SPECTRUM VOLUME 11 NUMBER 1 WINTER 2012 SPECTRUM YALE DIVINITYSCHOOL YALE OUR YEAR INREVIEW WINTER 2012 1 YALE DIVINITY SCHOOL s the time approaches for me to already something we do daily, but even more rapid step down after nearly a decade at transformation lies ahead. Providing a framework for resi- Athe decanal helm, I truly appreci- dential theological education at YDS by replacing the Canner SPECTRUM ate one last opportunity to participate in this annual Street apartments will be a major priority. All these concerns WINTER 2012 review of life at YDS. pale in comparison to the challenge of our fundamental mis- sion: to foster the knowledge and love of God through engage- The major events of this year stand in continuity with what has happened here in the 10 years of my dean- ship. As our roster of publications shows, faculty have 15 continued to provide intel- LETTER FROM ConvoCATION CLASS 33 lectual leadership in their THE YEAR AND REUNIONS 2011 NOTES various fields. Maintaining THE DEAN 3 by Gail Briggs the strength of our teach- IN REVIEW ing and research is absolutely ment with the traditions of the Christian Pursuing mission, new and essential to keeping YDS at churches. It will take special effort to do so old, as Harry Attridge enters the forefront of theological in a secular society where ecclesial commu- final year as Dean and Capital A SAMPLING 19 education. More than a dozen nities seem to be in decline and where the Campaign concludes. HONOR Roll OF OF RECENT new colleagues have joined our religions of the world increasingly interact by Gustav Spohn DONORS AND GIFTS 43 PUBLICATIONS ranks in the last decade, and it with us and with each other, sometimes in OF LEADERSHIP BY ALUMNI has been a delight to participate abrasive ways. The life of Christian com- in the process that brought them mitment has never been without chal- here. During the past year two lenges, and the future promises to be no PaRTNERS ON THE new senior staff joined the YDS different. QUAD: REPORTS community: Maggi Dawn, dean 8 27 of Marquand Chapel, and Lucinda During the last decade, a stable and reno- FROM ISM AND BDS GRADUATING Huffaker, our new director of vated YDS has grown in stature within the The Institute of Sacred Music launches STUDENT NOTES THE CANDY 52 supervised ministries. Keeping an University and within the wider world of the Congregations Project and Berkeley administrative team strong is one of theological education. This accomplish- marks 40 years of collaboration with YDS. BOWL IS FULL A message from the any dean’s major tasks, and the team ment has been a team effort, and I am by Martin Jean and Joseph Britton Dean of Student Affairs. in place at YDS is second to none. enormously grateful to the support we YDS AND by Dale Peterson have received from our many alumni and friends, from our 28 As always, a new class of students annually renews the life of dedicated staff and brilliant faculty, and from our wonderful THE WORLD the school, and this year’s group has been no exception. It is students. To have played some small part in the story of YDS Profiles of YDS Alumni YDS BY THE a pleasure to serve them and to be inspired by their commit- during these last 10 years has been a source of joy, both for me living and working NUMBERS: ment and enthusiastic aspirations to provide intellectual and and for my wife, Jan. 10 around the globe. spiritual leadership for the global Church. During the last ANNUAL REPORT by Timothy Sommer A LETTER year we completed our share of the “Yale Tomorrow” devel- The YDS community will soon undergo a period of transition Current student body FROM THE 53 opment campaign, an effort to provide a firm foundation for to new administrative leadership. I have every confidence that profile, diversity statistics future excellence. Through the generosity of our many loyal we will weather that moment well. Jan and I, after a sabbatical and financial summary. ACADEMIC DEAN by Emilie M. Townes alumni and friends, with our partners at Berkeley Divinity on some distant shore, look forward to transitioning back to ENDING DECADE School, we raised almost $38 million to ensure the future the ranks of the regular faculty and participating, for as long AS DEAN, HARRY 29 of theological education on the Quad. Enhancing the level as God grants us health and energy, in the life of this beloved ATTRIDGE lookS of financial aid for our students, the major priority of my community of faith and learning. deanship, and making significant new faculty appoint- BACK—AND AHEAD ments will be possible because of the success of this cam- Thanks to one and all who made the last decade possible. by Ray Waddle FACULTY paign. I am pleased to leave to my successor a superb BOOKS Volume 11 Number 1 Winter 2012 faculty, a vibrant and complex student body, and a firm 12 Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511 Another year’s worth of financial foundation. poignant and scholarly Spectrum, a Report to Graduates and Friends of Yale Divinity School, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, and the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, is published once per year by the books by Yale Divinity YDS Office of Publications. A monthly report is published online at www.yale.edu/ The future will no doubt bring new challenges—finan- Harold W. Attridge divinity/notes. All correspondence regarding Spectrum should be addressed to divinity. cial, technical, and spiritual. Controlling the costs of School faculty has hit [email protected] or at the School’s mailing address. The Reverend Henry L. Slack Dean and graduate professional education will require the atten- the shelves. PUBLISHER Harold Attridge, Dean EDITOR Gustav Spohn ’73 M.A.R. DESIGN Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament by Micah Luce Jared Gilbert ’12 M.Div. CLASS NOTES EDITOR Joan Javier ’12 M.Div. Cover photo tion of our whole administrative team in the years to of Dean Harold Attridge by Michael Marsland, University Photographer. Other photos by Hawley Schneider, Reid Huntley ‘61 M.Div., Gustav Spohn ‘73 M.A.R., Sean McAvoy come. Adapting to how we acquire knowledge and ‘11 M.Div., Joan Javier ‘12 M.Div., Elizabeth Rodrick ‘10 B.A., ‘12 M.A.R., Chloe Starr, insight in a rapidly developing digital age is Campbell Harmon ‘04 M.A.R., Jared Gilbert ’12 M.Div., Frank Brown, Kristen Forman. DIVINITY.yalE.EDU/CORE/DIGITAL-RESOURCES SPECTRUM 3 ted to Levin, except that all were reputable scholars with administrative experience as well, and all were Protestants. The five-year Divinity Tomorrow capital campaign concluded on June 30, raising a record $37.4 million for numerous initia- The Year tives, including financial aid (increasing annual scholarship assistance from $1.6 million to $5.4 million); three endowed faculty chairs; and expansion of the school’s global reach with enhanced sup- in Review port for international students, inter- national exchange programs, and travel opportunities. “The campaign has strengthened the PURSUING MISSION, NEW AND OLD, AS HARRY Divinity School and will solidify its place ATTRIDGE ENTERS FINAL YEAR AS DEAN AND CAPITAL among the world’s great divinity schools,” YDS China Travel Seminar participants said Attridge. “I am very grateful for the CAMPAIGN BOOSTS RESOURCES BY $37.4 MILLION presentations were particularly relevant to YDS and its leadership generous support of our alums and friends. Your gifts have pro- By Gustav Spohn, Director of Communications and Publications in the midst of the long-range planning process intended to chart vided critical support for the future of YDS in several key areas, the school’s course over the course of the next decade and more. including scholarship aid, endowments for faculty chairs, and programs.” Three faculty members, all relatively recent newcomers to Sterling n March 1, 2011, as part of a long-range planning pro- The event was a model of staff/alumni cooperation. Co-hosting Divinity Quadrangle, were appointed to endowed chairs in 2011. Of the $37.4 million total, YDS alumni contributed $10.8 million. cess, the Yale Divinity School faculty approved a new the launch was Washington-based International Relief and Devel- Another $12 million came from alumni of the University’s other mission statement that raises up YDS’s “commitment opment, headed by YDS alum Arthur B. Keys Jr. ’73 M.Div. Mod- Theologian Kathryn Tanner ‘79 B.A., ‘85 Ph.D. was named the O schools, including Yale College; $6.9 million from individuals Frederick Marquand Professor of Systematic Theology, succeed- to social justice.” erating a panel at the gathering was Linda Lader ’08 M.Div. The who are not Yale alumni; $6.5 million from foundations; $122,000 keynote speaker was U.S. Senator Chris Coons ’92 M.A.R., ‘92 ing Thomas Ogletree as Marquand Professor. A proponent of from corporations; and $1.1 million from other organizations. Just eight days later, on Ash Wednesday, YDS launched a multi- J.D. of Delaware, who had been involved in one of the most closely “constructive theology,” her research focuses on how Christian faceted anti-poverty initiative, one of the most visible, sustained thought might be brought to bear on contemporary issues of theo- watched and hotly contested Senate races in the country in 2010. Even as YDS appeared to be weathering the effects of the Reces- social justice efforts the Divinity School has undertaken in recent logical concern using social, cultural and feminist theory. A month There were over 100 attendees, half of them YDS alums.
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