Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 10-28-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 28, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1975 Volume 57, Issue 47 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 28, 1975." (Oct 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '. _ . 'r' ;;:t, . ' '. :::::: - I gus '-~~--~----------------~~~--~-T--~----------~--~~--~'-' ~'-"~--~- ~ .. .. \ 'Bode _ . <l<tdw a. t __VoI. SI. No. q Gus says If this Is ~ three, ~ four couldn't be worse. IP~G book outlin~s c'ourt procedUre By NUIC)' Luella at Land .o( Lincoln Legal Assistance Lauterjung said that for $10 a person have lecal recourse when they have a DalJy Egypliu Staff Writer Foundation of Southern DlInols, Inc. can go to small claims court to seek small daim and do not know how the· and through the student's attorney. cash settlements up to $1,000. The court court opet'lltes, be .-.ld. Small claims court; are being used Gamble said the booklet Is at Copy cannot be used for retribution.of mer­ Lauterjung said IPIRG is following' primarily by small businessmen rather Duplicating Service where graphics are chandise, he said. the booklet With other lUl'Veys~ sur­ than COllSllllers, because m ...t people being completed before printing. He For example, ,Lallterjung said vey of plaintiffs involved in small do not know how the court operates, said 1,000 copies will be printed and will disputes oIten arise in tenant.Jandlord claims court cases to detennine the ef­ said Larry Lauterjung, co-dIairman of _t IPIRG about $300. relations. ficiency of the court, a teIepbone survey SIU's Dlinols Public Interest Research . IPIRG is (unded through student (ees. If ..landlord refunds half or a damage to detennine public knowledge of the Group (1PIRGl. Lauterjung said the booklet was deposit and gives no explanation for not court .and ..-rch study 01 smalJ Lauterjung recently researched and reviewed by (our judges, a Land of Lin­ giving a complete reCund, the tenant claims court systems in other ltates. authored "IPIRG's Guide to Dlinois coln lawyer, the circuit court clerk, an can subpoena the' landlord into small Lauterjung said IPIRG is Iryinjj to Small Claims Court," a handbook assistant to the circuit court clerk who -claims court for $10. find inherent difficulties in the small which outlines the procedures of going handles small claims court cases, a In court, the landlord can be forced to claims court system in. order to ~ to smalJ claims court. graduate student in English and give an itemized explanation or why the changes to .... the system more ef­ 1be booklet will be available in two IPIRG's advisor in political science, entire deposit was not refunded and fective for the public. or three weeks and will be free to the Professor Robert McGrath. may be (orced to refund the .entire sum. Lauterjung said the booklet is the public, Jim Gamble, chairman of "After reading this booklet, anyone "A lot of people don't know you don't only procedural guide to sman claims IPIRG, said Monday. Gamble said the can go to court and represent them­ need a lawyer to 110 to small claims court in Dlinois. He said IPIRG may booklet will be distributed through selves," Lauterjung said. "It's as court," Gamble said. priJlt more copies if the booklet is in IPIRG, the SIU Student Tenant Union, \IIoroush as it can be." Many people are not aware that they ilemand. • . Interim Center head to be "."eeting topic By Ray Vrchel Center, Swinburne said, "I wouldn't say Daily Egypti ... Staff Writer that's necessarily so. I will name a per­ son who is not and will not be a can· Clarence G. Dougherty, present didate for the position." Student Center director. and Bruce Dougherty declined to comment Mon­ Swinburne. vice president for student day whether he supported the ap­ affairs. are expected to'discuss whether pointment of an acting director. an acting Student Center director although previoWj.comments before the should be named to replace Dougherty Student Center Director Search Com· when the two men meet Tuesday mor­ mittee indicated that Dougherty is ning. anxious to assume (uU~ilJ)e respon­ Dougherty. who has been Sttdent sibilities as director of campus ser- Center director for "15 years, was vices. named director o( campus services by He said that 'Since he assumed the ., President Warren W. Brandt in June position of director o( campus services ~ has been performing in both other Student Center personnel have ,• capacities since July 1. A search is in been depended on ''to a much greater l progress for a permanent Student Cen­ extent than ever before ... lo carry out ter director. responsibilities that relate to the l Swinburne said that he will consult Student Center." .1 with Dougherty "before any decision is MeanWhile, Swinburne, who is chair· , made" to replace Dougherty and that man of the Student Center Director he expects the topic to be discussed. Search Committee, said Monday that " Chicago," "Immigration Man" about 6,500 attended the 2'12 hour although he was uncertain whether any his office is going to send out ap· and "Teach Your Children" were concert. See more Homeccrning decision would be reached at the proximately 100 letters to other univer­ among the hits performed by the pictures on Page 3 and a review meeting Tuesday. sities tlJat have Student Center duo of David Crosby (left) and of the concert on Page 6. (Staff Asked Friday i( the person appointed operations ;;jmilar to SIU's seeking ap­ plicants (or the Student Center director I Graham Nash in the Arena Satur­ photo by ?rl Wagner) acting director would be someone day. A Homeccrning crowd of presently working within the Stpdent post. .IBHE Master Plan s.parks controversy Editor's Note: This is the first ar­ years and outlines specific recom- dinate continuously the effective use o( student and non-resident tuition rates tide in a fi\/e1lilrt series dealing mendations for financing, (acilities, the resources o( both public and private set even higher. MP4 also calla (or with the Illinois 8()ard of Higher programs and affirmative action. The colleges and universities to meet those limits on the nW1lber 01 tuition waivers Education's Master Plan-Phase draft . document, not yet ~roved by needs. granted by institutions. the IBHE, has drawn fin! from ' the While the first· three phases of the ' on the pO.itive $ide o( the coin 1IIP4 Four. :::::':':::::::::::::; :':'::":":~':':"~:::::'::<':::::" ;:~':::':<>::::"::::::::::::::::' ::~ mHE Master Plan were aimed at ex- recommends that alllrmaUve actioa be By I.e-., Sobota 'llT___ Q ... ,.Iw __ ;~ ~on, MP4 is directed primarily at given a bigb priority as u inatifutioaal , Dally EgypIiu Staff Writer 1. W;W~ .r1UCU'y~ limitations. objective. It calJs Corimplementatian 01 A great debate is expected in Cham': ::::~:::::::;:;:::;;:;::::::.:«::::::... ~ ::::~::::z:::::~::::::::-;.:~::-"::.;,::::::::-;.»g.:::::;::::::~ The document calls Cor stricter bienDial salary and promotional paign next week when the llIinois Board higher education comml!Dity (or its review or requests (or new and ' ex- equalization prGgrama to ellmiDate 01 Higher Education ' (IBHE ), decides neeati t • panded programs with funding for ~ and promotion inequities cawed whether to 8PI>rove phase four of its The 7B~'was created in 190 to these (JI'OjP'lIIIlS to ~e from internal /Ily put diitUimination. master plan (or post secondary analyze the presenC and fUture aims, real~tion . .Existlng prograD!s at 'rite major point of c:ikeatloa with education in DIinois. need.• . and "",,~remeilts, o( higher pubhc instttutiolla are to be reVIewed IIIP" the ' '.- ~''"'''t~'' be Master Plan-Phase Four (MP4) has education 10 '"IllinoIS. The legislature with the specifIC objective or modifying . .. IS -. m ........ I ..... F~~,,,~<~~:~L=~;~L~~:':~=:.::.:.:x~=~.:.:~ :.::I.!.~;:~~::':~'~: ':~~:·:.~~i or~~~~o;~~~ ~~~r~ :~ ~ CandidQt ,. t J::.. • ted ::: enrollment WIll steadtly . 'n~rease toestablisb tuifioa levels Omit tuition ~ Vletm 0 fJe i? througIt 1912, MP4arges institutions to . ., or ~ . es prr.n :.: meet the enrollment demands througb W81W!rS. ~ 'liieDailyEgyptl8Owill"..blish Each staiement must be ac- ::: ' increasedstaffproductivity'ratbertban However, the IBHE doa 'haye the l camllaign st~,:!,:3f,ts o( the companied by the candidate's .} hiring addition2l perionueI. al1lhQrity to 8pp1'C1Ye '- ..uta 01 in- ~ Student Senate ates on Nov. I name. • ~ it will appear on the k ' Dlinois' current financial pIigIIt Us ~~ and ~ 01 lion- ~ - U. ballot, local address, telephone ~~ bad COIlSiderable impact on the M1'4 ~ fadIitIes sucb as dur- . ~ ClUIdidates who wish to have number, class, major and senate ~: ' recommendations. n.e IBHE staff an- mitories, footbIIIIltadiums aDd JIIlItia8 ~ statemeata pubIisIled must bring district (or whic:b the candidate is '::; li!tipates a revenue deficit in DJinoia Iota. In ~ aD budBet ~J ~ them ill person to the Paily ~ seeking oIIiCe. 1be biographical ~; bigher educatioD of betweoa .. millioa from IIaIe iqstitutiaas 'tIlIIII- 1M! .... " liM neWsroom, CommunieatioliS informatloa will not be included i. and $a millioa by ... - iiiiUed to the IBII,E for Its __, ' f ~ DI7, by 5 p.m. Nov . .. - ' in the 150-word ltatemeDt. To help decrease this ~t, MP4 ......,...... belare
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