BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT/CEO Andy Wirth, Chair Marily M. Mora, A.A.E. Rick Murdock, Vice Chair EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT/COO Nat Carasali, Secretary Dean E. Schultz, A.A.E. Jerry Hall, Treasurer GENERAL COUNSEL Bill Eck Ann Morgan, Fennemore Craig Lisa Gianoli CLERK OF THE BOARD Adam Mayberry Claire Johnson Jenifer Rose Jessica Sferrazza RENO-TAHOE AIRPORT AUTHORITY MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 11, 2016 9:00 a.m. Board Room, Administrative Offices Second Floor, Main Terminal Building Reno-Tahoe International Airport Reno, Nevada Items V, VI, VIII, IX and XII are action items for the Board to consider. The Board may discuss a matter when it is brought up, but no action may be taken on it unless it has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item. Public comment at the Board meeting will be allowed on agenda items as well as non-agenda items. Persons are invited to submit comments in writing on agenda items and/or attend and make comment on that item at the Board meeting. Requests to speak on a particular item should be submitted to the Clerk of the Board before the item is called by the Chairman. I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ROLL CALL III. PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS A. Employee, Tenant and Special Recognition B. Introduction of New, Promoted and Retired Employees C. Tenant Communication IV. PUBLIC COMMENT, if any – Limited to three minutes per person V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 14, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA VII. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON REPORTS A. Finance and Business Development Committee B. Planning and Construction Committee C. Airport Noise Advisory Panel (ANAP) D. Community Outreach Committee (COC) E. Stead Liaison F. RSCVA Board Board Agenda February 11, 2016 Board Meeting Page 2 of 3 G. Air Service Liaison H. The Chamber Reno Sparks Northern Nevada I. Reno-Tahoe International Airport Users Committee J. Compensation Committee VIII. CONSENT ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION A. #16(02)-03 Authorization for the President/CEO to Execute an Agreement with Boyd Group International, Inc. to Host the 21st Annual International Aviation Forecast Summit on September 18-21, 2016, in an Amount not to Exceed $275,000 IX. ITEMS FOR BOARD INFORMATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. #16(02)-04 Authorization for the President/CEO to Execute a Memorandum Of Understanding with Dermody Properties and Hillwood Investment Properties to Serve as the Exclusive Master Real Estate Developer at the Reno-Stead Airport and Negotiate Final Terms, and Execute (1) an Exclusive Master Development Agreement, and (2) a 50-Year Phase 1 Ground Lease with Dermody Properties and Hillwood Investment Properties X. ITEMS FOR BOARD INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION A. Presentation 1. Fiscal Year 2015-16 Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Mid-Year Financial Review 2. RTAA Website Redesign with Air Service Themed Improvements B. Board Meeting Schedule 1. March 8, 2016 9:00 am Finance & Business Development Committee Meeting 2. March 8, 2016 10:00 am Planning & Construction Committee Meeting 3. March 10, 2016 9:00 am Board of Trustees Meeting 4. April 12, 2016 9:00 am Finance & Business Development Committee Meeting 5. April 12, 2016 10:00 am Planning & Construction Committee Meeting 6. April 14, 2016 9:00 am Board of Trustees Meeting 7. April 14, 2016 TBD * FY 2016-2017 Budget Workshop ∗ Immediately Following Board of Trustees Meeting C. President/CEO’s Report D. General Board comments, questions, and items for future Board meetings XI. PUBLIC COMMENT, if any – Limited to three minutes per person XII. ADJOURNMENT Items will not necessarily be considered in the sequence listed. This meeting may be continued if all of the items are not covered in the time allowed. If the meeting is to be continued, the time and place will be announced at the end of the portion of the meeting to be continued. Board Agenda February 11, 2016 Board Meeting Page 3 of 3 SUPPORTING MATERIAL: The designated contact to obtain supporting material is Claire Johnson, Clerk of the Board, P.O. Box 12490, Reno, NV, 89510 or 775-328-6410. Supporting material is also available at the Reno-Tahoe Airport (Administrative Offices) and at the scheduled meeting. Members of the public who are disabled and require special accommodations or assistance at the meeting are requested to notify the Clerk of the Board in writing at P.O. Box 12490, Reno, Nevada 89510 or by calling (775) 328-6410 prior to the meeting date. THIS AGENDA HAS BEEN POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: 1. Airport Authority Administrative Offices – 2001 E. Plumb Lane, Reno 3. Reno City Hall – One East First Street, Reno 2. Washoe County Administrative Offices – 1001 E. 9th Street, Reno 4. Sparks City Hall – 431 Prater Way, Sparks RENO-TAHOE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BRIEF OF MINUTES MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 14, 2016 9:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT ALSO PRESENT Andy Wirth, Chair Marily M. Mora, A.A.E. Rick Murdock, Vice Chair President/CEO Jerry Hall, Treasurer Dean Schultz, A.A.E. Bill Eck (via phone) Executive Vice President/COO Lisa Gianoli Ann Morgan Adam Mayberry General Counsel Jenifer Rose Claire Johnson Jessica Sferrazza Clerk of the Board MEMBERS ABSENT/EXCUSED Nat Carasali, Secretary The Board of Trustees met in the Board Room, Airport Authority Administrative Offices, Reno-Tahoe International Airport, Reno, Nevada. Chairman Andy Wirth called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS A. Employee, Tenant and Special Recognitions Marily Mora, President/CEO, announced the recipient of the Quarterly Employee 1st Class Award for the 4th Quarter of 2015. Paula Jo Squier, Property Technician at the Mini Warehouse, was recognized for her commitment to the organization and embracing the RTAA values. Ms. Mora stated that Ms. Squier gives 100% to her job duties, and is committed to customer service and cultivating good relationships with Airport tenants. Ms. Mora congratulated Ms. Squier on this well-deserved award. Ms. Squier said she is privileged and honored to be a Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (RTAA) employee, and expressed her gratitude for being the recipient of the award. B. Introduction of New, Promoted and Retired Employees Dean Schultz, Executive Vice President/COO, recognized one employee on her recent promotion – Rose Martin was promoted to the position of Airport Communications Specialist effective December 21, 2015. C. Tenant Communication None. Meeting of the Board of Trustees January 14, 2016 Brief of Minutes Page 2 of 9 IV. PUBLIC COMMENT (limited to 3 minutes) None. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion by Trustee Gianoli, seconded by Trustee Murdock, which motion duly carried by unanimous vote, the Board approved the minutes from the Board of Trustees meeting of December 10, 2015. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA On motion by Trustee Rose, seconded by Trustee Mayberry, which motion duly carried by unanimous vote, the Board approved the January 14, 2016 Board of Trustees meeting agenda. VII. COMMITTEE / LIAISON REPORTS Committee / Liaison reports were given by: A. Finance and Business Development Committee – Trustee Jerry Hall B. Planning and Construction Committee – Trustee Adam Mayberry C. Airport Noise Advisory Panel – Trustee Jenifer Rose D. Community Outreach Committee (COC) – Trustee Jessica Sferrazza E. Stead Liaison – Dean Schultz F. RSCVA Board – Chair Andy Wirth (in Trustee Carasali’s absence) G. Air Service Liaison – Trustee Rick Murdock H. The Chamber Reno Sparks Northern NV – Marily Mora I. Reno-Tahoe International Airport Users Committee – Trustee Adam Mayberry J. Compensation Committee – Chair Andy Wirth Chair Wirth acknowledged City of Reno Councilwoman and Alternate RTAA Liaison Naomi Duerr as being present in the audience. VIII. CONSENT ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION A. #16(01)-01 Authorization for the President/CEO to Execute a Professional Services Agreement for Design Work and Pavement Inspections for the 2016 Airfield and Landside Pavement Management System Program at Reno-Tahoe International Airport and Reno-Stead Airport, with Stantec, in the Amount of $240,800 On motion by Trustee Sferrazza, seconded by Trustee Hall, which motion was duly carried by unanimous vote, the Board approved Agenda Item #16(01)-01 as follows: Authorized the President/CEO to Execute a Professional Services Agreement for Design Work and Pavement Inspections for the 2016 Airfield and Landside Pavement Management System Program at Reno-Tahoe International Airport and Reno-Stead Airport, with Stantec, in the Amount of $240,800. IX. ITEMS FOR BOARD INFORMATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. #16(01)-02 Discussion and Possible Action on a Salary Adjustment for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 for President/CEO Marily Mora Meeting of the Board of Trustees January 14, 2016 Brief of Minutes Page 3 of 9 Chair Wirth referenced his notes for the January 5th Compensation Committee, and the 2013 ADK recruitment brochure from when current President/CEO Marily Mora was hired, both of which were provided as information to all Trustees. He stated that the ADK recruitment brochure validates the base compensation package and that the recent ADK salary comparison report further affirms that it was appropriate. Chair Wirth indicated that he sought and has not heard any deficiencies on the CEO’s performance of the stated objectives. He opened the floor for comments from Trustees. Trustee Mayberry indicated that he feels the CEO’s ethics and professionalism is beyond reproach. He stated that after much reflection, he cannot support the recommendation. While fundamentally he is not opposed to an increase in salary, his trepidation was doing it in conjunction with the 20% bonus awarded, which he supported at the December 2015 Board meeting. Trustee Mayberry said that in going forward, he’d prefer that the Board find a more modest approach within the confines of the CEO’s employment contract, as opposed to awarding a 20% bonus and a salary increase.
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