CntCULATtON 46,019 THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION 48,690 Vol. XLVHL—No. 1. Mil? mmt tmmimr. earrie* i4eUve*7, ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1915. —FOURTEEN PAGES. Masrle ' ea tk* streets «»a >t Prisoner Attempts Suicide in Court HARDWICK RAPS Napoleon Met Waterloo Century Ago, June 18 AT PLAN OF ANDREWS Using Judge's Pen \ ~ HASBEEN RESUMED Fulton County Representa- When Recorder Pronounce Criticises Statements But tive to Introduce Bill Plac- Sentence, A g e.d Negro Says Resignation Is Best BYTEUTONIC ALLIES ing General Road Fund in Stabs Self, But Is Over Thing for Party—Tells of Hands of Prison Commis- powered and Removed to Trip to Hawaii. Both Berlin and Vienna sion. Cell. Claim Rapid Progress Is Returned from a Journey to Hawaii. the strategic military point of the Pa- Being Made Along Entire Walter P. Andrews, new repreaenta Crazed by the thought of having t cific so far as North America is -in- go to Jail to serve a sentence of thirty Galician Front. tlv« from Fulton county, will introduce volved. United States Senator Thomas days for violation of the plumbing or- a hill in th* house at the coming ses- W. Hardwick made the statement last dinance, J. R. Jon%s, a paralytic negro sion of the general assembly* looking night that the fJnlted States. In the snatched the pen from Judge Johnson* to the establishment of a state high- face of widespread lamentation against LEMBERG IN DANGER way com.miss.on, the construction of a desk in police matinee Tuesday an "national unpreparedneaaA" had "been number of state highways, the utiliza- stuck the point of it into his neck, quietly fortifying the Hawaiian Islands FROM TEUTONIC DRIVE tion of the road fund fronr automobile crying out that he would commit sul to an extent which makes It impossi- license tax by the state instead of b> clde before going to prison. ble for invading fofces—principally counties, the qualifying of Georgia to Jones, who could hardly stand befort Japanese—to penetrate the Pacific Judge Johnson, listened patiently to th< accept such road appropriation as n coast. Gen. Von Mackensen Wires charges against him of placing a lava ' :.made- by the federal government In the course of his interview, he ' and making other sweeping changes tory in a house without the necessary also took occasion ^to commend The Kaiser That Galician Cap- for the improx cment of the road laws plumbing ordinance requisites, and a Constitution's recent editorial upon the of this state. the end of the testimony by the plumb resignation ,and later statements of ital Will Be Taken by July In this bill he will have the flnanl- ing Inspector, stated that he was para William J. Bryan. mous indorsement of the • state prison lyzed. unfit for work and a pauper on Denies Frank Interference. 1 — Austro-Germans Hope the hands of the city. commission. f He l^kew^se denied the recently pub- The <bill contemplates, first, placing It was the second time the old negro lished statements that he had forward- to Beat Russians and Then o^f the general road fund derived from had appeared before the recorder on ed a letter to Governor John M. Blaton Strike Crushing Blow at automobile tax at the disposition of the same charge, and It was necessary recommending commutation for Leo M. the prison commission for use in the to fine him. Jones, however, declared Prank. He stated as his reason lor Italy. construction of a system of state high- that he had done no -work in the pas requesting the denial that he had not ways, i four months. expressed himself regarding the Frank Any roonev th;ls state may receive Just as the judge was passing to the case, and that he wished published i London, Jun*> 15 -p-The Austro-Ger- from the federal government will also refutation of the report in fairness to man rush in Galicia. Is on again. Both\ be used in conjunction with the auto- next case on the docket the old negr< himself, the state and to Governor mobile , road fund for the construction reached for Judge Johnson's pen, and Slaton. Berlin and Vienna claim progress along >, of state highjvays. before he could be stopped had stabbed Regarding the resignation of WI1- virtually the entire southeastern front This state is not now qualified to ac- himself in the neck . over what he Itarn Jennings Bryan, Mr. Hard wick and I-emberg again a-ppears to 'be In cept money for road-building from the thought was, the jugular vein. He was stated that he believed the Bryan with- danger. federal government. All that Is neces- l drawal to 'be one of the most beneficial Mbsciska! on the line of the railway aary. however, is a clause in this bill not injured further than a align events to the administration in its his- bet-w een. Pi zfmysl and Leinberg, on authorizing the state to accept . any scratch. * tory. which the Austro-Germans have cen- money the federal government may ef- "I won't go to prison," he screamed Bryasi Too Radical. tered their efforts since the fall of fer Under the bill now pending ^» as he fell to the floor and tried again "Bryan is entirely too radical," he congress. This bill, if passed, would Przemvsl, has been taken. Mosctska and again to bring the pen point to his said. "The administration, now thai give Georgia annually from J100.000 to he haa eliminated himself, will proceed is about 20 miles east of Przemyal and 9200.000 for road construction. neck. Several officers in the room with less friction and clash. Person- Is almost in a direct line with the The duty of the proposed state road grabbed the old darkey, who was still commission would be solely to decide alty. I like Bryan—he Is a lovable, and, Galician capital, against which all the crying that he would commit suicide. In many respects, remarkable charac- ergiP3 of General von Mackeneen. where the state roads should be fcu.lt. 'While several men held htm others The prison commission would retain ter—but he has, always been, and ever the German commander, are being di- searched his pockets and brought forth will be. a populist. It is inherent wlth- x its present authority in the supervision ' him. NAPOLEON. HIS TOMB. NAPOLEON LEAVING FRANCE. j rected. of road construction. several plumbing tools which, in the v An unofficial report sa>s that Von opinion of the judge, had been used T have always believed Bryan to The memorable battle of Watertjoo was fought June 18.1815, a few miles south of Brussels. It was at this battle The bill win ask that. In addition to have been responsible-for most of the that Napoleon, the plan who sought to conquer the world, met his disastrous defeat. With the great conflict now Macken.een has telegraphed \ the Ger- the present state road supervisor, oth- within the last, few days. radical actions of the admlnlstratio: 1 man emperor he hopes to occupy Lem- er supervisors shall be named, who raging in Europe more than ordinary Interest attaches to the centenary of this event. It will be recalled that it was ^At\ the end of curt^ the notion 01 the shipping bill, for instance. He 1 berg by July 1. will assist*in the construction of state suicide" had slightly abated in the mind was the one, outstanding, conflicting the sensational stand of the Duke of Wellington's men that won the day and settled lor all time the ambitions of highways. It shall also be the duty of element In the admlnlatlatlon, and, I the man who sought control of the world'a destinies. In the accompanying illustration are shown,Napoleon, the tomb HEAVY FIGHTING these supervisors to assist in the su- of Jones and he was peacefully laying pervision of county road construction on the floor in the detention pen. am confident, the source of most of of Napleon In the Madeleine chapel in the Hospital des Invalides, In Paris, and Napoleon as he sailed away from IN PROGRESS. the administration's discord. France. •when needed. There are still many obstacles, how- "He typified the more irradical ele- It is*the idea of the commission that ever, in the way of victory to the Au\- ments in the party administration, and th« county roads should be tributaries trp-German "arms In this part of Gali- 1 now that he has withdrawn. I am as- to the main state highways. cia, for the Russians hold strongly It la suggested that the convict sured that the administration will be Speaker Champ Clark gangs who would work on the state INDEPENDENCE CAR more conservative, safer and more cau- fortified positions many miles in front highways shall be composed entirely :lou»—consequently, more satisfactory Works on Public Roads of Lemberg. and in addition, will have to all elements." FAIN ILL, POLICE COMPLETE TIE-UP tlie advantage of natural defenses of of white members, leaving negro eon- i victs to work upon county roads, thus In this connection, tho senator, in With Bunch of Convicts the country roundabouts, including a twinging -about a segregation of races mawer to a question, replied that he also felt confident that the important .chain of lakes and marshes. in the working of convicts. TO BEMT HERE All along the Galician front heavy business and financial Innruences of the St. Louts. June 15.—Governor State Road Inspector T. P. Stanley PROBING DELAYED fighting la In proffreaa and the Aus- north and east which had heretofore of Hlftomirl and Champ Clark, s OF CHICAGO LINES lias filed hia annual report with the i —-•• ————-- •tat* prison commission, and certain Former Ford Building Is been Injuriously antagonistic to the ad- of the national house of representa- trb-Germana, according to tJ*4ir re- suggestion* s,* raakw znsjr b* consid- m.nistrsUo.., would now be mollified tives, today celebrated Missouri <*ood ,ports, are still gaining ground* eVeTy- ered *.
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