*^*mmmm W^IIV ^^^^^^^^ *^pis^smwp HMBV l! flftwn COMMUNICATIONS N B T'W O R K lillcsllaii6 Obscrwr hometown newspaper serving Westland for 3$ years hursday, March 30, 2000 hotnetownnewspapers.net VotaAMSSfcumbfr* Waattand. Michigan CaQOOHoni«To<mCommunk»ttan»M»tworti^ #WT CH3 •f^v- p&r*i ..^-^ costs WDmyU0d .^ . w.. ..• m ^ ^ savtntf .1 Spring forward m ...'% Set your clock Jff • Cost could hold back % ahead or>9 hour Mm''" plans to expand ice sur­ ^. Sunday at 2 a.m. MW faces available to local ^¾¾¾. -^^^H^''" • • hockey players and figure skaters. A discussion took place Monday at City Hall. BY DARRELL CLEM STAFF WRJTKfc IN THE PAPER dclemGoe.hotticconiiii.net A second ice surface is in question even though Westland hockey and fig­ ure-skating clubs say they could easily TODAY double their membership if they had more space. The big problem: paying for a project that could approach $7 million. COMMUNITY LIFE Mayor Robert Thomas already has abandoned h's *>ar1i*»i* vision of building a multimillion-dollar recreation center Federal case: Meet the that could have included two ice rinks. FBI up close and person- STAFF PHOTO BT TOM HAWLEY Now, he said, he isn't sure the city al./Bl Spring Ball: Council President Charles "Trau" Griffin (left) shares a laugh with wife Margaret can afford to add a second ice surface to and Sgt. Ed Hosmer of the Westland Fire Department. Westland Sports Arena, on Wildwood near Hunter. The city could face long-term bond AT HOME payments as high as $700,000 a year to renovate and expand the sports arena. Thnma** ftairl Mfav to €fTi\\*f MiriS\m+i>o+ Spring: Ball offers fun for all litis ttutieiueuis Lame during a Mon­ will offer a bounty of gar­ day evening Westland City Council BY JULIE BROWN 300 revelers, said Glenn Shaw, foun­ with many volunteers, including study session as architects and consul­ den beauty./OB 9TAFTWBJTKR dation president. The highlight of the jbrownDoe.homeconun.net business people, donating their tants unveiled proposals for a larger evening? Donations of $5,000 to the expertise. sports arena with two National Hockey Ihe daffodil* were starting to Empty Bowls anti-hunger program of Shaw mentioned the foundation's League-size rinks ENTERTAINMENT T bloom, so the timing was perfect the Family Resource Center and Christmas in July, which also helps "If it's not profitable," resident Larry last Friday for the fourth annual $£,000 to the Wayne-Westland to raise money for such efforts as stu­ Fowler warned, "the citizens will have SprinI lg Ball. YMCAyto be used to send needy kids dent scholarships He and wife Patty to subsidize it" Cartoon-like: Plymouth The Westland Community Founda- to camp. were bUsy greeting Spring Ball Architect Scott Sherman said the tum av*Dt WM h*ld **• tk* H*iUtVM3 Tha Spjing Bail was expected 10 t»*>ji't irtt/ irp arnnit "in hs»SJC^ !.!v 05^71117 native Kent Culotta was bring in $20,000 profit, Shaw said, on the animation team Cultural Center and attracted some "~~ Please see BALL, Ati for itrie!f," and he predicted that a big- that created "The Chief" Please see ARENA, A4 character in Dreamworks' latest release, "The Road .to El Dorado" See hi $ art­ Council Draver controversy comes to citv work come to life at movie theaters this weekend. BY DARRELL CLEM for some problems or to create contro­ ration of church and state, indicated STAnr warren versy," City Attorney Angelo Plakas during a Monday evening study session /El dclemOoe.homeconuii.net said. that any such practice would have to be Add prayer to the list of controver­ The issue arose after Bishop Jack nondenominational. sies engulfing Westland City Hall. Wallace of Detroit World Outreach ••• Councilman Richard L*>Blane labels REAL ESTATE Council members are considering a opened the March 20 council session himself a Christian who believes in proposal to start all their meetings with a prayer after discussing the idea prayer, but h* voiced concerns'that Getting safe: Building with prayer, even though some elected with Councilman David James, Satanists and groups deemed by many officials and residents fear that James had earlier voiced concern as "offensive" might demand inclusion owners learn how to pre­ Satanists, witches and fringe groups about "hatred" that he said some resi­ ^1 agree that prayer is good. I dis­ vent and handle disas- could demand their turn dents seem to feel toward council mem­ agree that it's good at our meetings," ters./Fl "I could see that it has the potential bers who fired former Clerk Patricia INDEX Apartments/02 . Emertainmem/El-a At rtome/D . Jobs/a5 BY DARRELL CLEM hopes of boosting their recall campaign Automotive/i$ Obituaries/A2 STAFFWMm outside the Same building where a dclemOoi Jiomecomfli.net Classified/WM Opinions/ A1213 council majority voted to fire former Classified Index/Ft Real Estate/Pi Westland authorities won't quash a Clerk Patricia Gibbons on Jan. 18. Community Ufe/il Service Golde/« Monday protest outside City Hall as The council decision led to one of Crossword/** long as demonstrators remain peaceful Westland's most impassioned and sus­ Sports/CI while they circulate recall petitions tained public backlashes in years. against Councilwoman Sharon Scott, Police Chief Emery Price said officials said. authorities won't interfere with Mon­ Some protesters, plan to march and day's protest as long as it doesn't block carry placards while others intend to sidewalks and become overly disrup set up tables and chairs to collect recall tive,, petition signatures against Scott. "As long as it doesn't block the flow "If they want to turn this into a witch of traffic, and as long as everything is hunt, let-them do it," Scott said. "But I peaceful, then we're not going to have a still believe people are going to see problem with it," Price said, through it." The protest will come 11 days after Protesters plan to start their activi­ the Wayne' County Elections Commis­ ties about 90 minutes prior to a 7 p.m. sion approved recall petition language Westland City Council meeting, amid • ^ Hease see «eAU, A5 **> *•:.-.* Looking for a netvjob? Mother of the Year: Family comes first a great one that's jus right for you in the (Mayor Robert Thomas will honor Deschaine, a longtime Westland resi­ during an interview of their marruige's Wt$tland'* top teacher, high school dent, didn't expect to be named WestT longevity "They do notice." Employment Section of uenktr, father and mother during hit land's Mother of the Year. Thi* children'are son Mark nixd v ,•;;•.;:• April 12 Stat* of.the City addre**. The "Typical shock," she said of her reac daughters Karen Hernandez and Obeerver today continue* a four-part tion. '"I don't do awards well Just sur­ Laura Dewchaine Mark is director of edi mm* about the winner*.) prise, I guess.'* technology for the Albion school Sys­ She was nominated by husband, tem. Karen is a lieutenant" in the t'.S. BTJCLBBSOWM Tom, a teacher at John Glenn High Army serving with husband Manuel in tMrtwmt ' , School. Education runs in ih« family, K^»"*»« l.norn n -fppiA'tpred nurse in with Nancy Deschaine teaching eighth Kalamazoo, is engaged to Kevin O'Con­ It*i not surprising that Mother of the grade at St. Mel School in Dearborn nor, Year Nancy Deschsine is proud of her Height* Naru-y I'toachaine will he.honored kids. Tom and Nancy Deschaine have b^n during 1h»> 01^0^ Stytr of the City Showing a photo of the family. She married since 1968 "My children are address 7 p m. Wednesday, April \'l. t\\ STMT H*>T»'1!T *m« nfrnmu, quickly tells what each child is doing. 4 telling me we're an oddity," she said ' Pk*** Ag Nancy Dtsctisjfan* u-v.ificri ad: 7M f>91 -()00() Newsroom: 734 953-2104 Home Delivery: 734-591-0500 • Tht Obmercer 4k Eccmntrici THURSDAY, MARCH 30,2000 (W)A« BY0AJttELLCl*lf 9:05 a.m. Tuesday, just minutes herself within a few minutes, but described aa shoulder length, «r AFT warn after the store opened for busi­ she aaid he warned her not to try dirty blond hair. ness, Stobbe said. to escape far five minutes, Another store employee report- ':' A gun-wiolding bandit Tues­ The manager told police that a The robber then left the store. Mi that soa*e men who appeared day wonxing robbed a Wayne black male, approximately 6- The manager told: police that to be acting suspiciously had Road business and tied the store fooi«2 and 250 pounds, entered she had seen the suspect outside been in Family Dollar Store on manager'* hands behind her the store and revealed what was when she unlocked the front the night before the robbery back, police said. described as a stainless steel door around 9 a.m. to start the occurred, although it wasn't The robber escaped with an semi-automatic handgun. business day> known if they were involved in undisclosed amount of money The manager said she was She described him as being in Tuesday's incident. from Family Dollar Store, in a taken to a store office, where the his late 20a or early 30s, wearing Stobbe is asking anyone with atrip center near the southwest robber filled a bag: with nioney a black knit cap and a black information about the incident to corner of Wayne and Cherry Hill before he tied her hands behind coat, caU the Westland police depart­ roads, police Lt. Marc Stobbe her back and took her to a etock She said ha appeared to have ment at (734) 722-9600, said, room.
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