![Arxiv:Cond-Mat/0203258V1 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 12 Mar 2002 AS 71.10.-W,71.27.+A PACS: Pnpolmi Oi Tt Hsc.Iscoeconnection Close Its High- of Physics](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Large-N expansion based on the Hubbard-operator path integral representation and its application to the t J model − Adriana Foussats and Andr´es Greco Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Ingenier´ıa y Agrimensura and Instituto de F´ısica Rosario (UNR-CONICET). Av.Pellegrini 250-2000 Rosario-Argentina. (October 29, 2018) In the present work we have developed a large-N expansion for the t − J model based on the path integral formulation for Hubbard-operators. Our large-N expansion formulation contains diagram- matic rules, in which the propagators and vertex are written in term of Hubbard operators. Using our large-N formulation we have calculated, for J = 0, the renormalized O(1/N) boson propagator. We also have calculated the spin-spin and charge-charge correlation functions to leading order 1/N. We have compared our diagram technique and results with the existing ones in the literature. PACS: 71.10.-w,71.27.+a I. INTRODUCTION this constrained theory leads to the commutation rules of the Hubbard-operators. Next, by using path-integral The role of electronic correlations is an important and techniques, the correlation functional and effective La- open problem in solid state physics. Its close connection grangian were constructed. 1 with the phenomena of high-Tc superconductivity makes In Ref.[ 11], we found a particular family of constrained this problem relevant in present days. Lagrangians and showed that the corresponding path- One of the most popular models in the context of high- integral can be mapped to that of the slave-boson rep- 13,5 Tc superconductivity is the t J model. A natural rep- resentation in the radial gauge . The path-integral resentation of the t J model− is in terms of Hubbard formulation defined in [ 11] is the starting point for our operators2,3. Although− the t J model is quadratic, large-N expansion. when is written using Hubbard-operators− 3, there are sev- In section II we give a summary of the formalism eral difficulties in the calculation of physical quantities. which will be useful for understanding our large-N ex- These difficulties are mainly: a)the complicate commuta- pansion. In section III, we develop our large-N method. tion rules of the Hubbard operators2 (X-operators) and, We present explicit calculations for the case J = 0 of the t J model (U-infinite Hubbard model). In section b) any of the model parameters can be taken to be small − in a perturbative evaluation of the observables. IV, we calculate spin-spin and charge-charge correlation To handle the point a), a popular method is to use functions to leading order of large-N expansion. Finally, slave particles (slave boson and fermion) to decouple the in section V we give our main discussions and conclu- original X-operator in usual bosons and fermions4. For sions. point b), one of the nonperturbative techniques (which will be relevant in the present paper) is the large-N ex- pansion. N is the number of electronic degrees of freedom II. PRELIMINARIES AND DEFINITIONS per site (see below) and 1/N can be considered as a small parameter. The large-N expansion was developed in the frame- In this section we give a summary of the main re- work of slave boson representation5,6 and, using Baym- sults obtained in [11], which are the starting point for Kadanoff7 functional theory in terms of the X- our large-N expansion. operators8,9. As we mentioned in the introduction, although the t J − In this paper we develop a large-N expansion for the model is quadratic when is written using X-operators, t J model based on the path integral representation for the complicate commutation rules between them make X−-operators. this model highly nontrivial. To attack the problem, our 10,11 arXiv:cond-mat/0203258v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 12 Mar 2002 In a series of papers we have studied the path method works as follows: integral formulation for Hubbard-operators. Our point a) We construct a Lagrangian written in terms of Hub- of view is to write a path integral for t-J model by bard operators using directly the Hubbard X-operators as fields vari- αβ ables, without any decoupling. Our starting point was L = aiαβ(X)X˙ i H(X) (1) − the construction of a particular family of first-order con- Xi strained Lagrangians by using the Faddeev-Jackiw and 12 where the t J model Hamiltonian H(X), with the Dirac methods . We showed that the constrains of the − model are second class. The canonical quantization of addition of a chemical potential µ, reads as: 1 1 1 1 H(X)= t Xσ0X0σ + J (Xσσ¯ Xσσ¯ (sdetM ) 2 =1/ . (8) ij i j 2 ij i j AB ( X00)2 i,j,σX Xij;σ − i XσσXσ¯σ¯ ) µ Xσσ. (2) is just the superdeterminant of the Dirac matrix12 (or − i j − i Xi,σ equivalently the sympletic matrix of the Faddeev-Jackiw method) formed with the set of all the second class con- In (1) the coefficients aiαβ(X) are unknown and must strains of the theory. 00 1 be determined. The power two on X in (sdetMAB) 2 appears because The indices α and β can take both 0 value (empty we are working with two spin projections. This point will state) or spin index σ = (up and down state, respec- be very important for our large-N extension in the next ± ′ tively). The five Hubbard Xˆ-operators Xσσ and X00 are section. boson-like and the four Hubbard Xˆ-operators Xσ0 and Note the first constrain (4) (the first δ-function in (7)) 0σ 2 X are fermion-like . In (2), tij and Jij are hoping and is the completeness condition which means that ”double exchange parameters, respectively, between sites i and j. occupancy” at each site is forbidden. The constrains (5) b) We introduce (via Lagrangian multipliers λαβ) a set (the second δ-function in (7)) is obtained in our formal- of bosonic constrains Ωαβ which must be also determined. ism as a consequence of imposing that the commutation c) After these definitions and proposals, we impose rules of X-operators must be fulfilled. that the Dirac brackets12 between X-variables obtained From the above equations our theory corresponds to a using our constrained theory verify the correct commuta- configuration in which the bosons are totally constrained tion rules for Hubbard operators. With this prescription, and the dynamics is carried out only by the fermions. we obtain a set of differential equations for the coefficients As it was shown in Ref[11], the path integral formalism aiαβ(X) and constrains Ωa. A particular solution for the corresponding to this dynamical situation is mapped in coefficients is the slave boson representation. Equation (7) is our main formula to develop the large- i σ0 i 0σ N expansion. ai0σ = 00 Xi , aiσ0 = 00 Xi (3) 2Xi 2Xi and for the constrains, III. THE LARGE-N EXPANSION Ω00 = X00 + Xσσ 1=0 , (4) i i i − In this section, we present the large-N expansion in the Xσ framework of the path integral representation for Hub- bard operators. We present our explicit results for the ′ σ0 0σ ′ ′ X X J = 0case(U-infinite Hubbard model) which will be very Ωσσ = Xσσ i i =0 . (5) i i − X00 useful to show how our method works and to compare our i results with previously ones found in the literature. The boson-like Lagrangian coefficients are all zero. Our starting point is the partition function (7) written The constrains are second class because none of them in the Euclidean form: ′ commutes with all the other ones. σ0 0σ ′ X X Consequently, the dynamics is given by the Lagrangian Z = Xαβ δ[X00 + Xσσ 1] δ[Xσσ i i ] D i i i − i − X00 Z Xσ i 0σ σ0 σ0 0σ i (X˙ i X + X˙ i X ) 1 L(X, X˙ )= i i H(X) (6) (sdetM ) 2 exp ( dτ L (X, X˙ )) . (9) −2 X00 − AB i E Xi,σ i × − Z ˙ and the constrains (4) and (5). The Euclidean Lagrangian LE(X, X) in (9) is: Now, in order to write the path integral representa- 0σ σ0 14 σ0 0σ tion we use the method of Faddeev-Senjanovich . This 1 (X˙ i X + X˙ i X ) L (X, X˙ )= i i + H(X) . (10) method is currently used in quantum field theory to ob- E 2 X00 Xi,σ i tain the path integral of constrained systems. The partition function reads as: First, we make the following steps in the path integral ′ σ0 0σ (9): ′ X X ′ Z = Xαβ δ[X00 + Xσσ 1] δ[Xσσ i i ] a) we integrate over the boson variables Xσσ using the Z D i i i − i − X00 Xσ i second δ-function in (9), 1 b) the spin index σ = , is extended to a new index p 2 (sdetMAB) exp (i dt L(X, X˙ )) . (7) ± × i Z running from 1 to N. In order to get a finite theory in the N-infinite limit, we re-scale the hoping tij to tij /N where the superdeterminant in the Hamiltonian, 2 c) the completeness condition (X00 + Xpp = N/2) N i p i 1 + ˙+ 2 Leff = f˙ipf + f fip (1 δRi + δR ) can be exponentiated, as usual, by usingP the Lagrangian −2 ip ip − i i,p multipliers λi, X d) in order to prepare the path integral for the large-N N + + 2 expansion, we write the boson fields in terms of static + tij rof fjp µ f fip(1 δRi + δR ) ip − ip − i mean-field values and dynamic fluctuations i,j,pX Xi,p + 2 00 + N r0 δλi δRi + fipfip(1 δRi + δRi ) δλi Xi = Nr0(1 + δRi) , (11) − Xi Xi,p † 2 1 δRi + δR ip, (18) − Zip − i Z λi = λ0 + δλi , (12) Xip e) finally, we make the following change of variables where we have changed µ to µ λ0 and dropped con- stant and linear terms in the fields.− + 1 p0 Looking at the effective Lagrangian (18), the Feynman fip = Xi , (13) √Nro rules can be obtained as usual.
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