Gahill Vows Bypass Reconsideration on 8tt WOTtY PAGE » Sunny and Mild Sunny and mild today and to- THEDAILY FINAL morrow, high in 80s. Clear . and mild tonight. EDITION (Re* Detilli. Fat* J) \ r Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL; $3, NO. 42 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1970 16 PAGES TEN CENTS Mideast Peace Talks Opening Today By WILLIAM N. OATIS chief delegate to the United Nations, Yosef Te- June 19 and agreed to by Egypt, Jordan and Is- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) — With U.N. koah; Jordan's ambassador to the United States, rael. The first phase, the 90-day cease-fire, went envoy Gunnar V. Jarring as go-between, Israel, Abdul Hamid Sharaf, and Egypt's chief U.N. into effect atmidnight Aug., 7. Jordan and Egypt today open the talks called for delegate, Mohammed Hassan El Zayyat. Jarring's mission is to promote implementa- in the U.S. peace plan for the Middle East. Sharaf was filling in for Muhammad H. El tion of the U.N. Security Council's resolution of Ambassadors from the three, Middle East Farra, Jordan's chief U.N. delegate, who is in Nov. 22,1967, which set forth broad guidelines for settling the June 1967 Middle East war. Among adversaries' had appointments in succession at Amman for consultations. U.N. headquarters with the Swedish mediator who other things, it called for Israeli withdrawal from for nearly three years has been trying to nudge Tekoah was sitting in for Foreign Minister occupied Arab territory and for,Arab recognition the Arabs and Israelis toward a peace agreement. Abba Eban, who was named Sunday as Israel's of Israel's right to exist within secure bounda- This procedure of talking to one government representative at the negotiations. Israel wanted ries. and then to another is the one Jarring has fol- the talks held at the foreign minister's level but 'FEEL YOUR WAY' lowed in the past, and this pocedure will contin- made a concession to the Arabs by appointing Asked what his own guidelines will be, Jar- ue. The .Arabs refuse to negotiate face-to-face Tekoah as Eban's alternate and giving him the go-ahead to start negotiating. ring replied: "In solving a problem of this kind, with the Israelis, and while Arab agreement to I don't think there are textbooks written how you- talk in the same place with their foe was some HOPE EXPRESSED concession on their part, there was no indication Israel said it still hoped the talks could be behave, how you proceed. I think you have-to that Egypt and Jordan would ever agree to sit upgraded, however, and Jarring said he also feel your way through." down at the same negotiating table with Israel. hoped they "will be elevated to the foreign min- Jarring last took a hand in the Middle East FIRM INTENT SEEN ister's level." Eban and the Egyptian and Jor- •situation last September, when he met with the danian foreign ministers, Mahmoud Riad and, . Israeli, Egyptian, Jordanian and Lebanese for- Jarring told newsmen he feels sure the three Anton Atalla, are all scheduled to come to New NAMED IN MIDEAST TALKS — Gunnar V. Jarring, United Nations special envoy, governments have "the firm intention of finding eign ministers at Ijie 1969 General Assembly. left, announced yesterday that the initial talks on a Middle East Peace settlement York for the U. N. General Assembly opening There was no indication of any progress. Mean- a solution. • Sept. 15, and Jarring pointed out that when a fo- "I hope that with good will and understanding while the United States and the Soviet Union were, will be attended by, •from left, Israeli U.N. ambassador Yosef Tekoah, who will eign minister arrives, tie supersedes a chief dele- trying to find a basis on which to get peace ne- serve as deputy to Foreign Minister Abba Eban; Egyptian Ambassador Mohammed they will in time reach agreement on a just and- gate "automatically." lasting peace," he said. U.N. Secretary-General gotiations started. The U.S. proposal for a cease- Hassan El-Zayatt and Jordan's ambassador to Washington Abdul Hamid Sharaf. The indirect talks are the second phase of fire and resumption of indirect negotiations was U Thant expressed "cautious optimism." the result. The talks start today at U. N. headquarters. (AP Wirephotol Jarring was meeting today with Israel's the peace plan advanced by the United States on •in |||,| inillllllillllilllllll I til IIIIIIIIHII Illlilllllllilllllllllll IIIIIIH lllllillllBllilHIIillillllllllllltlilliillllllBIIIIi lllllllilillllllllllilllllliiilllilMllllllllPllllllllllllimillllMIIBfflllifflmilll Court Orders Bank Branch to Cease Business By HALLIE SCHRAEGER Esterbrook of Newark, who said it had been communicated the public of the use of the branch and might "impute some and said it meant that UCT was not to operate a branch FREEHOLD — Monmouth County District Court Judge to him by telephone late Friday. wrongdoing" to UCT. banking office in Eatontown and complained that UCT bad Thomas: L. Yaccarino yesterday ordered the Union County CITES COURT ORDER ENB failed Aug. 8 and First Merchants was high bidder its Eatontown facilities open Saturday and-yesterday. Trust Co. of Elizabeth to close die doors of its new Eaton- 1 Mr. Esterbrook noted that the restraint said to cease among 14 banks which sought to purchase ENB property Mr. Rapson said FMN maintains the permission given town branch to any business except savings account with- operating the UCT branch banking office at 1 Main St., Ea-- when it was .liquidated Aug. 14 by the receiver, the Federal to UCT to open its branch is "illegal and void, and Hence drawals between now and Friday. tontown, or any other office in Eatontown. Depost Insurance Corp. (FDIC). this bank should not be present (iir Eatontown) on any kind The order was a clarification of a temporary restrain- "I am concerned about the existing customers of this The Asbury Park bank paid $1,500,110 for ENB'smain of business." • . ing order issued by Judge Yaccarino last Friday, ordering bank," he told the court. office property and opened a branch there the next day JUDGE MAKES RULING with the approval of the U. S. Controller of the Currency. a shutdown of the Union County Trust (UCT) Eatontown Mr. Esterbrook said that, as he understands the allega- "The Union County Trust Co- may not conduct any branch. tions of FMN's complaint, UCT is accused of trespassing on Just four days later, UCT — the second highest bidder with an offer of $1,261,000 — also opened a branch in Eaton- banking business out of the Eatontown branch other than SHUTDOWN IS SOUGHT the vested interests in accounts that FMN may have. to permit its 11 savings account holders to wiitajraw funds,'-,, A permanent UCT branch shutdown is being sought by He said as he understood it the order would only apply town, after getting quick approval from the state banking department. ruled Judge Yaccarino, who sat in the' Chancery Division FirstMerctantS-National Bank' (FMN) of jVsbury Park, to "soliciting or accepting new accounts and not to servicing of Superior Court. "AU_e]se is enjoined and restrajnetl." V wtoclF&sd^iHfmel state BanWfT36nfflssioner James C. present accounts and conducting pre-existing business." . - USUALLY TAKES MONTHS Judge Yaccarino said* he was "dismayed!' at the yii4er:: Brady as a defendant and charges "secrecy, collusion arid JELLS OF CONCERN Normally, applications for new branches in New Jersey 1 •• conspiracy""inr:the~ quick granting of ;state approval of The UCT attorney said he was "particularly concerned take several months to process and, usually, hearings are spread publicity the case had received . He forbade any of the UCT branch here. about any alleged irregularities'' in connection with the held so that neighboring banks can protest. A new ruling the parties to disclose to any of the news media "tfieir., gives the commissioner the right to approve branches with- attitudes, opinions or further oJuise of action." Judge Yaccarino scheduled a full hearing into^the com- closing of this branch office because of the recent publicity : attending the dosing of the Eatontown National Bank out notifying other banks. Solomon Lautman of Asbury Park, also appeared for plaint Friday. ~ First Merchants. Stephen Ingrain, counsel to the commis- Clarification of "the scope and application" of Judge (ENB), from which the present dispute stems. Donald J. Rapson of Asbury Park, FMN attorney, called Yaccarino's order was sought,by UCT attorney Kenneth L. He said unless the court was limited, it would deprive the language of last Friday's order "abundantly dear," sioner, appeared for Conimisstonef, Brady. ' ' , ,' lll»lllll!ll»!li!llllllllim Body in Ocean Subversives Are Seen Behind Massive Blast Could Be Condi story Army Mathematics Re- Regent James W. Nellen of MADISON, Wis. (AP) - A MIDDLETOWN — Was the The body, spotted by the blast that destroyed a Univer- search Center a frequent tar- DePere was among officials body found in the ocean Sat- crew of a fishing boat about sity of Wisconsin military re- get for antiwar demonstra- demanding increased security urday .that of Frank Coc- two miles south of the Am- search center, killed a phy- tors. The truck had been re- patrols because of the history .chiaro, alias Frank Condi, re- brose Light, was returned to sics scholar and injured sev- ported stolen Aug. 20 from a of vandalism during demon- puted Mafia figure? Sandy Hook by the U.S. Coast eral other persons apparently campus parking lot. strations on the 33,000-student j Local .police have hot dis- Guard. was the work of subversives The blast shattered win- campus. Earlier this year < firebombings damaged ROTC missed the possibility, accord- Dr.
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