newnwsration newnwsration o arrange for the distribution of the poster and leaflets which are now available 0O help to distribute leaflets at anti-racist and other events. Furthe informtiofrm: AAM, 89 Charlttfe Street, London W1. Tel 01-580 5311 /~ Glasgow' A SOUTH African Government Minister, Marais Steyn, was met by about 50 demonstrators when he visited Glasgow's Labour Lord Provost Hodge on a 'courtesy call' on June 15. Leaders of the Labour Group on the local Council were among the demonstrators and, after strong# potsts from the District Labour ry' Hodge agreed to consult the Labour Group in future about cotoesa engagements. ; Glasgow AA Group members : attended the anrnual general meetipgof the textile multinational Coats Patons. The Chairman gave an assurance that no new funds from the UK would be invested in the company's South African operation At Glasgow Collage of Technology, students are planning to contestnxtterm a ban byite COllege Princilml on AA NEWSand other anti-aparteid itertre. Glasgow AA plansto hold a sponsored alk to raise fusnds for AAM on Sunday September 17. Contact: John Nelson, 3 Rosevale Crescent, Hamilton, Lanark,shire. Tel Hamilton 26781. Manchester MANCHESTER Anti-Apartheid Group is holding a conference for trade unionists and yong people on Saturday November 11 at Abraham Moos Centre, Crumpsall, Manchester. The conference is being sponsored by the North West TUC. The Group mounted a stall at the Northern Carnival against the Nazis on July 15, selling 60 copies of AA NEWS and distributing over 2000 leaflet. One of the speakers at the Carnival was Sean Hosey. On June 15 'Scenes fror a play by Steie Wier, was psuton at Selfford University' The play will be presented again in Manchester by Contact Theatre, November 29-December 16. Manchester AA held workshops at the UN Youth Cnference in Manchester at the end of June; at the Campaign against Raciem in Education conference on June 24; and att he May 21 Anti-Fascist Conference. Contact: Frances Kelly, Secretary, Manchester AA Grotip, 59 Tintern Avenue, Manchester Coventry COVENTRY nti-Aparsei Group held a public meeting to welogme home Sean Hoseywhospent the last five years in gaol in South Africa, on July 2. A resolution was circulated at the mneeting asking thsepresent to takfeusolidarity work wihSuth African workers in their ktreins. ovietry AA liislnning telhold an anti-paretheid exhibition inv September and to take part in a Carnival organised by Covrentry Anti-Rtacist Anti-Fscst Commilttee,. st uTh etls Thursday ofevery month in Ro m at45pr fap Contact: Georg Richeps, SscreOliver Streat, Covetr CV6 5B. Hafnley HARINGEY Anti-Apartheid G~roup is collecting gsood sedr clothing, sports equipmenteand indr gansigs for Zimbabwean refugees. These will be sen to ZAPIJ and ZANII. Offers to: Margaret Linjg Secretary, Haringey AA Group, ; Venetia Road, London N4. Tel 3486657. Leicester' LEICESTER Anti-Apartheid Group will hold a public meeting on ZibaweonSnday September 10at7.30Pmatthe Richard Ill pub, Hi1gh Cross Street. Speakers will include a representative of ZMA (imbabwe Medical Action). The Group held a special sale of AA NEWS in August near the Clock Tovr fpolowingthegran; of a newspaper licence for AA NEWS by Leicester's licensing authority. It is now planning to hold regular Saturday mornipales. Volunteers nededl Lecse Ahlsmeeings at heRich r ill* :. ... For more information, contact: Shnr Seth , 18 St AlanRad AA local A WorkshIop for representativres oflocalAA grous wll be hl i Leicestetemer$9-O0 It will 5 ro on Sunay ' !errg current AAM ampaigns and one mAmbil bethconqerwed Mwfrh trade uno work. AMemers oAAM Executive Comitteean Trsad Union u Committrev willIalso be present, on Zimbabwe on September. 8 a Westway Luncheon Club, neer Ladbroke Grove tube station, A speaker has beeni inavited from ZSaU, together with the ZAPU Singers. I. The Group plans to hold monthly discsmson metings - the first two will be o thje situaion of African workers on September 18 and on investment links whth South Africa in October. West London AA holda street sale of ANTI- APARTHEID NEWS at Notting Hill Gate on the second Saturday of every mtonth. Volsuntears welcome. Contact: Peter Jones, Secretary. West London AA Group. 92A Heather Park Drive, Wembley, Middx. Tel 902 2117. ,Camden CAMDEN Anti-Apartheid Group held a placard demonstration asking for support for Solomon MahlangUo in Hampstead High Street on August 12. It attracted a great deal of attention and the Group collected over 800 signatures for the AAM petition calling for Solomon Mahlangu's release. Contact: Det Glynn, 7 New End, London NW3. Tel 794 3546. Barnet BARNET Anti-Apartheid Group held a sponsored walk on July 2 and raised over £300. Twenty-seven supporters took part - among them children from the Woodcraft Folk. Group membert sold AA NEWS at Finchley Carnival on July 15. Barnet AA is now working to win support among local churches and is planning an initial meeting with local clergy, where antiapartheid Policies and campaigns can be discussed. Contact: Frank Edwards, Tel 446 4065, or Liz Backhurst, Tel 449 1818. Lamnbeth LAM BETH Anti-Apartheid Group raised £200from its sponsored walk around Clapham Common on June 24to sark the second anniversary of the Soweto uprising. The Group has mn several bookstalls at local festivals during the summer. Another stall will be moun~td at the Aniti Nazi League festival in Brtsckwell Parks on Septemrber 26. Lam beth AI havjlbbied the threelocal LaboM ,topu pressure on the Foreign Secretary, David Owen, to intervene to stop the execution of Solomon Mahlangu by the South African Government.~ Confct: Barry Luuckock, Tel 670 4039. Exeter EXETER Anti-Apartheid Group mounted protsests against a mfin itour of Devon cricket clubs by the all- white South African Grasshoppers team in July. The Grasshoppers played games against Sidmouth. Taunton and Exeter cricket teams. Exeer AA wroteto all three clubsappealing to them to call off the matches. In Exeter, AA supporters staged a 20-strong picket outside the ground fand handed outlaflets expling theirtand. Inside the ground, three other protesters walktd onto the field carrying a banner declaring 'Victory to the Freedoms Fighters'. Scotland SCOTTISH Anti-Apartheid Committee is holding a conference on 'Women and Apartheid' on Saturday September 16 at McLellan Galleries, Glasgow. Speakers will include Shirley Talbot,Nkosazana Dlamini. David Hemson, Janey Buchan and Joyce Sikakane. AA public meetings will be held in East Kilbride nd Clydebank on September 14 and 15. t is hopvd that new AAM branches will be formed as a result. Scottish AA Comm ittee has published a 4-page broadsheet on South Africa and its links with the UK. Copies are available at £4 per 1000. ASTMS ASTMS West End (London) branch held a fund-raising dance for the Anti Apartheid Movement on Juie 9 Which raised £238 50. The South Ajican group Jabula was the main attraction. A raffle to which record prizes were donated by Colletts, Our Price Records and Harlequin Records raised £33. ThebranchalsoarrangedascreeningofthefilmNamibioaArmed. aa groups THE Anti-Apartheid Movement has grolps in thefollowing areas. For details of how to contact them, contact the AAM Office. Aberdeen Hastings Bantead Huddersfield Barnet Ipswich Birmingham Lambeth Blackpoo Leeds Bradford Leicester Brighton Liverpool Bristol Loughborough Burnley Manchester Cambridge NewblemandSouthEssex Camden Northampton Canterbury Norwich Cardiff Nottingham Chelmsford OldTrafford cranbtrook Oxford Colchester Penarth Coventry Poole Croydon ReigateendRedhill Dundee Rugby Eastboume St Austell Edinburgh Sheffield Epsom Skelmersdale Enfield Highway Southampton Exeter Stoke on Trent Glasgow Sutton Greenwich West London Hackney West Lothian Haringey Anti Apartheid Movement 89 Charlotte Street, London WIP 2DQ Tel 01-580 5311 ANTI-APARTHEID ACTION -NATIONWIDE Rye A NEW Anti-Apartheid Group is being formed in Rye, Sussex. Anyone interested in joining the " group, contact: Ms Mary Sagar, Round Chimney, Playden, Rye, Sussex. Methodists THE Methodist conference held in Bradford in June voted unanimously to call on all Methodists to boycott all South African goods. The resolution called for a boycott aca way of marking International Anti-Apartheid Year. Ireland Tennis AN4TI-apartheid suporters demonstrated lt the Irish Open Tennis Championship held in Belfast in May to protest against the participation of threSouth African tennis players. Among groups represented on a picket outside th grounds ofthe~ Boat Club inBelfast on the first day of the cham p serethe Student Christian Moveienthie World Developmenrt Group, the Connally Youth Association andI students from Northern Ireland Polytecholoandf Quseens University. Contact: Staleyi McWillims Derry World Development Group, 45 Clarendom Street, Derry, Womenns Day NEARLY 110 womenprominent in public lifein Ireland signoe a deda ration in upport of the women of South Africa, to mark South Africa Women's Day on August 9. The dleclaration pledged solidauity with South African women who 'have nsever been subduied by en evl racist systemnswhichs con5demns African women tosffer a do uble discrimination, both vas blacksand as women'. Among the signatories werp actress Siobhan MoKenna, Betty Sinclair, former General Secretary of the Belfast Coyncil of Trade Unions, Edwina Stewart of NICRA and churhwomen, parliamentarians, writers and academics, Irish AA is campaigning against South African participation in the world Tug of War championships to be held in Dundalk in September.
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