of blocks. Updated cover sheet. Updated 6/9/2015: New strategic route list, contact sheet, and map change for the Spring Hill metro station turn around Bus Bridge Guidebook Document Sections 1. Bus bridge call chain and key contacts 2. SOP for bus bridge 3. Priority list of blocks to redirect for bridge by time 4. Routing guide with maps, turn sheets and turn around instructions 5. Sample reporting form 6. Response options if the Wiehle Reston East is inaccessible 7. Excerpt from Mutual aid agreement between WMATA and Fairfax County BUS BRIDGE CALL CHAIN UPDATED MAY 31, 2016 SCENARIO: A METRORAIL DISRUPTION OCCURS, SINGLE TRACKING IS NOT POSSIBLE, AND FAIRAX CONNECTOR'S TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE IS NEEDED FOR A BUS BRIDGE BETWEEN STATIONS SPECIFIED IN THE MOA AGREEMENT (SILVER LINE, BLUE LINE AND YELLOW LINE STATIONS WITHIN FAIRFAX COUNTY PLUS EISENHOWER AND VAN DORN STATIONS IN Rail Operations Communication Center (ROCC) 202-962-1652 Bus Operations Communication Center( BOCC) 202-962-1811 FAIRFAX CONNECTOR BUS OPERATIONS COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE: 571-522-6232 FASS SERVICE Alternate 1: 571-522-6230 ALERT SYSTEM Alternate 2: 571-522-6231 UPDATE Manager: Juanita Wade [email protected] Manager: Clarence Shipp [email protected] FCDOT OPERATIONS GROUP TELEPHONE INFORMATION FCDOT OPERATIONS GROUP CENTER NOTICE JEFFREY COX (Primary) SENIOR OPS COORDINATOR SILVER LINE DISRUPTION MOBILE: 571-425-8896 HERNDON DISPATCH OFFICE [email protected] OFFICE: 703-668-1478 RANDALL KEEYS (Backup #1) STAFFED: M-F 24 hours, OPS SERVICE COORDINATOR Sat 5:15am to 3:15am, Sun 5:15am to 1:15am MOBILE: 571-358-5657 JAGPREET GREWAL (Primary) OFFICE: 703-877-5646 HERNON DIVISION MANAGER [email protected] MOBILE: 571-723-2407 PETER BROMLEY OFFICE: 703-668-1462 BUS OPERATIONS MANAGER [email protected] OFFICE: 703-877-5615 MOBILE: 571-471-4140 [email protected] RYAN JONES (Backup #2) BLUE OR YELLOW LINE DISRUPTION SENIOR OPS PLANNER HUNTINGTON DIVISION DISPATCH OFFICE MOBILE: 571-205-4803 OFFICE: 703-339-3220 OFFICE: 703-877-5704 Staffed: 24 hours / 7 days a week [email protected] RAY ROBINSON EFON EPANTY (backup #2) DIVISION MANAGER OPS SERVICE COORDINATOR OFFICE: 703-339-3221 OFFICE: 703-877-5611 MOBILE: 202-256-7234 [email protected] [email protected] Other Important Contacts: Anna Nissinen, Head of Communications, Fairfax DOT: 571-446-9940 or 703-268-8953 Mike Wood, Regional Incident Management Coordinator, VDOT: 571-237-5320 or 800-367-7623 Washington Flyer (i.e. Wiehle Vault problems): 703-572-2400 BUS BRIDGE EMERGENCY ROUTING – Updated October 1, 2016 RESTON-HERNDON DIVISION BUS BRIDGE & OTHER INCIDENT RESPONSE rev. October 1, 2016 WEEKDAYS Dispatch any extra board operators, operators pulling back in to the division, and other operators in Priority >> 1 >> the yard. Priority >> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ROUTE AM/PM -- -- 980 980 422 423 424 556 501 505 552 554 553 HOUR >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> 0500 -- -- 9801 -- 4221 -- 4241 -- -- -- 5521 5401 5533 0600 HM Strtg TWP Strtg 9801 9802 4221 -- 4241 5562 -- -- 5521 5401 5533 0700 HM Strtg TWP Strtg 9801 9802 4222 4232 4241 5562 -- 5053 5521 5401 5533 0800 HM Strtg TWP Strtg 9801 9802 4222 4232 4241 5562 -- 5053 5521 5401 5533 0900 HM Strtg TWP Strtg 9801 9802 4222 4232 4241 -- -- 5053 5521 5401 5533 1000 -- -- -- -- 4222 4232 4241 -- -- 5053 -- -- -- 1100 -- -- -- -- 4222 4232 4241 -- -- 5053 -- -- -- 1200 -- -- -- -- 4222 4232 4241 -- 5051 5053 -- -- -- 1300 -- -- -- -- 4222 4232 4241 -- 5051 5053 -- -- -- 1400 -- -- -- -- 4222 4232 4241 -- 5051 5053 -- -- -- 1500 -- -- -- -- 4222 4232 4241 -- 5051 5053 -- 5402 5536 1600 HM Strtg TWP Strtg 9805 9806 4222 4232 4241 5564 5051 -- 5524 5402 5536 1700 HM Strtg TWP Strtg 9805 9806 4222 4232 4241 5564 5051 -- 5524 5402 5536 1800 HM Strtg TWP Strtg 9805 9806 4221 4232 4241 5564 5051 -- 5524 5402 5536 1900 HM Strtg TWP Strtg -- 9806 4221 4232 4241 5564 5051 -- 5524 5402 -- 2000 -- TWP Strtg -- -- 4221 4232 4241 -- 5051 -- -- -- -- 2100 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4241 -- -- 5053 -- -- -- 2200 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4241 -- -- 5053 -- -- -- 2300 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5053 -- -- -- 2400 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5053 -- -- -- SATURDAY-SUNDAY Dispatch any extra board operators, operators pulling back in to the division, and Priority >> 1 >> other operators in the yard. Priority >> 2 3 4 5 6 ROUTE AM/PM 505 937 558 721 551 HOUR >> >> >> >> >> 0600 -- -- 5581 7211 5511 0700 5051 9372 5581 7211 5511 0800 5051 9372 5581 7211 5511 0900 5051 9372 5581 7211 5511 1000 5051 9372 5581 7211 5511 1100 5051 9372 5581 7211 5511 1200 5051 9372 5581 7211 5511 1300 5051 9372 5581 7211 5511 1400 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 1500 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 1600 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 1700 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 1800 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 1900 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 2000 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 2100 5051 9372 5581 7211 5516 2200 -- -- -- 7211 5516 2300 -- -- -- -- -- BUS BRIDGE EMERGENCY ROUTING – Updated October 1, 2016 HUNTINGTON DIVISION BUS BRIDGE & OTHER INCIDENT RESPONSE rev. October 1, 2016 WEEKDAYS Dispatch any extra board operators, operators pulling back in to the division, and other Priority >> 1 >> operators in the yard. Priority >> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ROUTE AM/PM -- 159 333/159 394/333 231/394 159/231 231/159 333/305 301/333 333/432 /305 HOUR >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> 0500 FRSP Strtg 1512 -- 3942 251 1514 491 -- 3013 -- -- 0600 FRSP Strtg 1512 3331 3942 251 1514 491 3332 3013 3331 -- 0700 FRSP Strtg 1512 3331 3942 251 1514 491 3332 3013 3331 -- 0800 FRSP Strtg 1512 3331 3942 251 1514 491 3332 3013 3331 -- 0900 FRSP Strtg 1512 3331 3942 251 1514 491 3332 -- 3331 -- 1000 -- 1512 -- 3942 251 1514 491 3332 -- -- -- 1100 -- 1512 -- -- -- 1514 -- -- -- -- -- 1200 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1300 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1400 -- -- 1515 3334 -- -- -- -- 3334 432 -- 1500 HNT Strtg HNT Strtg 1515 3334 3943 492 1517 3051 3334 432 3053 1600 HNT Strtg HNT Strtg 1515 3334 3943 492 1517 3051 3334 432 3053 1700 HNT Strtg HNT Strtg 1515 3334 3943 492 1517 3051 3334 432 3053 1800 HNT Strtg HNT Strtg 1515 3334 3943 492 1517 3051 3334 432 3053 1900 HNT Strtg HNT Strtg 1515 3334 3943 492 1517 3051 3334 432 3053 2000 -- -- 1515 3334 -- 492 -- 3051 3334 432 -- SATURDAY-SUNDAY Dispatch any extra board operators, operators pulling back in to the division, and other Priority >> 1 >> operators in the yard. Priority >> 2 3 4 5 6 ROUTE AM/PM 161 HOUR >> >> >> >> >> 0600 6101 -- -- -- -- 0700 6101 -- -- -- -- 0800 6101 -- -- -- -- 0900 6101 -- -- -- -- 1000 6101 -- -- -- -- 1100 6101 -- -- -- -- 1200 6101 -- -- -- -- 1300 6101 -- -- -- -- 1400 6101 -- -- -- -- 1500 6101 -- -- -- -- 1600 6101 -- -- -- -- 1700 6101 -- -- -- -- 1800 6101 -- -- -- -- 1900 6101 -- -- -- -- 2000 6101 -- -- -- -- 2100 6101 -- -- -- -- 2200 6101 -- -- -- -- 2300 6101 -- -- -- -- BUS BRIDGE EMERGENCY ROUTING – Updated October 1, 2016 WEST OX DIVISION BUS BRIDGE & OTHER INCIDENT RESPONSE rev. October 1, 2016 WEEKDAYS Dispatch any extra board operators, operators pulling back Priority >> 1 >> in to the division, and other operators in the yard. Priority >> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ROUTE AM/PM 461 631 632/630 631/632 310/494 632 310 HOUR >> >> >> >> >> >> >> 0500 4611 6312 -- 6311 3102 -- -- 0600 4611 6312 6310 6311 3102 -- -- 0700 4611 6312 6310 6311 3102 -- -- 0800 4611 6312 6310 6311 3102 -- -- 0900 4611 6312 -- -- 3102 -- -- 1000 -- 6312 -- -- 3102 -- -- 1100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1200 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1300 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1400 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3106 1500 Vin Strtg Vin Strtg 6313 6316 4946 -- 3106 1600 Vin Strtg Vin Strtg 6313 6316 4946 4207 3106 1700 Vin Strtg Vin Strtg 6313 6316 4946 4207 3106 1800 Vin Strtg Vin Strtg 6313 6316 4946 4207 3106 1900 Vin Strtg Vin Strtg -- 6316 4946 4207 3106 2000 -- -- -- 6316 -- 4207 3106 SATURDAY-SUNDAY NO SATURDAY-SUNDAY SERVICE AT WEST OX DIVISION BUS BRIDGE EMERGENCY ROUTING – Updated October 1, 2016 Key to Left Right Turns and Maps on Silver Line Instructions for turning around at each station are on pages 2 & 3. Wiehle-Reston East Page 11 n Page 4 Spring Hill Page 10 Page 5 Greensboro EXPRESS TRIP TO WFC Page 12 & 13 Page 9 Page 6 Tysons Corner Page 7 Page 8 NEW OPTION EAST FALLS McLean CHURCH* West Page 14 Falls Church NEW OPTION BALLSTON* East Falls Church Page 15 Ballston *NOTE: These stations are outside of the Fairfax/WMATA Page 1 of 31 agreement’s scope and must be approved by County staff BUS BRIDGE EMERGENCY ROUTING – Updated October 1, 2016 Turnarounds for return trips heading back west towards Wiehle SPRING HILL Updated 6/8/2015 1. From the shuttle stop on Leesburg Pike. 2. CONTINUE on LEESBURG PIKE for 1500 feet. 3. TURN LEFT onto Westpark Drive. 4. TURN LEFT onto Greensboro Road. 5. TURN LEFT onto Spring Hill Road. 6. TURN RIGHT onto Leesburg Pike. 7. FOLLOW THE WESTBOUND ROUTING ON PAGE 11 TO PROCEED BACK TO WIEHLE AVE. GREENSBORO 1. FROM THE SHUTTLE STOP ON ROUTE 7 / LEESBURG PIKE 2. GO THROUGH THE INTERCHANGE TO ROUTE 123 NORTH 3. LEFT TURN ON INTERNATIONAL DRIVE. l Internationa 4. LEFT TURN ON GREENSBORO. 5. LEFT TURN ON PINNACLE. 6. MERGE ONTO ROUTE 7 / LEESBURG PIKE TOWARDS SPRING HILL. 7. FOLLOW THE WESTBOUND ROUTING ON PAGE 10 TO PROCEED BACK TO SPRING HILL. TYSONS CORNER Galleria Drive 1. FROM THE SHUTTLE STOP AT GALLERIA AND TYSONS BLVD CONTINUE ON TYSONS BLVD. 2. TURN RIGHT ONTO ROUTE 123 /CHAIN BRIDGE ROAD 3. FOLLOW THE WESTBOUND ROUTING ON PAGE 9 TO PROCEED BACK TOWARDS GREENSBORO.
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