Endotoxin-Induced Adipose Mrna Fold-Change in Discovery

Endotoxin-Induced Adipose Mrna Fold-Change in Discovery

Supplemental Table 1. Functional Categorization of Genes using the Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) Gene Group 1 Enrichment Score: 14.07 ACUTE PHASE RESPONSE Full Gene Name serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade a (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), 1 NM_001085 member 3 2 NM_000608 orosomucoid 2 3 NM_000607 orosomucoid 1 4 NM_004673 angiopoietin-like 1 5 NM_001012631 interleukin 32 6 NM_001147 angiopoietin 2 7 NM_001039659 interleukin 18 binding protein tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced 8 NM_007115 protein 6 Gene Group 2 Enrichment Score: 12.41 CHEMOKINE 1 NM_002982 chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 2 2 NM_020530 oncostatin m 3 NM_002996 chemokine (c-x3-c motif) ligand 1 chemokine (c-x-c motif) ligand 1 (melanoma growth stimulating 4 NM_001511 activity, alpha) 5 NM_002090 chemokine (c-x-c motif) ligand 3 6 NM_002089 chemokine (c-x-c motif) ligand 2 7 NM_005623 chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 8 8 NM_002416 chemokine (c-x-c motif) ligand 9 9 NM_001565 chemokine (c-x-c motif) ligand 10 10 NM_005409 chemokine (c-x-c motif) ligand 11 11 NM_002984 chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 4 12 NM_000600 interleukin 6 13 NM_001200 bone morphogenetic protein 2 Gene Group 3 Enrichment Score: 7.79 CELL ADHESION interleukin 1 receptor accessory 1 NM_134470 protein 2 NM_014718 calsyntenin 3 tumor necrosis factor receptor 3 NM_001065 superfamily, member 1a signaling lymphocytic activation 4 NM_003037 molecule family member 1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 5 NM_000201 (cd54), human rhinovirus receptor carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (biliary 6 NM_001024912 glycoprotein) 7 NM_000873 intercellular adhesion molecule 2 8 NM_003004 secreted and transmembrane 1 9 NM_001147 angiopoietin 2 10 NM_002999 syndecan 4 (amphiglycan, ryudocan) 11 NM_002996 chemokine (c-x3-c motif) ligand 1 sema domain, transmembrane domain (tm), and cytoplasmic 12 NM_133327 domain, (semaphorin) 6b selectin e (endothelial adhesion 13 NM_000450 molecule 1) 14 NM_080682 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 15 NM_014734 kiaa0247 16 NM_052815 immediate early response 3 17 NM_052884 sialic acid binding ig-like lectin 11 lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus 18 NM_002346 e 19 NM_015259 inducible t-cell co-stimulator ligand hyaluronan and proteoglycan link 20 NM_178232 protein 3 21 NM_020125 slam family member 8 chromosome 19 open reading frame 22 NM_001031726 12 mast cell-expressed membrane 23 NM_174918 protein 1 Gene Group 4 Enrichment Score: 6.58 T CELL ACTIVATOR 1 NM_015259 inducible t-cell co-stimulator ligand tumor necrosis factor (ligand) 2 NM_003807 superfamily, member 14 3 NM_172174 interleukin 15 4 NM_000417 interleukin 2 receptor, alpha 5 NM_003004 secreted and transmembrane 1 6 NM_014143 cd274 antigen 7 NM_005755 epstein-barr virus induced gene 3 Gene Group 5 Enrichment Score: 4.18 METAL-BINDING 1 NM_005953 metallothionein 2a 2 NM_005952 metallothionein 1x 3 NM_176870, NM_005950 metallothionein 1g 4 NM_005949 metallothionein 1f (functional) 5 NM_175617 metallothionein 1e (functional) Gene Group 6 Enrichment Score: 2.73 LIPID METABOLISM 1 NM_145343 apolipoprotein l, 1 2 NM_145642 tnf-inducible protein cg12-1 3 NM_145660 apolipoprotein l, 4 4 NM_145637 apolipoprotein l, 2 Supplemental Table 2: Summary of Peak Fold-Change of Prioritized Genes Gene Symbol Full Gene Name Adipose Adipose Primary M1 M2 Discovery* Validation* Adipocytes* Macrophages† Macro phages† ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 ADAMTS1 motif, 1 4.72(2.76-8.08) 1.71(1.39-2.11) 0.56(0.42-0.75) not detected not detected ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 ADAMTS3 motif, 3 4.28(2.17-8.44) 1.35(0.68-2.66) 1.36(0.34-5.51) not detected 0.26(0.1 -0.64) ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 ADAMTS9 motif, 9 5.78(3.88-8.62) 1.41(1.11-1.8) 0.43(0.19-0.98) not detected 1.08(0.4 -2.92) ANGPT2 angiopoietin 2 3.14(1.72-5.77) 1.83(1.04-3.2) 1.62(1.33-1.98) 0.98(0.15-6.57) 8.22(2.0 9-32.28) ANGPTL1 angiopoietin-like 1 2.46(1.48-4.09) 1.16(0.96-1.41) 1.2(1.01-1.42) not detected 0.83(0.26-2.61) APOL1 apolipoprotein L, 1 3.44(2.7-4.38) 1.18(0.62-2.24) 1.93(1.26-2.98) 4.88(1.45-16.35) 0.44(0.24-0.8) APOL2 apolipoprotein L, 2 2.93(2.39-3.59) 1.22(0.72-2.05) 1.14(0.65-2.03) 2.38(0.64-8.89) 5.24(4.12-6.66) 16.06(2.24- APOL3 apolipoprotein L, 3 2.77(2.13-3.6) 1.69(1.11-2.57) 1.97(1.23-3.14) 115.09) 0.75(0.38-1.47) 8.64(0.35- APOL4 apolipoprotein L, 4 2.85(1.57-5.22) 1.21(0.89-1.65) 0.16(0.07-0.4) 215.43) 1.4(0.89 -2.21) bone morphogenetic protein BMP2 2 5.58(3.66-8.5) 2.72(1.69-4.37) 6.03(0.8-45.36) 9.21(3.33-25.53) 2.43(1.7 9-3.29) chromosome 19 open reading C19ORF12 frame 12 2.29(1.44-3.17) 1.87(1.45-2.42) 0.7(0.51-0.95) 1.47(0.22-10.08) 0.45(0.08-2.47) chromosome 19 open reading C19orf59 frame 59 13.43(3.63-49.6) 1.48(0.79-2.78) not detected 2.31(1.62- 3.28 ) not detected C1q and tumor necrosis 29.88(18.11- C1QTNF1 factor related protein 1 2.49(1.65-3.75) 1.21(0.85-1.73) 1.25(0.8-1.93) 49.3) 0.06(0.05-0.08) chemokine (C-C motif) 30.07(14.41- 20.49(13.87- CCL2(MCP1) ligand 2 62.76) 8.01(4.29-14.96) 30.26) 5.53(1.68-18.22) 0.44(0.38-0.52) chemokine (C-C motif) 15.04(7.19- CCL4 ligand 4 31.47) 1.23(0.72-2.1) not detected 9.81(7.17-13.41) not detected chemokine (C-C motif) 21.72(9.99- 11.21(7.86- 70.57(30.9- CCL8 ligand 8 47.21) 3.42(1.89-6.16) 15.98) 161.16) not detected CD14 CD14 molecule 3.01(1.94-4.67) 1.17(0.84-1.61) 1.34(0.9-2.02) 1.65(0.49-5.58) 7.6(3.95-14.61) 35.17(12.08- CD274 CD274 molecule 8.88(4.72-16.7) 2.51(1.54-4.11) 8.86(3.35-23.48) 102.4) 0.71(0.14-3.69) carcinoembryonic antigen- related cell adhesion molecule 1 (biliary CEACAM1 glycoprotein) 5.73(3.36-10.0 3) 1.88(1.4-2.53) not detected 0.33(0.16-0 .66) 0.28(0.05-1 .61) 14.93(5.52- CLSTN3 calsyntenin 3 2.26(1.6-3.18) 1.15(0.95-1.39) 6.7(3.98-11.28) 40.37) 1.1(0.42-2.85) cysteine-rich secretory CRISP3 protein 3 9.03(3.89-20.97) not detected(-) not detected not detected 1.11(0.36-3.42) cysteine-rich secretory protein LCCL domain CRISPLD2 containing 2 2.71(1.91-3.83) 1.4(1.17-1.68) 1.32(1.02-1.7) 14.04(4.2-46. 97) not detected 32.79(20.65- 11.68(2.65- CX3CL1 chemokine 52.06) 12.52(6.3-24.9) 51.47) not detected 0.22(0.09-0.5) chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (melanoma growth 12.04(4.93- 112.9(80.85- 12.25(4.12- CXCL1 stimulating activity, alpha) 29.38) 3.91(1.92-7.97) 157.8) 36.44) 2.66(2.01-3.53) chemokine (C-X-C motif) 261.9(107.1- 13.98(3.96- 37.86(5.2- CXCL10 ligand 10 640.5) 5.69(2.46-13.19) 49.32) 275.56) 0.53(0.17-1.67) chemokine (C-X-C motif) 155.3(60.58- 61.35(6.57- CXCL11 ligand 11 398.2) 4.23(1.87-9.59) 1.48(0.73-3) 573.05) 0.1(0.05-0.2) chemokine (C-X-C motif) 18.96(10.95- 12.25(2.52- CXCL2 ligand 2 32.8) 13.66(5.43-34.4) 61.98(25.96-148) 59.65) 0.78(0.4-1.51) chemokine (C-X-C motif) 64.94(34.53- 23.5(4.88- CXCL3 ligand 3 15.1(7.54-30.21) 6.59(3.08-14.1) 122.1) 113.17) 0.32(0.18-0.56) chemokine (C-X-C motif) 34.42(26.05- CXCL9 ligand 9 7.89(3.42-18.19) 1.95(1.24-3.07) not detected 45.49) not detected deiodinase, iodothyronine, DIO3 type III 2.53(1.58-4.04) 1.65(1.21-2.26) 0.37(0.22-0.64) not detected not detected Epstein-Barr virus induced 103.47(19.3- EBI3 gene 3 6.64(4.77-9.26) 2.36(1.48-3.77) 6.62(3.4-12.88) 554.7) 0.07(0.01-0.34) EGF-like, fibronectin type III EGFLAM and laminin G domains 4.82(3.01-7.71) 0.85(0.61-1.2) 1.11(0.74-1.67) not detected not detected family with sequence 18.74(11.57- FAM107A similarity 107, member A 6.62(4.23-10.4) 2.46(1.7-3.56) 30.36) 4.3(0.15-123.63) 0.29(0.16-0.52) grancalcin, EF-hand calcium GCA binding protein 2.29(1.29-4.04) 0.79(0.65-0.95) 1.43(1.12-1.83) 0.64(0.32-1.27) not detected glutathione peroxidase 3 GPX3 (plasma) 3.13(2.23-4.38) 1.4(0.99-1.96) 1.01(0.77-1.33) 1.52(0.93-2.48) 0.29(0.19-0.44) HAPLN3 hyaluronan and proteoglycan 13.79(9.53- 2.73(1.65-4.52) 1.45(1.07-1.97) 22.27(8.83- 0.85(0.59-1.23) link protein 3 19.95) 56.16) 12.14(5.48- HP haptoglobin 26.88) 2.07(0.47-9.16) 1.66(0.63-4.4) not detected 0.1(0.05-0.2) HPR haptoglobin-related protein 7.58(3.62-16.26) 1.6(1.3-1.97) 1.78(1.22-2.58) 2.79(0.59-13.16) 0.37(0.27-0.51) intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (CD54), human 34.19(22.53- 23.06(19.22- ICAM1 rhinovirus receptor 51.87) 10.1(5.16-19.74) 3.17(1.71-5.86) 27.67) 0.92(0.89-0.95) intercellular adhesion 10.01(5.78- ICAM2 molecule 2 1.86(1.37-2.52) 1.04(0.6-1.79) 2.96(1.72-5.08) 17.32) not detected inducible T-cell co-stimulator ICOSLG ligand 2.78(2.1-3.68) 1.8(1.44-2.24) 2.34(1.01-5.4) 1.4(0.55-3.57) 2.96(0.27-32.01) 14.21(6.53- IER3 immediate early response 3 5.66(3.66-8.75) 1.84(1.4-2.41) 11.04(5.98-20.4) 30.95) 0.14(0.07-0.27) IL15 interleukin 15 2.82(1.46-5.46) 1.37(1.04-1.8) 2.66(2.11-3.37) not detected 0.8(0.28-2.25) interleukin 18 binding IL18BP protein 2.96(1.87-4.67) 1.23(0.78-1.38) 1.06(0.72-1.56) 5(0.65-38.67) 1.42(1.17-1.73) interleukin 1 receptor IL1RAP accessory protein 4.13(2.44-6.98) 1.26(0.79-2.01) 1.75(1.35-2.26) 1.57(0.45-5.42) not detected IL2RA interleukin 2 receptor, alpha 4.41(2.29-8.49) 2.53(1.51-4.23) not detected 1.88(0-1990.27) 0.37(0.09-1.5) 10.14(5.25- IL32 interleukin 32 19.56) 2.46(1.64-3.7) 9.06(5.76-14.27) 6.72(3.42-13.18) 0.08(0.02-0.31) interleukin 6 (interferon, beta 70.9(27.54- 19.41(7.71- 178(65.81- IL6 2) 182.51) 4.46(2.31-8.62) 48.87) 481.51) not detected ISG15 ubiquitin-like 21.66(1.76- ISG15 modifier 4.7(2.13-10.4) 1.6(1.07-2.38) 1.5(1.12-2.01) 267.05) 0.83(0.76-0.91) interferon stimulated 18.76(7.85- 7102(3710- ISG20 exonuclease gene 20kDa 44.86) 1.73(0.5-1.34) 2.12(1.5-3) 13595) 0.92(0.26-3.3) KIAA0247 KIAA0247 2.66(1.92-3.68) 1.67(1.23-2.28) 1.51(1.24-1.85) 4.92(0.47-51.67)

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