Janus 10 CONTENTS O 3 O 3 3 3 3 3 cn o O 3 FC Front cover Robert Kellough 3 c era 2 News Nurds . Jeanne Gomoll 3 tn 3 3 4 Editorial The Science Fiction Connection: Readers and 3 pr Writers in the SF Community .............. Janice Bogstad O ft o £ 3 3 3 8 Poetry UFO Sighting: July 1960 .................... Leslie Dock 3 9 The Funnies . 3 3 . Grant Canfield, Alexis Gilliland, Jeanne Gomoll, and Ole Kvern co O 3 10 Future Insulation If All Men Were Mothers (Part 1)............... Ctein 3 13 A Premature LoC ...................... George Fergus o i 3 cn O 3 o 3 14 Reply to a Premature LoC....................... Ctein 5 cn o co 15 Poetry Madwoman........ ........ Jessica Amanda Salmonson 3 3 3 16 Book Review The Iron Heel .................. Angus M. Taylor 3 3 K 3 O 19 Show and Tell Playing God ........ Diane Martin and Richard S. Russell o 3 23 Poetry Feminists in Space.................................. James A. Cox a o O o 24 Fiction Majority Rule .................................. Sara Greenwald 3 3 o 26 Letters of comment .... Elizabeth A. Lynn, Cy Chauvin, Loren MacGregor, £ 3 3 Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Karen Pearlschtein, Andrew Porter, 3 3 O Don D'Ammassa, Jane Hawkins, Demmie McGinley, and Harlan Ellison 3 33 Poetry Lonely Ache ........................................ Terri Gregory 3 34 Vulgar Advertisement O O 3 tn O o 3 3 BC Back cover .................................... Jeanne Gomoll O ** o 3 Lunatic Fringe Planets of the Repast Cluster . Greg Rihn 3 o < ** Various places throughout the issue ft ARTWORK £ o Cj o 3 3 Carl Eugene Bennett: 30 Barry Kent MacKay: 27 3 Grant Canfield: 9 Diane Martin: 20 3 3 Ctein: 10 James McLeod: 26, 33 O O Jeanne Gomoll: 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19 Sarah Prince: 8, 34 3 3 3 3 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, Greg Rihn: 18 23, 34 3 o 3 3 29, 31, 34 Jessica Amanda Salmonson: 15 O 3 3 3 Alexis Gilliland: 9 Dan Steffan: 28 3 3. Ole Kvern: 6, 9, 29 Locus-. 32 (photo) 3 3 3 3 O 3 ERRATA TO JAMS 9 O Page 25 Column 2 Line 3: "interesting" should be "uninteresting". Page 45 3 S 3 Column 2 Line 4: Science Future—Science Past should be Science Past—Science O 3 Future. Page 45 Column 2 Line 12: "things unknown" should be "things known". 3 Vi O 3 3 3 O 3 winter;vol. 3, no.4 3 O 3 (D 3 o 3 3 ft) 3 5 WHY YOU GOT JAMS 10 3 3 3 O OWe trade. O era w 3 OWant to trade? We prefer O o all-for-all. 3 3 3 O OYou contributed, P._____ O 3 3 OWant to contribute? Art, 3 3 < 3 fiction, poetry, letters, o 3 3 and articles accepted. O OYou' re mentioned, P.____ O O O O ^4you subscribe. Last issue 3 3 shown on mailing label. O o O 3 3 3 OOther: 5 O tn 3 3 3 O 3 5 tn 2 -naosnurds -weuKwwvcte:- Heuwrd^w ^U5Mgu .spj^w^p>wM-g^n^^^^wso -sWs James Tiptree Jr. Please Stand Up?" Outside of these monthly "events", the group continues to meet at least weekly at Nick's Bar on State Street and less formally and sometimes, it seems, daily at each other's homes and local theaters. (Some of us also meet monthly at Tolkien meetings or Book-of-the-Month meetings, not to mention the weekly D&D games.) We've recovered from our first Madison convention, and are foolishly ready for another. (More on WisCon later.) We've traveled separately or as a group to conventions all over the country— east coast, west coast, and, of course, Florida. We've celebrated our second birthday at Garner Park and consumed more Coke than I care to consider. And of course we've published fanzines. Corr, edited by Perri Corrick-West, and Orcrist, edited by Richard West, both of MadSTF (and recently married) had issues published this year. Hank and Lesleigh Luttrell's Starling came out twice, and John Bartelt, absconded to Minneapolis fandom, may yet make it under the wire and publish Digressions 3, his second issue this year, from his new latitude. With this issue, Janus publishes its fourth 1977 been a strange year: the summer extraor- issue (astounding even though we have claimed to be a dinarily hot, the winter too soon. And quarterly), and its 10th issue in a 2-|-year-long things have been strange in more ways than mere weather lifetime. conditions. Lots of changes have ruptured the lives This issue of Janus, you might possibly have al­ of my friends, as well as my own, in sometimes marve­ ready noticed, is short. Don't ask us why, just breathe lous, sometimes painfully awful ways this year. I a sigh of relief. You've earned it. More importantly, couldn't begin to catalog the episodes of melodrama we've earned it! Instead, conserve your strength for I've participated in as minor character and sometimes the next issue (heh heh heh). The letter column should, co-protagonist. It's been exhilerating, to say the by this issue, have attained a comparatively sane least. At times I may have wished for none of it to appearance. I mean, that is, that you should be able have happened; mostly, though, I'd have chosen to live to read it this time. Hank Luttrell, who is respons­ it through again. ible for the well-edited lettercol in Starling, has Corresponding and sometimes overlapping with agreed to edit Janus letters; hopefully, we will nev­ chaotic private lives, the activities of the group of er again be forced to reduce the whole column to the us (MadSTF, that is) seems to have endured, even grown degree we did last time in order to make it an ac­ more complex in its aspirations and claims upon our ceptable length. Otherwise, there aren't any major individual time and energies. With the tools of the differences this time. Since Janus is a relatively club, the corporation (SF3), the fanzines, radio ac­ "young" fanzine, it is perhaps ironic that we are this cess, and the convention, we've committed ourselves issue presenting a fannish "comeback" in the form of to projects which seem to function as feedback mech­ Angus Taylor, who was a regular contributor to Star­ anisms, refueling our energy, refining our friendships. ling for many years, the author of "Sergeant Pepper's That, in somewhat lighter terms, is what I've usually Starship", and who also wrote a book about Philip K. written about in this column. It is the sense that Dick, which was published by T. K. Graphics. And I was groping for in a junked portion of the last then of course there are our regulars (Diane and Dick issue's "News Nurds" that dealt with fannish families. this time reviewing movies that they 1ike), some fic­ It will continue to be the resource underlying the tion, some reviews, etc. content of future columns of "News Nurds". The word for this issue, however, is short. (I Throughout this past year, MadSTF has grown in keep saying this to myself, to Jan, to anyone who will numbers, especially after our fall semester recruit­ listen, hoping it comes true.) And the reason that ment meeting, I expect that soon the club will be it is short is the next issue, Number 11, the WisCon more obviously characterized by what older groups issue. We started working on that last October (and than ours seem to all experience eventually, that is, the convention even earlier than that). We're rather the appearance of distinct sub-groups within the group. excited about both—the WisCon issue of Janus and the Still, however, we are mostly functioning as a unit. convention itself—and so in conjunction with the Wis­ Except for an interruption during the summer Con brochure tucked somewhere in these pages, I'll months, we've produced monthly "special events" every tell you a little about the event here. month this year. In January, it was "FIAWOL!"; in To celebrate Vonda McIntyre's and Susan Wood's February, "Your First Time"; March, "Visit the Past"; appearances at WisCon as Guests of Honor, there will April, "From Here to There in a Thousand Years"; be large chunks of the con issue of Janus devoted to September, WorldCon and Hugo winners (and losers) them. There will be biographic and bibliographic report; in October MadSTF cat-lovers produced "Alien material, a portfolio of artwork by different artists Minds and Science Fiction, Part 1: Cats". And in inspired by images drawn from McIntyre's work, and November we did an Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree Jr. reviews of Vonda's short stories and novels, includ­ special, based on To Tell the Truth: "Will the Real ing another Janus special pre-publication book review 3 I'WnHds-iAmwdsiwauds- wsmftte-wards-roads ■■wmds--mvshudS''Mewaud5---osmrclS' of her latest novel, Dreamsnake! In corresponding will be showing all-night movies, probably in the with Vonda’s editor at Houghton-Mifflin Press about hotel across the street from the Wisconsin Center (the the reviews and the MS, I was told that they may at­ Madison Inn). where most of you will probably be stay­ tempt to move up the publication date a bit so that ing if you attend WisCon.* Our film program will be copies can be sold at WisCon. The WisCon issue of comprised of a series of animated films, films con­ Janus (functioning as quasi-program book and included cerned with women, and 1920s and 30s fantasy/horror in a WisCon membership) will include an article by films, plus short subjects.
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