Drawing by Bob Brandreth , The , E"..-y ail: mono. the Yuqoalav ChI .. Federation brings out a Dew book of the tin.. 1 gom.. plared dwinq the preceding baH y.ar. A unique. Dewly-deviled aystem of annotating gwu_ by coded ligna moida all languuge obetcd... 1'Ju. malt. possible a univeraally usable and yet V'Osonably-priced book which brings the neweat ideaa in the opening,; and throughout the game to every ch.. enthusiast more quickly U"m ever before. Book 6 confaina 821 gam.. played between July 1 and D.cember 31, 1968. A qreat aelectiOD of theoretically important gam_ from 28 toumcnrumta and match.. , inc1uding the Lugano Olympiad. World Student Team Cbmnpionsbip (Ybb.), Mar del Plata. Netanya, Amaterdam. Skopje, Debrecen, Sombot. Havana. Vinkovci, Belgrade, Palma d. Majorca, and Athens, S.pacial New Featurel Beginning with Book 6. each CHESS INFORMANT contain. a aection for FIDE communicati0D8, re­ placing the former official publication FIDE REVIEW. The FIDE section in this iau. contains comple'e Regu1ationa for the Toumamenta and Match BII for the Men'. and l.cdl·,' World CbampiC'Dlhipa. Pr.. crih n the entire competition .,atem from Zonal cmd Interzonal Toummnenta throuqb the Ccmdidatea Matches to the World Championship Match. Book 6 has aections leaturing 51 brilliant Combinations and 45 Endings from actual play during the preceding six months. Another interesting feature ia a table listing in Older the Ten Beat Gam,ea from Book 5 and showing how each of the eight Grandmastem on the jury voted. Contains an Engliah·lanquage introduction. esplanation of the annotation cod•• indez of play­ em and comm._tcrton. and list of townaments <md match... Croutablu given for every tournament. Book 6, Immediate Shipment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P..... dd $5.50 BACK 5 3 4 STILL Contains 679 complete games played between January I and June 30, 1968. All games carefully selected from tbe world of master chen to give you important opening ideas and theoretical contributions from Moscow. Bucharest. Monaco. all Candidates Matches. and fourteen other evenls. Plus two special sections. one containing 45 brilliant Com­ BOOK 3 4 binations from actual play and the other containing 27 748 Garnes 861 Garnes highly instructive End Games. Played January-June. 1967 July·December, 1961 Postpaid. $5.00 Postpaid, $5.00 Postp.id, $5.00 OFFER-ALL $18.00 Booh 1 and 2 out 01 slock. Please do not order unless 'We read"erlise them. A full year of the finest English.language chess magazine, bound in a rich. blaclc cover with gold lettering. a beautiful volume yeu will be proud 10 own. For aU chesaplayers. an invaluable record compoaed 01 the twelve 1968 issues of CHESS LIFE. The year's greatest games, instructively annotated, from international, national, and reqional events. Special feahues, annotated games, and regular columns oj and by the stellar names 01 the chess uni­ verse-Fischer, Petrosian, Spassky, Botvinnii'. Larsen-regular contributors include Benro, World Cor­ respondence Champion Berliner, Robert Byrne. Collins, United Sfates Champion Evans, the incompar­ able Keres, Kol!anowski, Lombardy, Pachman, Radojcic. Reshevsky, Saidy, and Zuckerman. A record 01 an major U.s. toumamEtnts and tEtports on eventslrom international to city and club level. Supplemental Rating Lists give standiDgS oj an nationally·rated U.S. tournameDt players. NOW AVAILABLE, EACH $B.OO POSTPAID 1967 Annuals still available, each $7.00 postpaid 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1965 Annuall, slngl. volumes, e.ch $6.00 postJNld. SPECIALI FIVE VOLUMES FOR $22.501 (One for ..ch y.. r, five for a ,Iven y.. r, or any assortment of 'Iv. volumes.) Plea •• do not oreler 1966 Annuals all sold out. Send payment wi'" order to USCF, 479 Broadway, Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 310 CHESS LIFE Sensational Combo ND 0 MER AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 1, 1969 7 ROUNDS 5.5. U.S.C.F. RATED The Tournament Location is Salem High School, Salem, New Hampshire. Thirty Minutes North of Boston via Interstate 93. (Exit 1, Rockingham Blvd., leads directly to the high school. ) $5,200 PRIZE OPEN SECTION: RESERVE SECTION:' 1st ......... $1,000 l,t ......... $350 2nd . 500 2nd . 200 3rd . • . 300 3rd . • . 100 4th . • . • . 200 4th . • . 75 5th . 100 5th . 50 6th . 25 CLASS PRIZES:" CLASS PRIZES:" Master ...... $125,100 C ••.••• $100,75,50 Expert . .. 100, 75, 50 D & E ••.•.. 50,30,20 A • • . • .. 100,75,50 Unr. 50,30,20 TOP NEW ENGLAND: TOP NEW ENGLAND: 1st . $300 1st . $200 2nd . 150 2nd . 100 3rd . • • • . • . 75 3rd • . 50 4th . 50 4th . 30 5th . 25 5th . 20 TOP J U N IORS: TOP WOMEN: 1st. '.' ....... $50 1st ..• •.•..•. $75 2nd . • . .. 30 2nd . • . • . 25 3rd . .. 20 PLUS MANY TROPHIES 'The Reserve Section is restricted to players rated below 1800 and unrated players. "Class Prizes will be awarded only to persons in the respective classes. Each player may be awarded only one cash prize. REGISTRATION: The entry fee for the Open Section is $20 and for the Reserve Section is $16 if received no later than August 23; $25 and $20 respectively if received after August 23. Early JUnior entry fees are $IB and $14 respectively. Final registration closes at 9:45 a.m., Saturday, August 30, at the tournament site. Inquiries and advance entries may be sent to: ALLAN J. ZEMBRUSKI 30 Brook Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01841 Please make checks payable to Merrimack Grand Prix. PLEASE BRING SETS AND CLOCKS AUGUST, 1969 311 Volume XXIV Number 8 August, 1969 EDITOR: Burt Hochberg CONTENTS PRESIDENT Marshall Rohland O'Kelly On the Match ............................................................................ 313 VICE·PRESIDENT Isaac Kashdan Chess life, Here and There ......................... ~317, 320, 322, 326, 327, 347 SECRETARY Observation Point, by Mira Radojcic ...................................................... 318 Dr. Leroy Dubeck The 2nd Strawberry Open, by Larry Evans ............................................ 321 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson Keres Annotates .................................................................................... 323 High School Chess, by William Goichberg ............................................ 330 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS NEW ENGLAND James Bolton Industrial Chess, by Matt Pavitt .......................................................... 331 Steven J. fiymer Benjamin Landey Reshevsky First At Netanya, by Anthony Saidy ... ................................. 332 EASTERN Allen Kaufman Michael Raimo Wllllam Golchberg U.S. Amateur Prizewinners .................................................................. 333 MID-ATLANTIC Steve Carutbers Benko's Bafflers .................................................................................... 333 Dr. Fred A. Sorensen Lewis Hucks Rogoff Wins U.S. Junior ........................................................................ 335 SOUTHERN Philip Lamb Robert Cole Donald Schultz Junior Jottings, by Ken Rogoff .............................................................. 336 GREAT LAKES Robert Byrne College Chess News ................................................................................ 337 V. E. Vandenburg Theodore Pehnec Mrs. Gresser Retains Women's Championship ...................................... 338 NORTH CENTRAL Dr. George Tiers Peter Wolf Aleknnder Llepnleks The Art of Positional Ploy, by Sammy Reshevsky ... ............................... 339 SOUTHWESTERN John A. Howell By Larsen .............................................................................................. 341 Robert S. Brieger Dr. Mfred Sorensen The Meraleo Open, by Florin Gheorghiu ................................................343 PACIFIC A. M. Gardner Burrard Eddy Col. Charles Daly Rating Reports Received ...................................................................... 344 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS Tournament Life ................. .................................................................345 JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION USCF is a non-profit democratic organization, the official. govel"lling body and FIDE (World Chess Federation) unit for chess In tbe USA. Anyone Interested In advancing American cheS'! is eligible for membership, with benefits wblch Include a CHESS LIFE subscription and eilglbWty for USC.. rauna:. Regular Membership: 1 year, $10.00; 2 years, $19.00; 3 years, $27.00. JuniOr Membership (Under 21 at expiration date): 1 year, $5.00; 2 years, $9.50; 3 years, $13.50. Sustalnln51 Member­ ship (becomes Life after 10 consecutive annual payments): $20.00. Once a Sustsinlng Member­ ship has beflin, each successive year's dues must be paid before the expiration date. Other· wise, the sustslnlng cycle starts over again at year one and at whatever rates are then In ellecL LIfe Membenhlp: $200.00. WORLD CHESS FEDERATION CHESS LIFE Is published monthly by USC" and entered as second-clUiS matter at East (F.I_D.E.J Dubuque, IllInois. Non·member l.yr. subscription: $6.50 ($7.50 outalde USA); slnrle copy: 85t! (75!1 outside USA). Change of address: Allow six weeks notice; please give us both the new address Fred Cramer and the old address, Including tbe numbers and dates on the top line ot your stencil. Vice-President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Addre55 all communications, and make all checks payable to: UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, 479 BroldwlY, Nawbur.h, N.Y. 12550 312 CHESS LIFE win, although it is less clear than before. 65 . ........ , N-N3. Here Spassky offered a draw. But after the game, Petrosian O'KELLY ON THE TeH said that Spassky still had a winning poSition. This is probably a psychologi. by Grandmaster A. O'Kelly,
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