New Taxa Described by Günther Theischinger (Update 2016)

New Taxa Described by Günther Theischinger (Update 2016)

New taxa described by Günther Theischinger (update 2016) Taxa, mostly of genus and species group, described as new: up to end of 2016: 41+, 729+ ODONATA, Aeshnidae Afroaeschna Peters & Theischinger, Odonatologica 40(3): 229 (2011). Agyrtacantha browni Marinov & Theischinger, International Dragonfly Fund - Report 53:2 (2012). Agyrtacantha picta Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica xxx (2017). Gynacantha heros Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 41 (4): 356 (2012). Gynacantha nourlangie Theischinger & Watson, in Watson et al., The Australian Dragonflies: 41 (1991). Gynacantha nuda Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 45 (3/4): 318 (2016). Pinheyschna Peters & Theischinger, Odonatologica 40(3): 232 (2011). Pinheyschna waterstoni Peters & Theischinger, Odonatologica 40(3): 235 (2011). Zosteraeschna Peters & Theischinger, Odonatologica 40(3): 241 (2011). ODONATA, Argiolestidae Argiolestes angulatus Theischinger & Richards, in Tyagi, B.K. (ed.): Odonata Biology of Dragonflies: 34 (2007). Argiolestes fornicatus Theischinger & Richards, in Tyagi, B.K. (ed.): Odonata Biology of Dragonflies: 36 (2007). Argiolestes indentatus Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 35(1): 386 (2006). Argiolestes trigonalis Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 37(2): 168 (2008). Austroargiolestes brookhousei Theischinger & O'Farrell, Odonatologica 15 (4): 409 (1986). Austroargiolestes christine Theischinger & O'Farrell, Odonatologica 15 (4): 394 (1986). Austroargiolestes elke Theischinger & O'Farrell, Odonatologica 15 (4): 396 (1986). Austroargiolestes isabellae Theischinger & O'Farrell, Odonatologica 15 (4): 400 (1986). Austroargiolestes icteromelas nigrolabiatus Theischinger & O'Farrell, Odonatologica 15 (4): 420 (1986). Eoargiolestes Kalkman & Theischinger, Int. J. Odonatology: 16 (1): 20 (2013). Griseargiolestes Theischinger, Stapfia 55: 614 (1998). Griseargiolestes bucki Theischinger, Stapfia 55: 623 (1998). Luzonargiolestes Kalkman & Theischinger, Int. J. Odonatology: 16 (1): 23 (2013). Miniargiolestes Theischinger, Stapfia 55: 615 (1998). Pyrrhargiolestes Kalkman & Theischinger, Int. J. Odonatology: 16 (1): 34 (2013). Solomonargiolestes Kalkman & Theischinger, Int. J. Odonatology: 16 (1): 35 (2013). ODONATA, Austrocorduliidae Austrocordulia leonardi Theischinger, Annln. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 77: 388 (1973). Austrocordulia refracta jurzitzai Theischinger, Odonatologica 28 (4): 380 (1999). Austrocordulia territoria Theischinger & Watson, Aust. J. Zool. 26: 409 (1978). Lathrocordulia garrisoni Theischinger & Watson, in Watson et al., The Australian Dragonflies: 48 (1991). Micromidia convergens Theischinger & Watson, Aust. J. Zool. 26: 420 (1978). ODONATA, Austropetaliidae Austropetalia tonyana Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 27/1: 292 (1995). Austropetalia annaliese Theischinger, International Dragonfly Fund - Report: 58: 2 (2013). ODONATA, Coenagrionidae Austroagrion kiautai Theischinger & Richards, in Tyagi, B.K. (ed.): Odonata Biology of Dragonflies: 39 (2007). Austrocnemis obscura Theischinger & Watson, in Watson et al., The Australian Dragonflies: 23 (1991). 1 Pseudagrion ignifer aureum Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 29/2: 802 (1997). Pseudagrion ingrid Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 32/1: 253 (2000) (= Synonym of Archibasis mimetes (Tillyard, 1913)). Pseudagrion lucifer Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 29/2: 803 (1997). Pseudagrion jedda Watson & Theischinger, in Watson et al., The Australian Dragonflies: 26 (1991). Papuagrion nigripedum Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 35(2): 201 (2006). Teinobasis aquila Theischinger & Kalkman, Odonatologica 43(3/4): 144 (2014). Teinobasis chrysea Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 42(4): 360 (2013). Teinobasis cuneata Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(3): 432 (2015). Teinobasis flavolineata Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(3): 437 (2015). Teinobasis kiautai Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 36(1): 86 (2007). Teinobasis lieftincki Theischinger & Kalkman, Odonatologica 43(3/4): 148 (2014). Teinobasis lutea Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 42(4): 36x (2013). Teinobasis macroglossa Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 42(4): 364 (2013). Teinobasis michalskii Theischinger & Kalkman, Odonatologica 43(3/4): 151 (2014). Teinobasis splendens Theischinger & Kalkman, Odonatologica 43(3/4): 155 (2014). ODONATA, Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, Odonatologica 8(1): 29 (1979). Cordulegaster heros pelionensis Theischinger, Odonatologica 8(1): 32 (1979). ODONATA, Gomphidae Austrogomphus mouldsorum Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 31/1: 369 (1999). ODONATA, Gomphomacromiidae Archaeophya magnifica Theischinger & Watson, Aust. J. Zool. 26: 404 (1978). ODONATA, Corduliidae Hemicordulia flava Theischinger & Watson, in Watson et al., The Australian Dragonflies: 44 (1991). Hemicordulia kalliste Theischinger & Watson, in Watson et al., The Australian Dragonflies: 46 (1991). ODONATA, Isostictidae Austrosticta frater Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 29/2: 807 (1997). Eurysticta reevesi Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 33/2: 1291 (2001). ODONATA, Lestoideidae Lestoidae brevicauda Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 28/1: 318 (1996). Lestoidae lewisiana Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 28/1: 320 (1996). ODONATA, Libellulidae Akrothemis Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 41(4): 338 (2012). Akrothemis bimaculata Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 41(4): 342 (2012). Huonia melvillensis Brown & Theischinger, Odonatologica 27(1): 100 (1998). Lanthanusa cochlear Theischinger & Richards, International Journal of Odonatology 17(2-3) 129 (2014). Microtrigonia curvata Theischinger & Richards, International Dragonfly Fund - Report 76: 7 (2014). Microtrigonia sinuosa Theischinger & Richards, International Dragonfly Fund - Report 77: 2 (2015). Nannophlebia kalkmani Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 40(2): 138 (2011). Nannophlebia mudginberri Watson & Theischinger, in Watson et al., The Australian Dragonflies: 49 (1991). Notolibellula Theischinger & Watson, J. Aust. ent. Soc. 16: 417 (1977). Nannophya paulsoni Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 35/1: 661 (2003). 2 Notolibellula bicolor Theischinger & Watson, J. Aust. ent. Soc. 16: 417 (1977). ODONATA, Petaluridae Petalura litorea Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 31/1: 160 (1999). ODONATA, Platycnemididae Hylaeargia lisae Theischinger & Richards, International Dragonfly Fund - Report 64: 4 (2013). Hylaeargia simplex Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 42(2): 158 (2013). Hylaeargia vanmastrigti Theischinger & Richards, International Dragonfly Fund - Report 64: 2 (2013). Macrocnemis Theischinger, Gassmann & Richards, Zootaxa 3990(3): 430 (2015). Macrocnemis gracilis Theischinger, Gassmann & Richards, Zootaxa 3990(3): 430 (2015). Nososticta acudens Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 35(2): 200 (2006). Nososticta acuminata Michalski, Richards & Theischinger, Zootaxa 3590: 73-78 (2012). Nososticta azurosignata Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 173 (2015). Nososticta baroalba Watson & Theischinger, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 98: 7 (1984). Nososticta caelestis Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 45(3/4): 300 (2016). Nososticta caerulea Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 160 (2015). Nososticta chrismulleriaelestis Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 45(3/4): 307 (2016). Nososticta conifera Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 35(1): 76 (2006). Nososticta finisterrae satisbona Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 166 (2015). Nososticta halmahera Theischinger, Lupiyaningdyah & Richards, International Dragonfly Fund - Report 90: 6 (2015). Nososticta interrupta Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 169 (2015). Nososticta kaizei Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 170 (2015). Nososticta kalumburu Watson & Theischinger, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 98: 14 (1984). Nososticta koolpinyah Watson & Theischinger, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 98: 16 (1984). Nososticta koongarra Watson & Theischinger, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 98: 20 (1984). Nososticta liveringa Watson & Theischinger, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 98: 23 (1984). Nososticta longicauda Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 175 (2015). Nososticta makrodon Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 45(3/4): 298 (2016). Nososticta manuscola Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 178 (2015). Nososticta megantereon Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 45(3/4): 292 (2016). Nososticta mouldsi Theischinger, Linzer biol. Beitr. 32/2: 1175 (2000). Nososticta oculata Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(3): 442 (2015). Nososticta ovimacula Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 45(3/4): 310 (2016). Nososticta paraconifera Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 45(3/4): 302 (2016). Nososticta parafonticola Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 180 (2015). Nososticta pilbara Watson & Theischinger, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 98: 26 (1984). Nososticta rufipes Theischinger & Kalkman, International Journal of Odonatology 17(4): 218 (2014). Nososticta smilodon Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 35(1): 77 (2006). Nososticta taracumbi Watson & Theischinger, Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. 98: 34 (1984). Nososticta tricolorata Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 186 (2015). Nososticta truncata Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 44(1/2): 187 (2015). ODONATA, Platysictidae Drepanosticta antilope Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 34(3): 308 (2005). Drepanosticta elaphos Theischinger & Richards, Odonatologica 43(1/2): 92 (2014). Drepanosticta machadoi Theischinger

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