BEKI Bulletin A New Haven Tradition since 1892. Visit us at www.beki.org October 2002 Vol. 8 Issue 10 ktrah r,f-kt ,hc e"e Heshvan 5763 Posener Supports Kadima & USY Renovation Phase One Completed George G. Posener has made a significant gift to establish A major phase in the renovation of the synagogue build- the George G. Posener Kadima & United Synagogue Youth ing was completed before the Yamim Noraim – High Holy Fund at Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel. The fund, man- Days as the new central air conditioning plant became op- aged by the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, will erative. The renovation is a $225,000 project to improve the provide annual income to BEKI to support the award-win- comfort, efficiency and reliability of the heating and cooling ning Kadima & USY chapters. of the building. The central boiler and chiller were replaced, George is a long-time supporter of BEKI youth. In addi- along with major valves regulating the system. Electronic tion to establishing the George controls were installed to operate the system more efficiently. & Leah Posener Endowment for During future phases of building renovation, the room and Jewish Education of BEKI Youth area blowers and distribution pipes will be replaced to fur- to support the Religious School, ther improve the system’s performance. Improvement in George has made generous con- comfort will be most noticeable only after the completion of tributions to the School and those steps. There is some urgency in replacing the circula- other youth programs, and has tion pipes as they are beyond their rated lifetime and leaks provided each Religious School have already occurred. Additional leaks are inevitable and student with a Judaic gift each pose the risk of water damage and system failure. year at the graduation and pro- Hugh Fryer has worked very closely with George Posener, motion exercises. Gila Reinstein, past presidents Stephen Pincus and Brian In recognition of the impor- Karsif, and the officers and staff, along with our architect and tance of these programs in pre- engineer, to implement this renovation in the most cost effec- paring young people to be lead- tive and least disruptive manner. This was accomplished in George Poesner ers in the Jewish and civic com- the face of technical challenges and financial constraints. The munity, and in appreciation for current installation was done in a way that will be consistent the work of Ms. Darryl Rotman Kuperstock and the other with building renovations and reconfigurations envisioned parent volunteers who have guided the youth toward excel- for the coming years. lence, Mr. Posener created the Fund to provide perpetual The completion of Phase One was paid through the syna- support to our youth. gogue operating budget and financed through a bank loan. Contributions to this Fund may be made directly through Contributions to a multi-year “Rebuilding Fund” dues the BEKI office, or charged online at www.beki.org/ supplement were directed to this project. donate.html. For information on endowments and other Completion of this project brings BEKI closer to compli- major gift opportunities, contact BEKI officer Donna Levine ance with Jewish laws requiring conservation of energy and at 785-8079 or [email protected], Rabbi Tilsen at 389-2108 x10 or natural resources. Energy efficiency is one of the underlying [email protected], or Jewish Foundation Director David Tein values incorporated in the Master Plan for Building Renova- at 387-2424 x304 or [email protected]. tion at BEKI. The Congregation was named an “Energy Star Inquiries are confidential. Congregation” by the United States Department of Environ- For information on Kadima and USY at BEKI, contact mental Protection in 2000-2001 and 2001-2002, and was Darryl Kuperstock at 387-0304 or [email protected]. For in- awarded a Solomon Schechter Gold Award for Environmen- formation on the other funds established by George G. tal Concern by the United Synagogue of Conservative Juda- Posener, see www.beki.org/endow.html or call Mary Ellen ism this year. Mack at 389-2108 x14. Administrative Announcements Calendar Notes BEKI Bulletin Columbus Day: Morning services will be from 9:00a to 9:45a on Monday 14 October 2002. The The newsletter is published monthly by Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel for the benefit of its members. Rashi Study Group will meet from 9:45a to 10:30a. Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel is affiliated with KISS will be held from 8:00a to 3:00p. The office the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. will be closed. Afternoon and evening services are To contribute articles or for inquiries regarding at their usual times, 5:45p to 6:15p. membership, donations, or special activities, call the Synagogue office (203) 389-2108, or write to 85 Standard Time Resumes: Clocks are “turned Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 back” one hour on Sunday morning 27 October 2002. or email: [email protected] or see our web page: www.beki.org For information about advertising, call the synagogue office. Deadline for submission of ads or articles is the 1st of the month preceding publication. Annual subscription is $36.00. No Parking BEKI-Bulletin © 2002 Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel. Members and visitors to BEKI are advised that A Message from Rabbi Tilsen & Dear Rabbi parking is prohibited at all times on the East side © 2002 Jon-Jay Tilsen. All rights reserved. of Harrison Street as indicated by the “No Park- Editor Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen ing” signs. Parking is usually available across Associate Editor Donna Levine Harrison Street, and ample parking is available in Associate Editor Donna Kemper Circulation Manager Saul Bell the BEKI lot at the rear of the building. Many spots Production Editor David Golden have a scenic view of the pond. Advertisement Editor Sheila Gardner Advertisement Associate Editor Ronni Rabin Photographer Charles Ludwig Rivercliff Fuel, Inc. 155 Wheeler's Farms Road Milford, CT 877-9101 1460 Whalley Avenue New Haven, CT 06515 All your fuel needs BAKERY FAX DELI 387-2214 387-4129 397-0839 Specializing in: Bar/Bas Mitzvah, Weddings, Office and Home Parties • Platters for all occasions • Prepared foods July-August 2002 BEKI Bulletin 2 A Message from Rabbi Tilsen It could mean replacing some of your old light BEKI’s answer to Saddam: bulbs with super-efficient and economical compact Take a Hike florescent bulbs – the new models are smaller, qui- The talk about a possible war against Iraq in re- eter, cooler and nicer looking than regular old in- cent months has been the cause of much anxiety candescent bulbs. It might mean replacing your for many around the globe. While most recognize old furnace or air conditioner (as BEKI just did). the real threat posed by the Iraqi regime, there is a If your refrigerator is more than ten years old, you wide range of opinion about what is an effective can save money quickly by purchasing a new effi- ethical response. Twentieth-century cient model today. (If you need a new air condi- America used war, cold war, assassination and tioner or refrigerator, call salesperson and BEKI coup d’etat in its repertoire of strategies, whether member Jay Brown at Bernie’s at 799-3288.) against Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, popu- If you are buying a new car, and you don’t need list Iran or uncooperative Grenada. The most fre- to shlep a lot of kids or drive up unpaved moun- quently used approach, however, has been neglect tain roads, buy a new Honda Civic Hybrid (as Mort – hoping the problem will just go away. All of these & Ruth Silver did) or a Toyota Prius (as Terri Stern responses are replete with dangers to safety and and Darryl Kuperstock did). These vehicles seat decency. five and get over 40 miles to the gallon – and are I do not want to trivialize the gravity of the is- well-engineered and loaded with features. (If you sue. Nevertheless, each of us, even those on op- get the Prius, call salesperson and BEKI member posing sides of the question of what to do about Stan Weiner at A-1 Toyota at 389-1521.) Iraq, can join in a simple symbolic statement that The people who developed and sell these prod- is part of a much-needed global response. I am ucts enable us to fulfill the Biblical mitzva of bal suggesting that we all take a hike. tashhit (the prohibition on wasteful consumption Our perceived dependence on Iraqi (and Middle and environmental degradation). As we see, you East) oil is a major factor in world policy toward don’t have to be Jewish to be Jewish, but it helps. Iraq. Oil as an interest often overshadows the other Hiking to services on Shabbat, or taking any of values we would like to promote – human rights, these other steps, will not single-footedly bring the sanctity of life, democracy. Was American in- down the Iraqi regime. But altering our lifestyles, tervention in Kuwait to uphold the notion of na- even in small ways, helps us learn to change, to tional sovereignty, or was it to protect our oil in- take control of our oil binge, to exercise our val- terests? Is American (such as it is) or world sup- ues. Beyond the political symbolism, conservation port for “justice for Palestinians” based on genu- reduces environmental degradation and destruc- ine concern for the well-being of the Palestinian tion, and can improve our own physical fitness. Arabs, or is it out of concern for the free-flow of oil Walking to synagogue, in particular, is fun, health- from the Arab Petroleum States? If we could take ful, pleasant and is a “tradition.” oil out of the equation, or lower its importance, it If we are considering sending American soldiers might allow other values to express themselves off to war, or are (alternatively) asking our citizens more forcefully in our government’s policy.
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