j THE NE}V YORK HERALD, THU1HSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1921. 9 Mr. Coolidge Gives PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. 14 Pianists Earn FIVE DEBUTANTESI INTRODUCED Rushton Peabody's LOST AND FOUND. DIED. NEW YORK. LOST.FORT> COUPE.V-0 REWARP HT1.RHIZER James E.. beloved husband a License No. 103017. motor No. 32378293: of Hattle Martin, at Itorna rrfsvllle. N. J.. a State Dinner to Mr. Earl D. Osborn, son of Mr. and $15y000in Concert AT DANCES AND DlINNER PARTIES Wife Obtains Rood condition; equipment, front tires United Monday, December IS. 1021. EunemI Mrs. William Church Osborn, has gone Status (U. 8. Co.) and rear ttrea (United Thursday, December 22. at 2 P, M St. to Key West lor the winter. States chain tread), 1 extra tire; no Ihmard'a Episcopal Church at Divorce in Reno asked. GUARDIAN FOOT) CO.. questions1440 N. J. Eackawanna and President Harding for Moszkowski 4374. Delaware, Ilnnardsvllle, Broadway. Bryant Western train at 11:13 P. M., Hoboken. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Peters will Interment private. the LOST.1 :30 P. M. Tuesday, main pass holidays at their country Penn Station, black patent leathernewsstand L,.. house in Here on New Year's stilt 11YAME8..George on Dcctmber 2C, Company of Thirty-four Isllp, L. I. Play at Same Time at Gala Married case containing clothes, papers, young »t aon of Margaret C. and Itiehard book. Kinder will receive liberal account !>., age 10 years, residence, 1383 lieu h Several Residents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Moore, Testimonial for Polish Day 1920.She Was Widow no questions asked. Communicate withreward,uv.. llronx. funeral rervrces at th^ Includes AV K. BFATTK. 103 Park av. Church of the A.lv..e«t,. U'Dihlnmnn IV and daughter of the Hon. Mrs.sonin-law near 18<)th St.. P.ronx. on Friday, of Massachusetts. Alfred are In India. of Chester P. Siems. LOST.Sliver mounted, painted velvet bag, at 1 P. M Anson, Composer. 6th av. car or tlth av. and 9th St.; liberal 29, Relatives and Decemberfriend* respectfully Invited to attend. Interment reward, no questions asked. Return 131 W Woodlawn Mr. Lawrence K. Jennings will come E3th st. Cemetery. from Andover, Mass.. this week, to pass fi|/t(or to Tub New Toeic Hmo JONES..On December 21, Matilda Jones. Aptc.al Dispatch to The New York Herald. Fourteen world famous pianists Dixpatch Jewelry. Services Stephen Merrltt's Chapel, 223 Sth the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Reno, Nev., Dec. 21..Mrs. Vernon tiv Nfw York Herald Bureau, last nlKht at Carnegie Hall inappeareda , near ilat »t., Friday, 2 P. M. | Mrs. Oliver O. Jennings. waa a di- r> Washington, 1>. C., Dee. 21. J Marguerite Peabody granted LOST.Diamond crescent, between 3 and MITCHELL, .11 Gardens, Glasgow, gala testimonial concert given for the vorce here to-day from Mr. Rushton Inches long, large diamond In center, lost Huntly The flrst of the state functions in Mi somewhere between st. and on November 2T, 1921, Marlon Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan benefit of the Polish and jHSg^F Peabody of 780 Madison avenue, New 39th elder of the late Andre » tionor or uie j-resiuenc ana mra. Plerpont pianist store, lllx-ral rev-ard. AddressWanamaker's daughter i. Mitchell of New have gone to East Island, their country Morltz Moszkowskl, who Is 111composer,In York city. V I.- I>tr.lli -J.it til York and of 4 Clare* was given to-night, with the riaidingplace in Glen Cove, L. I., where they Mrs. Peabody came here about a year phone Bowling Green 2930. mrnt Terrace, Glasgow Paris and without funds. The net MITCHELL..December 20, 1021. at her and Mrs. Coolidge as hosts.VicePresidentwill pass the holidays. ago with two daughters by her first LOST.Two brarelots, one diamond, one profits of the concert amounted to stones In residence, Oradell, N J., Mary Warren, "V/hcn the Christinas season is over each $8,000. husband, the late Chester P, Sicms of sapphire, approximately forty wife of the late Donald Mitchell. This sum, St. Paul, Minn, who died in New York each, set tn platinum, lost Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Duncan will together with souvenir In or of 30th st.; private. Funeral of thfe Cabinet officers in order of on October 1918. Capitol Theatre vicinity give a dinner party to-night at Carlton autographed by all the pianistsprograms 23, liberal reward for return, no questions McCANN..On Wednesday, December 21, at seniority will entertain departmentalfor House, and nftcrward take their guests That her husband had an asked. It 244 Herald. II. raid sq. his residence, 101 West 90th St., Frederick talcing with one to John V,'. the President. to the Christmas ball for the Lisa part, going temper and treatod her cruellyungovcrnablewere W ItEWARH McCann, beloved husband of Marlon C. Day for with Sn.all and son of Alice K. and the late Nursery. the highest bidder, for $1,00,McCormick, among the allegations in the complaint return of black enamel vanity case, John J. McCann. Funeral service Vice-President and Mrs. Coolidge's of Mrs. who told the court bracelet attached, engraved L. M 1903, and autographed etchings of Moszkowskl. Peabody, lost December at c between 10 A. M., at the Church ofSaturday,St. dinner was given in the Presidential lti, Republic at. that she was married to Mr. Peabody Theatre and Slat at., or in taxlcab. BLACK, Gregory the Great. W.-st 90th Prince Albert Radzlwlll, Honorary which were auctioned off during the two at Woodlawn. Interment suite in the Willard, the apartment Counsellor of the Polish Legation In years ago, after knowing hirn but STARR & FROST, r.th av. and 48th at. by Mmc. Alma Gluck andIntermission six and that she soon found out NAEF..Care line, widow of Henry Naef, at which Mr. and Mrs. Harding occupied Washington. Is at the Plaza, where Mr. weeks, $300 REWARD, Englewood, N. J.. December 19. Funeral Walter Damrosch, also with private she could not live with him. for return of horseshoe brooch, containing service December 2 P. M for the few days immediately preceding and Mrs. Richard Delafleld, who came She 37 lost December between Thursday, 22. from Tuxedo and Mrs. C. Whitney brought up the amount realized alleged that Iter husband diamonds, 19, at Daniel MacLean's Funeral Parlors, 23 Inauguration. Thirty-four guests were Park, donations, a violent dislike for her manifestedthree West (18th and 99th sts., or on Broaday West 128th st. Carpenter also are stopping. for Mr. Moszkowski to about $16,000. car. I. K. & II. H. WEINRERG. 683 T.tli av. ut the table, which was laid in a hollow children by her first marriage, and elso O'NEIL..On Tuesday, December 20. 1921. The artists who took part were for her mother. They went to live in LOST.Collapalbl* gold pencil, 71st st. or Grace T.. beloved wife of Philip O'Nell. pquare, with a fountain splashing Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McVlckar her Vanderbllt av. Liberal reward If returned Funeral from her late residence. 229 54ih Jaftray Bauer, Casella, Friedman, Backus, New York apartment and she room 1913, 52 Vanderbllt av. st.. Hrooklyn, Friday, December 2.1, at in the center. The decorations weremerrilyhave closed Battle Ridge Farm, their Grainger, Hutcheson, Lambert, that her husband to the j ft 11 A. St. Gabrilowltsch, objected allegedLOST.{Wild hsr blue stone, at M.; tlience to Agatha's Church. suggestive of the season. in White N. Y.. of pin, Macy's I9th st. and av. country place Plains, Lhevinne. Ncy. Ornsteln. Schelllng, presence any of her former husband's or (limbers; reward $10. Call OWNER, 7th Solemn requiem mass In accordance with the custom in and are at 54 East Fifty-sixth street, Schnitzer and Stojowskl. photographs in the rooms. Once, she Plasa 4929. will be offered. Automobile cortege. "Vogue since the Roosevelt the home of Mr. T. Richardson, Mr. Damrosch read | O'SCLLIVAN..The remains of Mrs. Jane Chesley letters of regret Sjjjjjjj asserted, he broke a photograph of one on LOUT.Pearls Broadway between 134th most of the guests were recruited who will to California. from of his own O'Sulllvan (nee Jane Weldon), who died administration shortly go Mero, Ganz, Bloomfleld-Zeisler and children, believing it to be and 139th sts.. Sunday afternoon. Return on Monday, December 19, at Goshen, from out of town, Massachusetts being Paderewskt, all of which he prefaced by that of one of his wife's offsprings. to ROSS, eare Mannsse, 318 W. 134th. N. Y.. will arrive at her late residence. particularly well represented. Hollis Mrs. Vanderbilt will come from an appropriate speech by himself. Mrs. Peabody also charged that her LOST.Platinum and diamond outside av., Queens Village, on Thursday. The company included Speaker of the husband said he would kill her and ring, December 22. Funeral on Friday. on Saturday to pass ChristmasWashingtonin of 61 Broadway, Tuesday morning. 22: thence to Sts. Joaehim and DecemberAnne's House and Mrs. GlUett, Senator Lodge, Brllltnnt Audience. ever * - if she left him. In S. South 1143. Westbury, L. I., with her son-in-law T t spitehimselfof p.. *109 reward. TelephotieIt. C. Church, where a requiem mass will Senator Senator Gov. a® hia shf» WAYlf tn mntlior'c Vtrtmcx in Curtis, Hitchcock, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Payne The ribbon *md Airs. Sproul, Mrs. Eugene Hale, the daughter, event, which was one of the most Minnesota. LOST.Silver watch. Initials M. B.. Whitney. She will return to Washington remarkable of its Rind on had Miss Diana Dalziel and Mi;ss Ann-Elizabeth Kaufman. fob, gold medal, vicinity Equitable ROGERS.Frank.
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