Qua3it4 ambientalePresentazione del fiumeSERIE Oreto QUARTA (Palermo) ... ISSN 0394-00631 Vol. XXXVII, N. 1 (2013) ISSN online 2240-3442 Organo della Società Siciliana di Scienze Naturali Volume contents Ostracodophili From Naples 1963 to Rome 2013 – a brief review of how the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO) developed as a social commu- nication system pp. 13-17 J.A. Aguilar-Alberola & F. Mesquita-Joanes The hatching process in Cyprididae ostracods: morphology and function of the A-9 stage pp. 19-20 G. Aiello, D. Barra & R. Parisi Variability in ornament and shape of the genus Urocythereis from a southern Italy bay (Ionian Sea) pp. 21-24 D. Akdemir & O. Külköylüoğlu On the relationship between climatic changes and ecology of ostracods in Hatay, Region Turkey pp. 25-26 L.G. Akita, P. Frenzel & N. Börner The recent ostracod fauna of Tangra Yumco Lake System, Central Tibetan Plateau pp. 27-30 C.M. de Almeida & D.A. Do Carmo Taxonomy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of Late Cretaceous ostracodes from offshore Santos Basin, southern continental margin, Brazil pp. 31-32 C.M. de Almeida & D.A. Do Carmo The first ostracods species of Permian/?Triassic from Paraná Basin, central Brazil pp. 33-34 C.A. Alvarez Zarikian Ostracoda in deep ocean Cenozoic Paleoceano- graphy: from regions of deep water formation to ultraoligotrophic environments pp. 35-38 L. Antonietto, A. Abrahão, Taxonomic, biostratigraphic and palaeozoogeo- D.A. Do Carmo & R. Meireles graphic aspects of Amphicytherura Butler & Jones, 1957 and Aracajuia Krömmelbein, 1967 (Cytheridae, Schizocytherinae) pp. 39-40 A. Baltanás & D.L. Danielopol Disparity and diversity in the Candoninae (Ostra- coda, Cypridoidea) pp. 41-43 G. Benardout, D.J. Horne, Testing the Mutual Ostracod Temperature Range J. Bunbury & I. Boomer method with a multi-proxy approach to palaeotemperature estimation pp. 45-47 C.T. Bergue & G. Fauth Paleoenvironmental analysis of the Upper Creta- ceous marginal marine and marine ostracode assem- blages of Santos Basin (SE Brazil) pp. 49-50 I. Boomer, D.J. Horne, A. Lord & A. Smith Late Pleistocene freshwater Ostracoda from North East England, with observations on the status of Limnocythere suessenbornensis Diebel, 1968 and Limnocythere friabilis Benson & MacDon- ald, 1963 pp. 51-52 N. Börner, B. De Baere, Q. Yang, The flow-through time-resolved analysis tech- K.P. Jochum, P. Frenzel & A. Schwalb nique: a new method in trace element determina- tion in ostracode shells pp. 53-55 Brandão S.N. Recent deep-sea ostracoda biogeography revisited pp. 57-58 M.C. Cabral, J.-P. Colin, A.C. Azerêdo, Sinemurian ostracod assemblages from western R. Silva & L.V. Duarte Portugal (Praia Velha and Praia da Concha): palaeoecological signature and palaeobiogeograp- hical implications pp. 59-61 M.C. Cabral, J.-P. Colin, A.C. Azerêdo, New findings of non-marine Upper Jurassic ostra- B. Ribeiro & P. Dantas cods from the Portuguese western coast pp. 63-65 J. Cárdenas, A. Baltanás, R. Figueroa, Contribution to the knowledge of continental G. Cusminsky, C. Laprida, J. Ramon Mercau, ostracod from Chile pp. 67-71 D. Alvarez & R. Urrutia A.P. Carignano & G. Cusminsky Upper Cretaceous Limnocytheridae (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from Argentina pp. 73-74 A. Castillo-Escrivà, J.A. Gil-Delgado, Ostracods from shallow lakes in central Spain R.U. Gosálvez, L. Valls, pp. 75-76 Á. Velasco & F. Mesquita-Joanes A. Chitnarin & S. Crasquin Permian ostracods of E-Lert Formation, northea- stern Thailand pp. 77-78 J.-P. Colin Ostracoda in the past worlds, a case history: South Atlantic “pre-salt” petroleum applications pp. 79-81 C. Coviaga, G. Cusminsky, A.P. Peréz, A. Diáz, Distribution and ecology of freshwater ostracods A. Schwalb, M. Alperin, F. Viehberg, R.C. from northern Patagonia: an approach Whatley, D. Ariztegui & V. Markgraf pp. 83-84 S. Crasquin Ostracods on Peri-Tethys margins during Pangea times (-360 to -230 My): some highlights pp. 85-89 T.M. Cronin, L.H. DeNinno, E.K. Caverly, Quaternary Ostracoda from the Arctic Ocean: sea R.K. Poirier, L. Gemery, M. Yasuhara ice and ocean circulation variability over orbital timescales pp. 91-92 B. Curry, F. Mesquita-Joanes, S. Fanta, Two coastal sinkhole lakes in SW Sicily (Italy) D. Sterner, C. Calò & W. Tinner reveal low-salinity excursion during greek and roman occupation pp. 93-95 C. D’Arpa, E. Di Stefano E. & R. Sprovieri Paleoecology of Early Pleistocene (Sicilian substage) Ostracoda from Belice Valley, Southwestern Sicily pp. 97-100 L. Decrouy, T.W. Vennemann, Evolution of ostracod fossil assemblage in the T. Adatte & J.-L. Loizeau Petit Lac (Lake Geneva, Switzerland): taphonom- ic issues or major environmental change? pp. 101-102 H. Delile, I. Mazzini, J. Blichert-Toft, Definition of a new approach in ancient harbor J. P. Goiran, F. Arnaud-Godet, geoarchaeology: geochemistry and ostracod analy- F. Albarede & S. Keay ses at Portus (Tiber delta, central Italy) pp. 103-105 A. Díaz & E. Lopretto Life cycles of two species of Chlamydotheca (Crustacea, Ostracoda) reared in laboratory pp. 107-109 A. Díaz & K. Martens A new genus and species of non-marine ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Patagonian wet- lands of Argentina pp. 111-112 N. Ehsani, I. Yassini, Miocene ostracods from E-member of Qom For- N. Mostafawi & J. Daneshian mation at Kamar-Kuh stratigraphic section, west of Qom, central Iran pp. 113-121 J. Fischer, K. Schoppmann, The potential role of freshwater ostracods in con- R. Matzke-Karasz & C. Laforsch trolled ecological life support systems (CELSS) pp. 123-125 S. Fleury, B. Malaizé, P. Martinez, Impacts of climate variability and Maya settle- V. Bout-Roumazeilles, J. Giraudeau, D. Galop, ment on Laguna Tuspán (Petén, Guatemala) and K. Nooren, K. Charlier, P. Carbonel, its ostracod fauna during the past 5000 years A. Torneberg & C. Arnauld pp. 127-129 A. Floroiu, M. Stoica, Pontian ostracods from Slanicul de Buzau section I. Vasiliev & W. Krijgsman (eastern Carpathian foredeep) pp. 131-132 M.-B. Forel, S. Crasquin & Q. Feng First record of the lilliput ostracod faunas in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction pp. 133-134 P. Frenzel, L.G. Akita, S. Fürstenberg, Holocene lake level changes of Tangra Yumco I. Möbius & C. Wrozyna (central Tibetan plateau) as indicated by ostracoda and other proxies pp. 135-136 V. Frezza, M.G. Carboni & L. Di Bella Distribution of recent ostracods near the Ombrone River mouth (northern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) pp. 137-139 S. Fürstenberg, P. Frenzel, P. Peng, Phenotypical variation in Leucocytherella sinen- K. Henkel & C. Wrozyna sis Huang, 1982 - a new proxy for palaeosalinity in Tibetan lakes pp. 141-143 T. Gebru, F.A. Viehberg, V. Foerster, Climatic and hydrological instability in East Afri- A. Asrat & F. Schäbitz ca during the Holocene: ostracod evidence from Lake Chamo, south Ethiopia pp. 145-146 E. Gliozzi, N. Aladin, I. Boomer, Taxonomic revision of Livental’s species of brack- T. Dmitrieva, N. Dykan, E.I. Schornikov, ish water Ostracoda (Crustacea) and designation M. Stoica & E. Tesakova of neotypes pp. 147-149 M. Grimm, S.N. Brandão & M. Yasuhara Ostracoda collected off southern Iceland during the Iceage Project pp. 151-152 M. Gross, W.E. Piller & M.I.F. Ramos Cyprideis (Ostracoda) from Western Amazonia’s Neogene (Solimões Formation, Brazil) pp. 153-155 F. Grossi, E. Gliozzi, Is Cyprideis agrigentina Decima a good P. Anadón & F. Castorina palaeosalinometer for the Messinian Salinity Cri- sis? Morphometrical and geochemical analyses from the Eraclea Minoa Section (Sicily) pp. 157-160 Y. Guo, P. Frenzel, N. Börner, Recent Ostracoda of Taro Co (western Tibetan L.G. Akita & L. Zhu Plateau) pp. 161-162 V. Hajek-Tadesse Nonmarine ostracod fauna from the Early Miocene lake (~17.000~16.000 Ma) in Croatia pp. 163-164 J. Higuti, K.F. Roche & K. Martens A comparison between the ostracod (Crustacea Ostracoda) faunas of the Pantanal and the upper Paraná River floodplains (Brazil) pp. 165-167 Y. Hong & M. Yasuhara Shallow marine ecological degradation in Hong Kong: a palaeoecological approach using ostracods pp. 169-170 D.J. Horne, M. Tarplee & S.C. Sweetman Seeing through the walls: X-ray microtomography of closed nonmarine ostracod carapaces from the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight, UK pp. 171-172 X. Hu, A. Yuan, M.-B. Forel, Ostracods from microbialites across the Permian- S. Crasquin & Q. Feng Triassic boundary in Tudiya section (Chongqing municipality, south China) pp. 173-175 G. Hunt, C. Solon, Using sexual dimorphism in ostracode carapaces R. Lockwood & T. Markham Puckett to study sexual selection in the fossil record pp. 177-178 S. Iepure, R. Rasines, Ostracoda as proxy for the environmental monito- F. Carreno & I. de Bustamante ring of shallow subsurface habitats in a contami- nated detrital aquifer from central Spain pp. 179-183 T. Irizuki, K. Yoshioka, M. Sako, Temporal variations of ostracods, diatoms, and M. Yasuhara & K. Hirose environmental factors over the past several hun- dred years in the Seto inland sea, Japan - with rela- tion to anthropogenic influence pp. 185-187 A. Koenders, I. Schön, S. Bode, Integrative analyses of valve outlines and molecu- N. Bracke, S. Halse & K. Martens lar DNA sequences in Eucypris virens (Crustacea, Ostracoda) pp. 189-190 O. Külköylüoğlu, N. Sarı, M. Dügel, Effect of water level fluctuation on the species S¸. Dere, N. Dalkıran, diversity and ecology of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in S. Çapar Dinçer & C. Aygen Lake Çubuk (Bolu, Turkey) pp. 191-192 L. López-Gutiérrez, R. Rico-Martínez, Acute toxicity and bioconcentration of lead and M. Silva-Briano, F. Mesquita-Joanes, cadmium in different stages of Heterocypris I. Rubio-Franchini & A. Adabache-Ortíz incongruens Ramdhor 1808 (Ostracoda) pp. 193-194 C.P. Machado & C.T. Bergue Definition of a tropical assemblage of shallow- water Ostracoda (Podocopida) from northeastern and eastern Brazilian shelves pp. 195-198 S.
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