IT 0213 Pg A1 Yellow Red Blue Black Volume 116 Number 7 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2003 75 Cents 75 cents OEM responds to Code Orange the township’s OEM coordina- to address as many potential Eakley said police are not By Harry Trumbore tor, local officials are in step with problems as possible, according necessarily the front line war- of The Item neighboring communities. to police Sgt. Peter Eakley, OEM riors in the war against terrorism. The Township is putting its “We tend to have more meet- deputy coordinator. Other township workers are emergency plans in place after ings on the county and state Members of the LAPC, he being trained to spot suspicious the Federal Government Friday levels,” Gordon said. “A lot more said, include police and fire de- activity. raised the nation’s terror alert to information is sent up and down partment chiefs, the township “It doesn’t have to be a police- “orange,” the second highest cat- the security highway.” business administrator, the man who sees a problem on the egory for the risk of terrorism. The township’s Local Emer- mayor, the captain of the volun- road,” he said. “Fire, DPW, and Across the country, law en- gency Planning Council (LAPC) teer first aid squad and the super- other municipal workers are forcement officials put contin- has already formulated emer- visor of the Department of being brought into the system. gency plans into operation and gency plans and works as a team Public Works. Continued on Page 35 the township’s Office of Emer- gency Management (OEM) was no exception. According to Timothy In the ring Gordon, the township’s business administrator, who also serves as Schools wielding Staff photo/Alan Leon budget ax ICE SLIDING—Members of the Millburn Co-Op Nursery School braved the cold and snow Tuesday to test the slides in the playground at Taylor Park. See Page 35 for By Harry Trumbore more photos. of The Item The Board of Education con- tinued the process of drawing up the budget for the 2003-04 Marcy Kadin Ronni Schuman-Brown Cyril Levy Mayor’s fate awaits school year Monday night, when it heard budget requests from man-Brown was first elected to “I’d like to see the elementary convention meeting curriculum supervisors. By Harry Trumbore the board in 1997 and has school building project through,” Superintendent of Schools of The Item served on a number of commit- Kadin said, “and I’d like to work member of the Township Com- Richard Brodow said the board Two incumbents and one tees and is chairman of the Pro- to keep class sizes down.” By Eveline Speedie mittee, he is receiving campaign was trying to balance keeping newcomer have declared their gram Committee. Kadin said the current board of The Item literature from five other candi- costs down while providing an intentions to run for seats on Incumbent Marcy Kadin said is hardworking and sincere and Mayor Thomas C. McDermott dates. He, in turn, is sending his excellent education for district the Millburn Board of Educa- Tuesday she is seeking a she is proud of the administra- is expecting to learn Saturday if literature to governing bodies in students. tion in the school board elec- second three-year term on the tion. he is to replace Thomas H. Kean other townships. “Our students are performing tions scheduled for April 15. board. Kadin, chairman of the “You hire people who believe Jr. in the state General Assembly Still in the running for the As- exceptionally well, yet we spend Monday night, board Finance Committee, said she in kids, who believe in educa- as a representative from the 21st sembly seat, based on McDer- below the state average,” he said, member Ronni Schuman- thinks she has made a differ- tion,” she said. District. mott’s estimate, are James Barry referring to per pupil costs of Brown told The Item she was ence in helping to create better Township resident Cyril A field of approximately eight Jr. of Morris County, Kelly Hat- $11,748 for the district, com- throwing her hat in the ring for communication between the Levy has declared his intention candidates for the Assembly seat field of Summit, Jon Bramnick pared to a state average of a third three-year term. Schu- board and the public. Continued on Page 35 has dwindled to six, according to of Westfield, Philip Morin III of $12,461, as reported in state De- the mayor. A special election Cranford and Dan Gallic of partment of Education Report convention will take place Satur- Somerset County. Cards released last week. day to select a successor to Kean, According to the mayor, That the board is serious about who moved over to the Senate on Union County attempted to con- chopping away at the budget, Brodow shuts file on custodian inquiry Jan. 23. At an earlier election solidate “and get behind” one however, became clear when nance department. Brodow’s comments Monday candidate—Bramnick—last Randall R. Rossilli Jr., director By Harry Trumbore At its July 16 meeting, the night came during the public convention, held Jan. 16, Kean of The Item succeeded in being named to the week, in an attempt to retain the of technology gave his presenta- board formally approved the comment segment of the meet- state Senate seat formerly held Assembly seat within its borders. tion. Superintendent of Schools hiring of Mary Jane Cooper of ing when township resident Jef- by Richard H. Bagger. Union County officials conduct- A three-year technology plan Richard Brodow declared at the Somerville law firm of Stier, frey Muska referred to recently McDermott was still hopeful ed a straw poll and Bramnick approved by the board in 2001 is Monday night’s Board of Educa- Anderson & Malone. School of- published comments by Brodow of a victory Wednesday, while emerged the victor. Most party coming to a halt, Rossilli report- tion meeting an investigation ficials later revealed the attorney that a report of some kind was recognizing the politics involved officials have remained neutral, ed. Next year, the department being conducted by a board- had been retained by the board forthcoming. in his endeavor. McDermott said, adding that he would “take a pause.” hired attorney into allegations of since the end of June. Cooper “The Board acted appropriate- “I’m finding that in elections has received the full backing of There will be a freeze on all wrongdoing in the school dis- subsequently sent a letter to dis- ly, given all the facts, and that’s at the local level, voters tend to James Paganelli, an Essex new purchases of technology trict’s maintenance department trict maintenance workers in- all we have to say,” Brodow said. elect the person who is most County freeholder and chairman equipment and the department has been completed. forming them of the in-house in- When Muska attempted to qualified and most responsible,” of the Essex County Republican will take a 60 percent hit in its Brodow, however, said there vestigation and began taking de- paraphrase the published com- he said. “As it gets further down Party. budget. will be no report because the in- positions from them. Continued on Page 35 the line, it becomes more politi- McDermott said he remains “The reductions will not vestigation “deals with person- cal. Local candidates know they committed to a challenge next impact our instructional pro- nel issues.” need to represent the town’s year in the primaries, when the grams or hamper our students,” According to school officials, Speedie assumes editor’s needs. The further down the line Assembly seat comes up for re- said a clearly disappointed the Essex County Prosecutor’s you get, the more you don’t have election. Rossilli. He said over the past office informed the district June position at The Item that daily contact.” On the local front, the mix on year “quantum leaps” had been 21 of an investigation by its Offi- Eveline Speedie has been rector of a The mayor reported, as a the Township Committee may made, such as implementing in- cial Corruption and Economic named editor of The Item, pub- quarterly Continued on Page 35 Continued on Page 35 Crimes Unit into the mainte- lisher Kathleen Hivish an- psycho-politi- nounced last week. cal journal at Speedie has served as manag- the Center for In the public eye... ing editor of The Item for the the Study of past two-and-a-half years. She Mind and succeeds Anne Malyska, who Human Inter- Frelinghuysen shares views left The Item last week to to take action at the an editorial position with Den- University of Eveline Speedie the city for visitors as well as all option,” Frelinghuysen said. Evi- tistry Today magazine. Virginia. By Harry Trumbore those from surrounding areas dence of Saddam Hussein’s bio- During her nine years at The She and her family relocated of The Item who work there daily,” he said. logical and chemical weapons Item, Speedie has worked as a to the New York metropolitan This story is the second in a Frelinghuysen said he is satis- programs is ‘irrefutable,’” he reporter and a features writer, area in 1993, and she joined The series of articles on elected offi- fied with the creation of the De- said. “I’ve seen enough evidence and has, over the years, assumed Item staff in 1994. cials who serve this township. partment of Homeland Security to believe he would spare no the duties of editor of the reli- A freelance writer and restau- When boundaries of Congres- and pleased with the resources effort to use them against us.” gion and obituaries pages as well rant reviewer for the past 25 sional districts were redrawn in being provided to security plan- He does think that before it as the entertainment and years, Speedie has had articles January, residents of Short Hills ners.
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