"That Theory of Races" Henri Pirenne on the Unfinished Business of the Great War1

"That Theory of Races" Henri Pirenne on the Unfinished Business of the Great War1

"That Theory of Race " Henr" #"re!!e o! the $!f"!" hed &$ "!e of the Great 'ar1 ()#HI*+,*+(CH-*#,RI./*R2 0000000000000000000000000000000- oc"ate #rofe or of H" tory 1 #e!! (tate 2!"3ers"ty *xact5y one year after the e!% of the 6"r t 'or5% 'ar, on Nove7ber 11, 1919, the ne9 acade7"c year 9a opene% at the 2!"3er "ty of Ghe!t. Hera5%"!: the re $7pt"on of c"e!t"f"c e!%ea3our after four year of Ger7a! 7"5"tary occupat"on, the e3ent ca55e% for o5e7!"ty. It a5 o ca55e% for "nter- pretat"on 1 a7ply prov"de% by the com7e!ce7ent a%dre of the ne9 rector, Henr" #"renne. The decept"3e5y 7ode t t"t5e of hi peech, "La nation belge et l'Allemagne: quelques réflexions historiques", be5"e% "t a7&"t"ous content; #"re!ne< addre a"7e% hi:h. It ought to tra! ce!% the pre3a"5"!: 7ood, 9hich 9a one of 5"!:er"!: "!%":nat"on o3er Be5:"$7< pa t $ffer"!: at the ha!% of the '"5he57"ne *7p"re, coup5e% 9"th &e9"5%ere% re e!t7ent over *nte!te :over!7ent < perce"3e% "!:rat"t$%e for Be5:"$7< contr"&ut"on to the 9ar effort. #"re!!e< peech proffere% a! overarch"!: "nterpretat"on of the 9ar 1 one that deft5y brought out the part"c$5ar re5e3a!ce of Be5:"$7< part "! "t. #"re!!e def"ne% Ger7a! a::re "on 3" -=-3" other tate a!% the"r c"t">e! a ha3"!: been, at heart, a! aberrat"on ca$ ed by rac"a5" t th"!?"!:; "if the &ar&aric 7a!!er with 9hich the Ger7a! co!%$cte% the"r 7"5itary operatio! hoc? $ to%ay, later :e!erat"o! 9"55 7ar3e5 e3e! 7ore at ho9 the"r race theory le% the7 a tray". If, dur"!: the 9ar, Ger7a! author"t"e a!% Ger7a! troops ha% how! a par- t"c$5ar "%" re:ar% for p"ty a!% @$ t"ce", &5a7e 7$ t be attr"bute% A$are5y to "that theory of race , the 7ost fa5 e &$t a5 o the 7o t per!"c"ou e3er". -ccor%"!: to #"re!ne, a! "nfat$at"on 9"th Ger7an-ne a!% co!com"ta!t conte7pt for other peop5e ha% progre "3e5y encroache% upon '"5he57"ne 1. *ar5"er 3ers"o! of th" te4t 9ere pre e!te% at the "!ternat"o!a5 co!fere!ce "The 2!f"!" he% Bu "!e of 'ar a!% Re3o5$t"o!; *$rope, 181B-1818" C)&erl"! Co55e:e, ,epart7e!t of H" tory, Darch 13-14, 2008EF at the Do%ern H" tory Co55oA$"$7 of the ,epart7e!t of H" tory at the #e!! y53a!"a (tate 2!"3ers"ty (No3e7&er 3, 2008EF a!% at the Gco5e %e Ha$te Gt$%e e! (c"e!ce (oc"a5e , #ari , o! Day 1H, 2010. I tha!? 7y co55ea:$e for the"r 3ery 3a5$a&5e co77e!t , "! part"c$5ar ,rs. (tIpha!e -$%o"!-Ro$>ea$, .e! -U9e G$ette5, -5a! Jra7er, Chr" tophe #rocha o!, a!% the a!o!y7o$ re3"e9er of th" @o$rna5. If th" te4t reta"! fact$a5 errors a!% errors of "!terpretat"o!, the re po! "&"5"ty " o5e5y the a$thor< . 2. Corre po!%e!ce co!cern"!: th" art"c5e ho$5% &e a%%re e% to (oph"e ,e (chaep%ri@3er: c%10Kp $.e%$ BTNG | RBHC, XLI, 2011, 3-4, pp. 533-552 c$5ture, re!der"!: attac? upon overe":! tate conce"3a&5e to &e:"! 9"th, a!% the! @$ t"fy"!: the7 after the fact. "- peop5e< c$5t of "t o-ca55e% race con c"ousne ," he c5a"7ed, "%oom "t f"r t to 7ora5 " olat"on a!% before 5o!: to mora5 deca%ence". #"re!ne 7ade hi ca e 9"th reference to the Ger7a! "!3a "on of ne$tra5 Be5:"$7 "! -$:$ t 1914, and, pec"f"ca55y, to the e! $"!: Ger7a! %" cour e of @$ t"f"cat"o! 1 a %" cour e that ha% ought to defe!% the "!3a "on by deny- "!: the "!3ade% country a!y c5a"7 to nat"onhood, a!% he!ce, "7pl"c"t5y, a!y r":ht to overe":! tatehood. -7on: '"5he57"ne 5"terat", a chor$ of acade7"c a!% e5f-appointe% expert of a55 tr"pe ha% prompt5y for7e% to %" 7" Be5:"$7 a a! <art"f"c"a5 tate<, a @$ t5y doome% a7a5:a7 of <Lat"!< 'a55oon a!% <Ger7a!"c< 65e7"!: . Th" rhetor"c pre ent5y ca7e "! for ome arca 7; "'hat pa7phlet , 9hat &oo? , 9hat !e9 paper a!% @o$r!a5 artic5e o! th" Leitmoti3N COE ($ch %o::e%!e "! %e7o! trat"!: to $ that 9e %"% !ot e4" t!". Ha3"!: thus "7pl"c"t5y tate% the robu t e4" te!ce of <$ < 1 hi 5"?e-7"nde% a$%"ence !ee%e% no further aff"r7at"on 1 #"re!!e 9ent o! to dep"ct the "!3ader < ethn"c-e ent"a5" t per pect"3e a funda7e!ta55y f5a9ed, "nce the 7a@or"ty of Be5:"a! had, after a55, ref$ e% to counte!ance any outcome of the 9ar hort of the re torat"o! of !at"ona5 "!depende!ce. I! hi conc5$ "on, he ret$rne% once a:a"! to a :enera5 per pect"3e on "that theory of race ", e!%"!: hi peech on a !ote of r"!:"!: opt"7" 7; Ger7any' defeat "! the 9or5% 9ar pe5t the e!d of race theory and a retur! to huma!" t+3"e9 . "-!% th" , $re5y, COE " o!e of the happier re $5ts of th" 9ar 9h"ch ha co t o 7$ch &loo% a!% o 7a!y tear . 6$ture :e!eratio! 9"55 :ro9 $p "! a! atmo phere p$rifie% of !o4"o$ f$7e ." Th" fond hope+9a , howe3er, fo55o9e%+&y a ca3eat;+#"renne+%ry5y announce% that he har%5y expecte% "the ha5f-e%ucate% a!% the do:7at"c to "77e%"ate5y ope! up to the 5":ht of e3"dence" a!% that 7any, "ndeed, 9oul% cont"!$e to aff"r7 the"r be5"ef "that race deter7"!e peop5e < 7enta5"ty, 5a!:ua:e, ent"7ent a!d pote!t"a5"+C#"re!ne, 1919, 5-24, c"tat"o! 18, 16, 7, 20E. It 9a hi:hly ymbol"c that #"re!!e he5% h" peech i! the aula of that 3ery $!"3er "ty that, $!%er the pa t 7"5"tary occupat"on, ha% bee! a foc$ of the occupat"on author"t"e < 7o t concerte% effort to re%ra9 the bou!%ar"e of Be5:"$7< "7a:"ne% com7$!"t"e . The 5ar:e5y francophone 2!"3er "ty of Ghent ha% c5ose% "t %oor under the occupat"on. I! 1916, "t ha% bee! reopene% a a ,$tch-5a!:ua:e "! t"t$t"o! on order of the Ger7a! 7"5"tary author"t"e . That refor7 9a part a!% parce5 of the occupat"on re:"7e< effort L534M (. ,* (CH-*#,RI./*R to ee? fa3our 9"th the 65e7" h publ"c "! order to both e ta&5" h "t ow! 5e:"t"7acy a!% ap the &a " of the Be5:"a! tate. -5though thi "65e7" h pol"cy" CFlamenpolitikE ha% 7ade ome "nroa% "! 65e7" h 7"5"tant opi!"on, "t ha% fa"5e% to :a"! 9"de tract"on %$e to the repre "3e nat$re of the re:"7e, 9hich 9a e pec"a55y 7arke% "! hea3"5y-occupie% Ghent. - a conseque!ce, the occ$pat"on a$thor"t"e ha% turne% to a top-dow! approach a!% crac?e% dow! on re " ter . #"re!ne hi7 e5f, a e3erybody "! the a$%"ence a!% a 5ar:e part of the e%$cate% p$&5"c 9or5%9"%e ?ne9, 9a %eporte% to Ger7any "! 1916 Ctogether 9"th h" fe55ow 7e%"e3a5" t #a$5 6reder"cAE a!% he5% there unt"5 9ar< end. -fter hi return, he 9a 5"on" e% a a! e7&5e7 of nat"ona5 re " tance. H" 9or? on the 9ar, from the 1919 com7e!ce7ent peech to the 7ono:raph La Belgique et la Guerre Mondiale, pub5" he% 9"th the Car!e:"e 6oundat"on "! 1928, "!terprete% the Ger7a! occupat"on of Be5:"$7 e e!- t"a55y a a! a a$5t $pon a 5"bera5-5ea!"!: pol"ty 9"th a 3oluntar" t 3"e9 of nat"onhoo% by a! author"tar"a! re:"7e :$"de% by a "per!"c"o$ race theory", 9"th the <B": Bertha< of Flamenpolitik Chi "7"5eE a ca e "! poi!t C#"renne, 1919, 22E.3 That th" pol"cy had fa"5ed to s9ay the 5ar:er c"t">e!ry a!% that the theory underp"!!"!: "t 9a 3a!A$" hed, $nder cored, for #"re!ne, the e en- t"a55y re:re "3e and therefore doomed nature of $ch an a a$5t. Dea!9h"5e, P"re!!e< Nove7ber 1919 speech wa he5%+"!+6rench on5y, i! a c"ty 9here !one &$t the e%ucate% e5"te poke 6rench, a!% 9here, e3er "nce the -r7" t"ce, a%3ocate for 5"!:$" t"c eAua5"ty ha% bee! 3"5"f"e% a 5atter-day recr$"t of Flamenpolitik &y %"ehar% promoter of the dom"nance of 6rench i! Be5:"a! pub5"c c$5t$re.4 The e e5f- er3"!: %" tort"o! of #"re!ne< 3" "on need not deta"!+$ here, sa3e to poi!t out that they complete5y pa ed over hi core ar:$7ent re:ar%"!: the e e!t"a5 %"fference &et9ee! the pa t occ$pat"on re:"7e a!% the pre e!t, re tore% pub5"c phere.

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