Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11362-5 - Elliott Carter Studies Edited by Marguerite Boland and John Link Index More information Index Adorno, Theodor W., 82, 170, 171 Cage, John Aiken, Webster, 219n13 String Quartet in Four Parts (1949/50), Ashbery, John, 36, 271, 272 168 ASKO ensemble, 95 Carnegie Chamber Music Hall, 222 Carter 100+ (concert tribute), Babbitt, Irving, 314 218n11 Babbitt, Milton, 64, 67 Carter, Elliott Bach, Johann Sebastian, 218n11 “A Further Step” (essay), 80 cantatas, 188, 322 Harmony Book (ed. Hopkins & Link), The Well-Tempered Clavier, 221 43, 60, 62, 110, 184, 186, 187, 198, Bacon, Ernst Lecher, 246n17 242, 246–249 Baker, Julius, 221 sketches, 238–249 Ballet Caravan, 312 Destroyed works Barenboim, Daniel, 191n4, 295 concerto for English horn and Barlow, Samuel, 220 orchestra (1937), 217 Bartók, Béla, 16, 172–173 flute sonata (1934), 217, 218 String Quartet No. 6, 172 string quartets (two, 1935 and 1937), Basel Academy of Music, 218n11 168–169, 217 Baudelaire, Charles, 284n29 symphony (1937), 217 Bauer-Mengelberg, Stefan, 187 Tom and Lily (one-act comic opera) Beethoven, Ludwig van, 72, 188, 266 (1934), 217 Berg, Alban, 169, 183, 226 Published works Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano, 63 90+ (1994), 31 Lyrische Suite, 172, 173, 195n12 Adagio tenebroso (Symphonia) (1995), Three Pieces for Orchestra, 63 31, 59, 72–73, 256, 269 Berlin Philharmonic, 191 Allegro scorrevole (Symphonia) Berlin Staatsoper, 295 (1996), 59, 73–79, 180, 266 Berlioz, Hector Anniversary (Three Occasions) (1989), Roméo et Juliette, 75 44, 256 Bernstein, Leonard, 20 ASKO Concerto (2000), 44, 81–86, Bishop, Elizabeth, 28, 36, 272n6, 273 95–96 Black Mountain College Summer Music Boston Concerto (2002), 44, 81–94, 95, Institute, 173 109–88, 266 Böhn, Ole, 190 Brass Quintet (1974), 36 Boston Symphony Orchestra, 191, 315 Call (2003), 44n45 Boulanger, Nadia, 11, 20, 28, 110, 169, 221, Canonic Suite (1939), 5, 11–12 239, 322 A Celebration of Some 100 × 150 Notes Boulez, Pierre, 42, 51, 60–61, 63–64, 67, 73, (Three Occasions) (1986), 44, 46, 80, 115, 162, 190–191, 211 49, 254 Livre pour Quatuor (1948/49), 168 Cello Concerto (2000), 49, Messagesquisse, 61 191n5, 265 Rituel, 61 343 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11362-5 - Elliott Carter Studies Edited by Marguerite Boland and John Link Index More information 344 Index Carter, Elliott (cont.) Immer Neu (Trilogy) (1992), 70, 73 Cello Sonata (1948). See below Sonata In Sleep, In Thunder (1981), 28, for Violoncello and Piano (1948) 36–37, 38, 272, 273–278, 279 Changes (1983), 257 In the Distances of Sleep (2006), 271, Clarinet Concerto (1996), 81, 190, 278, 279, 284–291 193, 197, 200–201, 202–203, 208, Inner Song (Triology) (1992), 72, 73 211 Interventions (2007), 49, 191n5 Clarinet Quintet (2007), 189 Luimen (1997), 44 Concerto for Orchestra (1969), 28, 33, Mad Regales (2007), 271n1, 272n8 42, 49, 71, 77, 87, 242 “Metamorphosis” (In the Distances of The Defense of Corinth (1941), 330 Sleep), 284–291 Dialogues (2003), 31, 191n5 Micomicón (Three Illusions) (2002), Double Concerto for Harpsichord and 256, 257–263 Piano (1961), 15, 33, 37n13, 45, 53, A Mirror On Which To Dwell (1975), 81, 190n3, 236, 242, 269 28, 31, 36–37, 38, 43, 272n6, Duo for Violin and Piano (1974), 273–275, 279, 286, 324 37n13, 295n9 More’s Utopia (Three Illusions) (2004), Eight Etudes and a Fantasy (1950), 53n63, 256, 264–265, 267–270 188, 218n11 Musicians Wrestle Everywhere (1945), Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (1950), 271n1 188 La Musique (2007), 284n29 Elegy (1939), 4 The Minotaur (1947), 219, 243, 249 Elegy arranged for string quartet Night Fantasies (1980), 31, 41, 145, (1946), 169, 219 195, 235n36, 265 Emblems (1947), 5, 28, 219, 220, “O Breath” (A Mirror on Which to 228n32, 313–314 Dwell, 1975), 273 Enchanted Preludes (1988), 44, 114, Oboe Concerto (1987), 81, 155–162, 137 190, 192, 196, 199–200, 203–205, “End of a Chapter” (Of Challenge and 209–211 of Love), 278–284 Oboe Quartet (2001), 44, 189, 218n11 Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux (1984), Of Challenge and of Love (1994), 73, 115–122, 128, 149–155, 160, 162, 271, 278–284 196 Of Rewaking (2002), 271, 284n29 Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux II (1995), 73, On Conversing with Paradise (2008), 137, 162–163 271 Figment (1995), 44 Partita (Symphonia) (1993), 47n52, Figment II (2001), 44 49, 59, 67–70, 75 Figment III (2007), 44 Pastoral (1940), 4 Figment IV (2007), 44, 218n11 Penthode (1985), 162 Flute Concerto (2008), 191, 193, 198, Piano Concerto (1965), 81, 236, 242, 201–202, 205, 209, 211 325 Fons Juventatis (Three Illusions) Piano Quintet. See below Quintet for (2004), 49, 256, 263–267, 269 Piano and String Quartet (1997) Fragment I (1994), 44 Piano Sonata (1946), 5, 15–16, 31, 32, Fragment II (1999), 44 51, 219, 228, 228n32, 236, 239–240, Gra (1993), 44 243 The Harmony of Morning (1944), 28 Pocahontas (1939), 33, 237, 312 Harvest Home (1937), 271n1 Poems of Louis Zukofsky (2008), 271 Heart Not So Heavy As Mine (1938), Quintet for Piano and String Quartet 271n1 (1997), 189 Holiday Overture (1944), 5, 9, 12–14, Quintet for Piano and Winds (1991), 18–20, 242, 246–249 44n45 Horn Concerto (2006), 47–49, 191n5 Réflexions (2004), 44, 49 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11362-5 - Elliott Carter Studies Edited by Marguerite Boland and John Link Index More information 345 Index Remembrance (Three Occasions) Variations for Orchestra (1955), 40, (1988), 256 236, 242, 262–263 n. 14 Retracing (2002), 44, 95n41 Violin Concerto (1990), 190, 196, Retracing II (2009), 44 198–199, 206–208 Retracing III (2009), 44, 51 Voyage (1943), 4, 5, 22–25, 26–28 Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi What are Years (2009), 291 (1984), 38, 49, 122–128, 137 What Next? (1997–98), 33, 52–53, 71, “Sandpiper” (A Mirror on Which to 269, 284n29, 292–295, 324 Dwell, 1975), 36, 38, 273 Woodwind Quintet (1948), 3, 219, Scrivo in Vento (1991), 137 231, 232–234, 235, 244, 249 Shard (1997), 44n45 Unfinished works, 218–235, 237 A Six-Letter Letter (1996), 73 orchestral (“Symphony No. 2”), 218 Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello, and Piano Trio, 218 Harpsichord (1952), 4n2, 40, Sonata for Two Pianos, 218 218n11, 219, 221, 234 Sonatina for Oboe and Harpsichord, Sonata for Violoncello and Piano 4n2, 218–235 (1948), 15, 34, 219, 223, 229, 234, Unpublished works 237 236, 242 The Difference, 218n9 String Quartet No. 1 (1951), 49, Mostellaria (1936), 217 138–143, 168, 171, 172–174, 175, Philoctetes (1931), 217 178–189, 229, 236, 242, 244, 249, String Quartet in C (1936), 217 266, 267 Cervantes, Miguel de String Quartet No. 2 (1959), 35–36, Don Quixote, 256, 257–259, 263 39, 40, 45, 77, 110–114, 174–175, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 211 178–189, 191, 242 Composers Quartet, 174, 177, 188 String Quartet No. 3 (1971), 15, 39, 45, Copland, Aaron, 5, 7, 9 49, 83, 144, 175–177, 178–189, 242 Appalachian Spring (1944), 9 String Quartet No. 4 (1986), 39, 50, 81, Billy the Kid, 312 162, 177, 178–189 El Salón México (1936), 5 String Quartet No. 5 (1995), 50, Second Symphony (1933), 9 51, 73, 77, 114, 129–137, 169, 178, Third Symphony (1944–46), 9 181, 189 Cowell, Henry, 110, 138, 172 Symphonia: Sum Fluxae Pretium Spei Crane, Hart, 22, 26, 28, 51, 271, 330 (1993–96), 31, 33, 44, 47, 49, 58–60, Crashaw, Richard, 63n15, 70, 256 63, 67–70, 72–79, 145, 253, 256, Crawford Seeger, Ruth, 40, 172 266, 269 Symphony No. 1 (1942), 5, 29–31, 237 Damiens, Alain, 191 A Symphony of Three Orchestras Davison, Archibald T, 314 (1976), 28, 43, 44n45, 46n51, 51, 53, Debussy, Claude-Achille, 63, 84 86, 272n6 La Mer, 63 Syringa (1978), 36, 37, 272n4 Dolphy, Eric, 193 Tarantella (1936), 3, 314 Donne, John, 256 Tempo e Tempi (1999), 284n29 Draper, Muriel, 218 Three Illusions (2004), 44, 253–270 Dukelsky, Vladimir (Vernon Duke), 218 Three Occasions (1986–89), 44, 253–254, 256 Eisenstein, Sergei, 16 Three Poems of Robert Frost (1942), 4 The Battleship Potemkin, 48 Tre Duetti (2009), 44 Emmanuel, Maurice, 321 Trilogy for oboe and harp (1992), 44, Ensemble Intercontemporain, 191 70, 72, 73 Expert, Henri, 322 Triple Duo (1983), 31, 38, 164–167 Tri-Tribute (2008), 44 Falla, Manuel de Two Diversions (1999), 142–145, 147 Harpsichord Concerto (1923–26), 221 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11362-5 - Elliott Carter Studies Edited by Marguerite Boland and John Link Index More information 346 Index Ferentz, Melvin, 187 Levy, Ernst, 222 Forte, Allen, 187 Lewin, David, 138 Forum Group for Young Composers Library of Congress, 233, 238–239 (ISCM), 172n18 Liszt, Franz, 16 Fromm, Paul, 256 Lowell, Robert, 28, 36, 271, 272, 273–275 Lucian of Samosate, 317 Gershwin, George Lucretius Porgy and Bess, 322 De rerum natura, 36 Goldberg, Alla, 175n25 Luening, Otto, 222 Greenhouse, Bernard, 219 Griffiths, Paul, 52–53, 284n29, 292 Machaut, Guillaume de, 322 Marlowe, Sylvia, 219, 220–222, 234 Harris, Roy Messiaen, Olivier, 297 Third Symphony (1938), 7, 20 Mode de valeurs et d’intensités, 28 Harvard Glee Club, 220, 314, 315 Milhaud , Darius High-Low Concert, Hotel St Regis, New La mort du tyran, 315n25, 318n33, 322 York, 218 Les choéphores, 315n25, 319 Hillyer, Raphael, 173 Miller, Mitchell, 221 Hollander, John, 278, 283–284 Montale, Eugenio, 284n29 Holliger, Heinz, 190, 218 Monteverdi, Claudio, 323 Honegger, Arthur, 321 Moore, Marianne, 291 More, Thomas International Society for Contemporary Utopia (1516), 256, 263, 267–268 Music, 172n18 Morley, Thomas, 322 Ives, Charles, 16, 40, 110, 169, 172 Mussorgsky, Modest, 188 String Quartet No.
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