4 f ’ Page Five Thursday, Aug. 3,196 T THE ARI26NA SUN “• u v The grant support the ad- - ’|,'if' ‘' 1- will Hlfl of assistants Bombed IT hri I - dition two research ®f $500,000 GRANT by Dr. Fried- to the staff headed Chicago of Louis Edding. The home rich Bracko, maintenance man. (Continued Page One) Academy Sciences—- white from National of and Peggy Ann, 24, his Negro wife s6s,ooo grant, for a nongovernmen- jj§ ' ford tradition of mixing students and their two-year-old daughter, a single col- tal conference on the problems ol by two in all fields within par- Sharon Ann, was bombed means of overcoming science and world affairs with * lege as a bombs which were h ' ticipants Western Europe, homemade £:IU Hit iiir Hfei 1* barriers between the sciences and from thrown in through the picture win- Asia, and the humanities. the Soviet Union East- dow. The bombing did S3OO worth y Europe, and the United States. Ijy jßf. it" The over-all cost of the College ern property damage, but fortunate- jfiE ' ' iPthhl f will be held at of is estimated at $7.3 million, most The conference ly no one was injured. of which will be met by public Stowe, Vermont. The American and private British sources. The Academy of Arts and Sciences is Foundation’s grant will help sup- co-sponsor with the National Aca- port its initial programs by financ- demy. Beauty Contest Flop ing over a five-year period approx- Oxford University—s2so,ooo grant ' - —. -•— turned in —¦¦ ~ l imately forty tutorial teaching and to assist establishment of a new Very few people out college, St. Catherine’s, emphasiz- Jackson, Mississippi recently for Salt Lake City Hello Sports mer’s corner with Marv Jens- * research fellows. li I their beauty contest. The promot- it hot en. ibyjp Following is a complete list of ing the sciences. *fans. They said has been er, Gordon felt that the * * today by the Novel here, but to me it’s cool. actions announced Training that International Freedom Riders were to blame I’m getting ready for the tough- I hear from back home I’oundation: disappointing back in Economic Development And Research for the turnout. He est fight of my career. I sparred Charlie Austin is well and Chicago, University of—ssoo,ooo said there were so many police gym getting in shape for his and Administration six rounds with Gene Fullmer, and the grant, for an exchange of faculty around on one wanted to come out he doesn’t seem to be as good as next fight. Also Goldie Chalmers American Economic Association experimental members between six American to see the contest. last year. Maybe I’m getting bet- has a fight soon. And to Butch —57,000 grant, for an in tro- training. universities and institutions ter. Erler, don’t give up your volume of abstracts of material pical Appearing Africa. I went over to Odgen to Stay in there and you’ll get to the in various economic Vermont, University 0f—5129,000 get discouraged journals. watch Florentine Fernandez, top yet. You can’t grant, three years Wife Kills Bandit Michigan, University 0f—543,100 to continue for the KO puncher work out. He over a loss. development of non-Western In a small South Side Chicago - the doesn’t look so good to me. I know I took my lumps against grant, for an intensive faculty Mum- be played Tuesday, August 8, over- studies in the undergraduate cur- grocery store a wife heard her expect Gene beat him. Tombstone Smith and Eddie Pace. TROPHIES FOR DENTS—Dr. Thaddeus nament will training program next summer in I to Langston riculum in cooperation with Ben- husband’s calls for help. The wife, His sparring partners make Just give me a little time and I’ll ford, right, Washington, D. C., dentist and the beautiful Park Golf Course in the application of mathematical Washington. tournament will nington, Middlebury, St. Michael’s, Mrs. Winnifred Carter, went into him look very good, which I get even. There’s two guys I want. local chairman for National Dental Association Northeast The techniques to problems of business rear and found * * and Goddard Colleges, and Nor- the store from the * during NDA annual have three flights for delegates to the conven- guess is the way it should be. golf tournament to be held administration. University. grant beating her husband. With reading about convention in the Nation’s Capital, August 6-10, tion and an invitational flight for visitors and Princeton University 5250,000 wich An earlier a bandit My fight, I hear is already sign- Have you been of $70,000 helped initiate the pro- two guns in hand she killed the ed for. My opponent is Wilfie those home run hitters in the views trophies presented by PRman Moss H. friends of NDA members. Dr. E. A. Lights, grant, to continue for five years tournament gram in 1959. bandit. Greaves the Canadian champion. American League. I’m trying Kendrix, left, in behalf of The Coca-Cola Com- Chicago, 111., dentist, is national the Interuniversity Study of La- That means I’m stepping up to to figure out if the American pany, Atlanta, Ga., donor of all trophies. Tour- chairman. bor Problems in Economic Devel- middleweights. I’d lots rather have League pitchers are easier to opment. Started in 1952, the study this fight in Phoenix, as I think hit, or if the Big M’S of Murd- has received earlier Ford Foun- er’s Row, Maris and Mantle dation grants totaling $605,000, and the crowd would appreciate it. ' •' . ¦ ¦ ¦' - Greaves has fought the best. A- are just great hitters. has sponsored more than forty WHY WORRY ABOUT BUGS? mong them is Dick Tiger, Eduar- They’ve hit 40 and 39 respective- research projects relating to thirty- do Lausse, Tiger Jones, Yama ly (as this is written.) Now we’re five countries. CALL S & D PEST CONTROL Bahama, Gene Fullmer, Charlie going to get on our soap box and International Affairs Cotton, Joey Giardello, Spider Web tell those pitchers to start walking American Association of Land- They just break Grant Colleges and State Univer- and many others. those two. can’t We exterminate ter I know this is my toughest test. Babe Ruth’s record. Thats one re- sities—sls,ooo grant, for an orien- Ilium "'niiiwiE.aa But I’m in shape and I’llbe at my cord we’d like to see the Babe tation program for foreign schol- mites and all othei * best. keep. ars attending observances on Am- I think my fight will be prior They are walking Mantle lots erican campuses, marking the cen- household pests such to the Championship fight, more than Maris. Mantle has more tennial of the land-grant system. which will be on TV Sat. Aug. than 30 more walks than Maris American Council of Learned So- 5. I know my manager A1 this year. Mickey follows Maris cieties—sls,ooo grant, for a pilot Fenn plans to fly up, with Co- at bat, therefore after Maris they project to supply contemporary manager Russ Keeton. A1 will are more likely to not pitch to American books to leaders and be in my corner, and he might Mick. scholars in India. stick around and work Full- Watch for our report next week. Bologna, University of— $25,000 grant, to complete a five-year de- velopment program in its Gradu- - -< _: afcx ;, ate School of Public Administra- i tion, with the assistance of the University Lists Going Fishing? University of California (Berkeley) (see below). The University of 10 Football Games Bologna received an earlier grant purpose in Arizona’s 1964 football schedule Try Big Lake of $155,000 for this games with four members of 1958. lists fishing which Brookings 540,000 the Great Western Conference, The warm water Institution new good for the past few grant, study fifteen Big Eight opponent, from has been for a about a one lakes has of States policy Border and four weeks in the Salt River scholars United tne Conference 'a nosedive in several cases, America, re- independents, it was announced taken toward Latin with Dick but some of the Colorado River commendations for future develop- today by Athletic Director slump H areas which hit a last ment. Clausen. up again. Great Western members to be month have picked California, University of (Berke- met in 1964 are: Brigham Young Field reports from the Game ly)—sl6o,ooo grant, to assist the New Mexico, Wyoming and Ari- and Fish Department’s regional University of Bologna (see above). zona State. From the Big Eight is personnel show fishing on the California received an earlier PORTRAITS lowa State; Border Conference op- Salt River lakes only fair for grant of $295,000 for this purpose levels ponent is Texas Western and in- most species. Water o n MURDEROUS ROW Three good reasons for their three top batters, (1 to r): Maurice Dunn, in 1958. Canyon Roosevelt, Apache and ..>— Serv., dependents are Washington State, the Bethune Jets’ good winning record are Bobbie Byers and Freddie Cacr. d rt Educational 1nc.—525,000 .Oregon, Idaho and the Air Force Lakes have dropped during the (SUN Photo—Cloves Campbell) grant, for a study of the applica- FOR EVERY OCCASION m Academy. past week, and this has caused tion of technology to foreign edu- The schedule follows: the fishing to slow down notice- cational development. ably. On the lower Coloradp River European Cultural Sept. 26, Brigham Young at Tuc- Foundation—- DONE IN YOUR HOME OR AT son; lakes, however, most waters are Trout Plantings In s2o,ooo grant, for a study of Euro- Oct.
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