Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit .01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM II Calendar No. 216 115TTI CONGRESS 1 ST. SESSIOI\ S.1780 [Report No. 115-152] Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. IN THE SE~ATE OF TI-IE UKITED STATES SEPTK\IBER 7, 2017 Mr. GRA_HA~I, from the Committee on Apilropriations, reported the following original.bill; whieh was read twice,and plac-cd on the calendar A BILL Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year end­ ing September 30, 2018, and for other purposes, I Be it enacted by the Senate and l/ouse of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That the following sums arc appropriated, out of any 4 money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the 5 Department of State, foreign operations, and related pro- 6 grams for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and 7 for: other purposes, namely: These materials are distributed by Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP On behalfof the Embass·y of Mexico. Additiohal information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, O.C. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM 361 1 ( G) shali conduct regular consultation with 2 civil society organiz_ations working to advance 3 gender equality and empower women and girls . 4 internationally. 5 ( 4) SUPERVTSION.-The Office shall be hea_ded 6 by an Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's 7 Issues who- 8 (A) exercises significant authority; 9 (B) reports to the President or to the Sec­ 10 retary. of State·, and' 11 (C) is_ appointed by the President or by the 12 Secretary of State, with the advice and consent 13 of the Senate. 14 (5) REPORT.-··_ Not later than 180 days after 15 the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary 16 of State shall submit a report to the appropriate 17 · congressional committees describing the steps taken 18 to fulfill the duties of the Office set forth in para0 19 graph (3). 20 C0KSULAR N0TIFICATIOK CO:\fPl,lANGE 21 SEC. 7088. (a) PETITION FOR REVIEW.- 22 ( 1) JURISDICTION.-· Notwithstanding any other 23 provision of law, a Federal court shall have jurisdic­ 24 tion to review the merits of a petition claiming viola­ 25 tion of Article 36(1)(b) or (c) of the Vienna Conven- •S 1780 PCS These material_s are d_i_stributed by Brownste_in Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP o·n behalf of the Embassy of Mexico. Additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, WBShington, D.C. · Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM 362 1. -tion on Consular Relations, done at Vienna April 24, 2 1963, or a comparable provision of a bilateral inter­ 3 national agreement addressing consular notification 4 and access, filed by an individual_ convicted and sen­ - ) 5 tenced to death by any I<'ederal or State court before 6 the date of enactment of this Act. 7 (2) STANDARD.-To obtain relief, an individual 8 described in paragraph (1) must make a showing of 9, actual prejudice to the criminal conviction or sen­ 10 tence as a result of the violation. The court may 11 conduct an evidcntiary hearing if necessary to sup­ 12 plement the record and, upon a finding of actual 13 prejudice, shall order a new trial or sentencing pro­ 14 ceeding. 15 (3) LIMITATIONS.-.- 16 (A) INITIAL SHOWING.--To qualify for re­ 17 view µnder this . subsection; a petition must 18 make an initial showing that- 19 (i) a violation of Article 36(] )(b) or 20 (c) <lf' the Vienna Convention on Consular 21 Rdations, done at Vienna April 24, 1963, 22 or a comparable provision of a bilateral 23 international agr!!cment addressing con­ 24 sular notification and access, occurred with ,s 1780 PCS - - The~e maJerials are d_istributed by Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP on behalf of the Embassy of Mexico. Additional information is.-.on flie with the Department of Justi6e, Washington, D.C. Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 0 1/23/2018 3 :07 :27 PM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3 :07 :27 PM 363 1 respect to the individuai described in para­ 2 graph (1); and 3 (ii) if such violation had not occurred, 4 the consulate would have provided assist­ 5 ance to the individual. 6 (I3) EFFECT OF PRIOR ADJfJDICATION,-A 7 petition for review under this subsection shall 8 not be granted if the claimed violation described 9 in paragraph ( 1) has previously been adju­ 10 dicated on the merits by a Federal or State 11. court of competer1t jurisdiction in a proceeding 12 in which no Federal or State procedural bats 13 · were raised with respect to such violation and 14 in which the .court provided review equivalent to 15 the review provided in this subsection, unless 16 the adjudication of the claim resulted .in a deci- 17 . sion that was based on an unreasonable deter­ 18 mination of· the facts in light of the evidence 19 presented in the prior Federal or State. court 20 proceeding. 21 (C) FILING DEADLINE.-A petition for re­ 22 view under this subsection shall be filed within 23 1 year of the later of-. • 24 (i) the date of enactment of this Act; •S 1780 PCS These m_aterials are distributed by Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP on behalf of the Embassy Of Mexicb. Additional information is on file with the Department of JuStice, Washington, D.C. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018. 3:07:27 PM 364 1 (ii) the date on which the Federal or 2 State court judgment against the indi­ 3 vidual described in paragraph (1) became 4 final by the conclusion of direct review or 5 the expiration of the time for seeking such 6 review; of 7 (iii) the date on which the impediment 8 to filing a petition created by Pederal· or 9 State action in violation of the Constitu­ 10 tion or laws of the United States is re­ 11 moved, if the indhridual described in para­ . 12 graph (1) was prevented from filing by 13 such Federal or State action. 14 (D) 'l'OLLING.-The time during which a 15 properly filed application for State post-convic­ 16 tion or other collateral review with respect to 17 the pertinent judgment or claim is pending 18 shall not be counted toward the 1-ycar period of 19 limitation. 20 (E) TnrE LIMIT FOR REVIEW.-A Federal 21 court shall give priority to a petition for review 22 filed under this subsection over all noncapital 23 matters. With respect to a petition for review 24 filed under this subsection and claiming only a 25 violation described in paragraph (1 ), a J<'ederal •S 1780 PCS These materials are distributed by Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck L_LP on beha_lf of the_ Em_bassy of Mexico. Add.itional i_nfo_rmation is on file with the Department.of Justice, Washi'ngton, D.C. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM .Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM l 365 1 court shall render a final determination and 2 enter a final judgment not later than one year . 3 after the date on which the petition is filed. 4 ( 4) HABEAS PETITION .-A petition for review 5 under this subsection shall be part of the first Fed­ 6 eral habeas corpus application or motion for r'edcral 7 collateral relief uridcr chapter 153 of title 28, United 8 States Code, filed by an individual, except that if an 9 individual filed a Federal habeas corpus application 10 or motion for Federal collateral relief before the date 11 of enactment of this Act or if such application is rc0 12 quired to be filed before the date that is 1 year after 13 · the date of enactment of this Act; such petition for 14 review under this subsection shall be filed not later 15 than l year after the enactment date or \vithin the 16 period prescribed by paragraph (3)(C)(iii), whichever 17 is later. ~o petition filed in conformity with the re­ 18 quirements of the pr11eeding sentence shall be consid­ 19 ered a second or successive habeas corpus applica­ 20 tion or subjected to any bars to relief based, on ) 21 µreenactment proceedings other than as specified in 22 paragraph (2). 23 (5) REFERRAL to :VIAGISTRATE.~A Federal · 24 court acting under this subsection may refer the pe­ 25 tition for review to a Federal magistrate for pro, •S 1780 l'CS These materials are distributed by Brownstein Hyatt Farber Sc.hrec_k L_LP on beh_alf of the Embassy of Mexico. Additional infom,ation is on file w:tth the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 3:07:27 PM 366 1 posed findings and recommendations pursuant to_ 2 section G36(b)(l)(B) of title28, United States Code. 3 ( 6) APPEAL.-- 4 (A) lK GENEI{AL.-..A final order on a peti- 5 tion for review tinder paragraph ( 1) shall be 6 _ subject to review on appeal by the court of ap- 7 peals for the circuit in which the proceeding is 8 _held.
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