IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, July 2017 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online) 1thnomedicinal Plants of Sironcha, 1tapalli, Dhanora Tahsil of Eadchiroli District, Maharashtra State, India V. S. Khonde, M.C. Kale, R.S. Badere Department of :otany Raje Dharmarao College of Scie nce Aheri. Principal, Anand Niketan College Anandwan, Earora. Post Graduate 2 eac hing Department of :otany, Campus Nagpur. Corresponding to author e5mail85 1ijay.khonde1-0Bgmail.com A2stract,7 2he present study deals with ethnomedicinal plants use by the people of Sironcha,Etapalli and Dhanora thasil M.S.), India. 2he people from these region with a 1ast heritage of di1erse ethnic culture and rich biodi1ersity is said to be a great emporium of ethnobotanical health. 2he use of plants as medicine antedates history. Almost all ci1ilizations and culture ha1e employed plants in the treatment of human sickness. Sironcha, Etapalli and Dhanora are surrounded by dense forest and the people collect the medicinal plant by their traditional knowledge which is used for some common diseases. :ut due to deforestation, indiscriminate exploitation of wild and natural resources many 1aluable herbs are at the stage of e xtinction. 2he present sur1ey was conducted for documentation of traditional knowledge and practices of plants. 2he present paper enumerates traditional uses of 27 9amily and 57 different plant species. Index Terms5 Ethnomedicinal plants, Sironcha, Etapalli and Dhanora tahsil, Gond and Madiya I. INTR.D0CTI.N been in the practice of prese r1ing a rich heritage of Ethnomedicinal plants, since time s information on medicinal plants and the ir usage. immemorial, ha1e been used in 1irtually all cultures 2hey ha1e both the know5how and do5how for as a source of medicine. 2he widespread use of herbal preparing the medicine and its administration. 2his remedies and healthcare reparations, as those information is yet to be collected systematically and described in ancient texts such as Vedas and the comprehensi1ely and maintained in databases in a bible, and obtained from plants has been traced to manner. It would help in protecting their knowledge. the occurrence of natural products with medicinal 2he objecti1e of this study is to document the prope rties. 2he plants ha1e been the important traditional medicinal plants used by the people of source of medicines used by man from prehistoric Sironcha, Etapalli and Dhanora tahsil of Gadchiroli time s for relie1ing suffering and curing ailments. 2he district M.S.), India. need for the integration of local indigenous Sironcha tahsil, co1ers an area of 1,500 s4uare knowledge for a sustainable management and kilometres 5.3 s4 mi) and contains 102 1illages with conse r1ation of natural resources rece i1ed more and 20,218 persons. In 1.05 an area of -,700 s4uare more recognition Posey, 1..2). kilometres 2,-03 s4 mi) of the Chanda tahsil, of 2he 4uest for documentation of traditional which 2,-00 were in the Aheri zamindari estate, was knowledge has been concentrated especially around transferred to Sironcha. 2he re1ised totals of area traditional health practices. In India, many and population of the Sironcha tahsil are 8,020 indige nous plants are used in herbal medicine to s4uare kilometres 3,0.5 s4 mi) and 55,0-5 persons. cure diseases and heal injurie s. 2ribal people ha1e II. MAT1RIAL AND M1TH.DS Monthly 1isit and inter1iews of local and tribal people 2he traditional knowledge about the plants for of 1illages were carried out for gathe ring the treating the common diseases was collected from information about the e thnomedicinal plants and people, especially traditional he alers and 1illage documents their knowledge for future generation. medicine5men from Ianuary 2010 to October 201-. Ta2le. 1. Ta2le. 1. Studies on Ethnomedicinal plants from Sironcha, Etapalli, Dhanora 2ahsil of Gadchiroli District 9orest Area. 0ses Against Sr. Common Eondi / Madiya plant Botanical Name Family Disease / for No Name Name part used Disease Holarrhena Root, Eound , pubescens Dudhkuda 1 Apocynaceae Dhudhkuda :ark , Dysentery, /3uch.-Ham.0 marrha Lea1es, Diarrhoea, 6all.ex 4.Don 1erium in icum :ark , 2 Apocynaceae Kanher Kanhermarrha Eound ,Cancer Mill. Root SHRI SHIVAJI SCIENCE COLLEGE, NAGPUR 611 ICRTS-2017 IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, July 2017 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online) Seed and 3 Plumeria alba L. Apocynaceae Chafa Chafamarrha Cholera :ark Amorphophallus Pulganda 0 campanulatus Aracaceae Suran Rhizome Dysentery marrha Decne Urinary 3orassus Lea1es, 5 Arecaceae 2aad 2aadimarrha problems. flabelifera L. 9ruits Decayed tooth Pails Arthritis, Phoenix 9ruit, 7eadache, 9e1er, - sylvestris Arecaceae Sindhi Sindhimarrha :ark, 2onic, Cold flu, ../Roxb0. Pain killer ,alatropis 7 Asclepiadaceae Rui Ruimarrha Milk Cough and Cold procera Ait R.:r Sonchus asper 8 Asteraceae Mhatari Mhatarimarrha Lea1es Skin ailment. /..0Hill. Ehole Spelanthus 2oothache, Skin Akal kadha plant, . paniculata Asteraceae Akal kadha diseases, marrha 9lower, 6all.ex D,. Dysentery. Lea1es, 9e1er, Killing worms. 2he bark juice with :ark, banana is used Lea1es, 3auhinia Kachnar / to cure 2.:. Dry 10 Caesalpiniaceae Kachnar marrha 9lowers R va riegata .. Raktkanchan flowers boiled flowering with roots are buds used for bleeding piles . Pods are used cough. Lea1es, ,assia Kedatagaresh 11 Caesalpiniaceae Rantarota Root, Skin Diseases occi entalis L. mrrha Seeds. Spinacia :lood purifier, 12 Chenopodiaceae Palak Palak marrha Lea1es, oleracea .. 2onic ,ucurbitia 9ruit , 13 maxima Duch.Ex Cucurbitaceae Kohala Kohala marrha Diabetes, 2onic Seed .am. Dysentery and Diplocyclos Seeds, Diarrhoea. 10 palmatus L.) Cucurbitaceae Shi1lingi Shi1lingimarrha Lea1es Enhencefertility Ieffrey. in women, Piles. Root, Eound, 9e1er, 3utea Lea1es, Increasing sex 15 mononsperma 9abaceae Palas palas marrha Seeds, power, .amk. Taub Stem, Ringworm, :ark. Ghatsarp, Pinus. 7epatitis, Skin disease, Lea1es, Stomach pain, Dalbergia Stem, Nausea. 1- latifollia Roxb. 9abaceae Sisam Sisammarrha :ark. Gonorrhea. ex DC. Lea1es. Unhali, and urinari problem, wound heeler. Pterocarpus :ark, 17 marsupium 9abaceae :ija :ijamarrha Diabetes Roots. Roxb. Root, 7aemorrhage, Tephrosia Root, 18 9abaceae Diwali Diwali marrha Dysentery. purpurea /..0Pers. Ehole Li1er diseases. plant. Seeds, Diabetes, Trigonella Lea1es, Pimples, 1. Foenumgraecum 9abaceae Methi Methimarrha Ehole 2hriat infection , .. Plant, 9e1er. SHRI SHIVAJI SCIENCE COLLEGE, NAGPUR 612 ICRTS-2017 IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, July 2017 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online) Vegna Ranmung 20 trilobus/..0 9abaceae Ranmung Lea1es Eye diseases marrrha ver e. Dysentery, Vigna mungo/..0 21 9abaceae Mung Mung marrha Seeds, Rheumatism, Hepper :eriberi Ocimum Seeds, Rheumatism, 22 Lamiaceae Rantulshi Kalepamarrha americanum .. Lea1es 9e1er . Lea1es Ocimum and Skin Diseases 23 basillicum L. 1ar. Lamiaceae Sabja Sabjamarrha seeds, and piles. basillicum 9lowers 9emale menstrual problem., Plant, Skin diseases, Aloe vera L.) 20 Liliaceae Korphad Korphadmarrha Stem, Dysentery, :urm. 9. Lea1es, Anaemia, Acidity, Eye diseases, Cosmatic, Digesti1e. Snake :ite, It is ,hlorophytum Pandhari traditionally used 25 tuberosum Liliaceae pandharimarrha Roots Musali for enhencing /Roxb0. sexual power. 7eart disease, :ulb, Drimia in ica Iangli Kanda :end Galanndd), 2- Liliaceae Iangli Kanda :ulb, /Roxb.0 Jessop marrha Asthma, Cough, Lea1es 9e1er Syphilic parts, Root, Cancer. Abortion, 4loriosa superba Kadla1i seeds, Child birth, A2 27 Liliaceae Kadla1imarrha L. karkari) flower, the time of Lea1es, deli1ery, Inflamation. Scilla Cough, Chest 28 hyacinthina Liliaceae Rankanda Nerdemarrha :ulb pain and Roth) Mc. :ride Asthama. Abelmoschus 2. Mal1aceae Ranbhendi Rabhendimarrha Seed Enhance energy manihot L.) Stomachic, Hibiscus Lea1es, 30 Mal1aceae Ambadi Pullakusari cough, fe1er, cannabinus L. seeds Aphrodiac. 9lower , Hibiscus 7air growth, 31 Mal1aceae Iaswand Iaswand marrha :ark, rosa-sinensis .. 2onic lea1es Acute Diarrhoea and dysentery. Diabetes, Cough, 2yphoid, 7eart 9resh diseases, and dry Asthma, Tinospora stems Gud1el / Snakebite. 32 cor ifolia Eilld.) Menispermaceae Gud1elmarrha and Amrita Cold, acidity, Miers roots, strength of heart Lea1es, and weakness. Root, Skin diseases It increases amount of insulin in blood. Acacia 33 Mimosaceae 7iwar 7iwarmarha Lea1es Scorpion bite. leucophloeae L. Mimosa hamta :ark 30 Mimosaceae Chilati Chilatimarrha Cholera Eilld. Root 9ruits Feronia limonia Astringent, 35 Ruraceae kawath kawatmarrha and .. Shwet padar, lea1es SHRI SHIVAJI SCIENCE COLLEGE, NAGPUR 613 ICRTS-2017 IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, July 2017 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online) :huiumber Mouth ulcers, 3- Ficus hispi a L.f. Moraceae 2oyamarrha 9ruits Auadumber) Iaundice. Roots, Kidney troubles, 9ruits., Ficus racemosa Stomach pain, 37 Moraceae Umber Umbermarrha 9ruit, L. Inflamation, 9ruit, U.2.I., 9ruit. Stimulus for Lea1es, Sexual power, Eucalyptus Lea1es, 7eadache, 38 Myrtaceae Nilgiri Nilgirimarrha globulus L 7erit. Stem, Reli1es the pain, Lea1es, Cold, cough, 7eadache, Psi ium gua2ava Lea1es, Loose motion, 3. Myrtaceae Peru Perumarrha .. 9ruit sperm count. Jasminum Lea1es, 00 Oleaceae Mogara Mogaramarrha 2urner, Earache, sa mbac /..0 flower, Argemone katepi1ali Lea1es 01 Papa1eraceae Katepi1alimarrha :urning eyes Mexicana .. Utati) and stem Saccharum stem 02 Poaceae Ganna Ganna marrha Iaundice officina rum .. segment Digesti1e problem, 9ruit, Punica granatum Iaundice and 03 Punicaceae Dalimb Darimmarrha Seeds, .. diarrhoea. Seeds. Urinary track inf. , Indigestion. Arthritis, :lood
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