ools slaw, pioklsi'mid psh iy. roOa, horns mads p>as and eattoo. P roflu trim the supper will be used for the benefit o f the parish. A ll organiza­ C liquy Farley eaa be erected for tions i t ths cbundi have rickets for th IW.OOO avaUahle,'the epeelflea- sale, and aU members of the Glrla’ tlbne win probably have to ba re- Friendly aootety. They may be re­ 'vlaad to provide for lower-ooet oon- served by calling the paslab bouse atrucrion. Monday evening when the sah Officials o f the FW A, whioU la doses, or by contacting ths foUow- cupplying $88,600, have to approve V0L.LVL,N0.84 Ing heads of organlxations; Mrs. cbrtsd to the cemetery by the the plana and amr alterationa In James Harrison, Mrs. Charlsa Wade, Bids for Um contract for the The American Legion Team No. loarchlng firemen. The bearers will them before bide can be accepted. 2 of Manchester shooting against Mrs. Ekiltb ludd. Hlim Dorothy Rus­ sell, Mias EMna Oordy. be Frederick Van Ness and 8. Ross Uhvary building planned for Center W ork.on the Job m uzt'etart aome Ida lUlchenbaeb, driver of the Eofleld Rifle Hub of Enfield at Bhlnr, aasudatas in Cheney pork, win be opened Monday at 8 time next week, according to one of ihompsonvUle last night lost the tbe utomoblle that ilpired in the Brothers, Rudolph KIssmann, Roo- p. m. in the Municipal BuUding the provtrions of the agreement be­ BINGO BINGO ^ W O R K E R S RIGHTISTS CRY match by nine polbta, the total (Anah la Sooth Wiadeor.on Moaday, ert Walker and David Oicksos, Sr.; Office o f the eelectmen. Two tocG tween the town and the Federal TELEVISroN^OES BEYOND VISIONARY STAGE Id reported to be out o f dahger and scores being 010 to 010. from No. 2 and Chief Albert Foy of government In. order to allow all meqibera of FIREMEN W m MARCH coacema and gome from out of Mechanical Perfection of Home Receivers Demonstrated In Tests idetiaf oeatfortaU^ at' the Hartford the South Manchester department. the Manchester teams to take part Army and Navy Clah ARE WARY AS tal, where ehe wae taken after OUT AT BLlfflrS le accident. In shoots Team No. 2 will be the IN CH AM B^ FUNERAL club’s entry In the Hartford County League, which Is not composed ss PARKING HEARINGS Mr. and Mra. Samuel Kemp, Jr., TONIGHT—8:15 TO P M BOOST SPAIN_PROJECT high mark shooters as Is the WATKINS BROS. left Man cheater thla rooming and Members Of Six Companies To - - And Every Saturday Night I Charter Oak League. The Man­ OrCORPOBATBD Vatill be Joined by Mr. and Hie. chester American Legion first team Attend Last Rites And Es- ON M ONDAY EVENING FILMS IS GAMES AND SPECIAL PRIZESI .■ISharlea UeCana of Bristol, former- DROP HUGE BOMBS ON will take part In the Charter Oak . cert Comrade To Grave. ROBERT K. ANUERSON DEVELOPED AND Admission 25c. Open House! ; Door Prixel Ijeaders Fear That Plan It Protest French Prenuer^t of Hancheater, and Will go to League shooting. Donze will ohoor A public hearing will be conduct­ Fnoeral Director PRINTED SpedEl P riw Ob the Lest SiUtirday of Rrery Moothe Tork to attend the horse show with the Hartford County League Members of the four companies of Madison Square Oarden. ed by the Police Commisaioners _____ _ Likely To Treeze” Wafes team oeeause he la working nights the South Manchester Fire Depart­ Monday . night in the Municipal Funeral service in home­ 24-HOUR SERVICE Offer To Aid Loyalists If and will not be able to get awky to ment and the two companies of the building for discussion o fth e lr sug­ '' Tile Army and Navy club will atioot with the first team In their Manchester Fire Department met like surroundings. Film Deposit Box 4t MADRID’S DEFENSES gestion that all night parking be REMEMBER! Rei^nlless Of The Profits niponaor an Armistice Eve dance in league shoots. at the headquarters of No. 2 of the Store Entrance Enulaod WiD; Is Scored ¥ the Clubhouse, Main street, Tuesday The scores last night: South Manchester department Jaat outlawed in Manchester and of 142 EAST CENTER ST. methods to warn auto owners to ¥ evening’, Nov. 10. Music will be pro- Enfield R. 0. night at 7:15 and marched to the Armistice Eve Dance, Tuesday, Nov. 10th O f The Company. By Bqth Sides. SOLD CREMATORY BODIES 'trlded by A rt McKay's Orchestra, R. Cartigan SO 46 47—187 Thomas G. Dougam's funeral home move their parked cars so that the Telephone: TO 8CIENTIFIO SCHOOLS Hanes Fly Low lost U k r ;! town snow plows -Till not have to HEARST LOSES ’ttaservations should be made early A. Blunden 48 45 46— 184 on Hod street to view the body .uf Office 5171 House 7494 KEMP'S -Make Your Reservations Early! as aooommodatlons at the clubhooie S. Teatoni 40 48 42—183 Joseph Chambers, second assistant leave unplowed spoU In tho roads. Bucharest, Rumania, Nov. 9.— are limited. A small admission price G. AUen 50 46 80—183 chief o f the South Manchester de­ Clerk George H. Waddell of the Plttatmrgh, Noy, 9.— (A P I—Steel Paris, Nov. fAP) — Premier (A P )—Three casks rolled out of City Limits hFom r W a rn will be charged. F. Landry 60 36 46—182 partment and foreman of No. 3 Foard o f Selectmen has zuggested workers added $10,000,000 to their Leon Blum’s proposal to rush 11th SUIT AGAINST an overturned motor truck near compuny. that the sirens on the police call- Christmas budgets today while In' hour assistance to Spanish Social­ Chisinau today, breaking open WhOe Fascist Shells D roft: . Group 2 of Center church women Totals 019 There was nearly 200 In the b.xes be sounded to warn automo- dustrlM circles discussed boosted ists drew a storm of Rightist criti­ and dlscloeing throe human bod­ 'Will meet at the home of the lesser, A. L. R. O. group that went to the undertaking bU owners to move their cars from prices of steel products and some SENATEGROUP ies. cism today. Mra. Uidus Foster of 37 Academy P. Newcomb 50 40 46 48—187 rodms. Others who could not go at thr main streets. employe groups expressed dlssatis; Police, investigating, arrested In Business Sections Of ; '’Street, Tuesday evening, November M. Donze 50 48 47 40—185 faction with the industry’s pay. In-^ Henri DekerlUis, Rightist deputy, the manager of a crematory and 10 at 8 o'clock. The business meet. J. Ha’ tlnger 49 48 42 48—182 crease. called -the suggestion "unpardoro accused him o f selling more ;lng will be followed by a' talk by C. Blrath 50 47 44 88—179 COOKING Capital-Over 100 KDIei The Christmas fund boost is pred­ U. S. Court Of Appeals Roles than 40 bodies for sclentiflo pur­ E. Bplesa 40 47 42 80—177 able” and asserted the French pre­ -Mrs. Boadley WUles of Fairflell icated upon a continuation of pres­ mier “should be tried by a high poses, burning the oarcaaaes of street on her experience as a social ent rates of operations after wage court.” animala to conceal the decep­ By Plane Bombings. 'worker. Mrs. WUles wUI also sing TotaU 010 PHILLIP SELW ITZ boosts become effective for the na- That Courts Cannot Inter tion. two solos, accompanied by Mra Blum advanced bis idea at a ses­ DEMONSTRATION Uon’e half million steel men N o­ sion of the Soclallst National Coun­ A’biney Morey, president of Center Is Pleased To Announce the Re-Opening of vember 16— there is no sign o f a cil, sa3rlng: " I f concerted action fere With a Congresnon- Madrid, Nov. 0— (AP) —^9 Church Women's Federation. Vice slackening in demands. The indus­ with England is possible, I am ready leaders of Group 2 are' Mra. L. A. SUPPER t o PRECEDE I arrlal fleets spilled great bombs i T O N I G H r try’s payroU for September was to undertake i t ” HaU, Mrs. Alfred Mucklow, Mra. Selwitz Package Store . $65,611,000 with operations around He did not Indicate whether Brit­ al Committee. the city limit fortifleattone Samuel Stevenson, Mrs. .William B. Tuesday, Nov. 10 78 per cent o f capiroity. LuU and Mrs. William Pitkin. ST. M A R n ART SHOW ish oiflcials had been approached ELAINE BARRIE Madrid in four vlcioua waves ' Comer Main and Pearl Streets The magazine "Steel'' declared a directly. whila Insurgent shells r i n ^ price, increase of from $1 to $2 a George Van Bibber, physical di­ Blum accepted a Soclallst Party Washington, Nov. 9 — (A P ) — neas streets and buildings. at 2^ P. M, ton on the prices of finished steel is resolution which called on the gov­ rector of Connecticut State college Glrls-Friendly Society To Serve Pointing to separation by ths Con­ 1 expected for the first quarter of ernment to use all its efforts, in co­ ANDBARRYMORE Dstsrmlnsd grimly to opsn « ] be.the guest qieaker at the Baked Ham In Parish Hall A Complete Line of Fine Liquors Are In SHOW OF SHOWS stitution of the powers of the Prest- win Conttnnona From 10:80 TiU Clo sing 1987 to meet the new wage rates. tar the Moors, Legiomialfw Monday noon .meeting of the Man- operation with Great Britain, to Television for the home is Just around the corner. dent.
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