------------------------------------------------~----~-------- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 18 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Voice professor dies in accident STUDENT SENATE Ad sparks driving northbound attempting our students and he created a was deeply upset about his By KATE ANTONACCI to pass a vnhicle in a no-pass­ special bond with them as a fel­ death. Associatt' Nt'ws Editor ing ZOllO. low artist." "lin was the man that Hiley-Schof'ield, who had Riley-Schofield also served as inspired me to be a voice debate at A beloved Notro Damn assis­ bonn a visiting assistant profes­ Director of Opera at Notre major," said Tonozzi, who was tant profnssor of voicn was sor since the fall of 2002, Dame. a pre-med major freshman kiiiPd Monday in an auto aed­ taught elasses in voeal peda­ "As artistic director of the year. "I le has always been so dnnt on Michigan-f12 nnar gogy, opera scene and vocal Notre Damn opera, John had a supportive and caring and n1eeting l·:dwardsburg, Mich., ofTir.ials performance techniques, magieal talnnt for coaching out­ knew how to best serve us." said. among others, as wnll as pri­ standing performances from Because there are only 30 .Jolin l!ilny­ vato voice lossons. our students, and he croatod a voice majors, Tonozzi said, stu­ By MADDIE HANNA SdwliPid, !i I, According to Dean Mark spedal bond with thorn as a fel­ dents form very dose rolation­ A~sociatc News Editor diPd at Hoehn of tho College of Arts and low artist," Hoche said in an ships with their professors. appntximatP­ Lntters. Hiley-Schofield was an email sent to Arts and Letters "I am preparing for my senior Notre Damn's controvt>rsial Iy h p.m., adornd profnssor. faculty. "Those of you who have recital and now the floor has JWW institutional spot, "Candln," a('eording to "Many studnnts as wnll as a attnndnd thn Notre Damn opnra been pulled out from under lit up diseussion at Wmlnnsday's a Sept. 14 number of parents told mn in in recnnt years will have seen me," Tonozzi said. "At a Student Senat.n nwnting. South Bond rncnnt yoars what an e!Toctive John's inf'luence in the out­ University where football is Senators ultimately dndded to Trihunn arti­ and charismatic tnachor John standing quality of our student king, to go in with a music send Divnrsity Afl'airs eon11nittnn de. Tlu~ art.i- Riley-Schofield was," Hoehn said in a productions." major semns kind of ridiculous. ehair Sarah Liu's lnttl'l' rnqunst­ clP I'PportPd University statement. "lie had a Senior voice major Nick But hn made you fePI comfort- ing that thn Univnrsity ehangn his Mitsubishi !.anetH' struck a rnagieal talnnt for coaching out­ Tonozzi, who took numerous the advertisement baek to thn truck almost lwad-on as lw was standing pnrformancns from elasses with Hiley-Schofield, see ACCIDENT/page 6 eommittne li1r revision. Liu basnd lwr eritidsms of tlw advnrtisement - whieh limturns a whitn, female student lighting a eandln and praying, tlwn opl'lling hnr mailbox to thn fat nnvelopn Con1edian South Bend hotels fill up quickly from Notre Dame and lifting her nyns to the etlwrnal phrase "A Higher Education" ~on five points. Vaughn to By JANICE FLYNN "It's not an aet:uratn rnprnsnn­ News Wrirer tation of' the Catholic faith," l.iu said. "If you're~ a Catholic, you Christopher Tomei has wouldn't pray to get into a visit ND worked at Indiana hotels school. You pray for something for the past six years, morn important than that." most recently as the gen­ Shn dismissnd thn phrasn "A By KATIE PERRY nral manager of Higher Edueation" as "preten­ Assisrant News Editor Hampton Inn in LaPorte, tious" and said thn advnrtismm•nt a :~!i-mile, 40-minute did not include important infor­ drive from South Bend. Arrlainwd actor and ronwdian mation about student or academ­ lie was shocked when ic lifi1. Vinrn Vaughn will host tho h n r e 1: n i v ~~ d a c a II t h is national ":W Days & :~0 Nights~ "It dons not rnprnscmt Notrn wonk asking to reserve Damn," Liu said. "Whnrn arn tlw Hollywood to tho lloart.land" nino rooms for the minoritins'! Thny are nowlu~rn to tour snt to stop on campus Michigan State football Saturday, Ort. S, tlw University bn found in this eommnrdal ... woekond. You show this eommcwdal and of Not.n• Damn Student Union "I had to ask him ,'iori­ hmwstly, what kind of studnnts Board said in a statenwnt ously if he was joking," do you think you'll attrart'!" WNIIH •sdav. Tonwi said. Tlw last timo Vaughn was in Although Liu said she would Tomei knows that foot­ likn tlw Uniyprsity to pull tlw South BPIHI. his "Hudy" t:harac- ball season is peak hotel . tPr JamiP ()'(lara was lwratnd by eommereial, she bnlinvnd that season in north Indiana. was an um·nalistie goal and said Ara l'arsnghian af'lnr eritidzing South Bend hotels can fill tlw fanwd Irish walk-on Daninl I showing a supplPnHmtal vidPo Huettigor for treating cwnry The Inn at Saint Mary's, adjacent to campus, is just one of many South Bend hotels inundated with requests this time of year. see SENATE/page 4 game as if it wt~rn the Super see HOTELS/page 9 Bowl. But tlw popular funnyman will likt>ly rt~c:nivn a much warmor rtH:nption whnn his "Wild West Conwdy Show:· rolls into town Students, etnployers flock to fall Career Fair noxtmonth. SUB Managor Jimmy Flahnrty Bradley Leon, a represen­ said organiwrs expect tickots By KATIE LINHARES tative of Teach for America, will ht~ in high-dmnand. News Writer answered many questions "Vincn Vaughn and the eomn­ about how to apply and dians that conw with him aro big Students l'loeknd to the what opportunities might namos in tlw conwdy world," .Joyce Center Wednesday be available af'ter the two­ Flalwrty said. "We am anticipat­ night in hopes of f'inding year commitment to Teach ing vt~ry high attendance. The their future calling, an for Am11rica was eompleted. narly rnviows on his shows from internship for the summer, Many of the eompanies tlw Wost Coast havn bonn unbn­ a job for next year or gen­ present contacted Notre lievahlo, so Wt~ oxpnct that eral advien. Dame asking to hfl part of nHmwnt.um to carry to campus."· With 130 companies~ 20 the University's Career Fair, Sophomoro Kim Schoomaker f1rst timnrs - appnaring at said Hobyn Karkinwicz, said sho is a fan of Vaughn thn annual fall Career Fair, managnr for the offiee serv­ bnmuso lw rarely plays tlw lcmd­ thorn was plenty of oppor­ iens in the Career Contnr. ing role, but ho makes movies "a tunity for students to make "Tlwro has bonn a great billion timos lwtter" with his professional contacts. rnsponsn from the compa­ "goofy, yot witty" SPnso of humor. l'roShop Building nies who have attended our "No one would expect sonw­ Prod uets, Steak 'n' Shake, past career fairs," OJW that huge to como to Tribunn Co. and Harris Karkiewicz said. "They school," sho said. "In fad some­ Nisbit all had booths and have wonderful things to oiw was saying thoy hoard representatives at the fair. say about the students and rumors that somnone 'bigger Post-graduate volunteer thB facilities we offer." programs like ACE and Tflach for America were A prospective employer greets a Notre Dame student see VAUGHN/page 4 also presflnt. see FAIR/page 10 Wednesday afternoon at the Career Fair in the Joyce Center. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, September 15, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL CAREER? Country Convert Country music is an acquired taste. For novices it takes gradual but regular exposure to learn to appreciate it as a viable music Chip Brady Laura German Lindsay Demers Houston Hum Josh Bruce Adriana Jove! genre. freshman senior senior junior junior sophomore My conversion Siegfried off-campus off-campus O'Neill O'Neill McGlinn to a country Megan O'Neil music fan was like wading into "Trophy "Working with her at a "Playing golffor "Professional "fee cream Saint Mary's , the ocean on the a living." first beach day of Editor husband." winery. student, South taster. summer - slow Bend, Indiana." and hesitant. As a high schooler in southern California I was busy rocking out with classmates to alternative punk bands and dancing to the pre-Fergie Black Eyed Peas. In fact, it wasn't until I started at Saint Mary's that I was introduced to names like Garth Brooks and Tobey Keith by my Iowanian roommate. During those first experiences with country I found it to be corny and unoriginal. All the songs seemed to IN BRIEF have the same tempo and the same instrumentals. And the lyrics - does a track have to contain the words The Saint Mary's student "truck," "blue jeans" and "whiskey" Governance Association is a specific number of times to qualify hosting the State of the School for the Country Music Awards Address tonight at 7 p.m. in (CMAs)? Stapleton Lounge. Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock's "Picture" - which at best is a pseu­ Fiddler's Hearth is hosting a do-country song - was about as far "halfway to St. Patrick's Day" as I got on my figurative road to Irish Fest Friday through Sept. Memphis freshman year. 23 to raise money for the Red Still, country music quietly crept Cross Hurricane Relief Fund.
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