The University of Toledo July 3, 1984 2801 W. Bancroft Street Toledo, Ohio 43606 FROM: Marty Clark Offlce of Pubhc ÿnformatlon FOR IMFÿDIATE RELEASE (4"ÿ 9} 537-2675 A trio, including Amy Brucksch, guitar, Karen C!egg, violin and Sally Vallongo, flute, will begin The University of Toledo's SummerStage ÿ84 concert series at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, July 18 in the Recital Hall of the University's Center for Performing Arts° The program will include the premiere performance of "Chaconne for Flute, Violin and Guitar" by David Jex, a Toledo native and composer and now assistant professor of music at UTo Dr° Jex earned his bachelorVs degree in music at UT, a master's degree in music from Bowling Green State University and his doctorate in musical arts from the Cleveland Institute of Music. The trio also will perform Telemannÿs "Partita in G Majorÿ' arranged for violin, flute and guitar. Ms. Val!ongo and Ms° Brucksch will play GiulianiVs "Sonata for Flute and Guitar," IbertVs ÿVEntrVacte for Flute and Guitar,ÿ Bar!owÿs 1ÿPavane," Ravelÿs ÿPiece,ÿ BonnardWs "Sonatine Breve," and Faureÿ s ÿIPavane°" Ms. Clegg and Ms. Brucksch will play Paganini's WÿSonata Concertata for Guitar and "Violin." This first of four summer concerts is being presented in cooperation with the University's department of theater. Others are schedulÿdon July 25, Aug. 1 and Aug. 8. Tickets for the individual concerts are priced at $3 and are available to senior citizens, children and students with identification for $io50. Concert series tickets for all four events are priced at $12. Tickets may be obtained by calling the SummerStage ÿ84 box office at the University, 537-2255, between i0 a.m° and 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday and between noon and 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday° They may also be obtained from the University at Portside, 241-5268, in the downtown Portside Festival Marketplace. ### The University of To July 3, 1984 2S01 W. Bancroft Sÿreet FROM: Marty Clark Tomedo, Ohm 43606 Office of Pubhc ÿnforrnatton FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (419) 537-2675 Rehearsals for The University of Toledo Summer Orchestra program, under the direction of Bernard Sanchezÿ chairman of the University's department of music and Orchestra conductorÿ are scheduled beginning at 7:30 p.mo on Mondays and Wednesdays between July 16 and August 13 and will be held at the University's Center for Performing Arts o The Summer Orchestra program will conclude with a concert on August 15 in University Hall ÿs Doermann Theatero All area high school and community musicians interested in participating in the program are invited to contact Mr. Sanchez for an audition by calling the UT department of music offices, 537-2448. ### The University of ToJedo 2801 W. Bancroft Street July 3, 1984 Toledo, Ohio 43606 FROM: Amy Bast Oÿce of Pubhc ÿnformztÿon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (419) s37--Tÿ7s Three University of Toledo students swept the top places in the Graduate Student Manuscript Competition at the Ohio Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association held recently at Miami University, Oxford, O. John So Satkowski (Jackson Rd,ÿ Temperance, Micho)ÿ took first place and received $500. Marlene Snow (Pheasant Dr., Perrysbur8ÿ 0o)ÿ won second place and was awarded $300ÿ while Thomas Grothouse (Carolyn Dr.ÿ Delphos, 0o), third-place winner, received $i00° Each of the winners also received plaques° The theme of al! of the papers was WAccounting and Reporting for Consolidated Entities: Concepts and Methods°ÿv All three of the award-winning papers, which were published in the proceedingsÿ were prepared for Dr, Charles Gibson, UT professor of accounting, as part of the course requirements for Accounting Theory. Last year, Michael Fahecÿ UT graduate student, tied for the winning place in the competition with his paper concerning 'VThe Accounting Implications of the Efficient Market Hypothesisoÿ This paper also was done for Dro Gibson's Accounting Theory course° -30- University of Toledo July 3, 1984 2801 W Bancroft Street FROM: Les Roka Toledo, Ohio 43606 Office of PubLc Bnformanon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (41 9) 537-2675 Dr, James M. Daschbach, former professor of industria! engineering at the University of Notre Dame, was recently appointed chairman and professor of industrial engineering at The University of Toledo by UTÿs Board of Trustees. His appointment was effective June 23. Dr. Daschbach, who had served in Notre Dame's department of aerospace and mechanical engineering since 1966, succeeds Dr. Milton Ao Netter, Jr., acting department chairman since February. Dr° Netter will continue as professor of industrial engineering. Dr. Daschbach, 51, received the doctor of philosophy degree in industrial engineering in 1966 at Oklahoma State University (Stillwater), where he taught graduate-level courses in production control and engineering economics° He also received the master of business administration degree in industrial management from Southern Methodist University in 1961 and the bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from Notre Dame in 1954o A retired lieutenant colonel of the UoSo Air Force Reserve, he worked three and one-half years as service engineer for the Aero Commander Division of Rockwell International Corp. from 1960 to 1964o He also worked from 1957 to 1960 as flight test and customer service engineer for Convair in Fort Worth, Texas on the B-58 project° Dr. Daschbach served one year in 1979-80 as visiting professor at the National Defense University at Fort McNair, Washington, DÿC° His research activities, which have included more than 30 published articles in scholarly, technical, scientific, and governmental journals, are concentrated on hospital management and administration, industrial safety, management and motivation, and courts and judicial functions° He also has participated in and directed numerous conferences on industrial safety and hospital management. Active in Indiana's Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization, Dr. Daschbach served as regional president and national board director for Big Brothers of America between 1977 and 1979o He also has been active in the Toastmasters Club, Boy Scouts, and political and civic organizations° Dr° Daschbach enjoys dancing, sports, and photography° He and his wife, Jeanette, have eight children. He is the son of Mrs° J°M° Daschbach of Winchester, Mass. -30- University of Toledo July 3, 1984 2801 W Bancroft Street Toledo, Ohio 43606 FROM: Les Roka ©ffmce of Pubhc ÿuformatÿon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (419) 537-267s Dr° Demetrios Do Raftopoulos (2091 Morrocco, Ida, Micho), professor of mechanical engineering at The University of Toledo, recently received the Plato Award from the District II chapter of the Order of Ahepa (American Hellene Educational Progressive Association), a Greek-American national organization, for outstanding achievement in the field of bio-mechanical engineering° Dro Raftopou!os is the first person to receive the prestigious award from the district ii chapter which represents Kentucky, Virginia, and Ohio° A native of Argostoiion, Greece, he has received international recognition for developing a fixation device for securing bone fragments, especially in fractures of the tibia, femur, and hip bones. The device, described as sturdy, durable, and economical to manufacture, uses intramedullary nails with circumferentially expandable ends which eliminate the factor of wear by transferring most of the stresses which would otherwise develop from the fracture of bones° The device is protected by a UoSo Patent° Dr. Raftopoulos also has invented an orthopedic device which measures the range of motion associated with a human body joint° Other research projects have focused on fracture mechanics, shock load, and seismic ground-motion tests° He has been a member of the University faculty since 1967o -30- The University of Toledo ,ÿ-ÿ ÿ ',i,ÿ" - , July 6, 1984 2801 W 8ancrofrgÿreet Toledo, Ohio 43606 FROM: Amy Bast Office of Public Information FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (419) 537-267 ÿ; Dr, Panos D. Bardis, professor of sociology at The University of Toledo, had been invited to organize a conference on sociology and present a paper at the University of Jodhpur, in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, Oct. 29-Novo 2. The conference, "Sociology of the Professions," will feature scholars from around the world speaking on journalism, medicine, teaching, science, engineering, nursing, law, and social work. Professors, students and government officials of India will be in attendance. At the week-!ong seminar, Dr. Bardis will present his paper, "Gnosiocratic Education in a Changing World." Gnosiology is the philosophy of emphasizing genuine knowledge and causation. Dr. Bardis will also be responsible for editing a volume consisting of the papers presented there. -30- The University of Toledo July 6, 1984 2801 W Bancroft Street FROM: Marian Mallon Toledo, Ohio 43606 Off1=e of Pubhc ÿnforrn, at,on FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (419) 537-2675 The 17th annual University of Toledo Cheerleading Clinic will be held in two sessions on Monday and Tuesday, August 6 and 7, and on Thursday and Friday, August 9 and i0. The clinic is open to high school and junior high school cheer- leaders and will be sponsored by UT's varsity cheerleaders. About 600 cheerleaders from Ohio and southeastern Michigan are expected to participate in the two-day training sessions° Instruction in cheers, chants, pompom routines, partner stunts, tumbling and gymnastics will highlight the clinic. A discussion of footbal! and basketball rules and regulations led by UT players and coaches also will be featured° The clinics will conclude with cheerleading competitions for both varsity and junior varsity squads° Judging is based on appearance, squad coordination, enthusiasm, originality of cheers, and clinic conduct with first, second, and third place prizes awarded to the outstanding squads° Cost of participating in either of the clinics is $40, which includes registration fees, all meals, room accommodations, and awards. Training sessions and competitions will be held in Centennial Hall. Participants will be housed in Parks Tower.
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