EGLZIiT IIL.'JLS i , mobile and camel, striving to carry A £"**. !»AT!»ICK . , 'T Bcrnice's School of iing i ed hair. Looks very nifty, don't NAACP HITS THEATRE DISCRIMI­ the message of hope to the remotert HOME BOARD fc J DAY TEA you think? f »eCi.K,-i ul ititf uttiK L'011..i.»Jt. You aro inyited to a tea given by Cosmetology . Miss L. Leak waited patiently for Eclu a.ion lor liu- peoplu 265 Children jji.Jt kVi-inls gronp of Zlon Bap- ships that never came in for the card NATION; THEATRE MANAGERS is no* it>..tered S#y u»e ^ove.iu.ient, Jt * ilh.acU y.v: day. Marcli !ti at the The senior students were named party. Anxious to know why. May- bat is almost enti.eiy ctmu-U on Now Residents le.si.iclis/ of M"'-' Jrmes Pierre, 315 jfonday to appear Tuesday in white ' waves were too high i/Li j'oniu; ready for work. Those REFUSE TO CONFER CIVIL SIGHTS the churcti, Mi • .v„*ar,y S. Street. v Everyone is wondering who Pop— every school is carried on in church HOWARD EoBBRT, , named were: eye and Olive Oyl are. Blue Triangle YWCA, 690 E. Ldng edifices or it is bui»t adjuiiMig a was elected piesi'iv.t of the Mont­ Lorraine Anderson, Cincinnati; We have another very popular COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 8<— street, on Thursday, March 17 at chuieh bunuing. Scuool faci.itiea are gomery County Childien's- bom# Rally Successful X Rowena Buford, Dayton; Gale Craw- cosmetology student at the E.P.K. During the past several months the very u..conifotuiliic — even dirt >oard, succfeding Fred J. Stroop, in cy, Cincinnati; Lillian Fisher, Day- 8 p.m. , " ,' ' card party, Jdins Mary Bell who had Civil Rights committee of the Co­ flooi s, back.Cos benches him panel- the annual election and b< ard meet- on; Rosa Green, Dayton; Emma Jack Spicer's heart fluttering. lumbus NAACP has been quite ac­ Reasons less window*. The children walk ng Wednesday. iiurston, Dayton; It ma Hammock, Mrs. M. Gilbert seemed to be very . tive. While its ber"™"* Many Why from 7 to 10 miles to ana from Albert H. Scharer w. s nannd Dayton; Josephine Hammonds, Ak- comfortable at her table at lunch this committee decided that an in­ We Recommend The school, Jlhe stated. £yoci*t workers vice president anu T« B. Fo. di.-.m. i-on Laura Leak, Cincinnati; Mathil­ time until a certain young gentle­ telligent < ,and rational approach American Woodmen and medical science missionary Fred J. Stroop and J oh a R- Ro v da Phillips, Dayton; eLenna Ross, man walked in. Then there seemed would be the beat method to use in vvoifc(-i.~>, together wuh nt d.rn cliu %vere elected to the executive ooatd. Xenia; Ruth Smith, Middletown. not to be enough room at this table dealing with the problem of racial Lifela,,1irart€e ics, are much needed, r.l.c added. The board is gradually reduci g The E. P. K. Club wishes to tfiank for the two. They had to move to s discrimination. It further decided The hi„h death rate b.oi-ght to bear the population of the home as con­ I the public for their presence at the another table. Wonder who was the - that the theatres, because of their bet *.,.»< ol U.e ul li.edtcal care ditions permit and a< the p»e en' |card party which was a grand sue- lucky man, very Arm policy of discrimination, is increasingly great. Ordinarily, <> time th re are 26.1 children there. A ] cess. should constitute the beginning bal fes die bt-f1 ie Uiry a. e o. c ycitt total of 400 oth«'ts are in outside I Lost a book on the Theory of Cos­ point. ' •' old. The pe«pie aie »n g.*?.it "ccd, foster or free homes, where they are metology, the property of Lillian PRES. WALKER TO SPEAK . Having to view a conference with 1. It protects your family imme not only of the gospel of Jesus looked after by the social workers. Fisher, 372 S. Kilmer Street, a lib­ AT ALLEN A.M.E. CHURCH Tuesday night'the Rev. Mr. Bree- >; the managers of the down town diately. Christ, but they are in need of edu­ The board reported health condi­ eral reward is offered. \ ; theatres, so that the whole problem 2. It is the quickest and cheapest cation and hospitalization. Mrs. tions were excellent at the home and things, pastor of Phillips Temple will CHIT CHAT 1 could be gone over sensibly, the method of creating an estate. Wright said she and her husband that the last year had been a vitj preach at Allen A.M.E. Church, the v Old Maids and Widows Rest committee began the task of gather­ 3. It provides an estate which is hope to carry a clinic back with satisfactory one from all standpoint choir and congregation will accom- . Who was the sweet smelling shuf­ ing material and data which would rarely contestable.- them when they return. of operation. pany him. The public is welcome. substantiate its contentions in sup­ 4. It guarantees to an estate a The Bishop's Council opened The colored citizens are particu fling chef that shuffled all the way President D. O. Walker of Wilber— port of Section 12940, Ohio General certain amount of CASH. Thursday with a special sermon de- larly pleased at the selection of Mr. to the Old Maids and widows rest for force University will be the guest 4 Code. One of the letters requesting 5. Pays sick and accident benefits ivered by Bishop R. R. Wright, pre­ Egbert to head up the Home Board. Miss Pinky Mae I Lorraine Ander­ speaker at Allen all day Sunday. son? information for the committee was 6. Pays burial and death benefits. late of South Africa and the admin­ Mr. Egbert has taken a keen i nitre? J The Wilberforce quartet will furnish f Who is the young lady that her directed to the United Motion Pic­ 7. pays Old Age Endowment with istering of the Lord's Supper by in the colore# children in the honv the music. Come out and spend the I ture Theatre Owners of Eastern Paid Up Insurance. Bishops W. A. Fountain, H. Y. and has striven to improve 'the" brother called her a Belgian bunny? day. Dinner will be served for 25 Miss Bernice Johnigan said every Pennsylvania, Southern New Jeise> After 5 years of membership th Tookes, M, H Davis, W. T. Bernon, home life, cents. The Rev. John Irvin is pastor. one had better grab themselves a hus­ and Dci-wate, Inc. Questions asked policy remains in full force for 6 and E. J* Howard. £ o——r~— -0 * : 'in"this letter were: nonths though assessments are not Gov. Bibb Graves of Alabama, WAYMAN CHURCH SCHOOL band before this next war. We won­ PIE-WALK 1. Hue. there been any decrease in mid. Mayer W. M. Gunter of Montgom­ TO HAVE ALL DAY SERVICE der if this included herself. An old—fashioned Pie Walk will attendance at the theatres as a re­ 8. After having been a member ery, F. D. Patterson, president Tus- The Waymati A ME Church Scho • Mrs. Gibert is so anxious to* wave be given on March 17, Thursday, at sult of pci milling Negioes to at­ or 5 years, should member pay no keg'ee, J. H. Dean. Alabama State is planning an all day service, Sun until she starts to wave on the wrong the Odd Fellows' Hall. There will s tend? nore assessments (dues) he can not Teachers college were among the day, March IWh. They are askir.p side of the head. Mrs. R. Buford be free eats and no admission will 2. Has there possibly Hen an ac­ use all his benefits. guest speakers on the welcome pro­ for a large enrollment in the Sundaj discovered the error. be charged. Bingo will also be play­ tual increase? 9. Issues policies in the amounts gram. The meeting was entertained School. Who was the popular cosmetology ed. The Masonic welfare club of 3. Do 4ny w^'te patrons lod^e >f $250 to $3,000. by Dr. George T. Sims, pastor of Dr. Spively, dean of Payne S-mi- student at the E.P.K. card party? Harmony Lodge No. 77 cordially in- objections to Negro patrons as such? 10. It is available immediately Mien chanel, D". T. D. Dr.ves, pre­ nary of Wij^berforce will speak at Mrs. Adeline Clifton (Morgan)o—, seems vites the public to this Pie Walk and In reply the full<>wi«[r answei» jpon proof of death to your bene siding elder of the Montgomery the morning service. There will be JiEV. S. V. STONE : to please her so she with her spark- Bingo Party. Admission free, were received: iciaries when they need monej District and Bishop D. H. Sims, special music by ths junio^ choir, The S'alem Baptist Church arid pas. 1. We have received no complain', nost. bishop of Alabama and New Eng­ with the use of a specially installed tor the l;uv. & V. Stone wish to V5* the QfiU fyJliO-'t. from any exhibitors in this section 11. It combines regular saving land. < Hammond Organ. thank each and everyone who gave of Pennsylvania or City of Phila­ vith sound investments. Breakfast will be served from B so iibfc.aily l^eU urr,. 27 m our rally. OK& W^P delphia setting up any decrease of 12.
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