SPECIES INDEX Golden, 99 Red-tailed, 98 Hint: type page number in box Egret, Cattle, 89 Rough-legged, 99 on tool bar above, or press Great, 87 Sharp-shinned, 95 Shift-Ctrl-F for Advanced Snowy, 87 Heron, Great Blue, 86 Search, or Ctrl-F for Find. Eider, Common, 70 Green, 89 Avocet, American, 107 Falcon, Peregrine, 145 Little Blue, 88 Bittern, American, 85 Finch, House, 232 Tricolored, 89 Least, 85 Purple, 233 Hummingbird, Ruby-throated, 137 Blackbird, Brewer’s, 244 Flicker, Northern, 142 Rufous, 138 Red-winged, 226 Flycatcher, Acadian, 147 Ibis, Glossy, 91 Rusty, 228 Alder, 148 Jaeger, Long-tailed, 125 Yellow-headed, 228 Great Crested, 150 Jay, Blue, 157 Bluebird, Eastern, 174 Least, 149 Gray, 156 Mountain, 176 Olive-sided, 146 Junco, Dark-eyed, 219 Bobolink, 225 Scissor-tailed, 243 Kestrel, American, 143 Bobwhite, Northern, 76 Willow, 148 Killdeer, 106 Brambling, 231 Yellow-bellied, 147 Kingbird, Eastern, 151 Brant, 58 Gadwall, 62 Western, 150 Bufflehead, 72 Gallinule, Common, 102 Kingfisher, Belted, 138 Bunting, Indigo, 224 Gannet, Northern, 82 Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 173 Lark, 213 Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 172 Ruby-crowned, 174 Painted, 225 Godwit, Hudsonian, 110 Kite, Mississippi, 241 Snow, 185 Marbled, 110 Swallow-tailed, 240 Canvasback, 67 Goldeneye, Barrow’s, 73 White-tailed, 94 Cardinal, Northern, 222 Common, 72 Kittiwake, Black-legged, 118 Catbird, Gray, 180 Goldfinch, American, 236 Knot, Red, 111 Chat, Yellow-breasted, 209 European, 244 Lark, Horned, 160 Chickadee, Black-capped, 165 Goose, Barnacle, 58, 239 Sky, 244 Boreal, 165 Cackling, 59 Longspur, Chestnut-collared, 185 Chukar, 239 Canada, 59 Lapland, 184 Coot, American, 103 Greater White-fronted, 56 Loon, Common, 79 Cormorant, Double-crested, 82 Ross’s, 57 Red-throated, 79 Great, 83 Snow, 56 Magpie, Black-billed, 244 Cowbird, Brown-headed, 230 Goshawk, Northern, 96 Mallard, 64 Crane, Common, 241 Grackle, Common, 229 Martin, Purple, 161 Demoiselle, 241 Grebe, Eared, 81 Meadowlark, Eastern, 227 Sandhill, 104 Horned, 80 Western, 227 Stanley, 241 Pied-billed, 80 Merganser, Common, 74 Creeper, Brown, 168 Red-necked, 81 Hooded, 73 Crossbill, Red, 233 Grosbeak, Black-headed, 223 Red-breasted, 74 White-winged, 234 Blue, 223 Merlin, 144 Crow, American, 157 Evening, 237 Mockingbird, Northern, 181 Fish, 158 Pine, 232 Murre, Thick-billed, 125 Cuckoo, Black-billed, 129 Rose-breasted, 222 Nighthawk, Common, 135 Yellow-billed, 129 Grouse, Ruffed, 77 Night-Heron, Black-crowned, 90 Dickcissel, 225 Gull, Bonaparte’s, 118 Yellow-crowned, 90 Dove, Mourning, 127 Glaucous, 122 Nuthatch, Red-Breasted, 167 Dovekie, 125 Great Black-backed, 122 White-Breasted, 168 Herring, 120 Dowitcher, Short-billed, 115 Oriole, Baltimore, 231 Iceland, 120 Duck, American Black, 63 Orchard, 230 Laughing, 119 Fulvous Whistling-, 55 Osprey, 93 Lesser Black-backed, 121 Long-tailed, 71 Ovenbird, 186 Ring-billed, 119 Muscovy, 239 Owl, Barn, 130 Slaty-backed, 121 Ring-necked, 68 Barred, 132 Gyrfalcon, 144 Ruddy, 75 Boreal, 242 Tufted, 68 Harrier, Northern, 95 Eastern Screech-, 131 Wood, 61 Hawk, Broad-winged, 97 Great Gray, 242 Dunlin, 112 Cooper’s, 96 Great Horned, 131 Red-shouldered, 97 Eagle, Bald, 94 Long-eared, 133 SPECIES INDEX Northern Saw-whet, 134 Siskin, Pine, 235 Vulture, Black, 91 Short-eared, 134 Snipe, Wilson’s, 115 Turkey, 92 Snowy, 132 Solitaire, Townsend’s, 176 Warbler, Bay-breasted, 200 Parakeet, Monk, 243 Sora, 102 Black-and-white, 190 Partridge, Gray, 239 Sparrow, American Tree, 210 Blackburnian, 201 Parula, Northern, 199 Chipping, 210 Blackpoll, 202 Pelican, American White, 84 Clay-colored, 211 Black-throated Blue, 202 Brown, 240 Field, 211 Black-throated Green, 207 Pewee, Eastern Wood-, 146 Fox, 216 Blue-winged, 189 Phalarope, Red, 118 Grasshopper, 214 Brewster’s, 190 Red-necked, 117 Harris’s, 218 Canada, 207 Wilson’s, 117 Henslow’s, 214 Cape May, 197 Pheasant, Golden, 240 House, 238 Cerulean, 197 Green, 239 Lark, 212 Chestnut-sided, 202 Ring-necked, 77 Le Conte's, 215 Connecticut, 193 Phoebe, Eastern, 149 Lincoln’s, 217 Golden-winged, 188 Pigeon, Passenger, 127 Nelson’s, 215 Hooded, 195 Rock, 126 Savannah, 213 Kentucky, 194 Pintail, Northern, 66 Song, 216 Lawrence’s, 190 Pipit, American, 183 Swamp, 217 Magnolia, 199 Plover, American Golden-, 105 Vesper, 212 Mourning, 193 Black-bellied, 105 White-crowned, 219 Nashville, 192 Semipalmated, 105 White-throated, 218 Orange-crowned, 192 Prairie-Chicken, Greater, 240 Starling, European, 182 Palm, 203 Puffin, Atlantic, 126 Storm-Petrel, Leach’s, 240 Pine, 204 Rail, Black, 241 Swallow, Bank, 163 Prairie, 206 Clapper, 100 Barn, 164 Prothonotary, 191 King, 101 Cliff, 164 Tennessee, 191 Virginia, 101 Northern Rough-winged, 162 Townsend’s, 207 Yellow, 100 Tree, 162 Wilson’s, 208 Raven, Common, 159 Swan, Mute, 60 Worm-eating, 186 Redhead, 67 Tundra, 61 Yellow, 201 Redpoll, Common, 234 Swift, Chimney, 136 Yellow-rumped, 205 Hoary, 235 Tanager, Scarlet, 221 Yellow-throated, 205 Redstart, American, 196 Summer, 221 Waterthrush, Louisiana, 187 Northern, 188 Robin, American, 179 Teal, Blue-winged, 65 Waxwing, Bohemian, 183 Sanderling, 111 Green-winged, 66 Cedar, 184 Sandpiper, Baird’s, 112 Tern, Black, 123 Wheatear, Northern, 174 Buff-breasted, 113 Caspian, 123 Least, 113 Common, 124 Whimbrel, 242 Pectoral, 114 Forster’s, 124 Whip-poor-will, Eastern, 136 Semipalmated, 114 Sooty, 122 Wigeon, American, 63 Solitary, 108 Thrasher, Brown, 180 Eurasian, 62 Spotted, 107 Thrush, Bicknell’s, 177 Willet, 108 Stilt, 111 Gray-cheeked, 177 Woodcock, American, 116 Upland, 109 Hermit, 178 Woodpecker, Black-backed, 141 Western, 242 Swainson’s, 178 Downy, 141 White-rumped, 113 Wood, 179 Hairy, 141 Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 140 Titmouse, Tufted, 166 Pileated, 142 Scaup, Greater, 69 Towhee, Eastern, 209 Red-bellied, 139 Lesser, 69 Turkey, Wild, 78 Red-headed, 139 Scoter, Black, 71 Turnstone, Ruddy, 110 Wren, Carolina, 171 Surf, 70 Veery, 176 House, 169 White-winged, 70 Vireo, Blue-headed, 154 Marsh, 171 Shearwater, Manx, 82 Philadelphia, 155 Sedge, 170 Shelduck, Ruddy, 239 Red-eyed, 156 Winter, 169 Shoveler, Northern, 65 Warbling, 155 Yellowlegs, Greater, 108 Shrike, Loggerhead, 152 White-eyed, 153 Lesser, 109 Northern, 153 Yellow-throated, 154 Yellowthroat, Common, 195 The Birds of Dutchess County New York Today and Yesterday A survey of current status with historical changes since 1870 by Stan DeOrsey and Barbara A. Butler Published on behalf of The Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club, Inc. Poughkeepsie, New York 2016 Copyright © 2006 by Stan DeOrsey and Barbara A. Butler All rights reserved First printing August 2006. First digital edition December 2010 with minor corrections and updated Bibliography. Additional digital updates September 2012, August 2014, and February 2016 each with new sightings and AOU name and sequence changes. Financial support was provided through a grant from the New York State Biodiversity Research Institute, primarily used to provide printed copies to all libraries, high schools, and colleges in Dutchess County plus appropriate entities outside of the county. ISBN 978-0-9635190-2-3 Cover images: Front: Immature Black-throated Green Warbler photographed Sept. 7, 2005, at Sharparoon, Dover, by Bill Case. Back Top: Eastern Screech-Owl bookmark painting by Helen Manson (Andrews) from a Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club dinner meeting favor. For many years Helen regularly created eighty favors per year in a variety of mediums. Courtesy Joan DeOrsey Back Bottom: Eastern Bluebirds by Louis Agassiz Fuertes from Birds of New York, part 2, 1914. Fuertes spoke to the Rhinebeck Bird Club on the evening of June 6, 1916. Overleaf: The small bird symbol was created by Ralph Waterman to use on personal notes and to mark pottery fired as a hobby. It is traditionally used by the Waterman Bird Club. To Joan, for introducing me to birding and for total support on this and other projects. L.S.D. To Helen Manson Andrews, my mentor and birding companion for many years. To Wayne, for his patience and support during this project. B.A.B. DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK CONTENTS FOREWORD by Otis Waterman............................... 9 PREFACE............................................... 11 TABLE OF MAJOR SOURCES OF RECORDS ....................... 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..................................... 13 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA ..................................... 14 HISTORY OF ORNITHOLOGY IN DUTCHESS COUNTY........... 15 THE NATURE AND USE OF THE LAND...................... 28 BIRDS LOST AND GAINED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY............ 39 TABLES OF CHANGING NESTING STATUS ....................... 43 ANNOTATED LIST OF THE BIRDS OF DUTCHESS COUNTY INTRODUCTION.......................................... 51 SPECIES ACCOUNTS...................................... 55 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS ................................ 238 GENERAL SUMMARY OF CURRENT STATUS ..................... 245 PEOPLE NAMED........................................ 247 PLACES NAMED........................................ 251 LIST OF BIRDS IN VICINITY OF FISHKILL-ON-HUDSON, N.Y. by Winfrid A. Stearns (1880)............................ 256 BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................... 272 9 FOREWORD It is my pleasure to write this brief Foreword, or possibly more correctly called “backward glance” to Barbara’s and Stan’s excellent treatise on this new Birds of Dutchess County. To both the new and old birders, they give a fine synopsis of the birds of Dutchess County both past and present. Their 4-5 years of research and writing is unparalleled in my humble opinion and rightly deserves our highest acclaims as Dutchess County
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