AQUARIUS WELLBEING (Lynn Boyle) Rune Cards with Key Words Deck – Card Meanings, History & Spreads The Elder Futhark Runes date from 2nd to 8th century AD. They were used for writing Proto-Norse in Western Europe, mostly in what is now Germany, Denmark & Scandinavia, but was never a spoken language. The Elder Futhark consists of 24 runes that were are arranged in 3 groups of 8; each group being referred to as an Ætt (Aett plural & singular Aettir after the English word for eight). The earliest known sequential listing of the full set of 24 runes dates to approximately AD 400 & is found on the Kylver Stone in Gotland, Sweden. Later developments produced the 25th rune, the blank rune called Wyrd or Odin’s rune. The runes were carved on stones, posts or clay tablets. Those carved on pebbles or clay were used for casting & divination, as an oracle, to determine the powers at play & the best action to take or understanding to have of a situation but usually not to foretell the far future. The asymmetrical runes, if falling upside-down were read with reversed meaning. The symmetrical runes traditionally had the same meaning upside-down or reversed (merkstave) but I have included reversed meanings if you wish to use them. The English word ‘alphabet’ comes from the 8irst two letters of the Greek alphabet 9 7alpha5 and 7beta5. Similarly, the Norse alphabet is alled 7Futhark5 after the sounds of the 8irst si/ hara ters) Fehu, :ruz, Thurisaz, ,nsuz, Raido and 1enaz. Their English e.uivalents are 7f5, 7u5, 7th5, 7a5, 7r5 and 7k5 – hen e 7Futhark5. The 24 Runes divided into the 3 ,etts, were said to be ruled over by both a god & goddess. Ea h ,ett on eals a parti ular tea hing. The 8irst ,ett is ruled over by Frey (god of sun, rain, harvest, pea e & prosperity- & Freyja (goddess of beauty, love, desire & fertility-. The se ond ,ett is ruled over by Heimdall (god of guarding, foreknowledge, eyesight, hearing, se urity & surveillan e- & Mordgud or Modgud (goddess keeper & guardian of bridges in parti ular the I y Bridge to the :nderworld, a prote tor- & the third ,ett are ruled over by Tyr or Tiwaz (bold & brave god of war- & Sisa or Sigyn (goddess of loyalty & bonds- (name not learly identify in my sour es-. The irst Aett – Freya’s Aettir – Life ycle Fehu - wealth :ruz - strength Thurisaz - anger ,nsuz - message Raido - progress 1enaz - reativity Gebo - gifts Wunjo - vi tory The second Aett – Hagal’s Aettir – External forces (usually forces of nature) Hazalaz – haos Nauthiz 9 needs Isa – standstill Aera – y les Eihwaz 9 spirituality Pertho – indulgen e ,lgiz – prote tion Sowilo – authority The third Aett – Tyr’s Aettir – Internal forces that help us deal with external forces of the 2nd Aett as we travel the path of the 1st Aett. Tiwaz – justi e Berkano – birth Ehwaz – travel Mannaz 9 identity 2aguz – sub ons ious Inguz – family Dagaz – hange Othila – homeland Rune Cards with 1ey Words Page 1 RU,E -EA,I,.S0 (where appli able I have given the Tarot or Gyspy Card asso iate after the Rune meaning-. 1 FEHU (f) (pron fay1hoo with fay as in day2 hoo as in chew). 1st Aettir. In an ient times, fertile attle were regarded as units of wealth, therefore moveable or ontrollable possession. Upright0 Cattle, wealth, money, saleable or moveable possessions, lu/ury, good fortune, power, ontrol, paying debts, money & redit. ,lso possession of valuable obje ts, ownership, something earned or won, in rease in in ome, the value of the house or job, promotion. Dominion over others through money, opulent lifestyle, personal lu/ury, material display, e/travagant spending. Fertility, reative energy, being progressive, dynami & moving forwards. 2ove, balan e & harmony, material stability, the value one has, personal worth & self esteem. Being fed & nourished on both physi al & spiritual levels. Its essential to share good fortune with others, reminder of generosity, payment of debts. Its the rune to obtain wealth as well as the power to hold onto it. (In Tarot its like the 10 of Penta les-. Reversed0 Greed, hoarding, ovetousness, miserliness, loss, bondage to material things, materialisti , slavery or subservien e. Stupidity, dullness, subservien e to others, owardi e, la k of vision, poverty ons iousness. The matter is at a standstill, there is a la k of balan e. (In Tarot its like 4 or 3 of Penta les-. 2 URU32 Ur (u2oo) (pron oo1roo4 as in oo4e). 1st Aettir The ,uro hs, a now e/tin t O/, was hunted by young Germani males to prove their manhood, therefore it represents mas uline poten y. Upright0 O/, power, strong & sturdy, ourage, resolute a tion, freedom, vitality, energy, health, natural resistan e & re overy, testing limits, physi al strength, personal su ess, auda iousness. ,lso enterprise, opportunities, beginning of new bold proje ts, a eptan e of new hallenges, good lu k, opportunities, unpredi table power, ourage, earth energy, good health, physi al healing. Se/ual & reative energy, tests & greed, a dark period with loss of material or person, death of a y le, out with the old & in with the new. We have to know our strength in order to a hieve su ess, dominan e of other5s will, leader or soldier. , rune of power, but unlike Fehu, its a power that we an neither own or ontrol. In Tarot its lose to an , e, Strength or the Death ard. In Gypsy ards its like the Bear. Reversed0 Rash a tions, hasty words, immaturity, lustfulness, allousness to others, ontempt for the weak, brutality, blind rage, violen e, rime of rape, un ontrollable desires, sadism. :npreparedness, la k of forethought, un hanging or intolerant thinking. Opportunities have passed by or have been missed, possible health problems or depression, la k of energy or progress in ertain areas. In Tarot its like the Devil ard (negative aspe ts-. 3 THURISA3 (th) (pron thu1ri1sa4 with th as in thin2 u as in pull2 i as in easy2 as as in father) 1st Aettir 2iterally Thorn, representing an evil giant or demon, wi kedness, a thorn on one5s side, a hammer, represents trolls, demons, giants, male power. Upright0 Thorn, demon, anger, temper, violen e, aggression, mali e, spite, misfortune. Negative hange, on8li t, dangers of a smaller less signi8i ant kind, evil, mali e, petty spite, vindi tive, owardly a tions, lies, deliberate attempts to hurt, sowing of onfusion & doubt, rejoi ing in misfortune of others, torture of the weak, perse ution of the inno ent, hatred, envy, jealousy. Can represent a wi ked man or woman but also an be interpreted as su ess, se urity, prote tion, moral strength, dire ted energy, 8ighting ba k, possible good news, possible hange that would have ome without warning, ontemplation, strength may be found by observing past & future, being able to defend ourselves without fear. Represents the ability we have to resist unwanted on8li ts in a passive manner. In Gypsy ards its like the Snake. Reversed0 Poeti justi e, tables turned, falling into one5s own trap, just desserts, vengeful trap that mis8ires. Evil thwarted, a purging or atharsis, learing the air, e/posure of thought or nature through words or a tions, the mask let slip. :nfavourable news, a sense of feeling vulnerable, the need for pruden e, we are weak & fragile, we have enemies, the need to prepare ourselves for dif8i ult moments. Rune Cards with 1ey Words Page 2 4 Ansu4 (a) (pron an1soo4 with a as in father2 u soo4 as in oo4e) 1st Aettir The Divine Breath (mouth-, the Sa red ,sh & the World Tree (:niverse-. Upright0 Signals, valuable messages, wise instru tion & guidan e from elders or gods. Wisdom, spirituality, personal insight & psy hi power. , umulated knowledge, edu ation, ommuni ation, intelligen e, thoughts & words. Help, gifts, loving a tions or prote tion from someone older or in authority. New beginnings, guarantee of harmony, stability, order & pea e. Communi ations with a well-wisher, instru tion or advi e from a leader or a tea her, elo.uent spee h, the truth is revealed. Represents intelle tual a tivities & the divine breath of all life & reation. In Tarot its like The Hierophant. In Gypsy ards its like the Owl. Reversed0 Rigid prin iples or e/ essive on ern, the desire to ontrol all events, over- ontrolling, inability to delegate authority, a ting like a Dmother henE. Pomposity or tenden y to le ture, the love of one5s own voi e. Fussing over details, obsessive with order & neatness, mania for pun tuality. Warns against lies, ego, in8idelity, tri kery or pranks espe ially if it involves an older person, who ould ause trouble or play tri ks & games. Think arefully before a epting advi e. Someone ould be lying or you ould be lying to yourself. 7 Raido (r) (pron ri1tho with ri as in ride2 do pronounced th2 o as in go) 1st Aettir Traditionally a journey on horseba k, riding (rad-, a journey with spiritual overtones, .uest for enlightenment, journey of life, therefore travel. Upright0 Riding, wheel, journey, travel, movement, progress. , spiritual journey or physi al travel that brings positive developments. Promotion, relo ation, hange of residen e, va ation, business trip, transport, alteration of ir umstan es, es ape. Personal development & transformation, the sear h, looking for ful8ilment, personal evolution. Choi e, e.uilibrium & justi e, making the right move to ensure that effort & energy are hannelled in right dire tion. ,llows us to fo us our energy so we may rea h our goal however to do so effe tively, we must be at the right pla e at the right time.
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