List of Organizations Holding State

List of Organizations Holding State

LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS HOLDING STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (BOE) ORGANIZATIONAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES - as of 1-27-17 (Organizations with Name Beginning with Letters D through K - Group 2) CORPORATE D DATE OCC FISCAL YEAR ORGANIZATION NAME BOE OCC NO. PURPOSE OR LLC ID NO. ISSUED FIRST QUALIFIED D Street Senior Housing, Inc. 2861195 20115 12/18/2007 Charitable 07-08 D.A.R.E. America 1631009 3668 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl D.A.V. Charities of Fresno County, Inc. 542144 17719 5/5/2005 Charitable 04-05 D.A.V. Charities of San Joaquin County 650104 3669 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl D.A.V. Industries 526940 3670 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl DAAR-UL-ILM For The Muslim Youth, Inc. (Institute Of 2225349 20259 2/7/2008 Religious 07-08 Knowledge) Dai Bei Temple 1270211 14639 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do Hoi Tin Huu Cao Dai Mien 1589742 21538 10/16/2009 Religious 09-10 Nam California Caodaist Association of Southern Ca Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do,Cao Dai Giao Hai Ngoai 1723675 22140 9/17/2010 Religious 09-10 Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do-Toa Thanh Tay Ninh (Chau 1931532 3673 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Dao California) Daishu-In West, Inc. 1977436 3674 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Dalai Lama Foundation, Inc., The 2422435 20104 3/4/2008 Charitable 06-07 Dalmatian Dreams Foundation, The 1943089 18542 12/5/2005 Charitable 05-06 Dameron Hospital Association 193881 3677 12/11/2003 Hospital Unavl Dana Adobe Nipomo Amigos 2204583 17529 1/23/2006 Charitable 04-05 Danbury Park LLC 201134010195 23511 4/15/2013 Charitable 12-13 Dance Action 577161 3678 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Dance Palace, Inc., The 832568 3680 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Dancing Star Foundation 1860814 3682 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Dandelion Nursery School, Inc. 922051 3683 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Daniel Christian Academy 3688728 25238 10/7/2015 Religious 15-16 Daniel's Village, LLC 200913210059 22109 8/25/2010 Charitable 10-11 Dante House, Inc. 2129763 3685 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Danville Area Culture Alliance 1630965 18183 3/15/2007 Charitable 02-03 Danville Congregational Church, United Church of 309522 3687 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Christ Danville Senior Citizens Club, Inc. 896571 3688 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Danville Senior Housing, Inc. 2348464 17000 3/3/2004 Charitable 04-05 Page 1 of 143 LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS HOLDING STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (BOE) ORGANIZATIONAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES - as of 1-27-17 (Organizations with Name Beginning with Letters D through K - Group 2) DAR-AL-ULOOM, AL-ISLAMIYAH OF AMERICA 1410372 15166 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Darin M. Camarena Health Centers, Inc. 892335 3689 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Data Center 831055 20868 6/17/2009 Charitable 08-09 Daughters of Charity Foundation 1246206 25505 10/12/2015 Charitable 15-16 Daughters of Charity Ministry Services Corporation 2104061 3691 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul Province 571182 3692 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl of the West Daughters of Mary and Joseph in California 244066 3693 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Daughters of Saint Paul, Inc. 1288220 3694 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Daughters of St. Joseph of California 398677 3695 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Daughters of Zion 3457690 23494 6/2/2015 Charitable 13-14 Davar Kingdom of God 1975658 3696 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl David and Kara Brewer Foundation, The 1892563 15772 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The 467303 3697 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl David and Margaret Home, Inc. 165353 3698 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl David Avenue SJC MGP, LLC 200732010115 20732 10/15/2008 Charitable 08-09 David Brower Center 2271345 20941 3/23/2009 Charitable 07-08 David C. Copley Foundation 0281442 24731 1/6/2015 Charitable 14-15 David Ministries, Inc. 771856 3700 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Davis Arts Center 391774 3703 1/29/2015 Charitable 15-16 Davis Campus Cooperatives 1115278 14369 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Davis Christian Fellowship 1857932 14344 8/25/2016 Religious 17-18 Davis Community Meals 1800206 3705 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Davis Community Television 1625725 19564 6/7/2010 Charitable 05-06 Davis Musical Theatre Company 1255798 3708 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Davis Senior Housing Communities, Inc. 2212803 19157 4/30/2013 Charitable 09-10 Davis Street Community Center 1665144 3711 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Davis Summer House Incorporated 1657881 3712 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Dawn Christian Academy 3680908 25261 7/17/2015 Religious 15-16 Day Caring Preschool, Inc. 731478 3717 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Day Worker Center Of Mountain View 2797687 20616 4/1/2009 Charitable 08-09 Daybreak Camp, Inc. 573771 3718 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled 903183 3719 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Page 2 of 143 LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS HOLDING STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (BOE) ORGANIZATIONAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES - as of 1-27-17 (Organizations with Name Beginning with Letters D through K - Group 2) Dayspring Christian Center Inc. 3248395 22509 2/28/2011 Religious 11-12 Daytop Village Foundation, Inc. 6046772 3721 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl DCHS Medical Foundation 3420318 23442 6/7/2013 Hospital 12-13 DCI Donor Services Inc. 1817433 3723 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl DDSO Foundation 1527151 3724 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl De Anza Rescue Unit, Inc. 581905 3725 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl De Benneville Pines, Inc. 419102 3726 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl De La Salle High School of Concord, Inc. 1829679 3727 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl De La Salle Institute 13779 3728 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl De Marillac Academy 2233433 21186 12/3/2009 Religious 09-10 de Toledo High School 2233478 19523 9/2/2016 Religious 16-17 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center 1237081 3729 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Deaf Community Services of San Diego, Inc. 1201105 17673 10/20/2014 Charitable 13-14 Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral Agency 468133 4003 4/10/2009 Charitable 07-08 Deaf Senior Retirement Corporation 2124612 18585 9/29/2005 Charitable 03-04 DeAnza Housing Corporation 2363595 17188 5/24/2004 Charitable 04-05 Dechen Rang Dharma Center 2948042 22321 2/23/2011 Religious 10-11 Decro Alpha Corporation 1820415 3731 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl DECRO Corporation 1645905 16333 5/24/2004 Charitable 04-05 Decro Epsilon Corporation 1820411 3732 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Decro Gamma Corporation 1771717 3733 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Decro Orion, L.L.C. 200532110221 20239 2/25/2009 Charitable 07-08 DECRO Osborne, L.L.C. 200509110008 20238 8/26/2008 Charitable 06-07 Decro-Chi Corporation 1820413 3734 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals 1116924 3735 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Deep Green Housing and Community Development 1481001 1285 12/23/2011 Charitable 12-13 Deep Valley Christian Schools 613661 3736 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Deer Park Monastery, LLC 200604210342 20364 10/28/2008 Religious 07-08 Defensa De Mujeres 1517118 3738 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Defense and Confirmation Project Inc. 2367486 17187 6/23/2004 Charitable 04-05 Defore Foundation for the Arts 1672652 3739 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Deja Vu Publishing Company 1090195 19830 6/16/2008 Religious 05-06 Del Carlo Court Inc. 1519505 3743 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Page 3 of 143 LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS HOLDING STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (BOE) ORGANIZATIONAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES - as of 1-27-17 (Organizations with Name Beginning with Letters D through K - Group 2) Del Dios Volunteer Fire Department 1170667 3744 5/31/2016 Charitable 10-11 Del Harbor Foundation 3214590 21762 9/15/2010 Charitable 10-11 Del Monte Forest Conservancy 416096 3745 1/25/2013 Charitable 13-14 Del Monte Manor, Inc. 558632 3746 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Norte Association for Cultural Awareness 1089198 3747 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Norte Child Care Council 1009399 3749 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Norte County Historical Society 346872 3751 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Norte Senior Center 771549 3753 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center 1549756 3754 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Paso Eastern Little League 690781 3755 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Prado Interfaith Housing Corporation 619859 3756 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Del Rey Hills Evangelical Free Church 387929 16229 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Del Rey-American Little League, Inc. 325046 18158 8/16/2006 Charitable 05-06 Del Sol School, Inc. 2851025 25792 1/20/2016 Charitable 13-14 Dela Vina Housing 1972713 3758 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delancey Street Foundation 618731 3759 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delano Association for Developmentally Disabled 765481 3760 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delegate General of the Minim Fathers 661517 3761 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Delhaven Community Center 748109 3762 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delhi Center 579643 3763 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delhi Community Presbyterian Church 237125 15535 12/11/2003 Religious Unavl Deliverance House, Inc. 2107389 3764 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Dell'Arte, Inc. 641428 3765 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delno Terrace, Inc. 1115430 3766 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delora Corporation, The 1645046 3767 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delphi Schools, Inc. 1263502 3768 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delta Blood Bank 290152 3769 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delta Community Services, Inc. 756540 23452 12/5/2013 Charitable 11-12 Delta Food Bank 1745404 3771 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delta Health Care and Management Services 848476 3772 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Corporation Delta Housing Development Corporation 1658957 3773 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Delta Learning Center 1103818 3774 12/11/2003 Charitable Unavl Page 4 of 143 LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS HOLDING STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (BOE) ORGANIZATIONAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES - as of 1-27-17 (Organizations with Name Beginning with Letters D through K - Group 2) Delta Oaks Orthodox Presbyterian Church 3417263 23384 6/16/2014 Religious 12-13 Delta Sea Scouts, Inc.

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