BUCHANAN,, PRIDE OF THE, BOOST BUCHANAN ’ « ■' K * . ■ *: ST. JOSEPH VALLEY /0& V1 if . I ^ s ' GOOD.. PRACTICE;. TRY TJ. * And the Berrien County Record i; . • !’;' > pA; \ ,, ; V : ;r It’s Mouthpiece P'.'-di At least,: itt doesn’t ,cos£ ;janythingf"■ F SIXTY-FIRST YEAR BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN, 'l?:i-I.TlTRSt)AY, FEB. U, 1028. SffiS NLAIBER 4 TOR’S WIFE■■ ? ST. JOE VALLEY CREAMERY ELECTS NEW MGR. M RS. TW OM BLT HERE Now Here’s CHAS. BOYLE Irish President Greets Big Bill Thompson ER N.Y. the Proposition HEADS NEW ANSWERS TO S8.000 OR CATTLE GROUND HOG DOPE, Bi Ha;ws ORGANIZATION CALL OF F This mom Heir Ground Hog wad­ dled out l,He is Tired of Stacking- Irate Spouse Accompanied By ah To wiggle a prehensile snout. I Report of the Retiring Head He east his weather eye around Shows Fine Business In­ Greenbacks. He is And saw no shadow on the ground, 1 Sick, of Whereon he tuned his harp to sing j crease in Past Year Entourage of Officials and Large This soulful melody of spring: 1 __ ____ “ There is no- sun. so winter’s past, i And IVe got coal enough to last. 1 LAUNCHES NEW LINES SHOVELING DOUGH,—SO 1 11 hang away my coon skin coat; J Faith in The Cow Market No more I’ll have to grease my throat. ft ModernIV'! Pasteurizing- Equip­ He-s Going- lo Go Back on Mrs. Ethel Twomblv, wife of Willard Irving- Twomblv, distinguish­ The end has come for colds and ed radio inventor and resident until quite recently of Buchanan, is chills . ment Insures Safety of The Farm and Let His reported by Chicago papers this morning as being in this vicinity, And all this., host of winter* ills. j Milk Consumers Whiskers Grow having come here yesterday accompanied by formidable phalanx of No more I’ll pay the village does ‘ Chicago lawyers and deputy sheriffs for the purpose of grabbing off Nor drink their hitters by the f s few of her husband’s blooded cows and selling them for enough crock, i The election of Charles F. -Galien Banker answers to______ to co^er $7,800 back alimony which he owes her-. Nor fling them shekels by- the j Boyle as manager and a, report of * When a banker quits his bank peck .j a substantial increase both In val- to go" out on,a farm that’s news! •Senator James Heflin of Ala_ The Twombly farm is located To twist my spine and wring my • ne and volume o f output were William T. Cosgravc, President of the Irish Free State, greets Mayor But that is the case with John: vbama, who was sharply rebuked seven miles north of Buchanan on neck. outstanding features in the meet- William Hale Thompson of Chicago as lie steps off the Twentieth Century. Springer, late of Dewey avenue, by his chief who was sharply re­ the Glendora road, and is known JVIy winter garments I will flin g ;’ mg' of the directors of .the St, Buchanan, but now a plain dirt buked by his chief for his repeat­ as the “ old Will Weaver farm.” DOBBIN NO LONGER A s Omar says, In fires of spring, Joe Valley Creamery, held Sat- farmer- living two miles out oi ed attacks upon the Roman Cath­ It was bought some time ago by Ifc’s well the need for them Is o’er, urday afternoon in the rooms of olic church, its ‘‘political ma_ the distinguished inventor who MAYOR ENTERTAINED ■Mend on. They’re getting thin,: behind,, be- .the 'St. Joe Valley Shipping asso_ Unti Tuesday Mr. Springer was chine,” Gov. AT Smith and Tam. spent considerable sums in im_ IN GOOD STANDING fore. nation SUNDAY NIGHT BY THE BUCHANAN GIRLS looking through the bars,— look- many Hall.” pr.ovenent and built and equipped Enough fox* me in days like these | An increase o f 430,000 pounds HAWAIIAN SNGERS ing thro the bars of a cash­ ,a 'fine laboratory for the develop­ My old straw hat and B. V. D.’s [ o f milk recei ved brought the 1927 ier’s window, we mean to say, at ment of further inventions. AT HILLS CORNERS I’ll dust my g olf clubs off. me_ total up to 4,985,000 pounds. In Mavor Harvv T. Brown and Mrs the Galien State Bank. Tuesday A few-weeks ago Twombly be­ thinks, addition, to the production of the Brown were back on the?beach at ! UNDER ARREST AT . C. CONSIDERS gan to be troubled by Chicago night he punched the clock for the LONG YEARS OF “ WAITING AT "And try a run around the links, “ cloverleaf” brand of butter, Waikaikai Sunday night when a * las; time, pulled his hat down j deputy sheriffs, and after-one ar­ To get the old arm busted in which has -an established reputa- part of the Hawaiian show troop . INDIANAPOLIS squarely oyer teeth, set his eyes rest and a successful resistance: THE CHURCH” ARE ENDED Before the other boys begin ; lion as the finest product mar. went to their home at 421 Moc_ j determinedly and turned his back COMMUNITY BANK of extradition, he left for parts HORSE SHEDS SOLD I ’m gonna spruce up on my drive : ke&ed in this section, the cream, easin avenue after the Sunday * on the bank. unknown. WOMAN DESERTS HUSBAND And do that course in sixty-five ery has added new branches of night show and entertained them About the time Mr. Springer In a divorce action in .a, .Chicago That Dobbin is lost, spiritually Oh ti*a la la and whoops! my dear! service in the past year, in chid- with Hawaiian airs. Mayor Brown AND TWO CHILDREN FOR entered the Galien bank lie also FOR BUCHANAN court some time ago, Mrs. Twom­ TRIP TO TEXAS bly was awarded ’ $400 a month -as well as physically, is indicated I ’m tickled pink for spring is here ing local delivery of pasteurized was a resident of the' island 23 ' acquired a farm, once famous as by the classified advertisement milk, and the manufacture of years, and his wife was born and ; the headquarters of Simpson alimony and $6,000 in back ali­ Two Buchanan' girls Were tak­ PLAN NOV/ IN SUCCESSFUL mony and support of their eight run elsewhere an this issue call­ C’chocolated milk” in pint and half , reared; there, j Bros.; noted horse breeders in ing for bids on the "sheds, at the : pint bottles. en into custody bv_ the police of •daysr^swhen horse breeders bad a OPERATION AT year old daughter, Gloria. She $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 IN NEW Indianapolis Thursday on a ‘ was represented in the action By Hills Cornells church. -Dobbin The chocolated product has won chance’'to be noted. The farm. NILES »Jwas formerly a member^“ in good a place in the local market, es­ charge of vagrancy, when they : Includes’ 240' acres'of theVackJ Atty. Dudley Field Malone. pecially in answering the lunch t BOG OWNERS MUST were found wandering about the” When Twombly failedv to pay, Standing” but the inroads o f the est dirt in'Michigan; it has .eight- Possibilities of organizing a gas buggy have crowded him out, HOME BUILDING needs of the employees fit the j city without funds, i^.^gn fine farm buildings, Jbnilt on he was again .ordered ^fl^'jh/uv- .system of .community ’ financing; ‘f dr- cbhlt'empEt""!' Eai iihg-"w^rp'fretri?’* J Clark. Equipment Co. ‘Deliveries! [ vw T-he - girls- >are Mildred-- ;Q.iilv.Aif plans that’’‘were once ' the lake here similar to that now in suc­ ■PU-T UP4ITTLE- 18, former inmate of the state in­ cause why he should not be cited ten years ago, to c-are for the of 250 pints are made at the j word, and roofed throughout with cessful operation in TSTiles under equine .attendants at the services. IS NEEDED HERE factory for the men every morn-" dustrial school, and Mrs. Myrtle tile. in answer,‘ he forfeited a $5,000 ■mo* the name of the Niles Community But during that period they have Clark, 21, who deserted her five As is the custom with bankers, Bank were discussed at the -called bond. become obsolete. Dobbin has STATES S. B. CONTRACTOR The bottled milk product of the DOUGH FOR FIDO y e a r old daughter and three y e a r Mr. .Springer had kept his ear meeting of the Chamber of Com­ Mrs. Twombly came to Chicago old son here, recently. from New York City to initiate quit going to church. Now the BEFORE CHAMBER COM­ creamery is a high grade pro­ ■assiduously to the ground, hark­ merce held in the secretary’s of­ entire attendance serve fhe Lord duct, thoroughly treated with up- The Gulver girl has been in dif­ ing to what avenues the retreat­ the action, stating that her hus­ MERCE .MONDAY TOWNSHIP TAX ON ALL CA­ fice Monday night, and the fol­ in motor propelled vehicles, and to-date pasteurizing equipment, NINES IS NOW DUE; DIG ficulties with the authorities /oh ing footsteps of the elusive dollar band had a herd of blooded cattle lowing committee were appointed and that she would either get the the sheds that used to house Dob-: which assures the consumer of UP FOR THE PUP several occasions.'. -Recentl-v? she might be trending. , This winter by President PI. WG Riley to in-_ bin from inclement weather stand There is room and to spare m safety against any possibility of announced an intention of leaving- lie made up his mind that the $7,800 or confiscate a few head Buchanan, for §250,000 in new vestigate into the feasibility of the of cattle to cover the amount.
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