• (I) l:JJ :'': 'J r.> 0 , 0 CJ IJ· A l'l. ~ Cll. td ~ TJ r'" O~(J') ,0.0 .+/O~ .. , CI' '< • ....~ Pvbhuhon Hum »ef USPS 3t6MCl .... ~NTS Vol. 116, No.4, Three Sections, 36 Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, AUGUST I, 1984-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN .r-<- -001 • Nn - Clerks prepare for August 7 primary VOl By KEVIN WILSON dominated township, though there will be a Democratic alternative in While the Republican contest for the November. Meijer denied U.S. senate nomination dominates the Voters In a primary must cast their •• £ headlines, there are many local elec- ballots only for one political party - tions and issues to be decided In next spilt votes are not allowed. All voters lts request .lor ., Tuesday'S primary election . will have the opportunity to cast ballots Polls will open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 for non-partisan positions such as p.m. in both city and township. district and circuit court jUdges and on code variance Absentee ballots are avaIlable untU 2 the various proposals. .,. t<it".,;- ~"" oW ~(4<:""" ~ ,. p.m. Saturday, with both clerks' offices With only a Democratic contest for By B.J. MARTIN " . " , being open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. that the U.S. Congress nommation, and no day for that purpose. contests in the state house races, most . Against the wishes of Meijer, Inc. Initial returns of absentee ballots are local attention is focused on the developers, Northville Township will Indicative of. a large turnout In the primary race among six candldates • require the retail store firm to install township and a small one In the city, ac- seeking to replace 35th District Court smoke and heat vents at the Eight Mile- cording to clerks Susan Heintz and Joan Judge Dunbar Davis, who retires at the Haggerty Road store now under'con- McAllister. end of !.heyear. Two pf the six will ad- struction. "We're seeing a lot of requests for vance to the November election, when : . That's the upshot of action taken last absentee ballots from people In the the final selection will be made. ·Thursday by the specially-formed Nor- military this time," Heintz said. She In Oakland County, there is hot con- thville Township Building Department projected 1,000 or more absentee test for the sheriff's post, with ,three Board of Appeals. The five-member Ap- ballots would be cast In the election. Democrats and three Republicans peals Board was appointed at the July .... Returns were slower In the city, ac- seeking their party's favor to run for ... cording to McAllister. Township voters 19 Township Board of Trustees ". .. .... - .'. the seat being vacated by Johannes meeting, and empowered with the right ........ have more Incentive to cast ballots In Spl'een, who is making a bid for county to grant or deny Meijer represen- • ," ,. : f • this primary, due to the nJJ!off for the executive. • tatives' request for a Building Code '. ' •• : .' '. .f.. .. .. " GOP nominations to four township Wayne County county-wide offices variance. .':': •. -~o.:: board of trustee positions. The are up for grabs, with most incumbents The variance would have permitted .. , .. -.o., .. Republican primary has traditionally builders to waive reqUirements for been the deciding election in the GOP- Continued on 8 smoke and heat vents, which are ... designed to be opened to prevent un- predictable effects of an uncontrolled Interior fire. The variance commonly has been waived in other communities, Six run for judgeship Meijer representatives noted. In the case of the Northville Township store, builders told the Building Ap- 'o." ... •• o. " • I • of 35th District Court • peals Board construction of the ventila- ......... tion system as spelled out in the ~' : Building Code would impose several .:.: ::::: . By KEVIN WILSON ~ .. ~' " ' . .. hardships on the corporation. .. '.'" 1 . The most hotly-eontested local race • ,' .'" ,,' ... 0 1 • I ...... ' • Most of the hardships Meijer 0 representatives claimed were finan- ... - - in next Tuesday'S primary election is cial. 'Bur they also included the . " .... that for jUdge of the 35th District Court . possibility of rainwater leakage and . .... Six candidates are vying for the non- condensation (and subsequent damage partisan position . to merchandisel, bUilding.security.and, The large fieldJs a result of a vacan- .-candidates .are. listed 'in- reverse oddly, safety. cy on the court ~nch -longtime JUdge alphabetical order. t- The firm's customary fire safety Dunbar Davis is 70 years old and has . • measures such as staff traini.n gand reached the state's mandatory retire- BRUCE C. PATTERSON 42947 smoke detectors merited specl al con- ment 3ge for judges. Redfern Drive, Canton. Age:fl, manag- sideration, Meijer developers claimed. The court serves the communities of ing partner and practicing attorney Most importantly, they argued, the Northville, Northville Township,' with Detroit law firm McCabe, Mia- store's planned indoor sprinkler system Plymouth, Plymouth Township and dleton, Patterson, Parks and Muma. exceeds mimimum standards for such 'Canton Township. Two candidates have Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctora~e . an installation, and would offset the Northville addresses, the other four are from Wayne State University. Has held need for the vents. from Canton. no public elective office; has served on Those measures apparentiy satisfied All six candidates were interviewed boards of directors of "numerous" pro- Protection Mutual, insurers of the by The Record staff recently. A brief fit and non-profit corporations. Ap- store. In a memo addressed to biographical outline of each, together pointed to Canton Township Merit Com= Township Building Inspector Troy with an edited version of their mission (handles personnel matters) • Milligan, Meijer Project Manager Dick responses. to a list of standard qUes- from June, 1980to June, 1984. Kuzma wrote: "Our insurers have con- tions, is provided below. Candidates In Please describe the qualities of '8 ducted considerable research concern- this race are also briefly covered in 3 goodjudge. • ing the effectiveness of smoke and heat special election section inside today's vents in fully sprinkled buildings." Record. In ,the Interests of fairness, Continued on 2 The vents, Kuzma added later, "may be causing more problems than they're solving." : Protection Mutual representative Cal Checking the tally Thtee in county race Fleming told the Board, "There's some disagreement on whether vents are ef- It By KEVIN WILSON Livonia treasurer If elected to the com- fective . My opinion is that they'll Township administrative assistant Eunice through the process. counts the punchcard mission, says it is a part time slot.. • make the problem worse." Switzler (left) and deputy clerk Georgina Goss ballots much more quickly than has been possi- Incumbent Wayne County Commis- Dumas claims it is a full time job and The memo concluded Meijer, Inc. examine tape produced by new ballot-counting ble in the past, and shows a running total for sioner Mary Dumas faces two op- that Tuttle cannot fulfill duties of both "'feels it would not be contrary to the computer in pre-election test last Friday. The each candidate, election turnout percentage and _ ponents In next Tuesday'S Republican offices. O'Neill is relatively neutral on safety of our customers or employees, new computer will be used for the first time in much other useful information. Record photo by primary election - Livonia treasurer the SUbject. There is a legal prohibition nor be contrary to the public Interest, if next week's primary election, with a manufac- Steve Fecht Elaine Tuttle and businessman HUgh against holding two fulltime pullllc ~urer's represenative on hand to guide officials Patrick O'Neill. positions slmultanesouly. Continued on 3 The victor In the GOP primary will The three Republicans recently were face Democrat L...aura Toy, a interviewed by The Record staff. Brief. Schoolcraft College trustee, In the biographical outlines and edited ver- November election. Toy is unopposed In sions of their responses to a list of stan- her party's primary. dard questions are provided below in Court ruling leaves Jaycees in transition All four candidates In the District 10 reverse alphabetical order. Toy will be (Livonia, both Northvllles and both interviewed prior to the November Plymouths) race hail from Livonia. election .•Today's special election sec- By MICHELE McELMURRY "I'm very pleased to see this hap- tion. "We were not given equal recogni- dissolved Its auxiliary status. • Belkowski, who took over as presi- One issue In the campaign overshadows tion Inside The l\ecOrd also contains in- pen," said Liz McCarville, a member of tion for·a lot of things we've done in the most others - whether the job of com- formation about each candidate. The U.S. Supreme Court's recent rul- the Northville Jaycee Women and community. dent of the chapter in April, said reac- ing permitting states to use their anti- missioner is full or part time. Tuttle, former internal vice president for the . "Now that's abolished and I think Continued on 5 who says she Intends to stay on as Continued on 4 discrimination laws to require Jaycees chapter. that's wonderful." to admit women in Its regular member- "We've always been an assist to the The high court's July 3 ruling re- ship has garnered mixed reactions Jaycees," she said of the female jected the Jaycees' claim that freedom from local chapter members. counterpart to the Jaycees organiza- of association, guaranteed under the First Amendment, permitted the Niemi, former class president, dies organization to exclude women in Its regular membership. By JEAN DAY floom Michigan State University. He Vermont. .' NEWS BRIEFS . ' - Membership in the Jaycees, a nation- was recipient of an MSU Alumni Contributions In his memory may be .' . wide organization specializing In This Saturday Robert Wallace Niemi, Scholarship at graduation in 1959. made to the Robert W.
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