Report on a Survey in Fiscal 1999 for Trends in Policies on Prevention of Global Warming by Use of Substitute Fluorocarbons;

Report on a Survey in Fiscal 1999 for Trends in Policies on Prevention of Global Warming by Use of Substitute Fluorocarbons;

3 M 1 N E DO-GE T- 9 9 2 9 al Q B NEDOBIS T94009 12%3 ^ INEDD mm 8 0 0015757-7 <B * v > mum 3$ ffit i ? -f h & it#? o (mi%) *'/>,m& (fEJS^fl) ¥tii 1 2 ¥ 3 fl 2 5 2^-y hfc, pfc sfg z^-ist lt, * v>e«tthiiii«?aeffctoihit«<7) B4«-ui'i. z i n-omuz ttt> tZo 1987 Lfc* > 1'! 1, *-/>g® L^L, 20 VkfcMZMz. 1990 likirii, ;)-y>Ji<7>|iHli±ji/Vr-v'&vi 0 kM±, 0±#V\ IBviSHl^tiit^marogtL, Vii5X5l7l?Et#^^v>^k'coa Efi t7/jQ ;k, o T v & & k' tc <k & & co ■/;'&& 0 -#, 1997^Mli5T^ffi$ nr® 3 0jR«*W#a*£ft!SttH£-&(COP-3)tC:fc;i'T, HFC, PFC k'J: i7 SF6 7)?Sr7kt:SSli$t0iid'*»'X k LTWjgSetSft, 2008 4M'<b 2012 IpOktVk 6 HT.nx'r ~j l'<7)glJ«ig^'|ISIJICi*i6ibtl*„ 1998 IpO COP- 4 fc J: V% 10 0^7 1 V Ziib 3 A'xcMLt'/y&E*!' Sti-tU^SfiE^tomk LnoK-S-tt* k-Bzki<)<7)p$75^tt5tL7ko T EAPk I P C C*fi|T*, HFC/PFC 7 X 7 7 * - X 7)S|S1)l S ft/;, 7asa$»'x#|iffi5S6*ftroBELKMLr4-¥El±*S^liiS7li*,o^o HFCiUElkPFCIi, Cix b Kit t> lot's > @ «ti* k ifesrnttft <0 PJ5 H * 151 Bf K »*■+£ k k **-e § -5, Sr ms % n ga §s* g Jg-t * ® t* <r> r#*%##m%7'nyx7 M li, -eroS5144$-ti1-tgLTV^0 gf x. * ;v^'- £ Srtt T, rgr®it®^M%yn-yx^ M ro #jii:«1-£ck£itok LT, f/ym^mai K Mt i> m iWoBc* fssrotoisix x u='e#fM56«#a*, HEsa^^ms, x tsbfzkcoX~&Z, 0 SfrMKl±, HFC/PFC 7X7 7*-X(7)ffi|;!j, a##$#x#mm@:%^'*M,ELirA' #, tv'7gcMi-&###*k i o ###6-^(0##, HFC, PFC ^ Z If SFg k HFC, PFC j= J: U*" SF6 coffitiflWj-®, R1§Sii±ffl I: &ttZ>* '/ >g«E*t$ k SEfttoikl'tS ons^ k"^#@5tLTV'6„ ^ess*?, r#rm%m#immyo7x7 12^3 H 31 B : f$r U # 6 #m fa?i #ml # M (%#%#!% - # M MU Jt'/n hm - wmm) g & #1# UNEPOHFC/PFC*X^7*-XDfSS& .......................................... i 1.1 ^X^7^--X^]A<7)##.......................................................................................... i 1.2 f X ? 7 t - X 7 X/S'“.............................................................................................. i 1.3 ?Xf 7f-X(7)^#................................................................................................. 2 1.4 ###.............................................................................................................................. 2 1.5 ..................................................................................................................... 6 #2$ #..................................................................... 8 2.1 cop - sm#e^............................................................................................. 8 2.2 c o p - 5 ............................................................................................................ 9 2.3 I PCC^7^XhV^^X77f-X ................................................................. 12 S3S .......................................................................... 16 3.1 f.................................................................................. 16 3.2 # i i m^y h v * - .............................................. 21 3.3 E U C & O 6 H C F C m$IJ .................................................................................. 27 3.4 n -7°n h°;i/7'n K................................................................................................. 29 H4S 3m> J:7y-;l/^Z[fm^K^tt6HCFC. HFC ........................................................................................................... 32 4.1 .................................................................................................................................. 32 4.2 %f&................................................................................................................................. 45 4.3 iT7-^..................................................................................................................... 53 4.4 ................................................................................................................................. 56 4.5 /\o 7.............................................................................................................................. 57 4.6 0DSft##m^(OHFC, PFC, SF^^mA................................................ 57 #5# HFC> P F C> SF6^^(7)^GWP&^m^X(D#m#eiJ#^(D#[6] 61 5.1 HFC#(0#m4#IJM#.............................................................................................. 61 5.2 #^#$IJ#^(0 3X h ................................................................................................. 62 5.3 7 □ 7E±1WJ t Sr L v >ESMt.............................................................................. 68 #6$ 3&mm±@K^tt6CFcm$u#miLa....................... 72 6.1 3&mm±m(Do o s............................................................................... 72 6.2 )........................................ 74 *S(f .............................................................................................................................................. 77 .................................................................................................................................................. 79 ##*#.................................................................................................................................................. 81 til m XiftSK* t"i; 1^*v'7SeRtt**3*uW#fieifcKtit«c>llEliftll$HTV'*6' tizihtbtzc (i) t'/>mmt £i6»i&SIfctolh*t«<7)iWS KftttT, TEAP t IPCC tS^IbIT-ES: btz HFC/PFC 9 A7 7 * -AWffiijte, 4-E<7) MFC, PFC *J J: 0=" SF6 W&gftlt * tfe* ^±r-®»»ra$r-*-E,„ -%¥ o ffiltoift £SS l/-:„ ipcc T-, fisa$»*x#Fmi:S:$^$<ys,a:L*-ffbn/j„ -eo K77 hfc , PFC *51:0=" SF6 coSftiJ ** ® g& * IS L fz „ (2 ) HFC #13 TEAP i: IPCC O HFC/PFC ? 7 *-7. lx*'- HFC, PFC id * If SFC <D, its, %rs, (3) HFC ^ 3 »*X <7)f#mSWt$ (4) ?a«ibtoihaiE6ttto«)i6] COP-5 O HFC # 3 L/Z. (5) t-/>eiaKM«roBE®Jlfi] 4'¥S<o:e> h V *-5F«6*#$#)g#^-T-i±, &nro cfc 2001 ¥7 fl $T*K*#tJVS@KlSttii"^> ^ k^StSStL^o §rS.WKt LT7 D07"of 7 7 >»s#g# £-$tt, 2002 C ttftfkiitZo n-7'O k';F7'0 7< Kl±, 0816* 5 6 KBBt hZ.h\zttr>tz0 f 7 F V t-;F#A<7)#TLv## t LT, GEF LTraUftWm^ffiSftiAn/ii * ;F 6 S titz „ 1 Executive Summary Recent situation of ozone layer protection measures and global warming prevention measures were investigated and reported through participating in the international conference, discussing with the experts and surveying literature. (1) International trend of harmonization between ozone layer protection and global warming prevention Cooperative task force of TEAR and IPCC on harmonization between ozone layer protection and global warming prevention was established. The task force made a report which will strongly influence the future policy on ozone layer protection and global warming prevention measures. IPCC Inventory Task Force published the draft report on the revised estimation method on greenhouse gas emission. (2) Situation of application and alternative technologies on HFC, PFC and SF6 Global situation of application and alternative technologies on HFC, PFC and SF6 were introduced based upon TEAP and IPCC task force report. (3) Emission reduction measures on HFC, PFC and SF6 In the international trend of HFC, PFC and SF6, policies and measures of several countries, investment for emission control measures and fluorocarbon destruction technologies are introduced. (4) International conference of climate change Outline of COP-5 is introduced. (5) International trend of ozone layer protection Meeting of the Parties in 1999 in Beijing decided that each party should report on CFC management strategy by July 2002, chlorobromomethane as a new ODS should phaseout in 2002. N-propyl bromide was not assigned as a new ODS because of the scattered ODP values. New ODS phaseout project in developing country was approved by using Multilateral fund and Global Environment Facility including energy efficiency improvement. n * X UNE P(DHF C/P FCfX/7 7 1.1 yx7 7:*-xS£:iz;0E*$ 1998 ¥0 cop-4 n'vmMzntcW, 10 h HFC, PFC> SF6 0#m^#a#m#^mm0mg6, ^0^0 cop-5 &<kz$w, n m^>b u¥-;w mmipcc t unep ME^r-txx > FA^i/U^nsnAo z.n* $ftT3Ri EPA 0 Stephen Andersen £lto<hUA HFC/PFC 1999 ¥ 1 ft \z, UNEP t£#jEi&7-trXX > h Ay^cm'^Sra^X 7A-C: IPCC 07 > A'—fcjfj##^g!A6 26 A0#F^^¥^ 0, X* —hbfc, 1.2 ^XX7^-—X0X>/\— J!XT0mOT^6. #M# : Stephen 0. Andersen, EPA, USA BUHilil : Lambert Kuijpers, Eindhoven Univ., Netherlands : Rajendra Shende, UNEP/DTIE IPCC : Mack McFarland, IPCC, DuPont : Yuichi Fujimoto, TEAP Senior Advisor, JICOP, Japan : Radhey S. Agawal, Production/Recycle/AC/HP, India IIT Steve Anderson, Production/Recycle, Australia James Baker, MAC, USA Denis Clodic, Ecole des Mines, France Michael Kauffeld, DTI, Denmark Haruo Ohnishi, Daikin, Japan Roberto de Peixoto, Brazil : Paul Ashford, Caleb Management Service, UK Mike Jeffs, Solvay, Belgium X7V* )1 : Paul Atkins, MDI, UK Nick Campbell, AtoChem, UK Helen Tope, MDI, Australia : Jorge Corona, Mexico Mohinder Malik, UNEP Solvent TOC Chair, Germany Abid Marchant, DuPont, USA A □ > : Walter Brunner, Switzerland Babara Kucnerowicz-Polak, Poland PFC: Sally Rand, EPA, USA -1 iptffljiS : Thomas Morehouse, USA : Suely Carvalho, UNDP , Brazil Wiraphon Rajadanuraks, DIW, Thailand Lee Kheng Seng, Environment Ministry, Shingapore 6§UT#i)0 L fc. 1.3 yxi-y^-xcos®) 1999 ip 1 fl 29-30 B tC9 X > F >TDHS£ n, ESASffla L*scX t3' 1/>T. «S*fp5g©a*M*#A*. =&SM © <fc J; S 0 fit#® # T © X y =J a.-ihft t'rii&i* Sftfc. lit # S-# T H * $ ti ± * 9 - X ■> a -y y S T K 7K L fc „ A*>3X (3)1), (3D, Andersen (BA), 31Uy> (5fl ), *7>y (5 A, IPCC t. TEAP #ffi), XfX (611), 'OVO > (6A, )%E), -Jy'Jll (811), T-X17U7 (8 fl), >y (9)1) cn6ffl^Tlt)lST-Sot 5 A0^x>yt:4oU6 IPCC t UNEP ##09-X ->3 <u. cvmzb&ftmztoftm&w, asmffisnfc, 4 @ict>fcos*®roT-Hyy hro l/Hn.-7)lfTbnfc. 1.4 #■&# ±16(96^-^ Utf^-yn-feX SET, 1999 f 10 H !:###&#**&6* 6fit <2)o UNEP 0 Web Site (

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