N. W. HARRIS & CO., BANKERS, PINE STREET COR. WILLIAM, CHICAGO. NEW YORK. boston. Deal Exclusively in Municipal, Rail- road and other Bonds adapted for trust funds and savings. I88UB TRAVELERS' LETTERS 01 ORBDI'l AVAILABLE IN ALL PARIS OB THE WORLD. QUOTATIONS FURNISHED FOB PURCHASE. BALK OR EXCHANGE. If you wish to BUY or SELL TRACTION COMPANY BONDS OR STOCKS, GAS COMPANY BONDS OR STOCKS, FERRY COMPANY BONDS OR STOCKS, INDUSTRIALS, WRITE TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, OR CALL ON GUSTAVUS MAAS, 30 BROAD STREET, - NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED 1868. KING, HODENPYL & CO., BANKERS S BROKERS, V "Wall Street, 2 XT La Salle Street, NEW YOIUK. CHICAGO. STREET RAILWAY, GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT SECURITIES, WHITAKER & COMPANY, BOND AND STOCK BROKERS, 300 North Fourth Street, - St. Louis, Mo INVESTMENT SECURITIES AND MUNICIPAL BONDS. WE BUY TOTAL ISSUES OF CITIES, COUNTIES, SCHOOL AND STREET RAILWAY COMPANY BONDS. MONTHLY CIRCULAR QUOTING LOCAL SECURITIES MAILED ON APPLICATION Chartered 1836 GIRARD TRUST COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. CAPITAL, $2,500,000 SURPLUS, $7,500,000 Acts as Trustee of Corporation Mortgages, Acts as Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent Assignee and Receiver. Assumes Entire Charge of Real Estate. Depositary under Plans of Reorganization. Interest Allowed on Individual and Corpo- Financial Agent for Individuals or ration Accounts. Corporations. Safes to Rent in Burglar-Proof Yaults. OFFICERS. EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS, President. WM. NEWBOLD ELY, First Vice-President. ALBERT ATLEE JACKSON, Second Vice-President. CHARLES JAMES RHOADS, Treasurer. EDW. SYDENHAM PAGE, Secretary. WILLIAM E. AUMONT, Trust Officer. MINTURN T. WRIGHT, Peal Estate Officer. GEORGE TUCKER BISPHAM, Solicitor. MANAGERS. EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS, WILLIAM H. GAW, THOS. DbWITT CUYLER, AUGUSTUS D. JUIL1.1ARD, JOHN A. BROWN, Jr., FRANCIS I. GOWEN, C. HARTMAN KUHN, EDWARD J. BERWIND, BENJAMIN W. RICHARDS, GEO. H. McFADDEN, JAMES SPEYER, RANDAL MORGAN, (OHN B. GARRETT, HENRY TATNALL, RICHARD A. McCURDY, EDWARD T.STOTESBURY, WILLIAM H. JENKS, ISAAC H. CLOTHIER. GEORGE G. HAVEN, CHARLES E. INGERSOLL. B F. CLYDE. The American Trust and Savings Bank Established 1889 ClUCaQO«' STATEMENT OF CONDITION, SEPTEMBER 7, 1004 RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and Discounts $11,376,345.03 Capital Stock Paid in $2,000,000.00 Bonds^v,,. - 2,815,002.65 Surplus and Profits 1,296,799.01 Cash and Exchange 7.97o>435 03 Deposits 18,864,983.70 $22,161,782.71 $22,161,782.71 OFFICERS. EDWIN A. POTTER, President. OLIVER C. DECKER, Assistant Cashier. JOY MORTON, Vice-President. FRANK H. JONES, Secretary. JAMES R. CHAPMAN, 2d Vice-President WILLIAM P. KOPF, Assistant Secretary. Bond Dept. JOHN J. ABBOTT, Cashier. GEORGE B. CALDWELL, Mgr. WILSON W. LAMPERT, Auditor. DIRECTORS A. MONTGOMERY WARD, Montgomery Ward & Co. B. P. RIPLEY, President Atchison, T. & Santa Fc By. Salt. W. H. MoDOEL. Prest, C, I. & L. (Monon) R. R. JOY MORTON, Joy Morton & Co., T. P. SHONTS, President Toledo, St. L. & Western R. ( HARLE8 T. TREGO, Board of Trade. EDWIN A. POTTER, President. JAMES R. CHAPMAN, Second Vice-President. V. A. WATKIN8, Retired Lumberman and Capitalist. CHARLES H. THORNE, Montgomery Ward & Co. Western Ind. R. B. K. W. PECK, Capitalist. B. THOMAS, President Chicago & Mollne, 111. G. B. SHAW, Formerly President G. B. Sbaw Lumber Co. CHAS. H. DEERE, Deere & Co., Plows, WILLIAM KENT, Kent & Burke, Cattle. JOHN F. HARRIS, Harris, Scottcn & Co. General Banking, Trust, Bond and Savings Departments. Vehmilye (Si Co BANKERS, Nassau and Pine Streets, 13 Congress Street, NEW YORK. BOSTON. Maryland Telephone Building, BALTIMORE. Dealers in U. S. Government Bonds a.nd other Investment Securities. List of current Of- ferings furnished upon application. Deposits received and interest allowed on Balances, subject to draft at sight. Commission Orders executed in all the principal markets. Members of the New York and Boston Stock Exchanges. Kean, Van Cortlandt & Co., 30 Pine Street, New York. BANKERS TRANSACT A GENERAL FOREIGN and DOMESTIC BANKING BUSINESS. DEALERS IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1059 BROWN BROTHERS & CO., New York, 59 Wall Street. Philadelphia, 4th and Chestnut Streets* 'Boston, 50 State Street. AND ALEX. BROWN & SONS, Baltimore and Calvert Streets, Baltimore. ALL CONNECTED BY PRIVATE WIRE. MEMBERS OF THE NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON AND BALTIMORE STOCK EXCHANGES. Execute Orders on Commission for Purchase and Sale of Stocks, Bonds, and all Investment Securities. BILLS OF EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Arrangements made with Banks and Bankers in the United States enabling them to Issue their own Drafts on Foreign Countries. Commercial Letters of Credit and Travelers Letters of Credit issued, available in all parts of the world. Also Lnternational Cheques. Collections made on allpoints ; Telegraphic Transfers ofMoney made between this Country and Europe. Deposit Accounts of American Banks, Bankers, Firms and Individuals received upon favorable terms. Certificates of Deposit issued payable on demand or at a stated period. BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO., FOUNDER'S COURT, LOTHBURY, E. C, AND FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF TRAVELERS, 123 PALL MALL, S. W., LONDON. 1000 LEE, HIGGINSON & CO., Boston, Mass* INVESTMENT SECURITIES. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DRAWN ON Messrs, N. M. ROTHSCHILD &SONS, AND Messrs, COUTTS & COMPANY, LONDON; Messrs. MORGAN, HARJES & COMPANY, PARIS; Messrs. M. M. WARBURG & COMPANY, HAMBURG. Travelers' Letters of Credit Members of New York, Boston and available in all parts OF the WORLD. Chicago Stock Exchanges. 1061 HARVEY FISK & SONS NEW YORK BOSTON 62 Cedar St. 10 Post Office Square Represented in PHILADELPHIA HARTFORD, CONN. CHICAGO JAMES H. CHAPMAN, H. L. WILKINSON, D. K. DRAKE. 42J Chestnut St. Conn. Mutual Life Bldg. Continental Nafl Bk. Bldg. MEMBERS OF THE NEW YORK AND BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGES UNITED STATES BONDS, RAILROAD, MUNICIPAL AND OTHER INVESTMENT SECURITIES OUR LIST OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES SENT ON APPLICATION ltMi'2 New York Security and Trust Company 26 BROAD STREET CAPITAL $3,000,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS 9,250,000 Allows interest on deposits subject to cheque. Manages estates. Acts as executor, trustee, etc. 1 Trustee** Charles S. Fairchild, Chairman Otto T. Bannard S. Reading Bertron James A. Blair Robert W. de Forest John B. Dennis Marshall Field Charles W. Harkness James J. Hill F. N. Hoffstot Arthur Curtiss James Frederic B. Jennings Walter Jennings Willard V. King Woodbury Langdon John A. McCall Gordon Macdonald John J. Mitchell Charles Parsons John S. Phipps George W. Perkins E. Parmalee Prentice Kdmund D. Randolph Norman B. Ream li. Aymar Sands John W. Sterling James Stillman Myles Tierney P. A. Valentine Alexanders. Webb, Jr Executive Committee Otto T. Bannard James A. Blair John B. Dennis John A. McCall Gordon Macdonald George W. Perkins Kdmund D. Randolph Norman B. Ream James Stillman OFFICERS OTTO T. BANNARD, President WILLARD V. KING, Vice-President ALEXANDER S. WEBB, Jr., Vice-President HENRY E. AHERN, Secretary MORTIMER N. BUCKNER, Treasurer FREDERICK J. HORNE, Asst. Secretary HERBERT W. MORSE, 2nd Asst. Secretary Incorporated 18 8 9 1063 Fisk <a Robinson BANKERS Member!5 New York Stock Exchange 35 CEDAR STREET 28 STATE STREET, NEW YORK BOSTON BANKING DEPARTMENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS of Corporations, Firms, and Individuals received subject to sight draft. Certifi- cates of deposit issued payable on demand or at a stated date. Interest allowed on daily balances and on money deposited pending investment. Loans made on approved security. FISCAL AGENCY ACCOUNTS for the payment of bonds, coupons, dividends, etc., and for the transfer and registration of securities received from municipal, railroad, and other corporations. INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES BONDS, Guaranteed Stocks and other investment securities bought and sold. List of current offerings suitable for Savings Banks or Trust Funds sent on application. Orders on New York Stock Exchange and in sound and marketable unlisted securi- ties executed on commission for cash. 10(54 Van Norden Trust Company Fifth Avenue and 60th Street NEW YORK Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000 OFFICERS WARNER M. VAN NORDEN, . President THOMAS P. FOWLER, Vice-President nr*HE permanent home ARTHUR KING WOOD, Sec'y and Treas- WILLIAM W. ROBINSON, Ass't Secretary of the Van Norden AMES HIGGINS, Ass't Secretary Trust Company, here JAMES B. HAIG, JR. Ass't Treasurer shown, is on the southeast corner of Fifth Avenue WILLIAM F. HAVEMEYER, Chairman Executive Committee and 6oth Street. Every TRUST DEPARTHENT modern facility and lux- EDWARD S. AVERY, - Trust Officer ury is provided for the convenience and comfort of customers. The bank- ing-room on the ground floor, one of the most spacious in the City, 26 feet in height, without columns or obstructions of any kind, is finished in Italian marble and mahogany, and covers a total floor area of 7,591 square feet. Under the main banking floor are the safe deposit, silver and trunk vaults of the Van Norden Safe Deposit Company. The location is ideal for the quiet transaction of business, being re- moved from the turmoil of busy streets and yet most convenient of ac- cess. Here Fifth Avenue broadens into the Plaza, and directly opposite the Company's door is the main entrance to Central Park and the beautiful new Sherman Statue. Surrounding the Plaza are famous hotels and clubs, this being the center of the wealthiest and most fashionable residential section of America. 1065 The Hanover National Bank of the City of New York Cor. Nassau and Pine Streets Established 1851 Capital and Surplus, $ 9,000,000 JAS. T. WOODWARD, President ELMER E. WHITTAKER, Cashier JAS. M. DONALD, Vice-President WM. I. LIGHTHIPE, Ass't Cashier WM. HALLS, Jr., Vice-President HENRY R. CARSE, Ass't Cashier WILLIAM WOODWARD, Vice-President ALEXANDER D. CAMBELL, Ass't Cashier The Hanover Safe Deposit Co. Hanover Bank Building, New York Safes of great variety ranging from #5 to $700 per annum. Vaults on the level of sidewalk; open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., and every facility provided for the examination of securities. VERNON H. BROWN, President WILLIAM WOODWARD, Vice-President HENRY R.
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