Presentation Of J.B. Initiates The Fine Arts Festival May 4-7 Presentation of the award-win­ A sacred concert featuring the ning play, "J. B.," by Archibald Taylor Oratorio Chorus perform­ "Ye Shall Know The Truth" MacLeish will open the annual ing "A Hymn of Praise" concludes April 28, 1961 Taylor University, Upland, Indiana Fine Arts Festival running May the week-end of activities. The Vol. XLII —No. 14 4-7. The annual Festival is spon­ Mendelssohn masterpiece will be sored by the speech, art and music directed by Prof. Marvin G. Dean. departments. PROF. Dale Shepfer will accom­ Noted Theologians Discuss Topic, A MODERN VERSION of the pany at the organ and Mrs. Mary Biblical account of Job, "J.B." de­ Young Dean will assist on the 'How God Speaks To Man,' At Forum picts the age-old problem of man's piano. Lynne Eisenhuth, soprano, Three noted theologians will dis­ struggle with evil. Trojan Players Mary Schneider, soprano, and Lar­ orthodox" viewpoint will be Dr. DR. EARLE has taught in the cuss the topic, "How God Speaks will be the second amateur group ry Farnham, tenor, will accompany Walter Leibrecht, director of the New Testament field at Nazarene to Man," at the annual Religion in the nation to present the drama. the Chorus as soloists. Ecumenical Institute and professor Theological Seminary in Kansas In addition to the events of the Forum scheduled for this eve­ of historical theology at Garrett Ken Blackwell is cast in the City, Mo., since 1945. week-end, the art department will ning (Friday) in Shreiner audi- Biblical Institute in Evanston, 111. title role of J.B., Leona Lewis A prolific writer, he is known exhibit selected works in all media torium. The program, co-sponsored Dr. Henry Kolbe, professor of plays his wife Sarah, and John Os­ nationally for "The Gospel Accord­ in the rear of the gymnasium.! by the junior class and the re- Christian ethics at Garrett, will walt and Harry Haakonsen respec­ ing to Mark," which appeared re­ Many of the paintings on display' hgious services committee, will be- represent the "liberal" persuasion. tively, play the part of two circus cently as the first volume in a new will be entries in the Shilling Art at 8:15 p.m. The author of several textbooks on vendors, Mr. Zuss and Mr. Nickles. evangelical commentary. the New Testament, Dr. Ralph Contest. I SPEAKING FROM the "neo- HE WROTE the Quest of the Prof. Jim Young, with the as­ Earle of Nazarene Theological Spirit and edited the college sistance of student directors David Seminary will present the "con­ textbook, Exploring the New Dickey, Jan Lister and Jan Wat­ servative" position. Three New Faculty Members Instruct Testament. son, directs the 21-member cast for Each of the speakers will have the performances on Thursday and eight minutes in which to present He was in charge of tours of the Friday evenings. Music, Greek, Christian Ed., English his views. Students will have an Holy Land in the Christmas sea­ MR. WILBUR D. PEAT, direc­ Dr. Milo A. Rediger has an- A native of Westlake, Ohio, Mr. opportunity to submit questions sons of 1949 and 1950, and in the tor of the John Herron Art Insti­ nounced the addition of three new Heath majored in philosophy and for consideration. summer of 1953 was lecturer on a flying seminar abroad, visiting tute in Indianapolis, will speak at faculty members who will instruct J minored in Greek at Greenville, DR. LEIBRECHT, a member of 15 countries. the Fine Arts Convocation sched­ music, Greek, Christian education I He majored in church history at the United Lutheran Church, re­ He is a graduate of Eastern uled for the regular chapel hour and English next year. Asbury Theological Seminary ceived the doctor of theology de­ Nazarene College and holds gradu­ on Friday morning. He will present MISS BARBARA CARRUTH of which granted him the B.D. degree. gree from the University of Hei­ ate degrees from Boston Universi­ an illustrated lecture entitled Ann Arbor, Mich., augments the A PASTOR of the Free Method­ delberg in 1953 following study ty and Gordon Divinity School. "Trends in Contemporary Paint­ music department this coming fall ist Church, Mr. Heath has complet­ there and in Zurich. ing." as assistant professor of piano ed residence work for the Ph.D. Since that time he has been a On Saturday evening the Taylor and music literature. in religion at Western Reserve member of the religion department Chi Alpha Omega A graduate of Asbury College, University, Cleveland. Symphonic Band under the direc­ at Columbia University and pro­ tion of Prof. Dale Shepfer will Miss Carruth holds the M.Mus. de­ He has developed a special in­ fessor of theology at Harvard. Inducts Twelve gree in piano and music litera­ terest in and has considerable ex­ present their annual home concert. During his stay at Columbia he ture from the University of Michi­ perience in the area of church and Seniors May 15 The program includes the full re­ counseled foreign students at both pertoire used on their tour. gan. At Asbury she was named to industrial relations. Twelve seniors have been elected Columbia and New York Universi­ Who's Who and received the "As­ MISS FRANCES MILLER, grad­ on the basis of their academic rec­ SELECTIONS from "The Sound ties. of Music" and "Music for a Carni­ bury Collegian Music Award." uate of Bowling Green State Uni­ ord to membership in Chi Alpha DR. KOLBE', an ordained Method­ val" are among the featured num­ Since 1957 she has taught vocal versity, Ohio, joins the English de­ Omega, Taylor scholastic honor­ bers. and choral music in the public partment as assistant professor of ist minister, is professor of Chris­ ary. schools. In addition she has direct­ English. tian ethics at Garrett. He graduat­ Dr. I. Lynd Esch, president of ed choirs at the First Methodist Miss Miller holds both the B,S. ed from Duke University with Phi Indiana Central College in Indi­ Collegiate Press Church in Lockney, Texas. and M.A. degrees in English from Beta Kappa honors from Garrett anapolis, will address the induction MR. DALE HEATH, a graduate Bowling Green. She graduated Biblical Institute with distinction. convocation scheduled for May 15. Elects Terhune, of Greenville 'College, has been en­ cum laude with special honors in Northwestern University granted SENIORS ELECTED to mem­ gaged to serve as assistant pro­ English and later returned as an him the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. bership are Judy Boll, R. David Acclaims 'Marti' fessor of Greek and Christian edu­ instructor of freshman English In the summer of 1949 he was an Eoyer, Joseph Brain, Marjorie Jim Terhune, Taylor junior and cation. there. associate member of the second Cook, Nancy Hinkle, Donald editor of the Echo, was elected East-West Philosophers' Confer­ Leigh, Janice Miller, John Oswalt, president of Indiana Collegiate ence at the University of Hawaii. Robert Palmer, James Reynolds, Press Association (IGPA) at the In 1959 he studied at Oxford Uni­ William Ringenberg and Janet organization's second annual con­ versity, England. 1 W atson. vention Saturday at Franklin Col­ lege. "MARTI LINE," a regular fea­ 'Springtime Reverie' ture column in the Echo was chosen "best column" in state collegiate competition. Written by Marti Features Fashion Parade Brose, the column drew praise "Springtime Reverie," with a traditional theme of spring flow­ from Judge Ira L. Baker, journal­ fashion review of the decades since ers are in pale yellow and mint ism head at Furman University. I860, is the theme for the annual green. He commented: "If everyone at Spring Banquet. Sponsored by the Since 1961 marks the centennial Taylor doesn't read Marti Line I'll Student Council, the banquet be­ year of the Civil War, the fashion be surprised." gins at 5:30 p.m., Friday, May 5. program presents designs in the "Marti, etc., has plenty on the SINCE the banquet comes dur­ limelight 100 years ago. A parade menu: wit, satire, irony, spiced with ing the Fine Arts Festival, the of styles which have been promi­ puckish humor that is calculated to fashion program emphasizes cul­ nent in the history of American stimulate high readership." tural things, Jan Salisbury, ban­ fashions will follow. Bill Schneck's sports column, quet chairman, reports. CORSAGES are not in order for "Sticking My Sch-Neck Out," won The program is a featured part the occasion. Student Council has an honorable mention. The judge of the banquet with Don Tillman planned a surprise to delight the noted that the column showed "con­ from WMR.I in Marion doing the ladies whose minds have turned siderable thought and research." narrating and furnishing the mu­ to spring and flowers. Dress for Irving R. Leibowitz, prominent sic. Hair styles will be done by the occasion is gay spring dresses columnist of the Indianapolis Donna of the Cameo Room in Times, addressed the Saturday IN THE SPRING . good sports Jim Williams and Andrea Marion. for the ladies and suits for the banquet. Jensen "shake hands" following a tennis match between the rains. THE DECORATIONS enhancing Thank You, Mr. President . Prexy Discusses New Site; Reviews Fund Campaign, College Financial Condition Taylor University President B. tin. mittee approved as acceptable a ture for the campaign is to be com­ make a standing offer for the cam­ Joseph Martin disclosed that a 500- THE PRESIDENT went on to 233-acre site on the northeast cor­ pleted by May 15. Taylor officials pus. Nazarene Church officials acre site located on the southwest say that the tract, located between ner of Fort Wayne.
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