Summary of EPS Conference 2013 Jimmy McCarthy University of Birmingham 27/11/2013 The 2013 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics Stockholm, Sweden, 18-24 July, 2013 J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 1 / 44 Introduction Summary of EPS-HEP 2013 MANY results presented over 6 days This is a biased summary The conference: Stockholm, Sweden, 18-24 July, 2013 Highlights: Reception at City Hall Invited talk from Peter Higgs Conference dinner at Vasa Museum J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 2 / 44 700 physicists present: J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 3 / 44 EPS HEPP Prize 2013 The 2013 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize, for an outstanding contribution to High Energy Physics, is awarded to the ATLAS and CMS collaborations,“for the discovery of a Higgs boson, as predicted by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism”, and to Michel Della Negra, Peter Jenni, and Tejinder Virdee,“for their pioneering and outstanding leadership roles in the making of the ATLAS and CMS experiments”. J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 4 / 44 Higgs Physics Contents 1 Higgs Physics 2 Top Physics 3 Heavy Ions 4 Flavour Physics 0 + − B(s) µ µ b →sll transitions Λ0→ Λη(′) b → 5 Conclusions J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 5 / 44 Higgs Physics Higgs Physics New Boson discovered July 2012. Is it the Higgs Boson? Enough statistics now to start measuring. Phys. Lett. B 716 (2012) 1 Phys. Lett. B 716 (2012) 30 J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 6 / 44 Higgs Physics High statistics decay channels CMS: MELA (angular analysis), FSR recovery, untagged + VBF ATLAS Collaboration, arXiv:1307.1427 CMS PAS HIG-13-002 40 Data 2011+ 2012 ATLAS SM Higgs Boson H ZZ m =124.3 GeV (fit) H→ZZ* →4l 35 H s = 7 TeV ∫Ldt = 4.6 fb -1 Background Z, ZZ* = 8 TeV s = 8 TeV ∫Ldt = 20.7 fb -1 → Events/5 GeV Background Z+jets, t t Both experiments now have 30 Syst.Unc. 6.6 σ (4.4 σ exp.) > 6σ in this channel alone. 25 20 m = High resolution channel. 15 10 +0.6+0.5 mH = 124.3−0.5−0.3 GeV 5 0 100 150 200 250 6.7 σ (7.2 σ exp.) m4l [GeV] 10000 2 ATLAS 1.8 ATLAS Preliminary data syst. unc. 8000 Data 2011+2012 SM Higgs boson m =126.8 GeV (fit) gg →H NLO+PS ( POWHEG +PY8) + X H H γγ H 1.6 Bkg (4th order polynomial) [fb/GeV] X T gg →H NNLO+NNLL ( HR ES 1.0 ) + H 6000 p → 1.4 X Events / 2 GeV H = VBF + VH + t Ht H γγ→ / d 4000 fid 1.2 σ H→ γγ , s = 8 TeV High backgrounds. d -1 1 = 7 TeV s = 7 TeV Ldt = 4.8 fb L dt = 20.3 fb -1 2000 ∫ ∫ = 8 TeV s = 8 TeV Ldt = 20.7 fb -1 mH = 126.5 GeV 0.8 ∫ signal significance: Sensitive to spin. 500100 110 120 130 140 150 160 0.6 400 7.4 σ observed 300 4.3 σ expected 0.4 200 100 0.2 CMS show similar results. 0 0 1 2 3 -100 0 -200 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Events - Fitted bkg OWHEG Some tension in differential m γγ [GeV] 2 Ratio to P 0 production spectra. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Particle level p [GeV] T γγ J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 7 / 44 Higgs Physics Associated production Starting to add different production mechanisms into the mix. Associated production with a vector boson (VH). Observed in WH channel. Other mechanisms (i.e. VBF): searched still ongoing. Adding VH(WW) 35 median expected SM CMS preliminary ✦ expected ± 1 σ -1 A bit extra help from the VH(WW) in 3- σ L = 19.5 fb = 8 TeVs 30 expected ± 2 σ / σ observed lepton (ATLAS+CMS), 4-lepton 25 CMS PAS HIG-13-009 (ATLAS), and lljj (CMS) final states 20 ✦ ATLAS: combination with the H(WW) 15 V(jj)H(WW) analysis: 10 95% CL limit on 95% CL ๏ 4.0 σ (3.8 σ exp.) significance at 5 mH = 125 GeVeV 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 Higgs mass (GeV) ATLAS-CONF-2013-075 SM SM 2 ATLAS Preliminaryliminary VH →VWW → 3 or 4 leptons observed 10 σ CMS preliminary σ / 2 / Obs. -1 10 → ν σ σ median expected VH 3l3 (shape-based) Exp. s = 7 TeV:∫ Ldt = 4.7 fb -1 expected ± 1 σ L = 4.9 fb -1 (7 TeV) + 19.5 fb -1 (8 TeV) ±1σ s = 8 TeV:∫ Ldt = 20.7 fb expected ± 2 σ ±2σ ν W(l )H(WW) + CMS PAS HIG-13-009 10 Z(ll)H(WW) 10 W(l ν)H(WW) 95% CL Limit on 95% CL limit on 95% CL Greg Landsberg - Higgs Bosons in the SM and Beyond EPS 2013 Landsberg Greg 1 1 25 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 mH [GeV] Higgs mass [GeV] Slide J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 8 / 44 Higgs Physics Spin-Parity measurements Spin-Parity of the SM model Higgs boson should be JP =0+. Test against various hypotheses: 0−, 1+, 1−, 2+. CMS preliminary s = 7 TeV, L = 5.1 fb -1 s = 8 TeV, L = 19.6 fb -1 + 0.25 ATLAS Data 0.1 0 → → - H ZZ* 4l P + 0 ­1 J = 0 = 7 TeV s = 7 TeV ∫Ldt = 4.6 fb CMS data 0.2 P ­ 0.08 = 8 TeV s = 8 TeV ∫Ldt = 20.7 fb ­1 J = 0 J = 1 states disfavoured by 0.15 Normalised to unity 0.06 Pseudoexperiments Landau/Yang. 0.1 0.04 Observation of H → γγ. 0.05 0.02 0 ­15 ­10 ­5 0 5 10 15 H ZZ used to rule out 0 − q -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 P→ YE(( -2 × ln(L - / L +) 0 J =0 f (%) 0 qq CMS preliminary = 7 TeV, L = 5.1 fbs -1 = 8 TeV, L = 19.6 fbs -1 0+ 0.1 + ATLAS at 97.8% C.L. 2m(gg) CMS data (CL obs. = 0.6%) CMS at 99.8% C.L. 0.08 s Graviton-like JP =2+ ruled out. Probability density 0.06 0.04 ATLAS >99.9% (γγ + ZZ + 0.02 0 WW ) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -2 × ln(L / L +) YE(( + 0 CMS 99.4% (ZZ01(2%"34(6.,6(N(\!=NK\!(=*#GD#:I((YBZ[(+ WW ) 2m(gg) Both experiments favour SM quantum numbers. J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 9 / 44 Higgs Physics Signal Strength µ = σ/σSM ATLAS (stat) Total uncertainty s = 7 TeV, L ≤ 5.1 fb -1 s = 8 TeV, L ≤ 19.6 fb -1 (sys) -1 mH = 125.5 GeV " 1 on ! Tevatron Run II, L $ 10 fb (theo) CombinedCombin ed CMCMS Preliminary m H = 125.7 GeV int + 0.23 arXiv:1307.1427 µ = 0.80 ± 0.14 2 - 0.22 p = 0.65 m =125 GeV/c H " !! SM H + 0.17 +0.33 - 0.13 ! = 1.55 + 0.17 Combined (68% C.L.)C.L. ) -0.28 - 0.12 H → bb + 0.35 arXiv:1307.1427 Single channelchann el H " ZZ* " 4l - 0.32 µ = 1.15 ± 0.62 + 0.20 +0.40 - 0.13 ! = 1.43 + 0.17 -0.35 - 0.10 H! ## + 0.20 arXiv:1307.1427 H → ττ H " WW* " l l - 0.21 + 0.23 µ = 1.10 ± 0.41 +0.31 - 0.19 + - ! = 0.99 + 0.15 H! W W -0.28 - 0.09 Combined + 0.13 arXiv:1307.1427arXi v:13 07.1 427 - 0.14 H → γγ + - H! !!" , ZZ*,ZZ *, WW*W W* + 0.17 H! +0.21 - 0.13 µ = 0.77 ± 0.27 ! = 1.33 + 0.12 -0.18 - 0.10 ATLAS-CONF-2013-079S-CONF-2013- 079 H → WW VH ! Vb b W,Z H " b b "0.5 µ = 0.68 ± 0.20 Preliminary "0.4 ! = 0.2 +0.7 ,%-( -0.6 <0.1 012345678910 H " (8TeV: 13 fb -1 ) ATLAS-CONF-2012-160S-CONF-2NF-2 012- 160 H → ZZ Best Fit ( ! Br)/SM Preliminary µ = 0.92 ± 0.28 ! = 0.7 +0.7 - 0.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 = 7 TeV s = 7 TeV Ldt = 4.6-4.8 fb -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Best fit σ/σ ( SM = 8 TeV s = 8 TeV Ldt = 13-20.7 fb -1 Signal strength ( !) • 2#I8C/%A( µ(!(.%'*(9GG3"9GO( 83*( /#('*"#/F($+O'CG'(I#&J9&#/ M( – N!N (g γγX( $$q( &A)( %%q h(((((((((((((((((( µ (g w`yy((v`xv h( (` Z1Y[ B1Zl( C/G:3AC/F( 88( 9/A( ττ a( – = ((g γγ, ττX( '' X( $$q( &A)( %%q h((((((( µ (g v`v((v`w h( – !4#N! (g '' X( γγ, ττX( $$q h(((((((((((( µ (g w`((v`v h(( =B@C&H'90( S6G5( (^644F('BFBA( 0TC0(G&HBAY( N((QE&(U (r(w( ( XUYYUZ[( 01(2%"34(6.,6(N(\!=NK\!(=*#GD#:I((YBZ[( ZX( J. McCarthy (University of Birmingham) Summary of EPS 2013 27/11/2013 10 / 44 Top Physics Contents 1 Higgs Physics 2 Top Physics 3 Heavy Ions 4 Flavour Physics 0 + − B(s) µ µ b →sll transitions Λ0→ Λη(′) b → 5 Conclusions J.
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