Murray State's Digital Commons The Paducah Evening Sun Newspapers 9-5-1906 The Paducah Evening Sun, September 5, 1906 The Paducah Evening Sun Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pes Recommended Citation The Paducah Evening Sun, "The Paducah Evening Sun, September 5, 1906" (1906). The Paducah Evening Sun. 30. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pes/30 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Paducah Evening Sun by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Pabntab Etwiting VOL. XVIII. NO. 216. PADUCAH. KY.. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 5. 1906. 10 CENTS PER WEEK MIN .. ...,••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••• 'RURAL CARRIERS leeltealsereelel.e.e.aerlelefeleteee. CHOOSE BETWEEN HUSBAND STABS IGORROTES SAY VICK REVOLUTIO! It is the daily everage circu- _L SOUTH .111ERI4'A Fair tonight and Thurpality ca- lation of a newspaper that the IN ASSOCIATION GOING ALI, AT ONCE. SULLIVAN AND HIM rpi eliewere lii e e..1 portion, WIFE'S COMPANION HUNT ROBS THEM The highest temperature reach- shrewd advertiser investlgatee- New ()Wane, Sept. 5.-Isr. tenet count, ed today we,. $t; and the iftee.i "High Water" days Angel Uguarte, Moto-tat agent of wits 73. The Sun's daily as crag.- last the Honduras rettilutioni,e, iti Their Manager Indicted By ntonth was 3040. Meet at City Hall And Organ Bryan Gives_ Illinois Demo- Albert Rogers im in a Serious is put,Ilshiu a re‘eintinnar) pa4.- Memphis Grand Jury. Ise the State.- per Mee, sap' c.•eutdirs, ein •st; crats Alternative. Condition. combine in a rcsulutkin NeNetn- ber I. ISelcgate% from the tiva to wet :44 rer.ouhlica are (1)rtferrtng here. THEIR 10TES NOT 11 ‘NTED. Dr. Hunt Brought Them to the $t. FIGHT RESULTS IN RACE WARS Elect Officers and Ileckle liepudiatea Endoreement That Conies George \lhoan, Ship Ilarpenter. it cc.m. Louis Espriettion slid Has Es- - --- Again on ThanksgOing Hoy at Froin Friends of the prima Pair in Hi" Home and l'om Johnson Say'. Speed to Whited 'ettetti On* Murder Oilseed in Chicago by Maytlekl. itiltteeitian. God Itegine .1ttack. Goldtleld's Fight. KING IS CAUGHT Thousands of Democrats. Chicago, Sept. 5.-- Violence, and Cleveland, Sept. 4.- In the opin- POSTNI A ST E It WEIA '0)1 1.15 THEM. Ills ENEM V HEAVILY ion ARREISTED WITH 111/4 WIFE. CLAIMS HE IS PERSECUTED. in one instance minder, was the re- of Mayor Tom 1.. „Johnson, Bry- sult of the race excitement that de- NEAR BROOKPORTi g`"K's an's stand on government ownership of veloped while the returns from the railroads, makes certain that Roosevelt will be the next Republi- the tes- Gans-Nelson fight were being receiv- Rutal letter carriers of Kentucky Chicago. Ill Sept_ 5.- William J. 11:eeding from several serious knife Memphie, Sept 5.-- l'pon can nominee for ed in Chlcago last night. The levee yan as the guest of the local De- president. "Bryan's timony of Fele& attii-Denotte., lero full- met In this city I.abor Day and organ- POilee 1.ellil Negro ilespeleidO wounds Albert Rogers, former:, a aflame spirit of mocracy-, deltvered within eight hours declaration on government owner- blooded lgorrotes. members of the district was with the ized a state assoetetion, to be affiliat- cab driver, ran with his clothes tinder fre- two addresses. The first speech ship of railroads may' drive thous- band wheel visited this city lrt year. lawlessness that broke out at ed with the national association. They At Last. which his arms to seek the protection of partisans was made at a luncheon given in his ands of Democrats out of the party indictments eharging "larceny" and quent intervals as the of will meet again at Mayfield Thank, policemen to escape the vengeance of one or the other of the lighters ven- honor by the Iroquois club, dealt en- and to such Dernocratti, I sat, God "larceny from the person," a felon givIngellny to perfect the organization, George Allman. a abi• carpenter, who tured an opinion. tirely with political issues and ecti!' speed," said Johnson. under the !statutes of this **ate, were as they can meet on national holidays Stant Another Ntaii•• IA'14 so That It had but a few moments before canaht tomtit. questions of the day. The sec- returned against Dr. Truman K. Heat only. Had to lie %nominated and Made Rogers in a oompromlalog position ' end speech was made at a banquet te the Shelby countt grand jury Fri- Officers of the newly formed asso- lEacape. with his wife. As, a result of the st- given in his honor by the Jefferson F'UT RIM _T1110 day morning. Angu.t 10. to Italie NO WARRANTS ciation are President. J.. F. Boyd ir Allman was arrested for malicious Hub and Wit devoted to National Mont in the criminal court. Boas; vice president, Dimund L. rutting and his victlifikks hint seri- ronsmitteeman Roger C. Sullivan. of Assistant Attorney-General Kort- Francis, Paducah; Secretary, J., W. onaly wounded while hie wife is at GOOD WORK RV THE PoLICE. ililinois. whose resignation Bryan had reeht, who immediatel) app:led for re- Whittemore. Meiber. treasurer, M. F Nitailto TH.aNIP NOT l'Ittailert'T- the city hall with her young child 1104UF.D FOR BOIS WHO BROKE demanded but who was endorsed by quisition papers. directing that they Mee, Paduesde ED BYiLI.lNOlS l'ENTIttl.. toildlIng about her feet, pending pros- WINDOWS OF SCH()01.13. the recent state convention which be sent from Nashville to Chicair,' The object of the organization is to ccuilon for Immors.litY• also declared itself in favor of Bryan where Hunt was arrested yester- promote amelioration of such con- Joe King. a negro desperado want- Last night about 150:30 o'eleek MI- the as the next Democratic nominee for day. ditions as carriers. ed here for mancionsa man returned house from a trip to affect a:: the rural shooting president. Hurrying Jib or Work and tatuovert The Veiled States government Is Judge Lightfoot Saki the Board Is George Richardson, another of his Fulton, where he had gone to se-tire Postal clerks and many government Bryan not only scored Sullivan Sr.' Scarce, S., letieer Glow the prime mover in the criminal pros- Trying to l'ollert a (1%11 color several weeks ago, a under ar- work on the L'Inols Centoti railroad. employes -ender the civil servioe have and his political methods unmerci Chance, ecution against Dr. Hem. rest. He was brought thin morntng He had been employed on the oral organized. not forming a lobby, but fully. but Informed the Democrat, The against Dr. from Brookpor, ill., throogb marine ways, but tad not been work- indletmenis Hunt simply acting in concert to were the the ef- present, many of Wliaifirleare dele- charge him forts of Patrolman Aaron Hurley, eti- ing Of late. He resides at !MC North COI the Weeny of MIS betterment of iffl-r service and remove gates to the recent state convention from Feloa. olated by Patrolman Albert Sewer Labor in Paducah Is scarce and Eighth street. Mounting the elope he and with feleafously bik- Both County' Judge Lightfoot .a.ad any unnecessary hardships from their that if they accept Sullivan they ing $17 from the pereon and Special Policeman F. .M. Mat- even this Illinois Central railroad can heard his wile's voice., warning a of Deuglii• City Js.dge Peryear refused to issue d titles. couldn't endorse hint In any way. He • The areged crime is said to lock. not secure enough men to complete companion that some one was at- here been warrants for the boys who broke out H. M. Hepner. serreare ef the ex- Informed them emphatically that he committed while the -victims were the foundation of a big wheel press- tempting to enter the hotnse. widows and otherwise destroyed prop• ecutive committee of the National Ru- Over a month ago, while drinking, would have none of the approval of members of ing machine in the local caboose Allman realised semet hing was the band of !garrotes erty in the Franklin building. ral Letter Carriers aneociation, was King went to the wrong house In the Democrats of Illinois and that he whirls were exhibited in shops. The Southern flittilithie com- wrong, and taking ont his knife rip- East Elind park Judge Lightfoot said that the preeent and spoke to the carriers con- search of a friend. He entered Rich- repudiated their recent endorsement In pany and Thonias Bridgeineompany ped the screen open and entered the July, 1,05. school board was trying to tollert a cerning the benefits of the organiza- ardson's -hearse on Eight street near of him. street, Sons,doIng ntreet Improvement work, door. He found Rogers lying In bed. civil debt by criminal prosecution and tion. Its plans and purposes. 'Husbands and Richardiew Dr. Hunt and ills leorrotes visited ,and other concerns using a great deal Rushing onto the startled *flung man therefore_ he would not issue the war- The meeting was called to order by struck him In the head with a stick. Sullivan After Gana. Paducah with a earnival mad, went of common labor, have employed be began to slash.. Grabbing what company rants. Mr. Moyer had been Instruct- Postmaster F. M. Fisher, who deliv- Kind got home secured a Butte. Mont Sept 5 - Mike last spring. lir. Hunt brought the skotgun and blazed away, hitting about all the available men.
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