- .... I ... ... .. , ..... , • , .. ~ " .J .... " ... -' ,,-' ~ .... -~. • • " ... 4 • .... ........ _". • .• I ~;pe<.. Co I I. LD729.b (5 U/~ (Archives) Orion 2: 1 : 3 ~;efJ ~j, 19!:ltl f..'ecei ved on: \19-n-8H MlklAM LIBWAf<Y--CSU, CHICU Academic dishonesty may result in serious consequences. California State University, Chico Chico, Califo~llia Page 4 Volume 21, Issue 3 Wednesday, September 21,1988 E!E A.S. counter-offer handed to Wilson Tempers flare at party SAC demonstration at annual faculty reception angers president Tensions at President Robin Wilson's an­ university. However, both the A.S. and Wilson did have nesses and funnels the excess revenue to a Broadly Based Olull faculty reception boiled over at the By GREG BARDSLEY commeniS r:~g:lrding the recent proposal. lJresident's mansion Friday evening. As n hand­ University Committee (BBVC). The:: second alternlltive re­ ful of students outside his home noisily demon­ Staff Writer "In a pbLlne conversation (Monday), President quires the A.S. to sel1 its businesses and assets to the univer­ strated again!>t his position on the Associated Wilson stated that his bottom lim: was not going to sity at the estimated sum of $2.5 million. Students auxiliary business issue, Wilson tes­ budge. Inherent in that you hear the message of non­ The A.S. counter-offer was a deal in which it would pay tily ordered two photographers - who said The Associated Students Board of Directors sent negotiation," A.S. President Kristina Doyle said. the HBUC $250,000 or 4 percent of bookstore soles and 2 their services had been ordered by the univer­ President Robin Wilson a counter-offer in response to However, Doyle said the co un hearing for an injunc­ percent of cash food and vending sales. The A.S. also re­ si ty - out of the reception. his Sept. 2 "last and best" offer on Friday, the same tion to sh,p Wilson's actions, (jriginally scheduled for quested revisions and modifications of four executive One of the photographers, Tom Rank. 11 28- day 20 to 30 students demonstrated in front of his last Friday and then scheduled for this Friday, has been memoranda Wilson sent tile A.S. this summer. year-old member of The Orion staff who was home during his annual faculty reception. again re.<:,h,:fluled for Sept. 3D, in crder to provide time '''It's essential1y the April 29 operating agreement lease not on assignment for the newspaper, was tak­ The events highlight last week's continuing saga for negotiatiulls. they tendered. I described that at the time as arrogant," ing photographs of the jazz ensemble when of the A.S.-university battle for the control of the . "It is a ':ounter-offer. It is not a response to the offer Wilson said. "And I don't see any reason to change that Wilson's wife, Pat, approached and questioned campus auxiliary businesses, which include the book­ I made on (Sept. 2)," Wilson said ill an interview Mon­ description. It was such a voracious bite at the time I called it him. Rank said the president then came over store and food services. day. "It bears almost no relationship to it." 'Jaws 1.' So I guess I wOlild call tr.is 'Jaws II.'" and asked why he was there. Rank, an intern As of Tuesday night Wilson had not made any In tll>: Sept. 2 offer to the A.S., the president gave the Wilson has said that if the university had control of the with the Instructional Media Center, said he formal response to the counter-offer, and no meeting student guvcmmeo: two alternatives. The first alternative told Wilson he was working from a university order to take photographs of the jazz ensemble. had been set for negotiations between the A.S. and the offers c0nlinucd A.S. operation of the commercial busi- See Counter-ofTer, page 5 According to Rank, Wilson then said, "That order has just been rescinded. And it is in your best interest to get the f - out of here." "I probably did use strong language," Wilson said Monday. "I will deny using a dirty word. 1 probably said, 'Get the flip out of here .• This was a private conversation. If he wants to allege I said something, he can allege all he wants to. I'm not going to confirm it or deny it." "I was just doing my job," Rank told The Orion. "I didn't think he had to talk to me like that." In a separate incident that evening, Wilson ordered university employee Cece Greene, who was there to take Polaroids of those in atten­ da.""lce, to leave after an exchange of words be­ tween Mrs. Wilson and Greene. Greene, who works in the !MC and took photographs at last September's reception, claimed Mrs. Wilson told the president, '''Honey, she (Greene) has been rude to me.''' '''Robin, I wasn't rude to your wife, but your wife was rude to me,'" Greene said she told the president. '''We don't need that. Haul your bun out of here, '" Greene said the president told ~r. .. ____ .__ ~.:. .. - . --GregBardsley The Orion 1 year ago 5 years ago 10 years ago Sept. 23, 1987 President Wilson's blue-ribbon committee met to begin its investigation into the govern­ ment and business aspects of the Associated Stu­ dents. Staff Photo by JOe PRAX Sept. 21, 1983 DEMONSTRATION: Campus police stood guard while students heckled as guests arrived for President Robin Wilson's reception Friday. ft.1embers of L'le Student Coalition for Ap­ propriate Development and Students Acting Now for Expansion debated over proposed BMU expansion and renovation. Sept. 20, 1978 Michael Baumann, an associate professor of English at Chico State, is in Germany pursuing research on American novelist B. Travcn. Public criticizes • STAtiE PI\OJf:t;,. parking lot plan • STAGE Two News PMJECi By PENNY HUGHES Stan' Writer Bill Lane named• region's top adviser PLAYFJELD Everyone wnnts parking, but no one wants a park­ Page 2 ing lot. This is the obstacle Gordon Fercho, Chico State's vice president of business and administration, faces as Focus he waits for the final $25,000 pllfking proposol from V7 M· TJKM consultants. Bertie Rowland provides aid to veterans With $4.3 million to build, TIKM, a Fair Oaks­ based transportation consulting firm, has not been Page 4 able to devise a plan which satisfies the Chico commu­ nity. In a draft proposal released in 1uly, TIKM mapped out 12 sites; of those they recommended a three-stage Arts' plan. Stage one, which would provide 1,030 spRces in­ The huge Centennial Organ is still in limbo cludes: - Converting the playfield north of Bidwell Man­ Page 6 sion between the Esplannde and former Aymer 1. Ha­ milton School into a temporary 305-space surface lot at 11 cost of $200,000. - Adding Il temporary 305-spllce lot at the southeast Sports comer of West Sncramento Avenue and Warner 2ll Streets. This location is part of Chico High SchoollUld Sb.lwn Hicks ill enjoying football would have to be purchased from the Chico Unified School District at a cost of $368,000 over a period of Page 11 six years. - Providing 130 spaces by closing Warner Street between West Legion Avenue and West Second Street during high traffic hours and allowing CUll to park' [ Editorial ]. there, . .u - Adding second decks to exlstlns puking Iota on SAC's Friday rally hurt the A,S. calise the south side of West SecondStrcct. between Hue! . ,ageU; See Plrklnl, PIP 3 ;.'! ,., ~ ~- "'" ... , ....... ' .~." "'~, ......... ~ .. -~ -; :............ \,..... 't:.,., ' ...... .... I "'~.' "," ......................... ......... .... .. ...... -" ..... , ...... ... 1'1 I, Page 2 - The Orion - September 21, 1986 tlits:i:I.I"""mIIl_"IIlIII~!l/illllIIIlI'iIIPl"IIBII•• IIlIII'-IIJIIIIlPlllllIlJaISIP*IJaIi.lIl5IiIlI'!III'"IlIWNIIIIDlU,IIlI1I='AAIIIISC=*IiJ:!iIlil"tlJ;td'JilNDI' IIIMIi!IIIINW!IIlI3!IIiIl"i!I:' 99lIIlllMMiIIII!IIIl_IE:::IIIIIIIII .... _______ IIaI ______ .n-mliNAIiSJW!lll!lllilll!il'*Ql-lll1iIIIIIlIMII!I:Il!@IiIl'iIIl ill'!!!!2!!8OWl:lill2liI5IIIlit"IilIiIli_li1I!SIfJllkri*'l!,tDl·_". Faculty Senate urges veto of Chandler bill By GREG BARDSLEY StafTWriter lution. William Stewart of political science, told The case. speak louder than we did and give us a backing The resolution sent to DcukmejiWl reads: "The "Fac­ Orion. "It is my opinion that many of the faculty are where hopefully we could negotiate." ulty Senate of Califomia State University. Chico abhor the taking the same posit.ion Wilson is, and that is 'Hey, A.S. President Kristina Doyle and Dell'Orto recent actions of the Legislature regarding matters which Chico SUite University's Faculty Senate passed a there's II lot of money there. Let's take it. ..' Stewart planned to send the Faculty Senate a letter responding are better settled through ordinary means." The wording n:aolulion Thursday sugga>tin8 that Gov. Deukmejian said. "It (the resolution) has nothing to do with the to the resolution. The Orion could not obtain a copy of of the first draft of the resolution considered by the Fac­ veto. bill that in effect would make it difficult for Presi­ teaching mission of the faculty." Stewart is not a mem­ the letter by Tuesday night, but Doyle revealed the ulty Senate had mentioned the faculty as a whole. not the dent Robin Wilson to take control of the Associated Stu­ ber of the Faculty Senate. three major points she p1llDned to include in the letter. Faculty Seno.te. dcma" auxiliary busincsses. The consensus of the Faculty Senate was reflected Her first point is that Wilson sits on the Faculty Dell'Orto conceded that the resolution "probably" The resolution. Ilir-mailed to Deukmejian Friday, in the view of Susan Gardner.
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