les• cully Serving The State University of Iowa and tl.e People of iowa Citv ~ laDlISl1ed 111 1H68 - "'lve Cents a COpy AI'" u>ased WIre ~nd PllOto serVIce Iowa 61y. Ia ., wt:dileSdllY. JUIll' 12. 1957 Four' Firms Mishandle orker Funds:... Meany . AP Wlrtpholo • Would Have ~ROW~INT;TO:OOY""'''~P''t"''';,*nohlhoPI'M'''''"r~' '* . Car Rams Amish Buggy; Woman Is Killed Senate Probe Paratrooper Dangles ,U::;,';";:::~~":~"~:: """ * * * " " ¥ when a car hit a horse-drawn buggy about IS miles south of Iowa ICompanies Too City on Highway l. WASHINGTON III - Pre idenl Killed was II1rs. William J . Hoch· G('()r,c feany TlJ('sday cit d to steller, SO, Frytown , the driver of Congre four rirms including the General Electric Co. whlch ht aid Dc the buggy. provld exampl of "corruption Iftw~!! members,~~""' fought for more 1.~~~!:,!!fAndrina J. Flugum of Leland. and'~h was. /2/~ just tugging-well,I ~I pull.,;" [njured were Miss Martha Hoch· !Un three hours Tuesday to save A medical examination lisled his ed until I couldn 't any more and and malleasance" In employcr !lie life of a paratrooper who death as due Lo "simple suffoca· finally had to let him go. We were stetler, 16, daughLer of the dead handling of worker wclfar fund .. iIIgled helplessly below their tion." The medical report did not all sweating and he was, too, and woman, and ChesLer A. Miller, M ny lIav the k:timony to /I C123 lroop carrier plane here. specify whether he was suffocaLed : it was a very poor grasp that we about 35, driver or the car. Si.' nate Labor subcommiit~ in IISk· Tbey failed . by the lines in which he was en· all had." . Miss Hoch tetIer wns Laken to inl that propos( d I I I lion, dcal· The paratrooper apparently died tangled, or whether he couldn't A jct plane also hied to help in Mercy hospital with possible frac· ing with dl. 1 ur of informalion on YO Ifar lund. appll d to II the air as an officer and two breathe in the heavy slipstream the rescue by flying below Lhe tures of the pelvis. clavicle, and be innen pulled and tugged in their and prop wash of air beneath the troop carrier and nudging Lhe skull to undergo surgery. manag 'm 'nt~PI!ratcd ,,-II as ling futile effort to get him back plane. un n·run or jotntly adminl. r'd dangling man out from under the Miller was also taken to Mercy iDtO the plane. His parachute lines The report said the body bore employe ben fit plan . big plane with a wing tank . hospital where his condition is not LL ~ tangled, holding him aloft. no physical injuries. H. Slid .btu. t2 per cent .f When overheated engines finally The PIO said the paratrooper's But the paratrooper Ih@n was un· believed to be serious although he was held overnight for observa· .mploy.. co .... red fOf' he,lth­ forced the big plane to land, parachute apparently had failed to conscious or dl'ad and couldn 'L w.lflre ben.fit, and U per Clnt help himself, Havlinek said. So tion . JfOU nd crews sprayed slippery open completely and he became 0' .mploy.. covered fOf' pensions foam along several hundred feet tangled in other static lines which there was no chance, eiLhcr, to Two children of Miller, Muriel, Ire under pl,nl run wholly by OKS transfer him to the jet. II runway to minimize the danger had been left dangling out the door 8, and Lowell, 5, who were pas· Imploy.r,. pac~ed color ~ the trapped trooper. by other jumpers. HavIinek was copilot of the sengers in the car, were not in· jured. TIl laet alon, ht said, arc with &111 dry. With the big ship only inches off Some 36 paratroopers jumped plane, a member of the 341st Troop a ioad ariument [or Includinll all A new, differ. !he ground, the man was cut loose. from the plane as part of a routine Carrier Squadron stationed at Ard· Patrolmen investigating the ac· plan und r policing I Ii laUon, If free' ea,h He skidded 100 feet through the airborne exercise. more, Okla. Lt. Thomas Ansberry, cident were unable to determine mplQye ben fits Ilre to be fully foam. Ground workers rushed up. The nylon static lines ' attach to Urbana, Ohio, was the pilot. the exact circumstances but it is protected. Some employ r (roups Re was dead. the parachute bag on the jumper Ansberry kept the plane Circling believed the buggy was attempting hav been Idni)( mption, .11 thl ...eek! The Ft. " Bragg Public Informa. and to a cable inside the plane. over the drop zone where ambu· Lo cross the highway when Mill r, traveling south, came over a hiU feany said Gen ral El('clric has tion Office said a preliminary They arc about two inches wide, lances stood by. The landing fi· re{u. ·d to submit Itt 3S-mllhon­ medical examination indicated the an eighth inch thick and 15 feet nally was made aL Pope Airfield. and smashed into the side of the buggy. dollar BMUnl health in urllnce lictim pOssibly had been dead fo r long. The jumper's weight jerks conI r cl (or mploy to compct· ~ minutes. out the parachute and causes it to There was extensive damage to Itlr bidding. but award d It to th Wjth the big ship only inches of( blossom. the automobile and the buggy w\ls Mclropolitilln Lile Insurance Co. 10 :30 Jordan Moves completely demolished. Officers !he ground, crew members inside The drop took place about II s/lid two GE dir ~tors, Includ· the plane cut him loose by sever· a.m., and the plane landed at 1:40 were unable to ascertain whether ing the board chairman, also orc S, Clinton iIg the static lines which bound p.m. the buggy was properly lit. The dir lors of Metropolitan. bis partially opened chute. He The crew members almost had horse pulling the buggy was unin· Further Away jured. In ew York, GE said in a tattoo Dubuque skidded 100 feet through the foam . him once, but he slipped away. m .nt that f('any apparl'ntly had Ground workers rushed up. He was "He was pleading with me while The accident occurred at ap· -n "mislt'<l" by Jame Car y, S. Clinton dead. he was still alive out there, to proximately 8:55 p.m. pr('sldent of Ih International Un· The PIO identified the trooper please bring him in," said Lt. From ·Egypt Officers investigating the acci· ion of ~kelrl c I Work~rs , with IS Pre. Wayne H. Flugum, 23, of Gordon Havlinek, Two Rivers, Wis. dent were Sheriff Albert J. "Pat" which GE has 8 contract. til 2, Leland, Iowa. His next of "And [ was trying all I could . AMMAN, Jordan IA'I - .Jordan Murphy, and Patrolemn Paul Fog· Th. st.tement read: "Mr. broke away furUler Tuesday from ler and J. A. Bertramsen of [owa Mea,,~ h.. m" himself ridicu­ the EgypLlan·Syrian axis and ICity. ' lous In hi s unw,rranted ch"rg" claimed a larg~ part of the Arab. This is Johnson County's second a. , rUllI!, presum"bly, of his Oiemann Cites Reasons Moslem world IS gOIng along. traffic faLality of lhe year. Bolh being misled by his union I"ocl. The government said it has proof I occurred on Highway 1 ~outh o[ atl., Mr. Car.y. of assassiDation plots by Egypt Iowa City. and implied the main targets "Mr. ~~ aby hould hnve lakl'n the pr ftution to learn that thl' for Child Aggressions might have bern King SOLId 01 P t HI mQunt paid by the employes un· . Oall,. 10"&" phat •• by Jerf) '.Ie" "When a child has a chip on his , viewpoint, and they must offer tau~~~:.rabia and Jordan's King ara roopers ep TOP PHOTO : Spect"tors view largest rtmaining plec. 0' buggy In "Ihlch Mrs. William J. Hochst.tler, ~cr till.' company Insurance plan shoul<\er, when he flares up eaSily, w}(atever help they can. King Saud meanWhile continued n t P Aft Fry town, was kill.d Tuesday night, and her daughter, Martha, sev.rely injur.d. BOTTOM LEFT: low. is fixed by the negotlat d union T!member-he wasn't born that Telling Johnny all the things he his regal visit here with tbe young I\es ore eace er State Highway Patrolman Paul Foster tJllmin .. portion of buggy which w.. ~1I1.pult~d atop the lit. allrl.'Cment and that General EI c· .ay. There's a reason behind his can't do won't help, Dr. Ojemann Jordan monarch and apparently • , model car driven by Chesler A. MIII.r, K.lona, BOTTOM RIGHT: Miller shown immedllt.ly followlnl Lrlc pay th entire balance, how· C\'cr high it may run. Iggressiveness," Dr. Ralph Oje· stressed. "Find something chal· approves the defiant rejection of Algeria n Disorder accident. He Will taken to Mercy hospital In a state 0 f shock and h.ld for ob.ervatlon, but his condition is IMnn told Iowa City kindergarten lenging and important in Johnny's Egypt's presumed Arab overlord· not believed serious. "Only th company-and not any Ind primary teachers ,attending a eyes and help him learn." ship. ALGIERS IA'I _ More tban 5,000 emploYI'-would sufer If anything wrkshop at SUI Tuesday. Dr. Ojemann suggesed allowing These developmenls during the Frenchmen rioted in Algiers TU06. Ie than the be. l a\'ailable rat~s Dr.
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