PO. tTLAN f ~~ ~ PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18G2-VOL. 35. 1898.__SSSt_PRICE MISCELLANEOUS. BLANCO RESIGNS. RECONSTRUCTION. Doesn’t Want To Superintend the OURS. Evacuation of Cuba. Madrid, August 15.—6 p. m.—The gov- ernment has received from Captain Administration Busy Adapting Cuba General Bianco a despatch tendering his resignation. The reason given by General Blanco for resigning is that ho does not and Porto Rico to New Status. wish to superintend the evacuation of Cuba. / To OF FIGS Surrendered THE EXCELLENCE SYRUP OF The government is also informed that is due not only to the originality and City simplicity of the combination, but also General Augustin, Governor-General of to the care and skill with which it is the Philippines, will leave Manila for manufactured by scientific processes Spain by the first mail steamer, giving known to the California Fig Syrup his command to the second in rank. Co. only, and we wish to impress upon Vessel To Be all the importance of purchasing the American Naval tine and original remedy. As the Dewey Saturday. BLANCO’S FARWELL. genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured Sent to Havana Soon. by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations 4 9 manufactured by other par- Said lie to But # £ 4 Hoped Fight Longer ties. The high standing of the Cali- fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi- Yields to Government. cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has Leaves For Week’s Escaped to given to millions of families, makes Secretary Day Augustin Kong the name of the Company a guaranty Hong Havana, Angust 15—7.45 p. in.—Gen. of the excellence of its It is remedy. Blanco today published the ad- far in advance of all other Vacation Today. following laxatives, dress to the Inhabitants of Cuba: as it acts on the kidneys, liver and “It having been resolved by the Madrid bowels without irritating or weaken- and Gave Out the News. government to conolude peace with the ing them, and it does not gripe nor United States I consider my mission in nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ■4 this country ended and have solicited V< effects, please remember the name of x — reuei irum uuuy. uuuju 11ULJ vue vAimpiiny my urge His Retirement From the State Depart- upon you a pacific solution of the exist- CAUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ing struggle when not long ago, I advised SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. ment Is Likely to Follow Soon After you to maintain the war in any event. .OCISVILLE, Kr. NEW YORK. N. Y. “I came to the island of Cuba, as is Not His Return Iff Before—Steps well known to all, in critical circum- American Admiral Bombarded the Force of Naval stances, without tear ’of the difficulties Says City Taken to Reduce whioh I must encounter and animated Jflilitiamen—Order For Biff Naval by the hope of paoifying the island and That’s the number on saving It for Spain, with the co-operation and It Surrendered Review Given. of all political parties, and without any Unconditionally. Preble St., (opp. Preble other ambition than to render a service re-oon- The Is mnob gratified at to take or send Washington, August 15.—The department to my country, whioh I fervently love. House), the desire to see a review of the struotion of affairs in Cuba, Porto Blco expressed The lack of faith and the distrust of some your West Indies and cruisers expected home and and throughout the Spanish warships and the prejudices of others were insuper- in so far as is desirous of carrying DYEING and CLEANSING. is reoeivlng earnest consideration praotioal able obstacles to my desires and aspira- out the wishes of those citizens who with official quarters and at the White House tions, but despite the grave difficulties, see Bnt neither officers the day was not far distant when of State has the TOURISTS WORK A SPECIALTY. the President saw a number of to the (hips. the. perbops Washington, August 15.—The Department just posted following: today have seen realized so a are in condition we could happy Kid Gloves Cleansed Day. nailers In connection with this nor the men of the fleet V3T Every prominent purpose though one so contrary to the The was received at the at m., from Consul Wildman new insular de- to participate in a street parade. The de- the enemies of our race and following despatch Department 11.15 p. Aug. 15, rnOTCn’O Eor«t City Dye flonse and reconstruction in our wishes of Carpet CIean,ing ijee is taking the opportunity of the the domination of America. We bad to ruoltn 5 pendencies. General Fitzhugh partment these at once into accept the struggle at a moment when it Hong Kong: time with the President, go- armistice to ;put ships spent some was least expeoted and under most un- of Cuban affairs. the best possible condition for such uses bombarded Manila surrendered was ing over the condition favorable conditions. Nevertheless we “Augustin says Dewey Saturday, city unconditionally, Augustin taken the ae may hereafter be of them. sustained the with and While no announcement was made, required campaign vigor all other work will be our has let the invaders to I credit LADIES' that General Lee It is expeoted army already the Germans in launch to Kaiserin Augustin and brought Hong Kong. report.” Impression prevailed feel the weight of our arms amt I was by com- suspended and the entire available force would be one of the Cuban military willing, at the head of the army, to con- at the directed to this work In manders to be named within a few days. navy yard tinue disputing inch by inch the land al- order to secure the greatest possible whioh with suoh valor and at the cost In Consul Wildman’s brief intense but created no those officers who received For Acting Secretary Allen of the Navy, information contained message aroused interest, surprise among it.; RUSSFT^GOODS. Cuban despatch. of so much blood we were defending. The last received from Admiral and Merritt that it was their We have a and well selected so saw the President concerning “Since the nation’s government, which two or three days news of tbe fall of Manila has been expected., despatches Dewey Gen. indicated large The will direct that, upon Slioes is that an American department is the interests stock of Russel Boots and affairs. It probable surely inspired by great to force a surrender of the city as soon as possible. be- the arrival in New York harbor, the fleet of and a desire also to assume purpose for Ladies’ and Cb ldren’s wear. naval vessel will go to Havana harbor patriotism the North river as far as interests and those of the It is believed that they joined inja note to Gen. Augustin demanding the surrender of Manila, threatening to make a combined sea and land attack upon the We make a seecialty of at least two naval vessels will steam up your proper fore long and other colony, believes the moment has when the General Grant's tomb, fire a salute and unless tbe demand was acceded to. will be ordered to Havana arrived to make peace, it is our duty city It is Ladies’ Russet Buttons at there to then steam back to the anchorage. to second her in her it is in a confirmed a $4.25, military commission assembles faithfully purpose, While no further in formation than that contained in Consul Wildinan’s despatch has been received by tho administration, measure, by former $5.00. evacua- that the fleet will reach New hut it cannot be that I am the one called price determine the details of Spanish expected from As soon as afternoon were sent to both Admiral and Gen. Merritt a whioh brief despatch tonight Madrid. the protocol was signed last Friday despatches Dewey York on Saturday, the £0th inst. upon to perform political duty tion. does not witli my former declara- Ladles’ Russet Polish $3.50. The is to have Admiral agree via Hong Kong. On Saturday the British steamer Australian left Hong Kong for Manila bearing the despatches from tills government. Secretary Day also conferred with the plan Sampson tions, with my acts and with my convio- a met off Sandy Hook with orders for the tions. I see to leave you It was expected that they wouldjhardly roach Manila before deolsive measures against the^city had been taken by tbe American commanders, but every possible Misses’ Russet Oxfords $1.35. President and later decided to take myself obliged the North river. It is ex- at the and difficult He will leave either to- procession np present painful effort was made to insure their speedy dolivery. The above are all this season’s goods week’s vacation. moment. Nevertheless I will not do it pected that the fleet will be off Sandy and are in the latest styles. night or tomorrow morning, going without advising you to maintain the If the report of Gen. Augustin be true, and its accuracy is not questioned here, the probabilities are that official despatches will be received by the govern- Hook some time but the to Cnnton. Assistant Secretary Friday night, calmness and prudence so neoessary to probably ment in a or two at the latest. The of Gen. from Manila created some amusing comment here tonight. As one official expressed it: “Had vessels will lie outside the harbor until save the legitimate interests of Spain day flight Augustin Moore will be acting secretary of the state in Cuba, which represent the fruit of he maintained his hard as it until the arrival of the news of he would have been a hero; but he fled and will now be branded as a coward.’* Mr.
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