THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY fHIED YEAR—No. 12 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, W BDNBSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1952 Every Thurid,! 31PMM—4 •ee To Vie For Town Authority On New Division Head ight Protestant ittee Chairman Use Of Narcotics Churches Join In Council Proposes Pay : To Address Club Service Tomorrow Guett Speaker Raise For Police, Firemen rryLoeb James R. Dumpson Dr. Robert Skinner, jthdrawsAs Dinner Guest Of Presbyterian Pastor, Community Players To St. Paul's Men Will Preside Broadcast Friday Authorizes $1M fP Candidate James R. Dumpson, authority on The eight Protestant Christian The Community Flayers, as • Bonus To Other the use of narcotics among youth, •huiches comprising the member- member club in the New Jersey Bmber of candidates for and child care specialist of the' ship of the Westfield Council of Theater League, have been invited pf chairman of the Town Federation of Prctestant Welfare: Churches are uniting In a tradi- ,o broadcast on "The Breakfast Town Employees "| Committee dwindled Agencies of New York, will speak J tional Thanksgiving Day service 3orner" on radio station WPAT at a dinner meeting of the St. (930) in Patterson Friday at 8:46 • to three this week with it 8:50 a.m. tomorrow at the Pres- An ordinance granting wave in- Up awal of Harry Loeb, 705 Paul's Men's Club at the St. Paul's p.m. byterian Church, Mountain avenue creases of $<>00 and Up to m«M-'}$ d. Mr. Loeb, who recently Episcopal Church, Dec. 3. Dinner Mrs. Ann Bredlau, liason officer and East Broad streett. At this bers of the Police and Fire Dtpt^t*',-^ om business, said he ex- will be served at 7 p.m. between Community Players and nnual community service the Rev. ments was passed on fint reading |," it' spend a good part of Mr. Dumpson is ope of the nine NJTL, Mrs. Charlotte Porter, co- by the Town Council Monday nigtt4f Dr. Robert M. Skinner, minister er in Florida, and would professionals who collaborated on ihairman of publicity, and Henry in the Municipal Building. PuMMp ble to give the post the a recently published book, Narcot- of the host church, will preside. Mereness, actor, will speak on the hearing was set for Dec, 8. i* 5,; origin, activities, building program, iserves. ics, USA. He is vice chairman of Dr. Skinner will be assisted by The new pay Bcalea set up hy-\. the committee on the use of nar- and future plans of the Commun- |ndidates for the post of LT. COL. W. A. ALLEN the Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., min- the ordinance would raiw tyw "^ cotics among teen-age youth, Wel- ity Players. which became vacant ister of the First Baptist Church, wages of the Police and Fir* th-,XV- • resignation of John W. fare and Health Council of New who will read the Scripture lesson York, partment members as follomwt '^ fig Jr., 735 Embree. cres- and the Rev, Dr. J. L, McCorlson Chief of Police and Fire Chitf, ,S Currently, Mr. Dumpson is em- Allen Named "personal and business' MILLICENT C. MclNTOSH Jr. who will offer the prayer of The Dark Tower' from $5,200 to $6,100 and »S,8«B ^ tare Guy R. Byam, 856 ployed as consultant to the newly Thanksgiving. The . preacher is to $8,100; captains in th« pofic* V, |venue, Paul E. Davis, 604 organized Child Care Planning the Rev. Dr. Gordon E. Michel- department, from 14,350 to $5,209, 1 Board of the Protestant federa- Chief of Staff place, and John M. son, minister of the First Meth- Will Open Friday and Are captains, $4,000 to $4,800; V tion, This board is working In- e, 214 Wells street. Fur- Barnard President odist Church. His sermon sub- police lieutenants, $4,000 to $4,-.^ tensively to find ways and means ject is "Gratitude With Grit." cations for the post may to provide more and better serv- Westfielder to Head 800, and fire lieutenants, $3,040 & ade before the election The music includes an offertory Proceeds Will Go To to $4,600; police sergeant*. $3,^40 -., Is Club Speaker ices to Protestant children. It is Armored Division DR. FRANCIS P. JONES ; the meeting of the com- attempting to develop preventive anthem, "Bless the Lord, O My Scholarship Fund to $4,500; and probationary t*-'i I the YMCA Tuesday eve- Soul" by Ipolitof-lvanof, sung by trolmen and firemen, from $2(810 \ programs that get at the basis of Appointment of Lt. Col. Wilbert the Presbyterian choir directed by to $3,400 for the first year. , )-, Progressive Education family and psychological break- A. Allen of WestAeld as chief of The Dark Tower, a mystery mel- Richard Litterst. Karl L. Lein odrama by Alexander Woolcott Missionary To n, forty-four years old, down. staff, 50th Armored Division, has After serving th* nectiaarjr " (ingeBt of the three candi- Subject of Talk Is singing "Thanks Be to Thee" and George S. Kaufman, wjll be length of time and having been aj>- -^ One of the most pressing prob- been announcedd by Majoj r General by Handel. The prelude is the was born in Newton, lems faced by the board is the presented by the College Woman's pointed a permanent member «f -1 Id traveled all over the Millicent Carey Mclntosh, presi- Donald W. McGowan, New Jersey Finale from the Sixth Sonata by Club Friday and Saturday at the Talk on China the department, the aalary would'} dent of Barnard College, will speak urgent need for foster boarding land Panama with his National Guard commander. Mendelssohn and thepostlude is new Senior High School audito- be increased each year for four, <' at a guest meeting of the College care for more than 350 children construction engineer, Prior to ms new assignment, 'Now Thank We All Our God' rium. consecutive years as follows: 93,- '•' Woman's Club Tuesday at the Ma- whose own parents cannot take Colonel Allen was plans and train- Second Speaker In [father, who helped build care of them temporarily because by Karg-Elcrt. The play is being directed by GOO for the first year; $3,800 for ; sonic Temple at 8:16 p.m. Her sub- ing officer of the division. He suc- na Canal, he was a pas- ject will be "The Reconciliation of illness, family disruption, and The co-operating churches are Frank Dudley of New York. He Lecture Series the second, $4,000 for the third; ,*-' the first ship to go other misfortune. More than half ceeds Lt. Col. William R. Sharp, of St. Luke's AME Zion Church, the is the husband of Lucia Victor, and $4,800 for the fouith. jj. between the Progressive and Con- Trenton, who has been assigned to [the "Big Ditch". Mr. servative Curriculum." of these children are Negro; many Bethel Baptist Church, First Bap who directed Good-Bye My Fancy "Will Christianity Overcome According to the old scale po- ' '.; state headquarters of the New Jer- ommunlsm in China?" will be the eived his bachelor of sci- are under the age of three. tist Church, First Church of and Philadelphia Story, the last lice and firemen were required 'to ';„" Mrs. Mclntosh is weil equipped sey National Guard in Trenton subject of a talk at the First Meth- ice from Weslcyan in The Federation of Protestant Christ, Scientist, First Congrega two plays given by the College serve eight years before th'ty •'* his master of arts in to discuss this topic since, as head- Colonel Sharp is director of the Woman's Club. Mr. Dudley is con- odist Church Sunday by Dr, Fran- reached tho top of the pay scale; ' mistress of the Brearley School in Welfare Agencies, which Mr. plans and training division, New tional Church, St. Paul's Episco- cis P. Jones, Methodist minister and finance at Columbia Dumpson represents, serves almost nected with tho Abbey Workshop now they must serve only three, ' ''' in 1933. He joined the New York, she was interested in Jersey Department of Defense. pal Church, First Methodist and has done both directing and who lived under the Communist all the Protestant agencies in New tho Presbyterian Tho Council also authorized th» * fTrust in 1933 and has using the best features of pro A graduate of Colgate Univcr- Church and acting in summer stock. He has regime in China until forced out York. Affiliated with it are 180 Church. six .months after the start of the payment of a bonus of $100 to ill '. I the company ever since. gressive education as well as giving stty, Colonel Allen began his mill also appeared on several television regular salaried employees of th* -! attention to the individual needs sectarian and non-sectarian organ' An offering will be received for war in Korea. The talk will- be . he was named an assist- Izatlons serving children, youth, tary career as a private in the New programs. town, whose salaries aro less than' ' of the child and her thorough aca- the work of the Westfield Council given at the second meeting of the jpresident in the invest- and the aging. York National Guard. He was in The Dark Tower is a play about $5,000 a year, except tho members ., jisory department of the demic training. ducted into tho Army with his uni of Churches. current "World Is Our Parish" Mr. Dumpson was educated at the production of a play. Jessica, series and will start at 8 p.m. of the 1'ollco and Fire Depart- ~ It trust division, At Barnard, Mrs. Mclntosh in 1941 for (service in World War an actress whose husband has al- ments.
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